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Michelle Woods - Animal Passions (Blue Bandits MC Book 2)

Page 20

by Unknown

  Animal didn’t like being away from Sammy but this time it couldn’t be helped. He was growing quite attached to her as his submissive. Her body was so responsive that he rarely felt hungry after taking her and she hadn’t uttered the safe word since the first night.

  They were a good match. They both seemed to enjoy the other immeasurably and that was why he was feeling a bit twitchy about leaving her behind. She satisfied him sexually in a way other women didn’t and he had had his fair share of women, both submissive and not. He knew that it was rare that two could be so perfectly matched but somehow he and Sammy were. He had finally used the whip last night for the first time without her panicking over the idea of it. Remembering that made his cock throb in needy anticipation of returning to her.

  Iron leaned over quietly asking, “That’s him, isn’t it?” indicating a man wearing jeans and a light blue button-up who’d just entered the bar. Animal took a sip of his beer looking in the direction he indicated and sure enough, it was Tom. He knew because he had studied that photo of the man they were after for the past three days focusing the rage he felt on identifying Tom and giving him exactly what he deserved.

  “Yep.” Animal took the last swig of his beer before setting it on the counter. Pansy did the same and the three men stood as one throwing credits on the bar for the drinks before moving closer to Tom. He didn’t seem to notice that he was in danger and Animal wanted to snort at the man’s arrogance. Fucker didn’t know what was coming but he would soon.

  Pansy grabbed his shoulder nodding to the corner booth the man was headed to and Animal stopped so short Iron nearly knocked him over. Pansy managed to steady them but all three men were now watching a scene they never would have expected playing out as Tom sat down at the table with the three men. Stepping back to watch them, Animal seethed. What the hell were they doing here? And why were they interacting with that idiot?

  Pansy leaned in closer. “Why are the Red Devils dealing with him?” he asked, a worried frown on his face.

  “Don’t know but let’s find out, shall we?” Animal told him and they moved again towards the table. When they were closer Animal saw Bone’s eyebrow raised as they approached and he elbowed Trick who was talking with Tom. Trick looked at them, narrowing his eyes as he watched them step up to the table. Animal grabbed a chair, turning it so that he was sitting at the table with the back facing them, his arms folded across the back of the chair.

  He knew that despite the casual move that seemed friendly the other men knew exactly what it was: a threat. Dog scratched the back of his neck and glanced at them, all the men at the table except Tom now alert and ready for trouble.

  “Bone,” Animal nodded to the Red Devils MC president, politely showing respect because until this moment their two clubs had never had a beef. Although if they wanted to protect Tom they’d find that they were at odds because Animal wasn’t leaving here without the man. Reaper would be disappointed that it came to a war but even Reaper wouldn’t allow someone who’d hurt family to walk away, no matter who he was affiliated with.

  “Animal,” Bone said, returning the nod and studying Iron and Pansy over Animal’s shoulder, who were both tense as were all the men, except the idiot Tom who appeared annoyed.

  “Iron. Pansy,” Bone finally said, looking at the men in turn for a long moment before sitting back and taking a relaxed pose that indicated he wasn’t threatened by their presence. By this seemingly casual move Bone was indicating to them that they were ready for anything they tried but Animal wasn’t concerned. He knew him and his brothers could handle this situation easily if necessary but he hoped it wasn’t necessary to start a war here.

  “Look, I get that you’re all friends but this is an important private meeting. So if you gentlemen don’t mind you can chat with your friends later. I need to be somewhere in an hour,” Tom said, ignoring all the tension and the silence of the men surrounding him.

  Dog turned his head, surveying Tom with dismissal and a small bit of distaste. Dog was not a fan of Tom it appeared. Bone slowly pulled his eyes from Pansy and Iron and his gaze landed on Tom.

  “Maybe we can have our discussion later, Tom. I do believe that these men want to talk some business and that takes precedence over––your information,” Bone told him coldly and Animal understood why they were meeting with Tom. It wasn’t because they liked the man, it was because he had some information he was trying to sell them. Information Bone didn’t know if he even needed and that made this meeting a whole hell of a lot easier. It also meant that he wasn’t about to start war with the Red Devils MC.

  He felt Pansy and Iron relax as they became aware of the same reasoning. Dog and Trick moved their hands off their guns when the tension left him and his brothers, realizing that whatever was happening was going to be resolved without their MCs going to war from the relaxation of their bodies.

  “Fine, but don’t blame me if the information doesn’t help you because it’s too late.” Tom attempted to leave the table. Iron moved into his path, not allowing him to walk away. Tom suddenly paled and tried to move around Iron but he wouldn’t allow it.

  “Sit down, Tom. I think you should stay for a while,” Animal said, still sitting in the chair with his arms crossed over the top of it, looking coldly at Tom as he nervously looked from Iron and Pansy to the Red Devils.

  “I th–think I should go,” Tom stuttered out.

  “Oh no, Tom, stay awhile,” Animal said coldly, his smile full of teeth as he watched Iron push Tom back into his chair none too gently.

  “I can see this isn’t about us being on the edge of the territory without explanation, is it?” Bone asked with a raised brow.

  “No, it’s not. It’s a matter of family,” Animal told Bone, seeing the men at the table settle further at his confirmation.

  “Ah, I see. I’m assuming that it involves our new friend here,” Bone said, indicating Tom with a nod of his head. Animal smiled that same teeth-filled grin as he turned back to Bone who still watched him carefully.

  “As a matter of fact it does. Not sure what you need him for but it won’t be a conflict unless you try to stop our conversation with him,” Animal told him, his voice cold and commanding.

  “I see. Well, family comes first so I get the need for this issues resolution. Am I to assume that this will be an unfriendly conversation?” Bone asked, an inquisitive look on his face as he watched Animal, his scar standing out when he leaned forward into the stream of light from the lamp overhead.

  “Excuse me but I think perhaps this doesn’t involve––” Tom began, trying to stand up. Iron moved back towards him but before he could shove the man back into his seat, Dog grabbed him, slamming his face into the table.

  “Shut the fuck up. You’re not going anywhere,” Dog growled after Tom finally sat up holding his nose, which was bleeding. Animal knew he liked Dog for a reason, he thought, a slight grin spreading over his lips.

  “That’s better,” Trick laughed, obviously feeling the same annoyance with Tom that Dog felt. Their dislike of the man made this much easier and Animal wasn’t anticipating any issues about his wanting to exact his revenge on Tom.

  “Right, as to your question it will be a very unfriendly conversation. Won’t be quick though. Your friend has offended our sensibilities quite thoroughly,” Animal told Bone, letting him know that Tom would be dead by the end of the time he spent with Iron, Pansy and him. Bone didn’t seem too concerned about Tom’s plight, likely understanding that whatever offense the man had committed would deserve the retribution they gave him.

  Bone eyed Tom, who was whimpering as he held his nose, his eyes darting around as if seeking help from the other bar patrons but he should have known he was shit out of luck. No one was willing to interfere with either the Red Devils or the Bandits over a whiney weasel. Animal waited to see what Bone would say, not as worried now as he had been at first that they would try to protect the man.

  “I’ll understand if you can’t answer this but wha
t exactly is the offense? If you can’t tell me specifics, a general level would be acceptable,” Bone finally asked, sitting forward to grab his beer and taking a swig before sitting back again.

  “Specifics are out of the question, but I can tell you the injured party was female. The offense was greater than we are willing to walk away from even if she wasn’t mine,” Animal told him, claiming Sammy in a way he never had another woman. She did belong to him and his denial of that was becoming thinner by the day. He was more than ready after two days to get this over with and kill this fucker slowly and painfully before heading back to her.

  “I see. Well then, I think as long as we get the information we’re seeking we can make this work out nicely. Fucker annoyed me anyway, insisted that I was the only one he would tell the information to on our rat problem with the Jackals MC and made me ride all the way out here with my old lady and new babies at home alone. If it weren’t for the Jackals ganging up with the Headhunters, I wouldn’t have come. Death, Reaper and I may need to chat about that so we might want to set up a meet. Somewhere neutral of course,” Bone finally said after a long pause.

  “That’s acceptable. As for the meet, I’ll let Reaper know about the need and he will contact you,” Animal told him with a nod.

  “What––but I’m helping your little gang. How can you give me to this barbarian?” Tom asked looking shocked. His nose had quit bleeding and his mouth was now hanging open in shock. Animal almost laughed because the idiot thought that giving them information warranted protection that he wasn’t going to get. It was fucked up how easy most people thought it would be to get MCs to do what they wanted. Fucking morons.

  Bone looked down his nose at Tom with clear dislike written on his face. “You fucked with his family, what the hell did you expect, asshole?”

  “I don’t even know him! How could I have messed with anyone in his family?” Tom asked whining.

  “Even if she weren’t mine, asshole, you did the deed out of my club and that wouldn’t have gone any differently,” Animal informed him coldly, his eyes trained on the weasel’s paling complexion as he realized his error. Yeah, well too fucking late, asshole.

  “The club?” Tom questioned, his eyes darting back and forth between him and the other men at the table as if expecting a rescue from one of them. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Odd how you don’t remember going into Spangles and leaving with a woman a few months ago. Seems to me that is a thing a man remembers. I certainly remember when I take a woman to my bed, don’t you, Animal?” Iron growled, his anger evident in the way the words were uttered from between clenched teeth.

  “I certainly remember, but then he didn’t take her to his bed, did he?” Animal replied, watching Tom shifting around with nervous energy, looking at each man, his face pale. Animal knew that he wouldn’t find the escape he was seeking. The Red Devils didn’t like violence towards women any more than he did.

  Iron grunted, leaning down and placing his hands on the table, getting right in the shithead’s face. “True. Perhaps that’s why. Did you forget because you’ve hurt so many you can’t remember them all?”

  “No, I don’t––don’t know what you’re all talking about! I’ve never been to a bondage club. I think that stuff is sick. And I wouldn’t have gone into one,” Tom cried, trying to lie his way out of this jam.

  “Only we didn’t say anything about a bondage club so how did you know it was one, Tom?” Animal asked, knowing that the fucker had no idea that he had already walked into the trap they had set for him. Of course, that had happened the moment he had returned to this bar tonight, Animal thought smugly.

  “I–I––umm.” Tom jerked and tried to escape but Dog was ready and when he would have jumped over the back of the booth, he grabbed his neck and slammed his face into the table much harder than he had the first time. Yep, he really did like that man, Animal decided. Too bad he was already in an MC or he might have asked Reaper to make him a prospect.

  “I can see that this is much worse than I thought. I think now that we’ve settled the details that need to be handled we will take our leave so that you can take care of your matter. Just have Reaper pass along any information about the Jackals that you discover at the meet,” Bone told him as he and Trick moved out of their side of the corner booth and standing. “Dog, you staying to chat with our friend or are you ready to ride?”

  “I might hang for a bit if that’s all right with Animal,” Dog replied. “I’m the one this fucker Tom was working and it sounds like he was running quite the scam and if that’s the case I may want to give him a few licks of my own.” Dog sent a questioning look to Animal.

  Animal didn’t need any more help than Pansy and Iron but he also didn’t want to offend the other man or the Red Devils so he nodded. “I get to do my damage and when I’m done, you’re welcome to take a few goes at him, but I get the last breath. You feel me?”

  Dog grinned. “Yep, I do. Your family, your call, I’m good with that.”

  “Don’t be too long, Dog, or Terry will have my head. She’s due in a week and you know she wants you there when the baby comes,” Bone called to him over his shoulder as he and Trick began moving away from the table.

  “My old lady will be fine and I won’t miss my daughter’s birth, Dad,” Dog growled, a dark scowl on his face. Animal almost laughed at the way he disrespected his president with those words. Reaper would have knocked his teeth out for that dickish reply.

  “Uh-huh, it’s your balls, buddy. You want to risk Terry cutting them off, it’s your business,” Bone replied with a wicked chuckle.

  “Does he still have his balls? Didn’t she take them when they got married a few years ago?” Trick asked Bone as they moved closer to the door. Animal had grabbed Tom and was half leading half carrying him out the door with Dog helping and Iron and Pansy watching his back listening to them bicker like old women.

  “My old lady is less likely to have my balls than yours is, dickhead,” Dog growled to Trick, who chuckled and shot him a bird over his shoulder.

  “Katie likes my balls right where they are, fucker,” Trick said as they exited the door of the bar with Tom still in tow. It was obvious that these men were used to screwing with each other over dumb shit like what they were ribbing each other over. Bone and Trick walked to their bikes with a wave to them and were peeling out of the parking lot minutes later, leaving them alone with Tom and Dog.

  Animal indicated the cage they were using for transporting Tom to the warehouse they had set up earlier this evening before coming to the bar and Dog helped him shove the man into the back of it. Animal slammed the door closed on Tom's scream for someone to help him.

  “You mind if I follow? Don’t want to leave my bike here,” Dog asked.

  “Can’t blame you for that and besides, Pansy will be with you. He doesn’t do well in a cage so he rode his hog too,” Animal said, walking around and getting in the passenger side of the cage. Iron cranked the truck as they watched Dog and Pansy move towards the bikes.

  “That went better than I thought it would when I saw who was with the little weasel,” Iron said as they pulled out of the parking lot and headed to the warehouse.

  “Yeah, I thought I was about to start a fucking war for a minute or two over that shit for brains,” Animal replied, leaning back into the headrest as they drove. Tom was still screaming but since they’d tied him up after tossing him inside the back he didn’t worry about it. Fucker was going to be screaming a lot tonight and that was fine with him because after what he had done to Sammy he deserved to scream.

  “Yep, bet that would have made Death pissed off at Reaper. He likes the Red Devils,” Iron muttered as they pulled up to the building they were about to unload Tom into.

  “I like them too. Most of the ones I’ve met over the years are good men,” Animal replied, then as an afterthought added, “A little candy-assed though.”

  Iron snorted. “No doubt. Fucking pussies.”<
br />
  Animal began wiping his knife off with the wet towel about five hours later. Dog was still looking from him cleaning his knife to the dead man in the chair a few feet away and back again. Yep, those Devils really were a bunch of pussies like Iron had said earlier.

  “Was that last bit really necessary?” Dog finally had the balls to ask.

  “Yeah, it was. Fucker hurt my woman and I wanted him to know I didn’t like it much,” Animal told him as he shoved his clean knife back into its holster.

  “Um, I think torturing him for hours in every way that he hurt her was enough of a message for him to get the point, don’t you?” Dog was staring at him like he had grown another head.

  Animal glanced at the now dead Tom noting the pool of blood beneath him and the dick shoved inside his mouth, which was the last bit that Dog was having a fit over. Jeez, you’d think he was a fucking girl the way he was going on about it. He should be ashamed of himself for being so squeamish.

  “No,” he answered and leaned back against the table behind him with all the tools they had used to extract information and for paying Tom back for what he’d done to Sam.

  “Fuck, man, I get wanting to get revenge on a man who fucked up a woman like he did yours. If it was my Terry I likely would have been the one doing all that shit to this mother fucker, but ripping his cock off after cutting halfway through it and shoving it down his throat while he bled out was a bit much.” Dog’s face was contorted in a grimace that Animal ignored. He didn’t give a fuck what the girly pussy thought. Tom deserved everything he got, including his last moments on this earth when he choked on his own dick.

  “Again, no, I don’t think that last bit was anything other than required for my woman’s pain. You and your crew are just a bit pansy-assed. Stop acting like a little girl. Men don’t get squeamish over stupid shit. A man fucks with a woman sexually, he gets his dick fed to him. Simple as that,” Animal told him as he began packing up the tools from the table.


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