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Ever Fallen In Love

Page 6

by Wendi Zwaduk

  Megan opened her eyes. “Hi, Janine."

  "I called the law on Rick, but he left before they got here.” Janine sat down next to Megan and shielded her eyes from the late day sun. “King's gone, too?"

  "Too? Who else left?"

  The screech of tyres split the silence. Megan groaned. “Damn it, Tucker."

  "Well, whatever you said really pissed him off.” Janine's eyes widened. “Oh my God. Are you okay? You've got blood everywhere. Did he hit you? I'm feeding his ass to sharks. Call my brother at Aquatics Inc. I'm on my way to feed Tucker to the God damned sharks."

  "Take it down a notch.” Megan smoothed her hands over the front of her blouse. Another thing ruined on account of Rick. “Tucker punched Rick. It's Rick's blood."

  "At least someone smeared his ass on the floor.” Janine wrapped an arm around Megan's shoulders. “Might be a little long, but I've got a blouse in the office you can borrow."

  "Borrow? For what?"

  "You're not dressed to impress.” Janine steered Megan into the building. “I've got the feeling you're not thinking about racing right now, and I'm pretty sure Tucker didn't leave here because he thought I'd do him bodily harm. You two live to aggravate each other."

  "Hey, I'm always thinking about racing.” Megan stopped at the main desk and drummed her fingers on the black granite surface, leaving smudges. “Would you look into working Tucker into the Blitz fold? I'm thinking if he's gets a better publicist—like one other than himself or Julia—we can avoid any more of Rick's shenanigans. In the meantime, I'll see if I can find Tucker. You're right. His goals in life are to win a Daytona Five-Hundred and irritate the hell out of me."

  "I'll grab that blouse."

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  Chapter Six

  * * * *

  "I'm feeling the need for speed."

  Tucker tightened the belts holding him into the race seat. He dragged air into his lungs and flipped the toggle to engage the engine. He glared down the short straightaway. “I can't beat his ass in person, but I can work off my frustration on good old Carolina dirt."

  He gunned the Camaro's engine and sped off into the first turn. Dirt swirled around him as he cleared the second set of turns. The wheels came out from under him at both ends of the track but he didn't care. Tucker slapped the steering wheel. Anger and the sheer thrill of speed coursed through his veins. Damn Rick to hell. First the bastard pulled a fast one with the contract. Then he acted like he owned Megan.

  Tucker grunted and mashed the gas pedal. He'd fucked himself the moment he severed ties with Julia. Then again it served him right for trying to do things on his own. With the chips down, people forgot their allies and acted for money. Knowing Rick, he'd probably thrown big bucks at Guy to get his way. Whatever.

  Wiping the dirt from his face shield, Tucker surged into a turn once more. Getting the shaft from Rick didn't hurt as much as being away from Megan did. His heart was ripped raw, a ragged cry clogged his throat. She didn't trust him. Did she even want him for more than sex? According to King, she loved him. If so, why didn't she just say the words he wanted to hear?

  "Damn it, Megan. I can't lie.” The vision of her streaked with blood was cemented in his mind. If something happened to her, things wouldn't be the same. She'd loved him back when he treated her like dirt and had continued to believe in him long after most everyone else gave up. Hell, she still wore the teardrop. Hadn't taken it off even when she married someone else.

  Was it indeed love? She knew his pissy moods, laughed at his corny jokes, and kicked his heart into motion each time she smiled. Mussed hair and smeared makeup or dressed to the nines in her best evening gown—he didn't care. She fulfilled every wild fantasy. Tucker screeched to a stop. Clouds of dirt and dust billowed around him.

  "I'm head over heels in love with Megan Noel Rodney.” He slammed both palms on the steering wheel and peeled out again. “Fuck me, but she doesn't feel the same way.” She had her rules against dating staff and he couldn't be seen at Blitz.

  Fuck. Just when he figured out what he wanted from life, circumstances aligned to take it away.

  In the space of a breath, the car jerked to the right and his back wheels went left. “Mother fucker!” Tucker yanked the wheel to the left to correct and try to keep out of the grass. When the vehicle came to a rest on the inner lane of the track, he disengaged the engine then wrenched out of the safety belts. “Son of a bitch!” He climbed out of the car and kicked the tyre. “I should junk you, you piece of shit."

  "You always drive angry? Or just dirty?"

  Tucker span around. Megan. She'd come after him. He shoved the momentary excitement aside. Duh. He'd brought her here. She knew his secret. Still, he sent up a quick prayer she wanted more than a talk or quick fuck.

  "I drive emotional, darlin'."

  "I know. You left ruts.” She pointed to the still-swirling dirt. “The deeper the ruts, the more angry you are."

  God, she knew him so well. “It happens and I needed time to calm down. Best place is behind the wheel of a car.” Or in her arms. Shit. The way things were going, he'd better just plan on settling down with a sixty-eight Camaro. The purr of an engine beat the patter of footsteps walking away from him.

  "So I see. It wasn't the car's fault you spun out. It's pre-programmed to make left and right turns.” She snickered. “Call it driver error?"

  "You're not funny.” He bit back a snort and leaned against the fender of the Camaro. Okay, she'd made a humorous comment. The ache in his chest grew. “I assume you have my future planned out for me? Or am I relegated to not even being around you, too?"

  "We can't be together at Blitz.” Megan folded her hands in front of her mouth and blew out a laboured breath. “Rick effectively tied your racing hands at the top tiers."

  "Then why are you here?” Please say it's because I mean something to you. “I've had my nuts crushed for the day. I can't survive a second time.” When did he get so fucking sappy?

  About the time he realised he'd lost the best thing in his life. So much for being a hard-ass.

  She shrugged. “He controls your career for the next month, sure, but he doesn't control your personal life, does he?"

  "Tell me you're not here because I'm forbidden fruit."

  Rolling her eyes, Megan shook her head. “I thought I'd get through to you.” She gave him a limp wave. “I see I'm not, so I'll go."

  "Sweetheart.” He reached for her. His heart lodged in his throat. “Babe?"

  Megan's shoulders slumped and she bowed her head. “I came here because I've been through hell today and you needed a friend.” She looked up at him. The shadows under her eyes seemed to deepen. “Is that now a crime?"

  "How you feel is never a crime.” The pain in her voice wrapped tightly in a coil in his belly. He'd caused the better part of her hurt. Only he could fix things. “I'd rather hear you say you care about me."

  "Tucker, I told you. I never stopped caring. See?” She tapped her chest. “I've had the chance to get rid of it. Rick threatened to cut it off in my sleep. I debated using pliers to hack it off to free myself of you. I couldn't. I kept it because I couldn't let go.” Her voice wavered and her hand trembled. “What else do you want from me? Blood? My soul? You've had them all along."

  All the emotions and words he'd bottled up for the past five years came out in a rush. “It's all so fucked up. Meg, I—Nothing is working out the way I planned.” He snagged her in an embrace, relishing the light scent of her perfume. She fit so perfectly against him. “I can use a good friend right now.” Tucker feathered a kiss to her lips. One taste wasn't nearly enough. “But I want more than friendship from you. Much more. I need it."

  "Tucker.” Megan clutched the wrinkles in his shirt and nibbled his chin. “I can't guarantee forever, but I don't want to hold this in.” She kissed him again, this time lingering. Her tongue tangled with his, duelling for power. “You make me feel like I'm sexy and desirable."

  Tucker slid his f
ingers under the hem of her blouse. “Need you."

  The fire in her eyes heated straight to his soul as she sank to her knees. Her gaze held his while she opened his jeans. His cock jutted out at her. Whimpers he barely recognised as coming from his own throat split the air when she swirled her tongue over the blunt tip of his dick.

  Her giggles vibrated along his dick. The moist heat of her mouth engulfed him. His hips shifted and he began to thrust between her lips. Tucker twirled her hair through his hands. “That's it, baby. Take me in."

  Thankful for the car at his back, Tucker wobbled on his feet and continued to moan. Megan pierced her tongue into the slit on the crown of his cock, eliciting more groans. He jerked on his feet when she pulled his pants down farther and fondled his balls.

  "Damn.” The word slid slowly through his lips. Blood pounded through his body and love swelled in his heart. Letting her go now wasn't an option. He tensed as the severity of his feelings bubbled in his heart and the beginnings of orgasm built in his groin.

  Megan took him deep into her throat, her nose buried in the springy curls at the base of his erection. Instead of just playing with him, she moved her touch back behind his sac to the sensitive patch of skin guarding his ass. She released his penis and laved her tongue around her middle finger. The sight of her acting so wanton shot straight to his balls.

  "Hell yeah.” He groaned and cupped her face in both hands. “Please?"

  Her smile was her only response as she resumed her oral assault. She caressed his tight pucker with her slickened finger. Tucker mashed his groin to her face, caught up in the tidal wave of sensation. His thrusts, once measured, became frantic as he sought release. He closed his eyes and bit down hard on his bottom lip. The climax overtook him in tidal wave proportions and he slumped back against the car.

  "I love you, Megan,” he gasped. Even as the orgasm depleted his energy, his confession lifted the weight from his shoulders. He let go of her and clutched the fender for stability.

  Megan added a few extra licks then sat back on her heels. “What did you say?"

  Tucker pulled his jeans up over his hips, put his dick into his boxers and dropped to his knees before her. “I love you more than a race car, more than racing. More than anything."

  She had the truth. Scary part was what she'd do with it.

  * * * *

  Loved her? Well, hell. That hadn't factored into her decision to come to him. Sadness grew like a weighted balloon in her chest. He'd said he loved her before. Then he walked away for greener pastures. What would prevent him from bolting when the downturn in his career righted itself? Damn. Even in her mind, she sounded like a broken record.



  His brows rose, but he didn't say anything. Before, she'd been the one to declare her feelings. Back during their first time.

  "I love you."


  In the years since, he'd become more adept at expressing his feelings, but...some things never changed. Including her. Always the twinge of doubt. Having him on edge made her feel a little better. Not much, but a little.

  "Megs? You keep drifting on me."

  She snapped her gaze to his. Think fast. “Why don't you show me around? I've been here twice and still not had the honour of touring the place. I like nickel tours."

  If nothing else, walking would give her time to think.

  Confusion flickered across his face as he bobbed his head. “Might be a penny tour.” Tucker offered his hand. “You've seen the track. There's nothing else really here but trees, trees, and more trees.” He murmured into her ear, “Unless you're looking to score in the woods. We never got around to that. Want to?"

  She blinked then followed him towards the garage building. The man knew how to knock her off-kilter. “And miss whatever's in the building over there? I want to see everything.” Megan scrubbed both palms over her face. His declaration ran rampant through her mind. He loved her. It wasn't supposed to happen and yet it had.

  "What the lady wants.” He chuckled and tugged her wrists, forcing her to look at him. “Megs, why do you hide from me? Yeah, you might be right next to me, but I'll be damned if it doesn't feel like you're a hundred miles away.” He nodded to the wide garage door. “This is the mansion. The world's first functional mansion."

  "Functional? I'm impressed. You hate five dollar words.” She breathed in the scent of motor oil and car wax. The citrusy scent of the wax reminded her of home. Funny how she found comfort in the most absurd things. Her footsteps clacked on the pebbled flooring.


  "You want me to hush or answer your question?"

  "Let's go upstairs first. I'm tired of being outside."

  Megan passed the line of cars in the ample space. A modified race car, another Camaro—brand new if she wasn't mistaken—and a late model car. “Is that the one?"

  "It's still got the dent."

  "I thought we'd get caught for sure, but it was fun.” Megan smoothed her hand over the faint divot in the hood of the late model car. The paint shimmered in the fluorescent lights. Sweet memories came to mind. He won the championship and fucked her on the hood that night, in the car carrier at the track.

  "That was the first time I thought I'd really lost you."

  Megan stared at his back as he strolled away from her. They'd had so many ups and downs. Where did they stand? On the edge of goodbye? On the cusp of forever together? She wiped her cheeks. At the very end of the row sat a lone truck. She gasped. It couldn't be.

  "I kept it."

  Megan shifted her attention from the two-tone blue Chevy to Tucker.

  "Couldn't junk her, even when she cost me over four grand to refurb. I rebuilt the engine, installed a new tranny and used the fab shop at MPR. Couple guys there owed me a favour.” He caressed the fender. “Here she sits. Brand new shocks...waiting to be used."

  Megan ran her fingers over the chrome lining the window. More memories bombarded her. “We sure used it."

  "Best time of our lives, huh?” Tucker shoved his hands into his pockets. “Was for me."

  Megan sighed and blinked back tears she hadn't realised were again filling her eyes. “Where...where are you going?"

  "My space.” He stopped at the top of the staircase. “Come on. I want to show you something.” When she scurried up the wide steps, he opened a door. “Chateau Poston. It's not much, but it's mine, free and clear."

  Megan stepped past him and into the airy space. Mocha walls lined the second storey. A leather couch the colour of milk chocolate lumbered against one wall. Across the room, a large screen plasma television nestled in the midst of a game console and gargantuan speaker system. Shelves filled with trophies and helmets ringed the large room. Other than the race memorabilia, the space could belong to any guy. She ventured towards the shelves. Two items caught her eye. A photo from his first track championship and a collaged photo album she'd given him on their first anniversary. Once again, the past seeped into her brain. The album had been a labour of love, created to showcase each of his triumphs.

  "No others."

  "Excuse me?” Megan swallowed hard at the serious look in Tucker's eyes. “What?"

  "No other women, Megan. I don't bring them here."

  The information settled low in her belly. It buoyed her mood. “Why?"

  "Didn't want to."

  She chewed the inside of her cheek. He sounded so sincere and so final. “But—"

  "None.” Tucker cupped her face in both hands, resting his forehead against hers. “We met at the track, their place, hotels...never here. This is my space."

  "Why allow me to come here?” Her voice wobbled. “I'm just me."

  "You get me. The good, the bad, the ugly. You understand. We have the same needs and wants."

  She did understand. The need for pain with the pleasure. The desire to be dominated and to dominate. After tamping down the instincts she had fought so hard to understand, she'd nearly forgotten how it truly f
elt to be wanted, desired...except in his arms. The things they'd tried and the rough-edged passion they shared—things made sense with him. And still she wanted to walk away.

  Tucker touched the pendant at her throat. “When I saw this on you, I knew you remembered. It was never a bauble. It's who we are...together."

  She stared at him for a long moment. What the hell should she say? Tucker didn't deal in emotions unless he was on track. Why the sudden outpouring? I love you sat on the tip of her tongue, but the niggling doubt remained as well.

  "Play with me?"

  His question, though pleading, came out in a low tone that tugged at her insides. Her pussy creamed and her nipples throbbed. She should absolutely leave. Walk out and never look back with her dignity safely locked away.

  Fuck safety. She bowed her head and clasped her hands behind her back.

  "Yes, Sir."

  * * * *

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  Chapter Seven

  * * * *

  "No, sweets."

  Megan looked at him. No?

  With each word, he unfastened the buttons of her blouse. “I want this to be special.” Tucker tilted her chin with the tip of his fingers and inched towards her. Power radiated in his eyes and in his being. “Tonight is ours."

  Clearly, he wasn't thinking straight. They couldn't be more than friends with benefits on the down-low. She shivered and parted her lips to respond. Instead, he kissed her. A combination of desire and devastation grew in her mind and surrounded her heart.

  Tucker broke the kiss and tweaked her nipple through her bra. “This is what we are meant to do.” He pinched her breast again, enough to send a pleasure-pain zinging to her core. He shoved the blouse from her shoulders and worked the clasp on her bra. The fabric fluttered to the ground silently.

  Uneasiness battled with the desire his actions drew out. Without the shield of clothing, he'd see all her blemishes—the scar, the marks, the extra pounds...


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