Michelle Woods - Animal Passions (Blue Bandits MC Book 2)

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Michelle Woods - Animal Passions (Blue Bandits MC Book 2) Page 18

by Unknown

  “Exactly! You are nothing like him. He enjoyed it. He took that knife to me after he tied me up. He slid it along my throat first so that I could feel the pain of the tiny slice so close to my main arteries. He wanted me to fear my death, Animal. He got off on it. Then he sliced my breasts several times and after that he played in the blood. Played, Animal. He wrote his name and made me look at it with a mirror asking me if I liked it. Did I think it made me sexy?” Sammy took a shuddering breath that seemed to shake her whole body as she remembered.

  “I finally got past the shock of what he was doing to me after an hour and told him the safe word. I knew what was happening wasn’t anything I wanted and I thought he would release me, you know. I trusted he would, can you believe that? I actually trusted that he would let me go because I said the safe word. What an idiot I was.” Sammy snorted out a laugh, tears in her eyes as she trembled in front of him and he felt like he was breaking inside. Not over what had happened with Lisa but over what Sammy was telling him. His fury was seething inside him, pulsing like a live wire. Tom’s days were numbered and he had better hope someone killed him before Animal found him because he wasn’t going to die easy if caught him.

  She had expected Tom, if that was even his real name, to follow the rules that every submissive trusted her dominant to follow. It wasn’t stupid, it was what she had learned to expect from her sex play. The son of a bitch had known that she would trust that system and he had used it against her in the coldest display of cruelty he could find and he would pay for that with his life just as soon as Animal found him.

  He planned to get a description of the man from her tonight. He’d tried asking Mark last week but he couldn’t describe him because he only caught a glimpse. Mark had said that he shouldn’t have let Sammy go with the jerk because he’d felt like something was off when he waited by the door with his head turned away. Animal had assured him that he couldn’t have known even while he wanted to blame Mark for not protecting her, but it wasn’t his fault. Animal felt his guts clench as she continued telling him about the way that bastard had hurt her.

  “He didn’t untie me of course. Oh no, he continued to play for hours and hours until I was so exhausted from fighting to get free and begging to be let go that I passed out.” She snorted, “Or perhaps it was blood loss because by the time I finally passed out I had lost quite a bit of it on the floor. After the knife, he got the wax. I was already hoarse from screaming for him to let me go, to please stop. I just wanted him to stop but he brought the wax. It was so hot that it left third degree burns on my skin according the scanner the doctor healed me with. I can remember that when it hit me I really screamed then. It hurt so bad.”

  Animal was unable to bear listening to any more of this while standing across the room from her. He moved to her, taking her into his arms and holding her tightly against his chest. She didn’t fight him, she just sort of melted into him like this story was too much for her to bear while holding her own weight up. It tore him to pieces listening to how badly Tom had hurt her. It never should have happened to her or, hell, to any woman.

  “He talked to me while he put the wax on the cuts. I was almost delirious by that point but I remember. He was telling me how perverted what I wanted was, that wanting pain with sex was sick and I was a whore for wanting it. That was when the real insults began. He screamed at me that I was fat, that I was perverted and deserved this, that I shouldn’t have allowed a man I didn’t know to take me home to fuck because only whores did that. I couldn’t take much more by then and the pain had made my mind fuzzy but I do remember him telling me that he wanted to show me how pain truly felt to try to cure me of my perverted sex addictions. I’m telling you, Animal, you are nothing like him and you never will be. He was a monster.” Sammy was clinging to him now and he held her pressed against his chest feeling the tears dampening his skin where her cheek rested.

  “Damn, I didn’t know. I knew it was bad but I didn’t know he told you all that while he hurt you. I’m so sorry, baby. He’ll pay for it, Sam. I’ll make him pay for it,” Animal promised adamantly, his hands soothing over her back to calm her tears. She was hiccupping and her tears were flowing over his chest and he pulled her tighter to him, holding her while she tried to calm herself. When she finally managed to get her tears under a semblance of control, he felt her head shaking back and forth vigorously.

  “No, I don’t want you to go after him. I just want to forget it ever happened and move on. Promise me you won’t, promise,” Sammy rushed to say, pulling back to meet his eyes with her teary ones. Animal felt like he was being asked the impossible; he couldn’t promise not to go after the man who’d hurt her. He wouldn’t promise her because Tom deserved to die for what he had done to Sammy and Animal was sure that she wasn’t his first victim.

  “I can’t do that. I have to go after him, Sam.”

  “Why? What makes what he did to me so important?” she demanded, her eyes puffy and her face set with a mutinous expression.

  “Men like Tom who enjoy inflicting pain aren’t going to stop until someone makes them, babe. Do you want him to do what he did to you to someone else?” he asked, knowing that it was a harsh question for a woman who’d just revealed a horror that nearly destroyed her but he had to get his point across. Sammy paled and her eyes widened.

  “He––wouldn’t––oh God, Animal, you’re right. I don’t want him to ever have the ability to do this to someone else.” She looked so heart-wrenched and broken in that moment that he wanted to assure her that Tom wouldn’t ever do this to anyone ever again, but he couldn’t until he found the little weasel and ripped him apart. A mission he would see to personally, he thought as he scooped her up into his arms, holding her against his chest and kissing her forehead.

  Sammy put her arms around his neck as he carried her with her head resting on his shoulder into the bedroom and laid her down on the bed.

  Looking down at her, he whispered softly, “We will find him and I promise that he won’t have the chance to continue doing this to anyone else very soon. For now though let’s get some rest. I know you have to work in the morning.” He stripped and crawled into bed, pulling her against him and holding her as she fell into a deep sleep broken only by little breathy sighs of contentment as she snuggled against him.

  It took Animal a much longer time to get his cock to accept that tonight she hadn’t needed a good hard fuck but instead needed to be held gently with no demands made on her. He finally managed to fall asleep an hour later with her in his arms and a promise to his cock that he would wake her early so that he could take her then.

  Chapter 18

  Four days after sharing their stories with each other, Sammy was getting ready to go to Spangles with Animal. He had laid out the outfit he wanted her to wear. It was a red spandex dress that hit her about mid-thigh and was likely the sexiest thing in her closet. He had paired it with a collar, one with a bright red ruby set in a silver choker. It was gorgeous but as she stared at the metal collar she questioned if it was a good idea for her to wear it. She was already becoming so wrapped up in him and she was worried she might be becoming way too attached.

  She was dreading going to the club with him tonight. Not because she didn’t want to have new experiences with him, because she did, but she wasn’t sure if she wanted it to be in a room where he had taken so many other women. She wanted to be special to him, not just another sub in a long list of them. The attachment she felt for him frightened her because she knew that soon he would tire of her. She was unsure where that would leave her. Would she be able to go back to being who she was before Animal had touched her? In the beginning she’d thought so but now she wasn’t so sure. She slowly pulled the dress on over her head, pulling it down over the white lace panties he had chosen to go with it.

  “You ready, babe?” Animal called out as he stepped into the room while she was pulling the hem of the skirt down into place.

  “Almost,” Sammy told him, looking up at him.
He stepped closer, grabbing the choker off the bed and lifting it up. He moved behind her, slowly caressing her neck with his hand as he moved to put the collar on her. His breathing was slightly heavy and she would have sworn she felt a slight tremor in his hand as he clasped it. Placing a kiss along the back of her neck, he turned her, pulling at the necklace until it was in place over her throat with the ruby in the middle perfectly positioned.

  He grinned at her as he leaned forward kissing her hard on the lips, his hands sliding over her hips in a possessive gesture.

  “Let’s go,” he growled a moment later when he pulled back from her lips and she took his hand, slipping on the heels he had also pulled out for her to wear. He paused only to lock up and Sammy followed him to the bike feeling like her heart was going to burst from her chest. She was filled with so much tension she didn’t know if she would be able to go through with sex at the club.

  Animal helped her on the bike and she clung to his waist as they roared down the road headed to Spangles. When they arrived ten minutes later, she still wasn’t sure that she could have sex with him in his private room. After entering the club, Animal led them to the bar and they sat down on two of the barstools there. Sammy was still feeling like she was going to crack at any moment.

  She gazed out at the dance floor trying to take her mind off the reason they were here tonight because if she thought about it, she knew she would be hightailing it out of here. She didn’t want to admit that she was feeling ill at the thought of being in a room where Animal had fucked countless other women over the years.

  Animal flagged down the bartender and ordered himself a beer and an amaretto sour for her before leaning over and kissing her along the lobe of her ear.

  “What’s got you so tense, babe?” Animal asked after nipping the tip of her lobe with his teeth, making her rub the offended area as she glared at him.

  “Nothing. I just feel a little out of sorts tonight,” Sammy assured him. Although she wanted to be honest with him, she was afraid telling him that she was possibly falling for him was a bad idea. She’d bet he would disappear so fast her head would spin. Sammy almost snorted at that thought while taking her drink from the bartender, who smiled and nodded at her before he was scooting away to help the next person.

  “Uh-huh. You were fine until we came here. Spill,” he grunted. Sammy wanted to tell him to stow it but she couldn’t seem to defy him when he looked at her like that. Animal had his arms crossed and his eyes were narrowed as he glared at her. She sighed.

  “I just don’t know if tonight is the right night for this. I’m just not in the mood,” Sammy finally said in a huff. It wasn’t exactly the truth but it wasn’t a lie either.

  Animal however seemed to know she wasn’t telling him everything and he gruffly commanded, “Tell me why now.”

  “Fine, I don’t want to be fucked in a room where you fucked tons of other women. Now can we leave?” Sammy growled.

  “Is that it?” he asked, watching her face for signs that she was lying. Sammy glared back, nodding while trying not to cave under his hard scrutiny.

  “Not a problem then,” he finally said and Sammy looked at him with confusion.

  “How’s that?” She took the last swig of her drink, setting the empty glass on the counter, feeling a little lightheaded from drinking it so fast.

  “I had them change my room out for another one the other day because it had a built-in storage cabinet. My old room didn’t have one and I think because of what happened, you will feel less panic if we don’t show you the toys before we play. You’ll be the first woman I fuck in that room so like I said, not a problem.” Animal took her hand, tugging her off the stool and still a little shocked at the words he had just uttered, she went willingly.

  It didn’t take long for him to lead her to the hall where the rooms lined the long corridor. He directed her to a room where she could change into a robe he produced that had Velcro to hold it on her at the front. It would be easy for him to remove and she would still feel covered until they were in the room. She allowed him to take her hand as she left the room and didn’t fight him when he stopped at the end of the hall.

  She entered after he used the keypad to unlock it and stood in the middle of the room shivering slightly. No whips or other toys were stored on the wall, she saw with no small amount of relief. She wondered where the panel was because she knew that the toys were in this room with them, she just didn’t see them. She felt a spike of dismay fill her at the thought of the whips and other things that would spark the fearful memories Tom had created.

  This room could have been any ordinary room if it weren’t for the sex swing, the bondage chair and the half bench. She felt her legs tremble as she moved to stand in the middle of the room. She stared at the chair, which was made of black leather. Made for the type of play they enjoyed, it was similar to a normal chair except it reclined slightly with arms that stuck outward, allowing a person’s arms to be stretched out away from the body and tied down. The legs of the chair were leather and could be pushed together or pulled wide apart to spread the person whose legs were tied to it. She felt her breath catch as she stared at it.

  She had been tied to one before and remembered how it had felt when she was spread, remembering it had been erotic to have no control over how she was displayed. Animal’s hand brushed over her hip possessively as he guided her to the chair. Steering her into it, he kissed her on the forehead before stepping back.

  Animal walked over to a keypad on the wall near the panel that closed the view screen. Sammy watched him punch in a code and the panel on the wall opened, revealing a full wall of toys.

  It was the whip that her eyes were suddenly glued to and she felt panic start to fill her. It was like a cold shower of dread that started at the top of her head and slowly crawled down her body. Its grip was terrifying and her hands began to tremble as her breath came in loud pants. She wasn’t ready for this; she needed out of this room right now. She stood to rush over to the sealed door but before she could even move Animal was there, his hands on her shoulders pushing her back into the chair.

  “You’re safe. Relax, babe,” Animal insisted as he cupped her face, forcing her panicked blue eyes to meet his hazel ones. Something about seeing the calm almost Zen-like look in his eyes made her breathing slow and the panic lessened. She took a deep breath in and pushed it out slowly, feeling some of her tension exit her body with the next breath. Her panic was still trying to jerk her out of the chair to run from the room but he was holding her and she knew she wasn’t going anywhere.

  Sammy trusted him not to hurt her but the fear was a live wire shocking her into action despite her trust in him. Animal seemed to know this and held her face breathing in and out with her as if he were trying to expel her panic by breathing for her.

  “Better?” he asked when she was finally breathing normally. Nodding, she felt embarrassed over her display of fear. She averted her eyes trying not to think about the whips and other tools that were hiding under the panel. Keeping her eyes trained on the window opening in front of her, she could see the hall they had been in a few weeks ago when she first came here with him and another kind of panic seemed to fill her.

  Would he want to have her displayed? She felt her heart rate pick up and she felt disturbed by the fact that the idea was making her body tingle. She didn’t want that window open, she insisted to herself, waiting on him to finish getting whatever they needed from the cabinet.

  Animal came over, setting several things on a table next to her. Sammy refused to look because she knew they were here to push her boundaries and after her brief meltdown, she didn’t want to have another one. He might have a whip on that little table and if he did, she didn’t want to really panic over the sight of it. Once a night was enough, for goodness sakes. If she kept freaking on him he might write her off as too much work and end this relationship. That thought sent an aching spike of pain into her heart that left her feeling devastated.

��Put your arms in the cuffs, babe,” Animal growled, his voice filled with a husky need. She did as she was told, placing her arms into the fur-lined cuffs he had open on the arms of the chair. She heard the light clicks as the cuffs shut around her wrists and she knew she must look funny sitting there with only a robe on and her wrists cuffed to the wooden arms of the chair.

  “Good girl, now the ankles. Move them into the cuffs as well.” Animal helped and the clicking made her breath catch. Her legs weren’t parted yet, just hooked to the legs of the chair. She suddenly felt heated and she knew her panties were flooded.

  “Aren’t you going to close the viewer?” Sammy asked, hoping he didn’t say no.

  “No,” Animal said after a long pause, looking at her, watching her reactions. She cringed; suddenly all she could see was the window and the hall. No one was there now but she didn’t want anyone coming in and watching them later either.

  “I don’t think I––” Sammy began but Animal stopped her.

  “I’ll blindfold you so you don’t see them.” He waited to see what she would do. She didn’t want to disappoint him but she wasn’t comfortable with the idea of anyone watching her. To please him, she felt her head nod. She wouldn’t admit to herself that she felt a bit of excitement as well thinking of someone watching them while she was unaware.

  Animal moved behind her with his hands on her shoulders, his lips caressing her ears as he whispered, “Such a naughty girl, aren’t you, babe.”

  He slipped the blindfold into place over her eyes blocking out the view of the hall and encasing her in a darkness that made her gasp. She wasn’t prepared for the sensations that bombarded her then: desire, need, and a little dose of fear were just a few of them.

  He stepped away and she could hear him moving around but she didn’t know what he was doing, which made the slight sounds feel more exciting and frightening all at the same time. She waited breathlessly for him to begin, her heart pounding in her ears.


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