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Michelle Woods - Animal Passions (Blue Bandits MC Book 2)

Page 26

by Unknown

  “Fuck, we should let them out and make sure they don’t need Lance. Flame drove Fox and Lucky over to Lance’s but I don’t know if Lucky is going to make it. That bullet he took to the chest looked brutal,” Burner said, shaking his head as he moved towards the truck, grabbing the latch and lifting it.

  It slid up smoothly and cries of fear went up from inside the truck, making Animal’s stomach turn. How many children would they find in this batch, he wondered, feeling ill at the thought of those girls. The light of the moon illuminated the dark interior and the women huddled together in the back near the wall looking out at them with fear in their eyes.

  “It’s all right, no one’s going to hurt you,” Iron said stepping forward, his face set in hard lines. He was only a foot from the rear of the truck when a gasp from one of the women was heard and she stood, stumbling forward into the light.

  “Toby?” she asked as she came to a stumbling stop at the entrance to the trailer. “My God, it is you,” she said right before she put a hand to her head as if she was dizzy and swayed. She shook her head a little before she fell forward out of the truck.

  Iron moved like lightening, grabbing her before she hit the ground. His face contorted into a mixture of shocked confusion and awe. He held her close, his eyes not leaving her as he seemed to take in every single detail about the woman. She had been beaten and her left eye was swollen shut; there was a cut above her left eye and she looked like she hadn’t eaten in a while from the thinness of her body.

  “Who is she, Iron, and how does she know you?” Reaper asked, looking at Iron in question.

  Iron looked up, his expression dazed. “She’s a dead woman,” he replied, his eyes clouded with a silent anguish that made Animal feel for the man. “They told me she was dead,” he said and then he began walking away with the woman in his arms.

  “Where are you going?” Reaper demanded, looking from Iron’s back to Burner and the rest of the men with worry evident in his eyes. Iron kept walking without stopping to answer Reaper. He looked around at the other men but none of them knew what the hell was going on any more than Animal did. When it was obvious that Iron wasn’t going to explain what was going on, Reaper asked, “What the fuck?”

  The men surrounding him shrugged, unsure what was the matter with Iron. Reaper seemed torn between needing to check on him and the issue of the missing Headhunter president.

  “I’ve got him,” Animal told Reaper, who nodded gratefully. Animal followed Iron, realizing that this woman meant something to him and finding her alive was a shock.

  Iron ignored him and started yelling for the keys to the cage that was beside their bikes. A prospect opened the door and he laid the woman gently in the back seat of the truck. He brushed a hand over her face with a silent reverence that surprised Animal because he had never seen the man be anything but cold when it came to women. Sure, he was good at getting pussy, they all were, but when the deed was done Iron was cold. He couldn’t remember the number of women who he had seen being consoled by other men in the club after Iron had shut down their attempts to pull him into a relationship with them.

  “You sit back there with her. I’ll drive,” Animal told him, taking the keys from him when he nodded gratefully and climbed in, cradling her head in his lap, his eyes glued to her face. Animal jumped into the cab and started the cage.

  “I’m assuming you want to get her to Lance’s place?” Animal said, glancing at him in the rearview mirror.

  “Yeah, hurry,” Iron grunted, not even glancing up from his perusal of the woman’s face. Animal knew from the way Iron was acting that he wasn’t getting much else out of the man because he had shut down. Taking off, he headed in the direction of Lance’s place about thirty minutes away. He sped up, making the trip in less than twenty minutes.

  Iron didn’t speak until two hours later when he found out that the woman, whoever she was, was going to be okay after a bit of rest and care. Iron thanked Animal for bringing them here and then just sat beside her with his hand holding hers tightly, staring at her like she was going to disappear if he even blinked.

  Animal had a feeling that there was a story there but he didn’t press his friend and after another half hour, he left him there with the silent figure on the bed wondering who the woman was to Iron but knowing it was a question for another day.

  Sammy was sitting in the kitchen reading a book when she heard the roar of Animal’s bike and grinned. She had been blissfully happy for over three weeks now. Animal was attentive and he turned out to be a bit of a prankster, which surprised her to say the least. He didn’t show that side of his nature much but she liked it. He was tender at times but he still knew exactly how to make her come with a firm hand. Last week he had asked her to wear his property patch and she had agreed with blissful excitement that he wanted her to be a permanent fixture in his life because to him, that was what it meant for her to wear his patch.

  Their play had moved to a new and very satisfying level and she now wore his collar with a tiny black panther on the little ring at the front of it that reminded her of him somehow. She set her book aside and stood up, wearing only a see-through pink lacy camisole and matching pink panties.

  She grinned down with wicked pleasure at the nipple rings she knew he would love. She had gone to a parlor over in Huntsville and had a woman she knew do the honors so that Animal didn’t kill anyone because she knew when he asked who had put them in, she would have to tell him. She figured a woman was safe from his wrath but a man was going to end up in the cold hard ground because he’d seen her tits. It was funny really but she didn’t complain because his caveman-like possessiveness meant he cared about her and she loved that.

  He made her happy. After she had shown him the drawings she enjoyed creating, he insisted that she work for the club as a tattoo designer. Animal had proposed the idea a week ago to both her and Reaper and since she was damned good at art she had agreed to try it. Sarah told her later that Reaper had started looking for another artist the week before because business had picked up and they needed one, so she had a feeling it would work out nicely for her and for Reaper. Animal had made her an apprentice and had begun teaching her how to work the irons and mix the inks. She found that she liked learning about the new medium for her artistic talent.

  Posing on the back of the couch with her chest pushed out and her hands resting on the back of the couch with her legs out in front of her, the collar around her neck jingled a little as she settled. The door began to open and she heard two voices and nearly jumped out of her skin. Holy shit, he wasn’t alone.

  She jerked to her feet, her hands reaching for the small blanket on the back of the couch as she shrieked, “Wait a minute!” at Animal.

  He stood there for a moment staring at her in shock, having already opened the door, his mouth open as he took in the sight of her half covered by the blanket she hadn’t quite finished wrapping around her.

  “Wow,” Flame said, looking at her half naked and blushing in the middle of the living room. Animal shoved Flame back with a palm to his face, hiding her from him and knocking him out the door. He jumped through the doorway before slamming it shut in Flame’s face and locking it.

  “Hey, what the hell, man?” Flame called through the door.

  “Just a damned minute, asshole.” Animal walked over, jerking the blanket away from her body and taking in the sight of her for a long moment before he called out. “On second thought, come back in three hours.” His hands were slowly running over her hard nipples with their new adornments.

  “But you promised me dinner,” Flame whined through the door.

  “I lied, asshole, now go the fuck away!” Animal said before scooping her into his arms and whispering into her ear as he headed into the bedroom.

  “You’ve been a very naughty girl and I am going to have to teach you a lesson.” His voice was husky and sent shivers of desire down her spine making her forget the embarrassment she had felt only moments ago when Flame had se
en her half naked. She wrapped her arms around Animal’s neck and smiled as he carried her into their room. His lips caressed hers in a kiss that stole her breath away and she knew that no matter what life threw their way that they would make it through it together because their love was everlasting.

  Thank you for taking time to read Animal Passions. If you enjoyed it, please consider posting a short review. Word of mouth is an author’s best friend and much appreciated.

  Other Works

  Reaper Unleashed

  Book 1

  Blue Bandits MC

  Sarah and Reaper’s story

  Taming Lucca

  Book 1

  Red Devils MC

  Lucca and Molly’s story

  Coming Soon

  Melted Iron

  Book 3

  Blue Bandits MC

  Iron and Rosalind’s story

  November 2015

  For more information on upcoming releases sign up for new release notifications in the coming soon section of my web site

  Or friend me on Facebook:

  Works by: C. Shivers and Stacy L Mantlo:


  Chapter One


  Driving through the small town of High Springs, Florida, I instantly adore all the quaint shops and the smiling people strolling down the sidewalks. I’m already beginning to relax, relieved with my decision to get away from my old life and find a new beginning. Just like any fresh start, it’s bittersweet; I’m already missing the three people in my life I love most, but I had to do what was right for me.

  Just thinking about my decision to uproot my life and start it over in a new place kicks the drama back on replay in my mind. Even six months later, I’m still in disbelief that Quintin was cheating the whole dang three years we were together. And he was with Dixie, my so-called friend to boot. To find out on my wedding day was totally humiliating and devastating. Being told would have been cruel enough, but to walk in on it, to see it happening with my own eyes was like having it branded onto my brain. Yeah, I was so blind, such a trusting moron. I mean, how could I have been so clueless? I thought I’d surprise Quintin as I waltzed in the door, assuming I’d be finding an anxious, excited groom. Well, the surprise was on me when instead I found him with his pants down around his ankles, pounding into Dixie, who was bent over the chair, barking like a bitch in heat. Yes, barking.

  I guess it was bridal jitters that kept from noticing she wasn’t in the room with me while I was getting ready. I wonder when she slipped out? But once I found them, all I could do was stand there, anchored to the spot and unable to speak. I was too shocked to make myself turn and run like I wanted to do. It was that precise moment that all the lies came rushing in like a tsunami, all the stories that he told that didn’t quite fit or make perfect sense flashed before me like a highlight reel. I knew in that moment that the last three years of my life were nothing more than a lie. I’m still so angry at myself for being so gullible, so trusting. Quintin Johnson is nothing but a big damn asshole, cheating fraud who shattered my heart and soul.

  Then just a few months after my discovery of finding out what a douche bag of an ex I have. I lose two important people in my life and only two days apart, both my grandparents. First my Grandfather then my Grandmother. They were so good to me. I wish now that I had bit the financial bullet and went to see them one last time. It was just such an expensive trip going all the way to Alaska; but I sure regret it now. I remember my dad would send them videos of me when I was in school plays and other actives growing up. They loved it. Gosh, I miss our weekly chats. My dad is the best. He tried so hard to stand in for them. I know he was trying to ease my pain of losing them. My dad should win an award for best dad. I—Stop!

  I shake my head against the torrent of memories.

  I have my head above the water instead of allowing myself to be drowned. I’ve been through agony and shock and was settling down into a paralyzed state of emotional numbness. I might have stayed there, shut down and incapable, if the bastard had not turned around a week later and married Dixie at the court house. I mean, what the hell is that about? Stupid girl—if she believes he won’t do to her what he did to me, she has another thing coming. But that’s what got me moving. You know, maybe they both have that revolting fetish. Honestly, I’m relieved to be rid of him because of it. He would get furious every single time I refused him. He was my first lover and I wanted to make him happy so bad, but there’s a difference between wanting to please your man and feeling like a damn fool.

  At least I don’t have to deal with him constantly begging me to do that during sex anymore, not that we had sex very often. I giggle at the thought of when I told Whitney about Quintin’s little, um…preference. It took her ten minutes to stop laughing. Then, she informed me that it is most definitely not normal behavior and to run for my freaking life. I should have listened. Thank goodness she told me that, because I was beginning to worry there was something wrong with me. Of course, now I realize that’s exactly what that scum bucket wanted me to believe. I was an inexperienced virgin, totally blinded by love, and Quintin took complete advantage of my ignorance. Well, I don’t plan to let any other man trash the little bit of heart and soul that I have left. It’s mine and I plan to keep it that way. Plus, I hope his microscopic dick falls off. I chuckle to myself at that thought.

  Thankfully, I can find a little smidge of humor in the situation now. Whitney and Alayna both marched into the room, took stock of what was going on, and then acted on it. Basically, I remained paralyzed, in my beautiful white wedding gown, weeping while I watched my two best friends beat Quintin and Dixie’s cheating asses.

  Alayna lunged at Quintin, snatching him back off Dixie. Whitney kicked him in the balls so hard even I flinched. Whitney clutched Dixie by the hair and used her face as a punching bag. If I recall, some of the wedding party had to aid Dixie out of the church. I didn’t care--I was totally humiliated, but what Alayna and Whitney did let me know that I still had two of the best friends a girl could ever ask for.

  So, after my non-wedding gave my hometown the Story of the Century, I packed up all my belongings, and six months later, here I am in High Springs about to turn down the driveway of my new home. Well, it’s not my house yet. I’m renting it for a while, although Beth, my real estate agent, said the owner, Mr. Stokes or something like that, would be agreeable to sale if the bid was right. He is supposed to stop by in a few days to meet me in person, and Beth said he’s a really nice guy. I’m glad he left the key under the potted plant by the door for me. I already know I want to buy this house. I fell in love at the first picture. For some reason, when I spotted this house I had a deja vu moment, and it felt as if this house was built for me. Crazy as it may seem, just the pictures of the house bathed me and soothed my heart, so naturally I had to have it.

  As I drive down the dirt drive, I see it’s lined with huge mossy oak trees on each side, the tops of the trees forming a canopy. Gosh, it’s similar to something out of Gone with the Wind, and even nicer than the pictures that Beth showed me. Once I reach the end of the drive I gasp as the yard opens up to an old white farm house trimmed in black with massive oaks and pecan trees surrounding it. I’m so going to make pecan pie. I love old dwellings and granddaddy oak trees—I’m in heaven here. Even if it requires some work, hopefully I can do it myself, once the sale goes through. How hard can it be? I’ve got my good buddy Google. Hopefully anything I can’t do, I’ll be able to make an arrangement with the owner, one where he can fix it or have it fixed and maybe add it into the sale of the house, or something in that order. Hmmm…this could work.

  Have mercy, this place is pure charm! Exactly what I’ve always wanted. There is a massive claw foot tub in the master bath. After working all day on my feet, that tub will be beckoning me. The kitchen has only been minimally updated and I was told everything still works impeccably. So
meone really loved this house to have taken such excellent care of it. For the first time since the morning of my non-wedding, I’m practically fizzing with excitement.

  As I continue to unload my car, I say a silent thank you to the good Lord above that my eight-hour trip went smoothly and the movers beat me here and placed all my furniture inside. Once I get settled in, I’ve allowed myself a few months’ time to find a job. I’ve always been a saver, and since my dad threatened to tear Quintin into little bitty pieces if he didn’t give me back every single penny of the honeymoon I’d already paid for, I have a nice financial cushion to tide me over. My shoulders finally start relaxing for the first time in I don’t even remember when and it’s fab-u-lous.

  Unloaded and grimy, I sit down on the porch steps and call Dad so he knows I made it here safely. I can tell by his voice that he’s all gloomy that I’ve left. Bless his heart. He’s raised me single-handedly since the day I was born, even when my mom was around. Mom couldn’t be bothered by anything other than booze. I recall back when I was seven: Mom had thrown up in her bedroom and all over the bathroom floor. Dad was still at work, which is when she needed her “medicine” the most.. I can still hear her slurring words, “If I didn’t have you, then I wouldn’t need this medicine. You make me sick, Indie. Now go clean that mess up. It’s your fault, so you have to clean it up. Make yourself useful, you little brat.” Dad came home earlier that day to find me scrubbing vomit out of the carpet while Mom was drunk off her butt, cursing and yelling at me from her bed. They had a huge fight, and the next day when I woke up, she was gone. From that moment on, I was Dad’s life. He never, not one time in twenty - six years brought home a woman for me to meet. He would tell me that being my daddy was all he needed, but I understood he was lonely for a woman’s companionship. I love him so much—he’s still my hero. Sometimes, I wonder if he still loves my mom and that’s the reason why he truly never moved on, which makes me hate her even more.


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