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Etidorhpa; or, The End of Earth.

Page 32

by John Uri Lloyd



  "I partly comprehend that such would be the case," I said.

  "If a series of knife blades on pivot ends be set in a frame, and turnededgewise to a rapid current of water, the swiftly moving stream flowsthrough this sieve of metallic edges about as easily as if there were noobstructions. Slowly turn the blades so as to present their obliquesides to the current, and an immediate pressure is apparent upon theframe that holds them; turn the blades so as to shut up the space, andthey will be torn from their sockets, or the entire frame will beshattered into pieces."

  "I understand; go on."

  "The ethereal current that generates the magnetic force passes throughmaterial bodies with inconceivable rapidity, and the molecules of a fewsubstances only, present to it the least obstruction. Material moleculesare edgewise in it, and meet no retardation in the subtle flood. Thisforce is a disturbance of space energy that is rushing into the earth inone form, and out of it in another. But your mind is not yet in acondition to grasp the subject, for at best there is no method ofexplaining to men that which their experimental education has failed toprepare them to receive, and for which first absolutely new ideas, andnext words with new meaning, must be formed. Now we, (by we I mean thosewith whom I am connected) have learned to disturb the molecules inmatter so as to turn them partly, or entirely, across the path of thismagnetic current, and thus interrupt the motion of this ever-presentenergy. We can retard its velocity without, however, producing eithermagnetism (as is the case in a bar of steel), electricity, or heat, butmotion instead, and thus a portion of this retarded energy springs intoits new existence as motion of my boat. It is force changed intomovement of matter, for the molecules of the boat, as a mass, must moveonward as the force disappears as a current. Perhaps you can accept nowthat instead of light, heat, electricity, magnetism, and gravitationbeing really modifications of force they are disturbances."

  "Disturbances of what?"

  "Disturbances of motion."

  "Motion of what?"

  "Motion of itself, pure and simple."

  "I can not comprehend, I can not conceive of motion pure and simple."

  "I will explain at a future time so that you can comprehend moreclearly. Other lessons must come first, but never will you see the end.Truth is infinite."

  Continuing, he said:

  "Let me ask if there is anything marvelous in this statement. On theearth's surface men arrest the fitful wind, and by so doing divert theenergy of its motion into movement of machinery; they induce it to turnmills and propel vessels. This motion of air is a disturbance, massmotion transmitted to the air by heat, heat in turn being a disturbanceor interruption of pure motion. When men learn to interrupt thisunperceived stream of energy so as to change directly into materialmotion the spirit that saturates the universe, and that produces forceexpressions, as it is constantly rushing from earth into space, and fromspace back again, they will have at command wherever they may be anendless source of power, light, and heat; mass motion, light and heatbeing convertible. Motion lies behind heat, light, and electricity, andproduces them, and so long as the earth revolves on its axis, andcircles in its orbit, man needs no light and heat from such indirectsources as combustion. Men will, however, yet obtain motion of molecules(heat), and material mass motion as well, from earth motion, without theother dangerous intermediate force expressions now deemed necessary intheir production."

  "Do you wish me to understand that on all parts of the earth's surfacethere is a continual expenditure of energy, an ever-ready current, thatis really distinct from the light and heat of the sun, and also that theimponderable bodies that we call heat, light, electricity, andmagnetism are not substances at all?"

  "Yes," he replied.

  "And that this imperceptible something--fluid I will say, for want of abetter term--now invisible and unknown to man, is as a medium in whichthe earth, submerged, floats as a speck of dust in a flood of space?"

  "Certainly," he replied.

  "Am I to infer from your remarks that, in the course of time, man willbe able to economize this force, and adapt it to his wants?"


  "Go on with your exposition, I again beg of you; lead me deeper intothis expanding study."

  "There is but little more that you can comprehend now, as I have said,"he answered. "All materials known to man are of coarse texture, and theminds of men are not yet in a condition to comprehend finer exhibitionsof force, or of motion modifications. Pure energy, in all itsmodifications, is absolutely unknown to man. What men call heat,gravitation, light, electricity, and magnetism are the grosserattributes attending alterations in an unknown, attenuated, highlydeveloped force producer. They are results, not causes. The real force,an unreached energy, is now flooding all space, pervading all materials.Everywhere there exists an infinite sea of motion absolute. Since thisprimeval entity can not now affect matter, as matter is known to man,man's sense can only be influenced by secondary attributes of thisenergy. Unconscious of its all-pervading presence, however, man isworking towards the power that will some day, upon the development oflatent senses, open to him this new world. Then at last he will movewithout muscular exertion, or the use of heat as an agent of motion, andwill, as I am now doing, bridle the motion of space. Wherever he may besituated, there will then be warmth to any degree that he wishes, for hewill be able to temper the seasons, and mass motion illimitable, also,for this energy, I reiterate, is omnipresent. However, as you will knowmore of this before long, we will pass the subject for the present."

  My guide slowly moved the lever. I sat in deep reflection, beginning tocomprehend somewhat of his reasoning, and yet my mind was more thanclouded. The several ambiguous repetitions he had made since our journeycommenced, each time suggesting the same idea, clothing it in differentforms of expression, impressed me vaguely with the conception of acertain something for which I was gradually being prepared, and that Imight eventually be educated to grasp, but which he believed my mind wasnot yet ready to receive. I gathered from what he said that he couldhave given clearer explanations than he was now doing, and that heclothed his language intentionally in mysticism, and that, for somereason, he preferred to leave my mind in a condition of uncertainty. Thevelocity of the boat increased as he again and again cautiously touchedthe lever, and at last the responsive craft rose nearly out of thewater, and skimmed like a bird over its surface. There was no object inthat lake of pure crystal to govern me in calculating as to the rapidityof our motion, and I studied to evolve a method by which I could timeour movements. With this object in view I tore a scrap from my clothingand tossed it into the air. It fell at my feet as if in a calm. Therewas no breeze. I picked the fragment up, in bewilderment, for I hadexpected it to fall behind us. Then it occurred to me, as by a flash,that notwithstanding our apparently rapid motion, there was an entireabsence of atmospheric resistance. What could explain the paradox? Iturned to my guide and again tossed the fragment of cloth upward, andagain it settled at my feet. He smiled, and answered my silent inquiry.

  "There is a protecting sheet before us, radiating, fan-like, from thebow of our boat as if a large pane of glass were resting on edge, thusshedding the force of the wind. This diaphragm catches the attenuatedatmosphere and protects us from its friction."

  "But I see no such protecting object," I answered.

  "No; it is invisible. You can not see the obstructing power, for it isreally a gyrating section of force, and is colorless. That spray ofmetal on the brow of our boat is the developer of this protectingmedium. Imagine a transverse section of an eddy of water on edge beforeus, and you can form a comparison. Throw the bit of garment as far asyou can beyond the side of the boat."

  I did so, and saw it flutter slowly away to a considerable distanceparallel with our position in the boat as though in a perfect calm, andthen it disappeared. It seemed to have been dissolved. I gazed at myguide in amazeme

  "Try again," said he.


  I tore another and a larger fragment from my coat sleeve. I fixed myeyes closely upon it, and cast it from me. The bit of garment flutteredlistlessly away to the same distance, and then--vacancy. Wonders ofwonderland, mysteries of the mysterious! What would be the end of thismarvelous journey? Suspicion again possessed me, and distrust arose.Could not my self-existence be blotted out in like manner? I thoughtagain of my New York home, and the recollection of upper earth, andthose broken family ties brought to my heart a flood of bitter emotions.I inwardly cursed the writer of that alchemistic letter, and cursedmyself for heeding the contents. The tears gushed from my eyes andtrickled through my fingers as I covered my face with my hands andgroaned aloud. Then, with a gentle touch, my guide's hand rested on myshoulder.

  "Calm yourself," he said; "this phenomenon is a natural sequence to adeeper study of nature than man has reached. It is simply the result ofan exhibition of rapid motion. You are upon a great underground lake,that, on a shelf of earth substance one hundred and fifty miles belowthe earth's surface, covers an area of many thousand square miles, andwhich has an average depth of five miles. We are now crossing itdiagonally at a rapid rate by the aid of the force that man will yet usein a perfectly natural manner on the rough upper ocean and bleak landsof the earth's coarse surface. The fragments of cloth disappeared fromsight when thrown beyond the influence of our protecting diaphragm,because when they struck the outer motionless atmosphere they wereinstantly left behind; the eye could not catch their sudden change inmotion. A period of time is necessary to convey from eye to mind thesensation of sight. The bullet shot from a gun is invisible by reason ofthe fact that the eye can not discern the momentary interruption to thelight. A cannon ball will compass the field of vision of the eye, movingacross it without making itself known, and yet the fact does not excitesurprise. We are traveling so fast that small, stationary objectsoutside our track are invisible."

  Then in a kind, pathetic tone of voice, he said:

  "An important lesson you should learn, I have mentioned it before.Whatever seems to be mysterious, or marvelous, is only so because of thelack of knowledge of associated natural phenomena and connectedconditions. All that you have experienced, all that you have yet to meetin your future journey, is as I have endeavored to teach you, in exactaccordance with the laws that govern the universe, of which the earthconstitutes so small a portion that, were the conditions favorable, itcould be blotted from its present existence as quickly as that bit ofgarment disappeared, and with as little disturbance of the mechanism ofthe moving universe."

  I leaned over, resting my face upon my elbow; my thoughts wereimmethodically wandering in the midst of multiplying perplexities; Iclosed my eyes as a weary child, and slept.


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