Michelle Woods - Animal Passions (Blue Bandits MC Book 2)

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Michelle Woods - Animal Passions (Blue Bandits MC Book 2) Page 16

by Unknown

“I can see that. I always wondered what happened to you when you left. Mom kicked me out a year later,” Sammy said, her hands resting on Animal arms, which held her in a death grip that even he knew was overly tight but she didn’t argue. He was grateful and as he listened to the two of them, he realized that they must have grown up together. He was curious about her past so he allowed the conversation to continue.

  “Damn. I knew that bitch was cold but that’s just fucked up, little bit,” Torch said, a dark scowl on his face as he moved further into the room so that he wasn’t blocking the door.

  “Nah, she just wasn’t ready to accept some things about me that I wasn’t able to change. She was very set in her ways. As you’ll recall, most of the town was. Guess it’s because it’s the only town besides the city behind the wall that isn’t run by biker law.”

  Animal was discovering why she always seemed to exude competence and the ability to take care of herself. It was because she’d been on her own for a long time and from Torch’s reaction to the idea that her mother had kicked her out, she must have been young. That bitch kicking her out, likely for her sexual preferences, was just cruel. It could have caused her a lot of self-esteem issues if she wasn’t so sure of herself, not to mention the trouble she could have run into with nowhere to live.

  “Still think it’s cold. You were young,” Torch said, sitting down on the arm of the couch.

  “I was eighteen and when you left you were seventeen, so how is that any different?” Sammy asked him laughing.

  “It just is,” Torch said.

  Animal understood what Torch meant because a man that age wasn’t likely to be discounted as a threat but a woman of that same age could have been. He shuddered a bit thinking of Sammy at eighteen and alone on the streets. Sarah snorted, turning Torch’s gaze to her.

  “You are a sexist pig. I can’t believe you just said that. Women are able to take care of themselves. I was the same age when I was left alone and I did fine. Sammy also didn’t end up a hooker or a Juice addict or any of that bullshit,” Sarah told him, standing with fire in her eyes and anger in her stance. Sammy chuckled a bit and shook her head.

  Animal watched Torch sit forward looking at her before he said, “ You also have a special set of skills I hear.”

  “That’s true, but Sammy didn’t and she was fine. How can you say that young women are more vulnerable than young men?” Sarah demanded.

  “Oh dear, who riled up Sarah?” Reaper said coming into the room, his hands cupping Sarah’s hips and kissing her on the cheek as he pulled her into a hug. Sarah growled and glared at him before turning that look back Torch’s way, making Animal grin. Ha, Torch was in for it now; served his ass right because he should have left Sammy alone.

  “Well?” Sarah asked.

  “Umm, think I am going to leave that alone because I don’t think continuing would be conducive to my need to continue breathing. Animal, you ready to give me that tattoo?” Torch said, looking back and forth between a laughing Sammy and Sarah, who looked ready to get her gun. Animal was satisfied that the asshat had gotten a set down. Releasing Sammy with a kiss on her forehead, he nodded, gesturing for him to head back to his room.

  “Pussy,” Animal hissed at him as he walked by.

  “Yep,” Torch replied and when he sat down in his chair he met his gaze and finished his agreement. “Nobody ever said I was an idiot and challenging Sarah is just fucking stupid.”

  Animal snorted, but as he set up he remembered the screams of Buck and decided that maybe Torch wasn’t as pansy-assed as he had been thinking.

  Sammy sat in the office with Sarah, her hands on the desk as they chatted about what had been going on lately with the men. They didn’t know the details but Sarah was telling her about the two young girls who were living with Vandal, a biker she’d met only once. She said they seemed happy, which surprised her because of all they had gone through while with the Headhunter MC. They had been abused according to Reaper and he’d been a little shocked when they had chosen to move in with Vandal. She was leaning forward listening to Sarah when it happened. Sammy was suddenly bombarded with pleasure as the vibrating panties kicked on.

  She gasped, earning a tilted head and a furrowed brow from Sarah. “What’s the matter?” she asked.

  Sammy almost couldn’t speak because she was trying not to wiggle to get the currently vibrating panties off her clit. She gripped the desk she was sitting in front of and let out a little grunted moan that she hid with a cough. Standing, she squeaked, “I have to go to the bathroom.”

  Sarah still looked at her strangely as she moved towards the door freaking out about the panties vibrating against her already damp hollow. She was trying not to moan or tighten her legs to make the sensation stronger. Animal, that diabolical man, had only turned them on to the lowest setting and she wasn’t getting enough to make her come any time soon.

  She was almost to the bathroom when Animal stepped into the hall and she watched him grin at her as he walked towards her. Sammy felt her knees weaken as he neared and she wanted to beg him to turn up the volume on the damned things but she also didn’t want to make him turn it off. Feeling like her insides were shaking, she leaned against the wall for a second trying not to start moaning as she begged him to fuck her.

  Animal brushed by her and she heard him whisper into her ear as he moved past, “Don’t take them off while you’re in there or I will punish you for hours tonight.” Then he was chuckling as he went into Reaper’s office.

  Sammy stared at the door a little dumbfounded that he wasn’t going to even touch her. He was seriously just going to let her burn up with the need to come. Stepping into the bathroom, she moaned when the volume was turned up and she felt her body flood with moisture. Dear Lord, that felt good.

  Leaning on the counter, she moaned again and squeezed her legs together, feeling close to coming. Sammy let out a gasp of pleasure when the volume was taken a notch higher, letting out a loud moan. She collapsed onto the sink as her body trembled in anticipation of her impending orgasm and that was when the vibrating stopped, making her cry out in frustration.

  What the fuck?

  He hadn’t let her finish. Her hand pulled at the hem of her skirt intending to finish his job when the beep from her phone distracted her.

  Sammy wanted to ignore the text but she was waiting on a call from the girl she worked with to ask her about taking her shift that she needed off next week so that she could go with Sarah over to Titusville. Grabbing the phone she looked at the message and then she wished she had ignored the damned thing.

  You come and I swear you’ll regret it, baby, Animal had sent.

  Sammy debated not worrying about it. How would he know if she’d come anyway? But then she thought of the way he had thrust in and out of her this morning before he’d pulled back and walked away. Fuck, would he do that again? Sammy cringed. Yeah, he would and she needed to come. Besides, this was part of the game she was playing with him. He was her dominant so she had to listen. Her breath caught when she thought about the reward for giving him what he wanted and she straightened, looking at herself in the mirror, dying to shove her hands under her skirt and make herself come.

  Instead she turned on the water and sloshed it on her face before she exited the room and headed back to Sarah’s office. She was at the door when she saw Animal coming out of Reaper’s office still wearing that little smile and she wanted to scream in frustration. She entered Sarah’s office after a brief glower in his direction, which made his smile widen. Sarah was typing on her handheld computer and looked up.

  “Everything okay?” Sarah asked, still looking a bit confused by her abrupt exit a little while ago.

  “Sure, just really had to go to the bathroom,” Sammy told her, unwilling to reveal the truth. Sitting down across from Sarah again, she began asking about the two kids, Sharon and Casey. Vandal was a giant at six nine and she couldn’t believe that girls who’d been abused had just decided to live with him. She suppos
ed it was as Sarah said, about choosing the person who would be able to defend them against others who wanted to hurt them, but she wasn’t sure. It was just odd.

  That was the when the vibration started again. This time she was a little more prepared but it was still hard to sit across from her friend and converse with her while her pussy felt like a thousand fingers were brushing over her clit. Finally unable to take it, she stood, telling Sarah she was going to go see what Animal was up to and shoved out of the door. Sammy leaned against it panting as the volume was turned up again.

  Moaning, she bent forward, trying to get the vibration to increase without the remote. She needed to come so badly.

  “Are you okay?” Reaper asked, his hand landing on her shoulders, making her jerk and jump away from him. He frowned darkly.

  “Sammy?” he questioned.

  “I––I’m fine, just a stomach ache.” Sammy knew her voice was squeaky and high-pitched even to her own ears but she couldn’t help it, she was so damned close. Reaper finally relented after watching her closely for several moments, that frown still on his face.

  “All right, if you’re sure you’re okay.”

  “I’m sure!” she screeched, earning a raised brow. She jerked away from the wall rushing towards the bathroom, entering and leaning back against the door, letting out a wild cry of excitement. She was going to come. Damn, it was so good.

  Only she didn’t come because that son of a bitch turned it off. What the fuck was he trying to do, make her insane? She needed to tell him he wasn’t doing it long enough. That thought in mind, she jerked the door open and stormed down the hall to his booth, entering to find him tattooing a butterfly on some young girl who was flirting with him.

  What the hell? Why was that bitch flirting with him while he was torturing her with vibrating panties?

  “Can I talk to you for a second, Animal?” Sammy choked out, anger now making her voice shaky and still a bit shrill.

  “He’s kind of busy, hon. Why don’t you run along and you can talk to him later,” the girl with curly black hair and boobs the size of watermelons said through hooker red lips. Sammy wanted to rip every hair on her head out and she’d never felt like that before in her life over a man. It made her stutter and stare at the girl.

  “What’s up, babe?” Animal said, pausing to look at her, ignoring the girl altogether, that slightly wicked light in his eyes as he watched her with a hungry almost feral look.

  Sammy suddenly didn’t feel so angry over the girl because it was obvious he wasn’t interested in her when he was looking at her like that. Besides while she’d been in the bathroom he’d changed the speed three times before he’d shut it off. From the look of the tattoo, he was almost finished which meant that he had been ignoring the girl for a while because she was pretty sure if he’d been interested in her flirting, he wouldn’t have been turning the volume up and down on her panties.

  “I think that perhaps you’re not investing enough time in that thing you were doing earlier,” Sammy said, hoping he would get that she was trying to tell him that he wasn’t leaving them on long enough to get her off. She waited as he allowed a wicked grin to curl his lips and he raised a brow.

  “I think it was just enough time, babe,” he told her and she realized that was what he had intended in the first place. The bastard wanted to make her hover on the brink until she was mad. That was her punishment. Feeling her wetness and the way her body clenched and unclenched, she realized she was in for a long damned day.


  “No, I don’t think it is. Maybe you should––do it longer.”

  “Nope. Trust me, it’s just the right amount of time,” Animal said.

  “Well now that we know that, maybe she should stop distracting you so that you can finish,” the girl whined, her arms crossed under her admittedly impressive cleavage pushing them up so that they almost popped from her top, a pout on her lips.

  Animal glanced at her briefly, seeming unimpressed with the blatant display of her charms before saying, “Shush, the grown-ups are talking.”

  Sammy almost laughed at the outraged expression that appeared on the girl’s face at that comment. Animal turned back to her.

  “Well, what do you think of that?” he demanded. Watching him for a long moment, she finally uttered the only response she could manage without incurring more torture from him.

  “Nothing. If you think it’s the right amount, then it is,” Sammy told him, although her body clenched in protest of that assessment.

  “Good girl. Wanna hang out for a bit?” Animal asked, looking hopeful but Sammy held onto the doorframe, backing out.

  “No, it’s almost lunchtime and Sarah was saying we were getting lunch over at the diner. You want anything?”

  “Yeah, get me a burger and some fires,” Animal told her.

  Nodding, she moved to leave. She almost had the door shut when he called out to her, making her poke her head back into the room.

  “And Sammy.”


  “Make sure you get something besides a salad, understood?” Animal asked in that darkly sexy voice of his that always had her on the verge of orgasm without any stimulation.

  “Okay,” she told him frowning. Ugh, it was frustrating that he kept insisting she eat more.

  She stepped out into the hall and took two steps before the panties began to vibrate on what must be the highest setting and she fell back against the wall panting, her body shuddering in the throes of pleasure they brought her. She was gasping, moving her head from side to side on the wall moaning. Another second and she would come but they cut off again.


  Letting out a frustrated little cry, she banged her head on the wall behind her.

  “Sammy?” Sarah said, looking at her like she’d lost her mind.

  Sammy croaked, “What?”

  “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Of course, why?” Sammy told her, pushing off the wall after having finally recovered from the near orgasm.

  “Because you’re acting really strange today, that’s why. Whatever. Let’s just go get something to eat for us and the boys,” Sarah said, shaking her head at Sammy’s weird behavior.

  Sammy couldn’t blame her for thinking she was acting crazy. She was going crazy because of that damned man and his torture via vibrator fetish. Not that she wanted it to end; she’d almost made it that time. Maybe she would get off the next time. That thought in mind, she followed Sarah out to the car.

  Chapter 16

  Sammy sat on the couch with her legs curled beneath her and a cup of warm cocoa in her hand. It had been four weeks since what she was labeling the panties incident. Things between her and Animal had heated up after that day. She’d come twice while at the shop when he had turned up the volume at two really embarrassing moments. Sarah and Flame, who’d been in the room with her the second time when she’d cried out as she came, collapsing against the wall, now likely thought she had lost her mind.

  Since then Animal had tied her down and made love to her a dozen times and she’d only had fearful reactions on three occasions. Animal had worked her through each of them with patience and understanding but tonight he wanted something that she wasn’t sure she could give him. She didn’t want to admit that she was afraid to tell this story, because she was embarrassed about what had happened the night with Tom more than anything else.

  Sammy felt that she should have been able to see that he wasn’t sincere but she hadn’t. She knew that what Tom had done wasn’t her fault and yet she still felt like it was somehow. He was a demented asshole who’d hurt her while calling her names and telling her what she enjoyed sexually made her a whore.

  She knew she wasn’t a whore but it still affected how she thought about herself. It made her second guess herself in a way she never had before and now Animal expected her to tell him all about that night. He kept telling her in the heated moments after sex when they lay in the bed holding each other that
it was the only way for her to fully let the fear go.

  That was after she’d had her meltdowns over the wax they’d attempted twice and the whip she had thrown away before realizing that she likely should have just asked him to remove it. The morning she found it she hadn’t even considered that option.

  She had been placing the vibrators back into the bag he usually kept them in after he left to handle something for the club. It had been just sitting there in the bag taunting her with its presence. After staring at it for over thirty minutes with her heart pounding and tears she barely noticed streaming down her cheeks, she’d grabbed it and taken it out to the trash burner. Tossing it into the bin, she’d hit the blast button and she knew that before she’d even breathed the sigh of relief it was nothing more than ash.

  When Animal had returned she told him what she had done, expecting him to be angry, to yell, those whips were expensive, almost forty credits, but he had just hugged her. When he pulled back, he had whispered that’s okay babe before starting dinner as if nothing had happened at all. She had watched him, sure that there would be some indication of his anger, but she never saw one. When he made love to her in the sex swing that night he hadn’t punished her as she had almost expected. That was the moment when she realized she would miss him when he finally decided this was all over. She was used to having him around and the man was a surprisingly good cook, unlike her. She could barely cook anything more complicated than spaghetti.

  Taking a sip of her cocoa, she glanced at him in the kitchen making a potpie of some sort. He was boiling potatoes and lima beans they smelled fantastic. She couldn’t wait for the meal but she was dreading what she’d agreed to tell him after they ate and every moment the looming conversation became one minute closer. Sammy felt a sense of dread flow through her because she wasn’t ready to talk about this. It felt as if she was cold and hot all at the same time, like her body was rejecting the very idea of talking about Tom and what he’d done to her.

  Animal had told her this morning when she had agreed to have the conversation that she would never feel as if she was truly ready to talk about it. He was likely correct; after all it had been almost ten months since that night and she was still afraid to talk about it.


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