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The Hands of Time

Page 7

by Irina Shapiro

  They finally enlightened me on the way as to what exactly they did, surprised that a woman would be interested in how they made their money. Alec explained that they owned three merchant vessels named Morning Star, Misty Dawn and Lady Violet, named after his late wife. The ships transported cargo from their Uncle’s plantation in Virginia, bringing timber as well as other cargo that various merchants paid them to ship to England. Once a ship came into port, the cargo was offloaded, transferred to their warehouse on the wharf, and then either picked up by a third party or sent to its final destination overland. Either Alec or Finn, or both, were always on hand when a ship was being unloaded to ensure that nothing vanished between the dock and the warehouse; and to pay the crew and supervise the provisioning and loading of cargo for the return voyage. The ships were scheduled in such a way that one came into port every few weeks, depending on the weather during the crossing. In other words, they were in Import/Export. Lord Weston doubled his fortune by shipping iron products to America, and did business exclusively with the Whitfield brothers, an arrangement which suited both parties.

  Lord and Lady Weston received us in a drawing room, tastefully decorated with thick carpets, and heavily carved furniture upholstered in the palest shade of green. Several large paintings depicting hunting scenes adorned the walls, and there was a lovely statue of Athena on a table topped with what looked like malachite or jade. An ornate clock held the place of honor on the mantelpiece, but it wasn’t the one I was looking for, and I turned away, a hollow feeling in my stomach.

  The Lord was a tubby man in his forties, with mischievous blue eyes and bushy whiskers liberally streaked with gray. He held my hand much longer than necessary, no doubt annoying his wife. Lady Weston was his exact opposite, tall and thin, with an elaborate coif and a heavily powdered face, making her look like a marble statue. I could see that she was burning with curiosity as to my sudden appearance at Yealm Castle, but I had my story well rehearsed. The brothers told me countless details of the plantation in the Virginia and suggested I hint that I left home due to a disappointment of a personal nature; which would imply that I was jilted by my intended, giving a valid reason for my visit, but discouraging them from asking too many prying questions. I had to laugh as I congratulated them on their cleverness.

  Lady Weston invited me to take a turn around the garden with her as the men went off to do their business in Lord Weston’s office, and I meekly followed her outside. I would have preferred to explore on my own, but declining would have been rude, so I agreed, assuring her it would be my pleasure.

  “So which one is it to be?” She asked as soon as we were out of earshot of the open windows of the ground floor.

  “Which what?” I had no idea what she meant until I saw her knowing smile.

  “Which brother will you choose? I have to admit that I would have a hard time choosing between the two. Alec is so handsome and steadfast, but Finn, now he is a charmer. If I was twenty years younger, I would have no objection to him lifting my skirts.” She giggled like a schoolgirl, and I suddenly liked her much better. She sounded just like one of my friends from the twenty-first century, and I realized how much I had missed female companionship since I landed in the past. “I can stake my husband’s fortune on the fact that they are both in love with you, but Alec will stand aside for his brother despite his own feelings. He would never risk losing Finn. They have been through so much together after their parents died and Alec lost Violet. She was such a lovely girl. So tragic.” She sighed dramatically and linked her arm through mine. “So which one makes your heart beat faster?”

  “I’m very fond of them both. They’ve been so kind to me and I would never want to come between them.” I answered carefully.

  “Too late, my girl, too late.” She pulled me along the path, eager to show me the maze and chattering about the coming ball.

  Chapter 19

  Getting ready for the ball took nearly as long as the ball itself. A steaming hot bath was awaiting me when I got back to my room after luncheon, and a maid was assigned by Lady Weston to help me dress for the party and style my hair. Lady Weston had several ladies-maids trained, according to her, in Paris, who knew the latest styles in hair dressing and applying make-up. I surrendered myself to Georgina, who seemed to know what she was doing and wouldn’t take “no” for an answer even if I tried to resist.

  Georgina began by teasing my hair into an elaborate coif that rose about six inches above my head. The hair was divided into several parts, with sections twisted into coils and pinned atop my head and a long curl that would rest over my shoulder. She also made a neat chignon at the back of my head, encasing it in the sapphire-studded hairnet so thoughtfully provided by Alec. I was afraid to move my head, but Georgina just laughed and assured me that unless a storm swept through the ballroom, my hair would remain in that exact position until she took out all the pins and untwisted the coils. The woman was obviously a pro.

  The next step was my face, and I raised my hands in protest as jar after jar of rouge appeared from the drawer of the dressing table. Georgina gently pushed my hands aside and went to work. She explained that going to a ball with my face unpainted was the height of bad manners, and I would not only embarrass myself, but my escorts, who would likely never get over the humiliation. I liked her witty sense of humor, and allowed her to put on the war paint. She covered my face with a thick layer of white rice powder and then darkened my eyebrows and lashes, rouging my cheeks and lips last. Georgina surveyed her handiwork and took out a small box full of patches, affixing a crescent moon patch to my cheekbone and giving a nod of approval.

  “’Tis all the rage in Paris, Mistress Crane. The gentlemen find it very erotic.” She smiled in my reflection in the mirror, expecting me to admire myself.

  “I wouldn’t dream of denying the gentlemen the pleasure,” I said, gently touching the patch. I had to admit that it did add a certain something to my already elaborate appearance, making me feel a completely different person. I wondered what Alec and Finlay would think when they saw me gliding down the curving staircase, ready to make my debut into society.

  At last it was time to dress, and Georgina stuffed me into the whalebone corset and pulled on the laces, until I thought I would pass out from lack of oxygen. Betty never made them so tight. My silk stockings came halfway up my thighs and were tied with a pretty bow in front, leaving everything between the corset and the stockings completely exposed. I still had a hard time getting used to not wearing underwear, and I felt as if I was preparing for a Playboy spread as I surveyed myself in the mirror. I had to admit that it did look very erotic. I stepped into the petticoats and allowed the maid to adjust my skirt, lace the bodice and attach the slashed sleeves. The kid slippers came last, and I was ready to go.

  Chapter 20

  The ball was a blur. As soon as I made my descent down the staircase and was greatly admired by both Finlay and Alec, I was escorted into the dining room where supper would be served before the dancing began. Lord Weston nearly fell over himself when he saw me, and I saw a brief moment of annoyance on his wife’s face before she rearranged her features into a mask of approval.

  “My dear, you look simply stunning. Georgina is a marvel, is she not? All eyes are on you,” she smiled slyly, and led me around the room giving everyone a chance to admire me. I noted the lascivious glances of the men, and blushed under my powder, unaccustomed to that kind of attention. Lady Weston introduced me to various people as we made our tour de force of the room, as I tried in vain to remember their names. I was finally rescued by Finlay, who drew me away from a group of admiring men and led me to the huge table set for supper. I took my seat between Finn and Alec, thankful to feel their protective presence during the meal.

  I’d never seen so much food, prepared and decorated so elaborately. The tables literally groaned with an array of dishes from every possible food group. An army of servants came and went, bringing platters of treats, clearing away dirty dishes, and refilling
carafes of wine and ale. I snuck a peek at the dessert table, promising myself to return later and sample some of the multi-tiered cakes, tarts and sugared fruits that were on display. I’d always had a sweet tooth, and right now it felt like the only one in my mouth.

  The supper seemed to last for hours, and I was grateful to finally get up and mingle. Either Alec or Finn was always at my side, guiding me from one group to another, introducing me to the various guests and filling my wine glass. The ladies were gorgeously attired in silks and satins in all the colors of the rainbow, their jewels glowing in the light of a thousand candles, and casting colored shadows onto their painted faces. The men were equally dashing in velvet and brocade, their ornaments no less extravagant, nestled in their neck cloths and glittering on their fingers. Some of the men wore long, curly wigs over their own hair, making themselves look like very large poodles. I almost laughed out loud when an elderly man walked past me wearing a ginger-colored wig with curls hanging halfway down his back. He looked oddly familiar, but it was probably just my imagination, and I dismissed the thought from my mind. I was glad that neither Alec nor Finn had donned a wig. I would have had a hard time keeping a straight face.

  Strains of music drifted out of the ballroom, and Finn took my elbow and led me to the dance floor. I was a little nervous at first, but as soon as I started to dance, I became lost in the music and was soon breathless and happy, as Alec took Finlay’s place for the next dance. I barely noticed the envious looks of the young ladies who were short of a partner, and found myself having the best time I had in years. I was invited to dance by a few other men and I graciously accepted, giving the brothers a chance to dance with other women. Everyone made small talk and paid me elaborate compliments, but no one asked me any intimate questions, and for that I was grateful.

  They all pronounced my accent to be “charming” and expressed a great desire to visit Virginia, if all the young ladies were as beautiful and accomplished as myself. I accepted the flattery as a matter of course, knowing that there was nothing of substance behind the words. This was the way of the time, and men routinely showered women with flowery compliments comparing them to the sun, moon and stars in the hopes that it might earn them a few minutes in a secluded alcove. I smiled and flirted back, but carefully refused any invitations to stroll around the garden or navigate the maze.

  Finally, I found myself partnered with Alec once more and I was more than ready for a break from the dancing. “I think I need a little air,” I told him as he lifted me by the waist and set me back down, taking my hand and leading me around him, effortlessly following the steps of the dance. The tune finished at last, and he navigated the crush of people toward the French doors and into the coolness of the garden. The first stars were just beginning to twinkle in the purpling sky, and couples seeking privacy could be seen disappearing into the maze and stepping behind tall hedges. The air smelled of sun-warmed earth, freshly cut grass and a profusion of flowers and I took a deep breath filling my lungs with the heady aroma. Alec placed his hand on the small of my back, and guided me away from the house toward a gravel walkway leading to the fountain of a semi-nude woman holding a jug in her arms, and letting the water pour endlessly into the pool at her feet.

  “Are you enjoying yourself?”

  “It’s wonderful. Thank you for bringing me.” Alec looked down at me, smiling. “You seem so sad sometimes. I will not ask you why, but I am glad to see you happy. You are the most beautiful woman here.”

  I reached up and kissed his cheek, wanting to show him how much his compliment meant to me, since I knew it to be genuine. The kiss took him by surprise, desire lighting up his eyes before he got hold of himself and turned to admire the fountain. “I am happy for you and Finlay. You two have my blessing if you want it.”

  I could see the sadness in his eyes, and I wished I could tell him that I cared about him as well and found him as attractive as Finn. Finlay had simply been more aggressive and I fell for it in my vulnerable state, allowing myself to take comfort in Finn’s admiration and affection at a time when I had no one to turn to. I linked my arm through Alec’s, resting my head on his upper arm and enjoying the solid feel of him, wanting to show him some kind of affection. Alec leaned down and kissed the top of my head, accepting my gesture. We stood like that for a few minutes until I saw Finn on the far side of the garden. He seemed to be engaged in an intense exchange with some man, and I drew Alec’s attention to the scene.

  “Who is that man Finn is talking to? It seems heated.”

  Alec peered into the gathering darkness trying to see the man’s features. “I think that’s Fawkes. He is a retired soldier. I do not know him well. Finlay tends to get passionate about things after a few pints of ale, so pay him no mind. They are probably just discussing horses or the latest fashion trends.” He smiled indulgently, turning me around and walking back to the house. “Let us fetch your cloak and head up to the hill. Lord Weston has a huge bonfire laid out and they will be lighting it soon. It is a sight not to be missed. I believe they only have the one fire this year.”

  “How many fires are there usually?” I didn’t know much about Midsummer Night, except that it was celebrated at the time of the Summer Solstice and was a Pagan tradition that carried over into modern times.

  “There used to be three fires lit, one of wood, one of bones, and one of both. Lord Weston likes to be modern, and the three fires are not in fashion anymore.” I could already see people gathering at the top of the hill where a large pile of wood was laid out all ready to be lit. There would be singing and dancing around the flames, no doubt followed by some serious sexual escapades that would be conveniently forgotten in the morning. Adultery seemed fairly acceptable as long as it was discreet.

  Alec draped the cloak over my shoulders and led me back outside through the dining room. I threw a longing glance at the dessert table, and followed him into the velvety darkness of the June night. The moon was high in the sky, playing hide-and-seek with wispy clouds that lazily floated across its glowing orb. We started up the hill, and I turned around looking for Finlay’s tall silhouette among the other guests. Where had he gone to? He wasn’t at the top of the hill when we got there, and I suddenly wondered if he was with some other woman, taking advantage of the darkness and my absence. Jealousy doesn’t become you, I told myself sternly, still feeling uneasy. I had to admit that I would be very hurt to find that Finlay was making love to another woman since I still held the prudish belief that there should be only two people in a relationship, especially one where marriage had been proposed, if not accepted.

  A cry of approval went up as several manservants held flaming torches to the dry wood which ignited quickly, belching up a shower of sparks into the sky. The wood must have been doused with something, since the flames roared and consumed the entire pile with an unnatural greediness. Firelight illuminated the faces of the people surrounding the pyre, making them look mysterious and at times sinister as the shadows shifted. I kept a close watch for Finlay, but he was nowhere to be seen. Someone began to play a tune, and people started dancing around the leaping flames, paying homage to the Pagan Gods of the past. Couples melted into the darkness seeking privacy, and I stood back out of the way of the dancers, annoyed and in no mood to join in. I was consumed with jealousy. Alec was strangely quiet, no doubt plagued by the same thoughts. Suddenly, I felt strong arms encircling my waist as I was pulled against Finn, who reeked of ale and wasn’t too steady on his feet. I pushed his arms away, turning on him.

  “And who have these hands been fondling before me?” I demanded. He looked genuinely shocked for a moment, and then burst out laughing.

  “I do believe you are jealous, and I love it,” he chuckled, flames reflected in his shadowed eyes. “I have been with no other woman. As a matter of fact, I was with a man, several men, but I swear I did not go near their cocks. I saved myself for you, my little wildcat.” With that he pulled me off into the shade of a nearby tree, leaving Alec behind and tu
rning me to face the bonfire. He held me firmly against him as his hand found the gap between my bodice and skirt and slid downwards slowly and suggestively. My knees went weak as he found what he was searching for, and I leaned against him staring at the pyre, as he brought me to a shuddering climax. His stiff cock was pressed against my buttocks, and when he asked me to go to the house with him, I simply allowed myself to be led away like a marionette. What power did this man have over me? I knew that modern men thought they had the monopoly on sex, but I had to admit that Mike never made me feel like this. Finn just had to gaze at me with those green eyes, and I felt myself responding instantly, feeling a surge of desire that was all-consuming and unexpected.

  As the first clusters of fireworks bloomed outside of my window, I was experiencing fireworks of my own, and I suddenly thought that if I was back in my real life, I would most likely be sitting on the couch, feeling sorry for myself and longing for Michael. I wrapped my legs tighter around Finn, and he responded to my command by thrusting harder and faster, banishing all further thought from my brain.

  Chapter 21

  The house did not begin to stir until well after noon, the guests looking bleary-eyed and hung over, as they stumbled into the dining room for breakfast. Most of them would be leaving within a few hours, giving the staff an opportunity to finish the cleaning and get some well-deserved rest. They had been cleaning all night, so that everything was put to rights by the time the first guests arose from their beds. I left Finn asleep, and wandered downstairs and into the garden. The dew had already been burned off by the afternoon sun, and the day promised to be warm and humid. I pushed a damp curl behind my ear, glad to have all the pins out of my hair at last, and just winding my hair into a simple chignon this morning. I smiled to myself thinking of last night. It had been truly magical, and I realized that I was happy and felt more alive than I ever thought possible. After being in the past for almost a month, I missed my real life less and less.


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