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Michelle Woods - Animal Passions (Blue Bandits MC Book 2)

Page 10

by Unknown

  “You could help me with that too you know,” Sammy called after him standing up, watching his back stiffen as he turned to look at her again.

  “With what?” he growled, his face covered with a darkly angry scowl.

  “Sex. Our kind of sex.”

  “We’ve never had sex so we don’t have a kind, princess,” he told her, his voice snide and his look disgusted. Sammy’s eyes narrowed.

  “I meant bondage, asshole, and you know it. Stop denying that you want me. I felt how hard you were more than once over the past few weeks. You can’t tell me you don’t want me.” Sammy glared at him as she followed him, taking a few steps closer. Animal whipped around glaring.

  “I would want any woman I had pinned to a mat because it put me in a dominant position. It’s just the way it is for a Dom, babe.” He flung his hand in the air in a dismissive gesture.

  Ouch, that stung a bit.

  Thinking that she could be any woman to him hurt even if she wasn’t looking for a relationship. Sammy took another step because she knew that she could allow him to help her and she wasn’t sure she could with anyone else. She’d tried with Mark but she’d freaked. With Animal she felt safe. Like she could trust him to help her without thought. Oh, she didn’t think it would be super easy but she knew she wouldn’t be as frightened with him and that meant she needed to fight him to do this for her own sake.

  After all she wasn’t really looking for long term or anything of the sort, and he’d just said that it would happen with any woman so she knew he would be able to get it up for her at least, she thought with a snort of laughter.

  “Good, then you can help me. You’re perfect.”

  “How do you figure?” he demanded, staring at her like she had lost her mind.

  “You want me. I trust you, like to be dominated and you like your women submissive, which makes this the perfect idea.”

  “No, it’s the worst idea I’ve ever heard.”

  Sammy walked towards him, her tongue running over her lips. Seeing the way his eyes focused on that, she felt a slight smile on her lips. He wasn’t unaffected by her and she could use that to get what she wanted. Stepping close, she leaned into him, her lips inches from his as he stood there with his arms crossed over his thick chest and a dark scowl covering his face.

  “Fine. Then I’ll ask Mark,” Sammy said, knowing after the way he had responded to her learning self-defense from Mark that he’d never allow her to ask Mark when he wanted her. She almost smiled when he jerked his arms, uncrossing them as he took a threatening step towards her, his scowl dark.

  “The hell you will!” he growled, grabbing her arms to shake her slightly.

  “Well, if you’re not willing to help then I have to ask someone, don’t I?” Sammy told him when he stopped shaking her to meet her blue eyes with his hazel.

  “Fine, I’ll do it,” he said through his clenched teeth, his hands tightening slightly on her arms as he glared at her.

  “Fabulous,” Sammy replied, shaking off his hands and grabbing her stuff off the bench. “I’ll see you tonight then?”

  “Sammy, you have to understand. This isn’t going to be about love, this isn’t a fucking relationship. If we do this, it will be about fucking, pure and simple,” Animal told her, his eyes solemn, and she wanted to laugh hysterically.

  “Are you trying to tell me that this isn’t going to be a forever kind of love?” She snickered as she asked the question because it was ridiculous to think for a second that she would ever want that. Sex was sex and that was how she’d always viewed it. Yeah, one day when she found the right man she might settle down but not any time soon. She just knew that if she remained broken like she was now it would never happen. That was why she was asking Animal to help her, because she needed to get past this and move on with her life. Well, that and he was sexy as fuck and the most dominant man she had ever met. That thought sent shivers of desire down her spine.

  “Yes.” Animal looked so solemn, so sure that she’d balk or slap him after his speech. He grabbed his cut, slipping it on over the sweaty t-shirt.

  “Oh, honey.” Sammy patted his cheek lightly as her brows raised. “I’ve never been one to entwine love and lust. I’m not that girl. The one who thinks in fairytales and princes. I’m not Sarah who needs love to have sex. No, I’ve always wanted the darker side.” Her hands gripped his cut, the soft leather digging into her hands. She felt the weight of her fear tear at her confidences; thinking of that night always did that to her. Today standing here in front of him was no different.

  Her teeth ground together. “Sex is just that, sex. I’ve been having it with any man I feel is strong enough to handle me properly for years. I get fucked when I want to get fucked and to hell with anyone who doesn’t like it. Until him. He fucking broke me, Animal. He fucking shattered me. Not just hurt or abused but fucking shattered. I won’t be his creation, his creature, not anymore. I refuse to remain broken to his will with the pieces of whom I once was lying around me, mockeries of the woman I used to be, the woman I intend to be again. I trust you for some reason with me, with my pain. I don’t know why but I do. You can fix me and that’s all I want. All I need.”

  Animal eyes landed on her and stayed, their hazel depths pools of anger, then after a long moment of searching he nodded once. “Fine, but this happens my way, understood.”

  His voice was darkly sensual and she felt the shivers of need crawling up her spine leaving her hot and wet with thoughts of his touch swirling inside her. Sammy watched him as he stepped closer, his hard fingers closing around her upper arms again. He shook her a bit before he leaned in and kissed her hard. His tongue demanded a response that she willingly gave him. She tried to reach up to put her hand into his hair to hold him to her but his fingers tightened and he tugged at her arms, telling her without words that she wasn’t allowed. Letting out a frustrated moan that sounded odd as it was uttered with his mouth still on hers, she trembled.

  Animal lifted his head when he was done. He held her, watching her lips for a long moment and her breath came in long pants as she waited for him to command her. Her body tingled with wanton desire and she wanted to beg for what she needed from him but she held herself in check knowing that he could punish her for it if she didn’t follow his lead. This was a test, she was sure, to see if she was willing to allow him the control he wanted and she wasn’t going to fail it.

  “I don’t think this is a good idea,” Animal muttered as he stepped back from her, his hands releasing her, and she growled in frustration. He wasn’t going to put them both out of their misery. He was just going to keep teaching her to defend herself instead of helping her find a way past her sexual frustrations. Turning away, her tears hidden by the action because she refused to let him see her weakness, she took a step towards the door, intending to get the hell away from him before she let them go.

  “Fine, don’t help me. I don’t see what the hell the big fucking deal is anyway. I just want you to fuck me and as you said, any woman will do, but whatever. I’ll find someone else who’s willing to help me. Maybe Mar––” She wasn’t prepared to be spun around with Animal roaring in her face in a voice she’d never heard him use. One that sent chills of a different kind down her spine.

  “You allow another man to touch you while you’re mine and you’ll find out why they call me Animal when I beat him to death with my bare hands. Do you understand me, Sammy?”

  She wasn’t sure why she wasn’t more frightened. He was right in her face, his breath on her lips, his hands hard on her arms, holding her still while he forced her to look up at him. She should be shaking with fear from his actions after the trauma she’d suffered at the hands of Tom but she wasn’t. Instead she was fighting her desire to lean into his body, to almost melt into his arms, because she’d turned liquid with desire the moment he’d commanded her.

  Even though his words were dark and spoken savagely, she wasn’t afraid of him. Sammy didn’t understand her reactions to him and hi
s touch. It was as if her body was made to respond to him and him alone. She was frightened by that thought because she had never been one to connect easily with people. Perhaps that was because a fanatical woman who followed a religion that seemed more like a cult had raised her. It was the reason for two years she thought she was a pervert because she liked rough sex.

  Later as she had learned more about the dominant-submissive relationship, she had realized that there was nothing wrong with her, she was just into something different and that was okay. Animal practically bled dominance from his pores and her need to submit was so great that she didn’t feel the fear that should overpower her desires.

  “I haven’t heard an answer yet, Sammy,” Animal snapped, his nose pressing into hers as he commanded her to speak.

  “I didn’t hear that you were interested in helping me, Animal,” she growled back, earning a slight shake before his lips took hers in another commanding kiss that dominated her mouth, his teeth nipping her lips as he pulled away.

  “Damn, you’re going to be a pain in the ass. You really aren’t acting like a submissive right now, babe,” he told her, his eyes filled with dark passions.

  “You like it,” she told him confidently, because she knew from the gleam in his eyes and the way his hardened cock pressed into her belly that he did.

  “To an extent, but remember not to take it further than you’re prepared to handle. I’ll expect you to be wearing that black number you wore to Spangles last week when I pick you up at ten tomorrow, Sammy,” Animal told her, his lips moving from her lips to her ear, sucking the lobe into his hot mouth.

  “Are we riding your bike?” she asked because the black number he was talking about was short and riding the motorcycle would be a modesty issue. She wasn’t comfortable with showing her ass to the world as she got on or off his bike.

  “Yep,” he whispered hotly as he sucked on her ear before scoring it with his teeth.

  “I can’t wear that dres––,”

  His teeth nipped her hard and his rumbled growl was sexy as hell. It sent desire rushing straight to her pussy in a flood of wet need. “Wear it or be punished.” He pulled away then, his feet echoing heavily as he marched out of the door leaving her alone in the cavernous gym.

  Sammy watched him go, leaning back into the wall still panting in need, her heart racing and her palms sweaty. She wondered if she’d be brave enough to defy him and wear something else tomorrow. She could already feel her inner submissive trying to figure out a way to make him happy while preserving her modesty. She just didn’t think it was going to happen.

  Chapter 10

  Sammy opened the door to find Animal leaning against the frame. His eyes slid up then back down her body before he grinned. “Very good.”

  Sammy wanted to tell him to go fuck himself but she knew better because that wasn’t what a submissive would say and she was a submissive, albeit one with a backbone. She managed to grin back at him although she wasn’t sure he believed it when he chuckled.

  “Not going to tell me to fuck off?” Animal asked, leaning forward until their lips were only millimeters apart. Her breath came out in a pant.

  “No,” she managed to say before he whispered against her lips.

  “Hmm, good, you are trainable.”

  “Unbelievable! For one minute can you be less annoying because if not, I’m going to have to ask someone else to help me,” she muttered, her anger getting the best of her despite her vow to be a good submissive.

  That sobered him up and he rumbled against her lips, “You try that and see what happens, babe. You won’t like the results,” before taking them in a deep probing kiss that left her breathless when he finally raised his head.

  Animal was feeling a bit primal tonight. His head was spinning with desires and Sammy was the center of every one of those needs. His cock hadn’t quit throbbing since yesterday and he knew that she was every bit as turned on as he was. He also knew that if they wanted this to work, they would have to take things slow, which meant his cock was going to be hard for a while.

  He almost wanted to weep over the need for things to move at a snail’s pace. Damn, sometimes knowing instinctively what a partner needed was a curse. He didn’t want things to be that way but they were. Dictated by some fucker who had hurt a woman that burned with a passion so hot a man could walk away singed

  Animal knew that finding out who that motherfucker was so that he could rip him apart was going to be his first priority because no one should be allowed to use his business to find victims. The club was supposed to make it easier for people who enjoyed the kind of play that bondage involved to find a safe way to do that and this idiot had used it to hurt someone. The fact that he had hurt Sammy just meant that Animal was going to personally be involved in the man’s death. Nobody was going to be able to prevent that outcome at this point.

  Animal pulled Sammy out the door, trying to get those thoughts out of his head so that he could focus on her and what she needed tonight. He knew women and Sammy, despite her bravado, was nervous about going to Spangles with him. She likely thought that he was taking her there to start their play but that wasn’t what tonight was about. He almost groaned thinking about that fact because he had been burning with desire for her for weeks now and his poor cock was like a sore paw. It throbbed and ached and every time he touched her it became worse. He would be jacking off a lot this week before he finally got her to the point where she was ready for him to take her.

  “I think if you react like that, I will like it,” she whispered, earning a slight snicker from him as he brushed her hair off her forehead, kissing it.

  “Trust me, you wouldn’t like it. I wouldn’t hurt you but the male would be eviscerated, which I think you wouldn’t like much,” Animal told her, tapping the side of her nose as he let her see the serious look in his eyes because he meant every word. The thought of her with another man sent him over the edge of reason into insanity.

  “Wow, you’re really a drama queen, aren’t you? I can’t believe you just said that.” She was looking up at him like he’d lost his mind and he couldn’t dispute her reasoning. It wasn’t normal for him to think that way but he knew himself well enough to know that he wasn’t backing down on this one. It was odd how she seemed to inspire thoughts about murder so easily and if he wasn’t so focused on his cock, he might be concerned about the reason for that.

  “Babe, don’t test me on this. Until you and I are done with this–game make sure no other man touches you because I’m dead serious about this.” Animal pulled her out the door headed towards the bike. When they reached it, she stared for a long moment then turned to look at him again, a frown marring her brow.

  “How am I supposed to get on this thing without exposing my ass to the world, Animal?” she asked, glancing at her dress then at the bike. Climbing on without another word, he regarded the dress he had commanded her to wear with a slightly wicked grin that likely made her nervous. The little black tube dress ended at mid-thigh. There were cuts at the waist in a diamond-like pattern that revealed her skin, just barely covering her midriff and the middle of her back, while the rest hugged her body like a second skin. That was what he liked about it, how revealing it was.

  Animal had asked her to wear it because he thought she wouldn’t but he was pleased she had. It spoke to the part of him that wanted to own her in a way nothing else could and he should fear the fact that it did.

  “Carefully,” he said gruffly, knowing that answer would bring out the part of her that was far from submissive, the part that meant taming her would be a pleasure, because he would eventually tame her.

  “Oh, great idea, why didn’t I think of that?” she asked sarcastically.

  Animal grinned. “I don’t know, why didn’t you think of that?” he asked, almost laughing when she glared before gingerly climbing onto the bike, muttering to herself. “What was that?” he asked, loving her bit of fire and wanting to stir it up some more.

” Sammy growled, her anger evident in the way she gripped his shoulders instead of his waist. Oh no, that would not do. Reaching up, he took her hands, bringing them to his waist. She complied with a loud sigh and he grinned again like a fool. Then he kicked the bike into gear and took off, feeling her cling to him as they roared away. His hand ran over her bare thigh for a moment before he took the handlebars again, loving that she was on his bike and under his control.

  Sammy managed to get off the bike without flashing the parking lot only because there wasn’t anyone in it. She was grateful that they were a little early for the late crowd because she didn’t know if she would have been able to manage getting off without flashing someone otherwise.

  Animal held her arm helping to steady her and his hand went to her waist touching her bare skin once she was off the bike and ushering her towards the club. She felt a little breathless from the contact and wondered if it even affected him or if it was nothing to him. She didn’t like that thought and pushed it out of her mind, knowing that she was getting attached to him and that wasn’t a good idea after their agreement that this was just hot, nasty sex.

  As they entered the club she felt her heart pick up speed. They moved towards the counter where a woman stood taking any weapons and belongings as well as the credits to enter. She expected Animal to hand the woman his gun and enough credits for them to enter. Only he didn’t do either, he simply nodded to the woman as they passed. Sammy was surprised but she didn’t ask the question that burned in her mind as they entered the club with his hand on her elbow guiding her.

  Animal led them towards the bar. When they stood near it, he pushed her down on a bar stool and nodded to the bartender who moved over to them.

  “Hey, Animal, what do you need?” he asked.

  “I need to talk to Lucian. Can you watch her a second?” Sammy was a bit offended that he thought she needed a damned keeper. She knew this place like the back of her hand. She’d likely been here more than he had. She had never seen him here and she had been coming for over three years.


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