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Michelle Woods - Animal Passions (Blue Bandits MC Book 2)

Page 12

by Unknown

  Sammy was about to tell Animal that she was sorry she’d lost it and started crying but when she parted her lips to speak, he took her mouth in a savage plunder that took her breath away. She felt her arms clinging to him as her body went limp with desire. Her womb clenched and flooded her panties in what she was sure was a mini orgasm. Sammy couldn’t believe it because she’d never felt so owned, so devoured with only a man’s mouth on hers. That was how she felt with Animal though. She felt owned. Like she was already his sub and he’d never even touched her except for the two kisses they’d shared and this moment.

  She was shocked when his hands slid down, cupping her ass and pulling her closer, and then his mouth became hard, possessive, almost demanding. She knew what he wanted. He wanted her to submit, to allow him to have all the control. She’d been with enough Doms to recognize the signs of his demand.

  She’d never given up as much control as he was now demanding. He wanted her to submit to him in all ways, to become his slave, and it was all there in his kiss. Sammy didn’t know if she could give him what he wanted. She tried to pull back to say something but his possessive hand in her hair prevented her from pulling away. He plunged his tongue into her mouth again and again. Pressing her back into the wall, his hands were now cupping her ass, lifting her so that she had no choice but to wrap her legs around his waist.

  Sammy moaned, wanting to rub against him like a bitch in heat. It was embarrassing. She felt like her whole body was on fire, from the thick fog that filled her brain down to her toes, which tingled with desire. She’d never felt such passion overtake her with only a kiss. He was rubbing against her wet core making strangled growling sounds of demand.

  Animal knew that he was out of control but when she’d tried to pull away from him, he’d lost what little sanity he was holding onto and now he needed her to submit to him or he was going to go insane.

  He pressed her back into the wall, forcing her to allow him to press his hardened cock against her hot core. He could feel the wetness through his pants and her underwear. The dress she was wearing was now bunched around her waist; he felt her ass in his hands and gripped it tightly, groaning out strangled growls.

  He pushed against her wet core, needing her to come now before he completely lost it. Anyone could walk into this hallway at any moment and he didn’t want anyone to see her like this but he couldn’t stop. He pushed against her again, feeling her legs grip him, and a muffled moan escaped between their connected lips.

  His hands dug into her ass as he pumped against her, pressing desperately into her again and again. He pounded her into the wall with savage thrusts of his hips into hers, his mouth sliding away from hers to kiss downward over her neck. His teeth nipped at her skin roughly, his breathing erratic, and he was going to come at any moment.

  He’d never been so turned on by this type of play. In the past it had always seemed tame, almost boring, to force a sub to come like this. Only with Sammy, his whole body was combusting and it was far from boring pounding against her wet core.

  She began to moan and her breaths came in little pants that told him she was getting close and he felt the beast inside him let out a satisfied snarl. His hips slammed into hers, pressing his hardened cock into her again, and she screeched out a cry as she seemed to whither in ecstasy against the wall, her head moving from side to side and her breasts pressing forward as her back arched.

  He felt his own release begin to explode inside him and tried to hold back but the sight of her face contorted in pleasure and the way she seemed to writhe on his cock made it impossible. He came with a groan of pleasure.

  When he finally came back to earth, he couldn’t believe what had just happened. He’d lost control and that never happened. Not once since four years ago had he lost control like that with a woman. He slowly set her down, his hands pushing her skirt down to conceal her soaked panties.

  He knew he’d have to be more careful with her. This loss of control was dangerous for him. He couldn’t allow it to happen again. If he lost control he could hurt her and he wouldn’t ever chance that happening. He needed to regain his ability to hold a part of his savage personality back from her. He couldn’t allow it to touch her.

  Sammy couldn’t believe that she’d just let him dry hump her against the wall. It was insane that she’d allowed him to get her off like that when anyone could have walked in on them. She couldn’t say that if he’d ripped her panties off and thrust inside her that she would have stopped him even though this was a very public area and she’d never liked being on display. Whenever a Dom had suggested it, she’d flatly refused because she didn’t think sex was a shared sport. It was between two willing parties, not a crowd.

  Only seconds ago she’d been too far gone to care. The whole fucking club could have walked in and she still would have begged him to make her come. That frightened her a bit and she wondered what else she would let him do if he wanted. She really hoped he wasn’t into sharing because after that, she didn’t know if she’d tell him no.

  She felt her cheeks heat as she peeked at Animal. A hard dark look had taken up residence on his face and he was staring at her with a scowl.

  “What?” she demanded.

  “I think it’s time we left. I know enough that I can start helping you without freaking you out and you can tell me the rest once we start.” Animal glanced over his shoulder at someone who was entering the hall. It was a man leading a woman by a leash. Animal let out a quiet curse as they neared.

  “Ah, Animal. I see you have a new sub. She’s pretty. How well trained is she?” the man asked, grinning in a sly almost sinister manner. Sammy didn’t like him almost immediately.

  “I’ve told you before it’s none of your business, Roberts,” Animal growled and she realized that he didn’t like the man either.

  “Still overly possessive I see. I don’t know why you get so involved with them, Animal. There are always fresh ones to break in and I do like a fresh one. Maybe you’ll tire of her quickly and I can get a taste. She looks like a hot little bitch.” Sammy knew that there was no way in hell she’d allow a man like Roberts to touch her.

  Animal’s reaction to Roberts’s words was instantaneous. He grabbed the other man by his shirt and thrust him against the wall. “Don’t even fucking think about touching her or you’ll end up dead. Do you fucking understand me?”

  “Yes, yes,” he croaked, his eyes wide as saucers with panic. “I didn’t mean anything by it. I would never touch another Dom’s sub without permission.” He was sweating and his hands shook as he lifted them in the air in front of him. Animal released him abruptly and grabbed her by the elbow and pulled her out of the hallway into the main club, his face grim as he practically dragged her from Spangles.

  “Slow down. You’re dragging me, damn it!” Sammy finally managed to grumble as they neared the entrance to the club. He didn’t pause but he slowed enough that he wasn’t dragging her. When they were outside, she thought he’d at least explain why the hell he’d reacted so aggressively to the scene with Roberts in the viewing hall but he didn’t speak.

  When he let her go and climbed on the bike, she put her hands on her hips and refused to budge until he at least spoke to her. Animal cranked the bike and turned to her demanding, “Get on.”

  “No, not until you tell me why that happened a few minutes ago with that guy Roberts.” Sammy stood her ground even when he glared at her.

  “Little prick always rubs me the wrong way, end of story. Get on the fucking bike, now.”

  “Fine, but you should know that neanderthal bullshit isn’t sexy,” Sammy told him, climbing on the bike behind him.

  He grunted in response and when she wrapped her arms around him, he took off headed to her apartment.

  Chapter 12

  Animal opened the door to her apartment without speaking, his anger still evident in the way he moved in a clipped precise manner. Sammy didn’t know what about Roberts had him so upset. It wasn’t like she was going to g
o anywhere near the man inside Spangles and after the way Animal had reacted to his words, she was sure he wouldn’t be coming anywhere near her either. The little man had struck her as a coward and cowards tended to be easily frightened off.

  Entering behind him, she wondered if he would just storm out after a curt goodbye. Sammy didn’t know how she would feel about that after what had happened in the hallway at the club. Standing in the living room she was surprised when he began walking towards her room. She raised her brows and wondered what his plan was. She couldn’t help feeling a little apprehensive because she didn’t want their first encounter to be while he was pissed off and not really focused on her pleasure and her fear.

  There would be fear, she knew. Despite her wish that it wasn’t going to be present, she knew that it would be just as Animal had told her earlier. Animal turned back when he reached the door to her room, looking at her where she stood near the door.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, watching her carefully.

  “Err–are you sure that you want to do this after–well, after what happened at the club. Maybe tonight isn’t a good night for this to––” She didn’t want to piss him off more but she knew that he was still mad. Her words cut off when he looked darkly at her and took three strides back towards her, his hands lifting to take her by the shoulders.

  “First of all, we aren’t going to play tonight as I told you earlier at the club. Second of all, do you think for even a second that because I’m mad I would hurt you? Because if that’s the case, then this isn’t going to work.” Animal looked even angrier than he had at the club and Sammy wanted to pull away from the dark look on his face. It wasn’t that she feared him, it was his anger that she feared because Tom had been angry, very angry.

  “It’s not that I fe-–fear you, it’s that I don’t––I don’t know how to separate that night from this,” she stuttered out as she gestured between them so that he would know what she meant.

  “Hmm, fine. Then let’s go to sleep. I’m tired, Sam. We can talk more about this in the morning, okay.” He began leading her into the bedroom and she took a few steps before she realized that he intended to spend the night. Shit, that wasn’t something she had planned on. Why was he going to sleep here? That was dangerous for her because she was already too attached to him and sleeping in the same bed was intimate.

  Too intimate.

  She stopped in the middle of the living room bringing him to an abrupt halt.

  “What is it now, babe,” Animal asked, sounding tired and a bit frustrated with her but she didn’t care. What the hell was she going to do about this?

  “I––you intend to spend the night? In my bed?” she finally asked in a shaky voice that cracked on the last word. He let out a heavy sigh, shaking his head before he spoke.

  “Yes, it will help this work better if your body is used to my touch and the best way to do that is to sleep in the same bed,” Animal told her, tugging at her arm again.

  “I don’t know––that seems––intimate,” Sammy finally settled on after a long pause.

  “We’re going to be having sex, Sammy. I think we will be getting more than intimate,” he gruffly replied, looking even more frustrated than he had a moment ago as his hand ran over his face and he crossed his arms watching her.

  “Umm, sex is just sex but sleeping in the same bed, that’s different,” Sammy said, looking at him with wide eyes that she was sure made her seem like a child frightened of her own shadow but she didn’t know how to hide her reaction to his suggestion.

  “Enough. I’m tired and this is the deal. I leave tonight, then this is done and we don’t start it up again, so make your choice because I am not in the mood for a game tonight,” Animal told her, looking grimly at her as she cringed on the inside because he was giving her an ultimatum that might spell her doom. If she fell for him, this was going to be worse than if she stayed a broken bird for the rest of her life.

  No, she wasn’t going to be the person that son of a bitch had made her, so she would just have to remember that she wasn’t going to fall for him. She just wouldn’t allow herself to. Damn, why was this even a problem? It never had been before she met Animal. He was all wrong for her too.

  Hell, he was in an MC for goodness sakes and she wasn’t the type to seek out the bad boys. Well, okay, going to a bondage club was seeking out a bad boy, but she didn’t want to keep any of them. So why did she have a sneaking suspicion that if she let herself, she could feel that way towards Animal? She was standing there staring at him with these thoughts swirling in her mind, trying to come to a decision, when he tensed. Every muscle seemed to clench as he stared at her.

  “All right then. Night,” Animal growled, his jaw clenched as he began to walk past her towards the door to her apartment. Sammy let him get almost to the door before she cried out.

  “Animal, I thought you were staying.” He turned, looking at her for a long moment as if assessing her sincerity. He tilted his head, watching her face like he was trying to discover her thoughts.

  “You sure that’s what you want, babe. Cause once that happens, this is going to be full throttle. No backing out because you get frightened. You get that, right?” Animal asked, his hand hovering over the doorknob.

  “I get it,” Sammy uttered, her voice shaky, her legs trembling. She wasn’t sure that she did but she wasn’t going to admit it to him. She watched as he slowly walked towards her. Taking her face in his hands, he stared down into her eyes. In the darkened room lit only by the small lamp she’d left on, she felt owned by that look. She felt the need to turn away from the intense scrutiny but couldn’t because she was glued to the spot, her eyes trapped by the intensity of his hazel gaze.

  His mouth moved closer to hers slowly, his eyes not releasing her until he was kissing her savagely, his tongue thrusting into her mouth with violent passion that ate her up with desire so strong she would have collapsed if he wasn’t holding her up. Moaning, she lifted her hands, holding him to her. He let out a low growl of need as his lips moved downwards to rain kisses over her neck, making her breath catch as she gasped for air while trying not to melt into a puddle of goo on the floor.

  Dear lord, the man could kiss.

  She was about to suggest that they take this to the bedroom when he lifted her off her feet, carrying her past the mahogany dresser and the light tan chair that were arranged to save space in her small room, stepping up to the bed. When his knees were at the edge, he paused, bending forward to place her in the middle of it. He stood over her breathing heavily for a long moment, seeming to just soak in the sight of her lying in the middle of the blue bedding. She stared up at him. The room was dark and she was unable to make out more than his shadowy figure standing at the foot of the bed. Wondering why he wasn’t continuing their play, Sammy tilted her head to watch him.

  She was on fire and her body wanted the pleasure it knew that his promised her. Reaching up to pull him down on the bed with her, she was surprised when he suddenly stepped back muttering, “I need a shower,” before he disappeared into her bathroom.

  Sammy sat up in the middle of the bed staring at the door, wondering what the hell had just happened? She knew he had wanted her too so why had he just run away from her? Getting up, she grabbed a t-shirt and her sleep shorts. Taking off the dress she had worn to the club, she changed into the nightclothes.

  She likely also needed a shower but she didn’t think he wanted company in there after the way he’d just run away so she lay down. She was tired anyway and confused. So very confused by his behavior. Why had he just basically rejected her? Was it payback for her almost letting him leave? Was he really that petty? As Sammy’s eyes closed and her body slipped into a fitful sleep, she hoped that wasn’t the case because if it was, then this whole fix Sam mission was already doomed.

  “Ant Sam, wakey up, Ant Sam,” Josh’s tiny voice said as his little hands patted her cheeks and his body jumped up and down on the bed. “An’mal, An’mal, up up up.”
  Sammy felt Animal’s arms wrapped around her waist and the bed bouncing up and down with the little boy’s excited jumping. Where was his mother and why was he jumping on her bed? Animal let out a loud groan and caught the boy around the waist pulling him down between them and tickling his belly. Josh let out loud peals of excited laughter making Sammy smile despite being so rudely awakened

  “Did you wake Auntie Sammy––um, shit.” Sarah stood in the doorway, her mouth hanging open as she stared at the scene before her. Her face flushed a bright red and she couldn’t seem to get any words out of her mouth as it opened and closed, making her appear like a fish out of water.

  “Uh-oh, bad word.” Josh giggled, covering his mouth with his little hand. Animal snorted out a laugh before he blew a raspberry on Josh’s arm, making Josh fall into another fit of giggles.

  “Morning,” he said in a gruff bedroom voice that sent shivers down Sammy’s spine in a tingling mass of desire. How could she feel horny at a time like this with her best friend in the doorway looking shocked and her nephew in the bed giggling because the man she was so wrapped up in was tickling him again.

  “Um, Josh, why don’t you come with me and let Animal and Aunt Sam get up,” Sarah finally managed to get out after another long moment.

  “Want play, mama.” Josh’s voice was unhappy and a frown was on his face with his little arms crossed in an adorable pose that looked like one she’d seen Reaper use a few times when he was pissed at someone. Only on the pint-sized body it wasn’t scary, it was cute as hell and she leaned over to kiss the boy’s cheek, smiling. He tried to hold the angry pose but the kiss was his downfall and he turned, jumping at her and giving her a two-armed hug around the neck that nearly choked her.


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