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Michelle Woods - Animal Passions (Blue Bandits MC Book 2)

Page 22

by Unknown

  Trembling with desire and a strange sense of fearful anticipation, Sammy felt her heart pick up as his hand slid between her legs and his fingers tested her readiness. She moaned when his teeth bit at her lower lip as he pulled back, kissing along her neck to her breasts before taking one in his mouth and sucking the tip hard. She arched her back thrusting it towards his mouth in blissful pleasure.

  God, she’d missed this, she realized, and it had only been a few days. What the hell was she going to do when this was over? It would destroy her to know that he was doing this with another woman. Unwilling to allow those thoughts to intrude on the time she had left with him, Sammy forced them away and allowed her body’s needs to take over. Her hands coming to his shoulders, she began pulling at his cut trying to take it off so that she could feel his smooth hard skin against her.

  Animal moved his hand to test her body’s readiness and growled in pleasure at the wetness that greeted him. He had been half mad to get back here and touch her. So much so that he had sent Pansy to report to Reaper instead of going there himself so that he could come here to her. He needed to fuck her so bad that his cock felt like it was never going to stop swelling. His hands gripped her thighs as his mouth covered her breast sucking it inside to taste its sweetness.

  His hands moved her legs, spreading her because he needed to be inside her in the next few minutes or he was going to go insane. He jerked at the fastening on his pants one-handed, his mind focused on one thing, getting inside her. She was trying to take off his shirt and cut but he couldn’t wait long enough to help her. Finally freeing his aching cock, he almost groaned with relief as he pushed it between her legs aiming for that hot haven he knew was just begging to be filled with him.

  Sammy moved still trying to take off his cut and shirt and Animal growled because it moved his cock out of alignment and he was about to go mad from the needs that had been filling him up for the last four days without her. Unable to wait another moment, he pushed his arms under her knees, jerking her legs up and opening them wide. His cock shoved against her hot pussy roughly as he thrust into her hard, catching the gasp she let out at the suddenness of his attack in his mouth as his covered hers again.

  Thrusting deeply into her, he began slamming in and out of her like a wild beast because he couldn’t seem to stop himself. He felt his balls tighten and knew it wasn’t going to last much longer for him or for her. He was a little embarrassed that he was so desperate for the feel of her slick folds on his cock that he almost couldn’t hold back long enough to give her the orgasm she deserved.

  He pressed down on her button with his thumb rubbing it gently, trying to make her come before he exploded. He felt relief when her body shook and her hands still holding onto his shoulders clenched. She was about to come, thank the lord, because he was going to blow any second. He had never felt this desperate, almost insane need to be inside a specific woman but he did with her. It wasn’t a general need to feel any woman’s pussy clamping around his cock, it was a need for her, for Sammy, and that scared the shit out of him.

  Sammy let out a loud keening cry as she fell back, banging against the wall that was already taking a beating from the strength of his thrusts into her. Animal would have laughed at the sounds of her moaning, his grunting, and the bang, bang, bang of the dresser if he wasn’t so close to coming he could feel it in his bones. Sammy was crying out again as her body clenched in a second orgasm almost before the first one stopped and Animal roared, releasing a hot flood of come into her. It seemed to take forever for the tide to stop and when it did he felt his knees weaken and he knew that he hadn’t come that hard in years.

  In that moment, as he held himself up by leaning on the dresser, his cock still twitching inside her, he felt something akin to shock that he had taken her without any of the control he normally used with a woman since that night with Lisa.

  “Damn, baby, I really needed that,” Animal finally panted as he slowly slipped from her slick wetness, his breathing still heavy. A little worried he might have hurt her in his haste to get inside her, he took in her appearance, trying to judge if she was all right or not. Sammy was lying back against the wall, her breaths coming in quick pants, wearing a dazed look on her face. Animal sighed in relief because that blissed-out look on her face was all the confirmation he needed that she was okay and had needed that as much as he had.

  “Wow,” she finally said, a grin spreading over her face.

  “Yeah,” Animal said with a slight snort of rueful laughter as he pulled his pants up and zipped them. He wasn’t even close to being done with her but he could slow down now that he had taken the edge off. Stepping forward, he lifted her off the dresser and she came willingly into his arms without protesting.

  She seemed different to him suddenly as he carried her to the bed and he began to feel slightly demented at the thoughts that began to pound through him. Questions that swirled around and growled from the darkest parts of himself. Had she allowed another man into her bed while he was gone? He wasn’t able to quiet the angry beast that insisted he command her to tell him everything she had done over the last few days when they were apart. It wanted every detail, including who she had been with.

  Animal knew that the suddenly dark line of thinking was wrong but he couldn’t seem to shake the feeling that something about Sammy was different today. When he had entered the room to see her coming from the shower in only her towel, he had gripped the frame in an attempt not to frighten her with his intensity but that hadn’t lasted more than a minute in his desperation. He remembered the way she had retreated from him and that hesitation wasn’t something he had seen from her since that first night they were together. It made the dark thoughts begin to work on his possessive feelings and that was why he was having issues holding the impulse to own her in check. Setting her on the bed, he tapped her ass with his hand making her jump and she looked at him in surprise.

  “Hands and knees, now,” Animal gruffly told her, his hands reaching under the edge of the bed for the bag he knew should be just under the edge, surprised when it wasn’t there.

  “I moved it into the closet,” Sammy said, blushing a little, making the questions swirl inside him again. Why had she moved the bag? He didn’t know but as he stomped into the closet, finding it on the shelf just inside the door, he vowed to find out. Removing a vibrator, the nipple clamps and finally the whip, he headed back to Sammy with feelings of maddening possessiveness filling him up.

  Animal woke the next morning to find that he felt less like a possessive beast after making love to Sammy most of the night. He had tied her to the bed and fucked her for hours after a little light whipping on her nicely shaped ass. Sammy wasn’t in the bed beside him and for a moment he panicked, thinking that maybe he had been too rough on her last night, but he heard her singing in the shower and grinned.

  She was off key and he chuckled as he stood beside the bed taking in the way it was disheveled. Then his eyes found the towel and his clothing on the floor, making him grin. Scratching his bare stomach, he looked down at his half-hard cock and decided that perhaps a little morning delight was in order before he made his woman breakfast. He headed toward the bathroom with that intention at the forefront of his mind.

  He was a little disappointed when she stepped from the bathroom before he could enter. Moving closer to her, he enjoyed the slightly rosy pink blush that covered her cheeks.

  “Morning, babe,” Animal muttered, pulling her into a light kiss that she returned before pulling back to smile shyly up at him.

  “Good morning,” Sammy said. Animal grinned back and allowed his hands to cup her hips pushing his hardened cock against her. The only thing between them was her towel that she seemed to lose her grip on and he chuckled as it fell to the floor. His cock pressed against her bare stomach and he wickedly ran his hand over her breasts pinching her already hard nipples. Sammy moaned before pushing at his chest, her head shaking.

  “No, we can’t. I have to get to work on
time today or Hal is going to fire me,” she said jerking back, putting some distance between them and turning to the dresser.

  “You don’t need that job anyway so it’s not a big deal if you’re a little late,” Animal told her. watching her ass while she bent forward looking for a shirt in the drawer, not seeming to notice the display she was putting on for him in the process. Sammy rose up and turned to him, cocking her hip as she glared at him.

  Animal had a sneaking suspicion she didn’t remember she wasn’t wearing any clothing having dropped her towel to get dressed before searching for a bra in the drawer. Knowing her as he did now, he almost laughed but held it in just barely because looking at her sexy body was one of his many pleasures and if he laughed she would remember and cover up. His wicked smirk was unpreventable as he watched her breasts, tipped with hard little points due to the slight chill in the room, bounce.

  “What the hell are you talking about, Animal? I do have to work, otherwise I can’t eat or afford this place.” She seemed very adamant that this was true and Animal felt a snort of laughter escape him because she was part of the MC now and if she lost her job they would find her another one. Sammy never had to worry about her bills ever again and even if that weren’t the case, Animal would take care of her. He owned three freaking clubs for shit’s sake and he would give her a job at one of them if it became necessary, not that it would of course. Reaper always took care of family; she should have figured that out by now.

  “I’m talking about the fact that despite your being a part of our life you don’t seem to get what it means,” Animal growled, a little disappointed that she didn’t understand that she was part of a family now and that they would take care of her.

  “What are you talking about, Animal?” Sammy now looked confused instead of angry. Animal sighed, his hand rubbing over his face.

  “Sam, honey, we’re your family now. That means we’ll take care of you.”

  “Animal, I don’t accept charity from anyone! I am not letting you or Reaper pay for me to live so I will be going in to work and dealing with the bullshit I have to put up with at that diner because I will not be anyone’s burden,” Sammy huffily replied, now with her arms crossed under her breasts. Animal couldn’t help but stare for a moment at those firm globes, which made his already hard cock swell even more.

  “It wouldn’t be charity, Sammy. It would be a job. One you wouldn’t mind doing. Unlike having the frustration of dealing with bullshit at Hal’s diner, it would be something you enjoyed. The club has its hands in a lot of pies and that means you get to choose what you want to do. Besides, even if there wasn’t the Bandits MC to back you up, I own three clubs that you could work at. I’m sure we could find something for you to do.” Animal was shaking his head at her almost willful ignorance of the way things were now.

  “Oh yes and how would that go when this ended, huh? Would you just let me continue to work for you?” Sammy asked, her eyes narrowed to blue slits. Her strawberry blonde hair was escaping the towel she had wrapped around it and he couldn’t believe that she was saying that to him. Didn’t she know him at all?

  First, he was far from done with her, and secondly, he wouldn’t mind her being around working for him after they broke this off. After all he wasn’t a complete asshole. He was actually friends with quite a few of his former lovers and three of them worked for him.

  “Yes, I would as a matter of fact,” Animal growled at her, anger sliding into his frame as he realized by her expression that his words had surprised her. What had she expected, he wondered as he saw her eyes dart away from his nervously. Did she think he would just drop her from his life with no care for her wellbeing? Is that what she truly thought of him?

  “Oh, well, umm––I guess we can talk about that later then because right now I really do need to get to the diner. I promised Hal I would be there and I try to keep promises I make. Some big crowds will be stopping in on their way to that goods bazaar they are having in Titusville tomorrow,” Sammy said, nervously turning around to grab her clothing. That was when the purple line on her right hip caught his attention.

  Animal stiffened as his whole being focused on that small line of abused flesh on her hip. He felt as if his world was shattering when he realized the only thing that could have caused that mark, as well as the fact that he was the one who’d put it on her because last night she hadn’t had any marks on her tender flesh.

  He couldn’t seem to find a reason that mark should be on her hip like that. He had been angry over the thoughts of another man touching her while he was away. Not that he really thought she would break that rule but the very idea had made him livid and now she had a welt on her hip. Realizing that Sammy was moving away from him, Animal jerked her to a stop.

  “What the hell is this?” he demanded, pointing at the reddish purple welt along her right hip. Animal knew without a doubt that he had done this, he’d hurt her like that dickless wonder Tom had. Fuck, he never should have touched her because he’d known that he was out of control with her. This wasn’t something that should have happened and if he had stayed in control last night instead of flying into what amounted to him as a nearly mindless rage when he knew she would never break their agreement to not sleep with another man, it wouldn’t have.

  “It’s nothing, Animal,” Sammy said, pulling away from him and grabbing the clothes she laid there to wear to work.

  “The fuck it is, Sammy. That’s a damned welt from the whip we used last night. Why the fuck didn’t you stop me?” Animal roared, jerking her back around, his nose touching hers as he demanded to know how she could have allowed him to hurt her in such a way.

  He wanted to rip his own heart out because he’d left that swollen pink line on her. How could he do that to her? Fuck, he couldn’t do this anymore, he was going to have to end this before he really hurt her. His inner beast nearly ripped the cage apart at that thought because it wasn’t done with her and it was not happy with the idea of never touching her again.

  “It’s fine. You just caught me a little once while we were playing last night. It’s not that bad and you are overreacting. It doesn’t even hurt,” Sammy told him, jerking back and glancing at him as she began to dress. She pulled on her underwear and was fastening her bra over her breasts when he finally managed to lose his shock over the blatant dismissal of him hurting her.

  Jerking her around to face him once again, watching absently as the shirt she was about to pull over her head fell to the floor, his fingers gently rubbed over the normally smooth unblemished emphasis of her hip. Feeling the welt, he saw it was raised and red but thank God not sliced open. He wouldn’t have been able to bear it if it was sliced open, he realized, feeling his chest ache at just the mere thought of that possibility.

  “No, it’s not fine. It means that this is over,” he told her stepping back, his hands falling from her as he clenched his hands to prevent himself from reaching for her. He couldn’t, not with what he had done. He’d hurt her and that meant he didn’t have the right to touch her. He took another step back.

  “What? Because you clipped me a little with the whip when I moved a bit too much? That’s crazy,” Sammy said, taking a few steps towards him. “Animal, calm dow––”

  “Stop,” Animal growled, his command in a tone she wouldn’t ignore and even though the beast was about to rip his insides to shreds for leaving her before they were done with her, he held up his hand. “Look, let’s not make this any harder than it has to be. It’s done.”

  Sammy shook her head, rolling her eyes because she wasn’t ready to let go of their relationship, he knew. He wasn’t ready either but the idea that he might leave another mark like that one on her was unacceptable. He couldn’t seem to find the iron will he normally displayed with such ease with other women with her. He had known that from the first moment he’d touched her and he hadn’t listened to his better judgment because he wanted her so badly he hadn’t been able to.

  Now he knew that the combination
of his out of control passions and his need to own her in every way wasn’t going to end well and that he couldn’t allow. The thought of hurting Sammy the way he had Lisa sent a cry of denial echoing through his mind and he knew he couldn’t allow that to happen, even if it meant that he could never touch her again.

  He took a long slow perusal of her trying to drink in every detail so that he could replay it in his fantasies later. The way her strawberry blonde hair fell to her shoulders in wet clumps having fallen out of the towel she had them in, the softness of her hips, the heavy weight of her breasts, and that welt, the one that made him realize why he had to walk away. His chest ached in a way he didn’t understand and the continued denial of the need to let her go was roaring inside him in a flood of angry thoughts.

  “I told you when this began that I wouldn’t want you forever. Don’t make this hard on either of us by making a scene. It’s done. We’re through.” Animal felt the words passing through his lips in a cold claim that even his brain tried to deny but it was what needed to be done.

  “Animal––” Sammy said, looking confused before her face set in a determined line and she demanded, “You just wanted to fuck me a few minutes ago and now you’re saying that it’s over? Just like that? What the hell is wrong with you?”

  “You’re acting like a shrew, Sam. I told you when we first got together that this wasn’t a love match and when I say it’s over, it’s over,” Animal told her even while his inner self asked him if he had lost his mind giving her up. Animal squashed the voice, his hands clenched at his sides to keep himself from reaching for her and ruining his resolve to stay away from her. He would get over this fascination he had with her. She was just a woman after all.


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