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Rogue Witch (Daughter of Darkness Book 2)

Page 10

by Val O. Morris

  Jasmine might have seemed weak, but her eyes gave her away. She was deadly. She could play the victim and in the same breath slice your throat. She gave a nod and the guards and Scar-Eye left the room.

  “You’re gaining strength,” she said, referring to my bladed arm. “You’re a lot like him.”

  She was on to me. She knew I didn’t buy that victim routine for a second.

  “I can help you,” she continued. “Help you learn to… harness your power.”

  Alexa, still in Spratlin’s grip, said, “Oh, please. What power? She couldn't jump start a popcorn machine.”

  “I found this one snooping around the alley behind your store,” Spratlin said as he pushed Alexa away from him.

  The joke was on her—I was pretty good at jump starting Mrs. G’s microwave. “What the hell were you doing at my store?”

  I could only imagine the wards that Jeremy put in place were going crazy at the first hint of her negative energy.

  “So, how’s that new power treating ya? Saved any lives yet? I don’t suppose I’m lucky enough for it to not work.”

  Alexa flipped her fake blonde hair. “Sounds like you’re worried that by me taking some of your power, your lives are now numbered.”

  I wanted to wipe that smug look off Alexa’s face. After all the shit she'd put me through, I think she deserved a little one-on-one. I jumped in Alexa’s face. In a split second, I had her pinned against the wall. “I should kill you right here and make her watch.”

  Spratlin said softly. “She’s not worth it.”

  That was for damn sure. I leaned in close so there was no chance she didn’t understand my meaning. “Don't go strolling down any dark alleys alone.”

  “Mackenzie,” Jasmine called out.

  I turned around to face her once more.

  “I do know one thing about you. More than anything, you want to learn how you can save those you love. I can help you with that.”

  Spratlin’s breath was hot on my ear. “What’s she talking about?”

  “Nothing.” I glanced at both Alexa and Jasmine once more. “Let’s go.”

  My eyes flung open. The sheets were damp from sweat. Thunder was on the floor beside me, so I couldn't blame it on him. He seemed more tired than usual, but I assumed he was just relaxed because I was finally home.

  My mind was a jumbled mess.

  Thoughts of the Blue Devil, Jasmine, Hell Holes, and True Death ping-ponged back and forth in my head.

  Mr. James was dying.

  And there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about any of it.

  After tossing and turning for half an hour, I decided to get up and do something productive. I hopped on my bike and went for a ride. Riding around at night was soothing, and it gave me time to think. Soon, I found myself driving toward town and toward my store.

  Carefully, I unlocked the door to my store and went in trying to be as quiet as I could. Jeremy was upstairs sleeping, and I was hoping to avoid him coming after me with a baseball bat thinking I was an intruder. No telling what he would do to me if he thought I was Alexa.

  I suppose the thought of Alexa being at my store had my guard up, but that wasn't the only reason I couldn't sleep.

  I couldn't get my mother’s words out of my head. What did she mean by she could show me how to save those I loved from death? Had she really solved the ultimate form of Necromancy? Could she really bring someone back from death?

  And how did she know about me being able to produce fire?

  There was a light knock at the front door. Spratlin, who I have conveniently left out of any conversation regarding my newfound fire mage ability, was standing at the door silhouetted by the moonlight.

  “I had a feeling I'd find you here.”

  “Couldn't sleep,” I said as he kissed me on the cheek.

  “Makes two of us. Thought I'd come by and check on things.”

  I smiled. “Come on in. Jeremy’s asleep upstairs, so we’ve gotta be quiet, but…” I held up a game and continued, “wanna try the new Spirit Alliance?”

  Spratlin’s eyes lit up. “How’d you get that so early?”

  “Owning a game store does have its perks,” I teased.

  We spent the next several minutes in silence playing around with the game, but I could tell something was on his mind. He wouldn’t make eye contact, which meant it wasn’t good.

  Finally, I couldn't stand it anymore. I turned on the couch to face him and point blank said, “You want to know how it went with Jasmine. And why I was ready to kill her when you barged in.”

  His jaw clinched.

  “You might want to kill her, too, if she'd just told you that Athan Malek was your father.”

  Suddenly the disapproving glare turned to shock. “What?” He sat the controller down on the table in front of us and turned to face me.

  “I wish I could share your surprise.” I sat down my controller next to his. “I think I've known for a while. A feeling.”

  “What are you gonna do?”

  “Keep on doin’ my thang,” I joked. “Keep on looking for the relic and blowing up Hell Holes.”

  I'm sure he wondered if I planned to confront Malek. Truth was, I wasn't sure. Only thing I knew was that the knowledge of him being my biological father wasn't gonna disrupt my life. I refused to give anyone that much power.

  “Speaking of research. I ran across something the other day that was interesting. Have you ever heard of Dominion?”

  Spratlin gave me the same look I'd been getting from everyone. That blank, tight lipped, flared nostrils look that said it wasn’t a topic of polite conversation and shame on me for bringing it up.

  I jumped up from the couch. I’d had enough. “Okay, enough with the hush-hush bullshit. Every time I bring up something like Dominion or the Blue Devil, I get this look. Like we're not supposed to talk about it. Well, news flash! I’m new to this, remember? I didn't grow up reading about this shit in my text books or sharing stories on the playground about the magical boogeyman. So, I wish you'd stop treating me like a fragile little flower and start handling me with respect. I'm a grown damn woman. Start treating me like one.”

  Spratlin smiled. “I love you.”

  My heart fluttered, and I looked away, hiding my blushed cheeks. I fucking hated that he had that power over me. I guess that's what it felt like to be in love.

  His arms slipped around my waist. I felt his hot breath on my ear. “You're sexy when you’re mad.”

  I turned in his arms to face him. “You know I hate that.”

  “I'm sorry if you thought I was treating you too delicately.” He brushed a strand of brown hair out of my eyes. “You're the strongest person I know, man or woman, and I promise to start showing it. You deserve that.”

  A slight grin formed at the edge of my mouth. “Thank you,” I said softly.

  “I don’t mean to keep things from you. I know you’re capable of finding these things out on your own and that you likely have questions.” He hesitated but then went on to reveal, “There’s been talk.”

  “About me.”

  “People say you’re gonna follow in your mother’s footsteps.”

  “And now that we know Malek is my father…” I turned away, breaking our embrace. I couldn’t believe I’d been the topic of public conversation. I thought we were past that. Yes, I was a Dark Daughter, but I kept out of everyone’s way. Did my own thing and yet, the gossip train kept on going.

  “You believe it, too, don’t you?”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “Why are people even concerned what I do?” Spratlin had concerns, too. That was obvious from the first moment he saw my arm morph into a Lightning Blade.

  “People get scared when they don’t understand.”

  “What would they have even heard? It’s not like you went around bad mouthing me.”

  Spratlin didn’t answer; he didn’t have to. Alexa. She knew about Malek. She’d been talking. Spreading shit around.

p; “Of course.” I threw up my hands. “My lovely half-sister. She wants nothing more than to see me ruined.”

  I paced around the store a few times trying to make sense of it all. There wasn’t anything I could do about Alexa at that moment, but I did want more answers. “So, Dominion. I talked to Mrs. G about it. She’s worried.”

  Mrs. G was a trusted mage in the community, and upon hearing that she was worried, Spratlin’s face turned serious again.

  “Dominion is too big for Alexa. Someone much more powerful and evil is the cause.”

  “More evil than Alexa? Can’t wait to see that.”

  Spratlin continued, “If Malek is the one behind it, he’s likely using you. We’d be fools to believe he doesn’t know.”

  “The relic. Supposedly it grants immortality to its wearer.”

  Spratlin stared deep into my eyes past the surface and into my soul. “He wants you to have it when the end of the world comes.”

  Chills ran down my spine like tiny spiders with jagged edges on their feet. I may have the ability to cheat death, but it would take a miracle to save the whole damn town.

  He sighed. “Most mages don’t believe in Dominion.”

  “Do you?” I asked as we sat down on the couch again.

  “There were a lot of things I didn’t believe until I met you. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d know a Healer. Much less be dating one.”

  “I know that hasn’t been easy for you. Being with me.”

  Spratlin bowed his head. “And it may get more difficult pretty soon.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “My father. The Council wants me to take his seat when he…”

  I leaned back and inhaled a deep breath. This day was getting better and better. Spratlin may become a member of the Council? I bet they’d love that. A Councilman dating a Dark Daughter. I thought back to my conversation with Mr. James. Now I understood what he meant by what Spratlin has been up to.

  “Can you do that? Take his seat?”

  “I’d be on probation for a while until I passed all the training, but… yeah.”

  “Is that something you want to pursue?” I hoped my tone wasn’t marred by the emotions swirling in my head.

  “I’ve considered it. It’s a noble position and a real honor.” He could tell I wanted to object. “The Council isn’t perfect. I know that. But I think I could make a difference.”

  Maybe he could, but I didn’t want to dwell on that subject any longer than I had to. I knew what it likely meant if he accepted the position, and I wasn’t ready to face losing him. However, if it made him happy, I would support his decision.

  “How is he?” I asked.

  “Getting weaker.” He fiddled with the controller again. “I know you two talked. He's very fond of you.”

  I placed my hand on his. “And I him. I wish more than anything I could help him.” When most people say that, they know it isn't possible, so there was no harm in saying it.

  Even if the idea of getting involved with dark magic scared the shit out of me, I would do it in a heartbeat if it would make Spratlin happy.

  “I wonder,” he began but then hesitated. “Never mind.”

  “Say it. Tell me what's on your mind.”

  “I'm feeling guilty. I don't know what to do.”

  I squeezed his hand. He was hurting. I could feel his pain when I touched him. Whatever happened between us was secondary to the pain of losing his father.

  “He's so frail, Mackenzie. It's so hard not seeing the strong man I've always known.” When he looked up again, a lone tear fell from his eye. “Help him.”

  My shoulders straightened as I sat up straight. To be honest, I wasn’t expecting that. Spratlin never struck me as the kind of person who would let magic alter life’s natural course. The fact that he accepted me as a Healer spoke a lot about his tolerance and acceptance of others.

  He was hurting and would likely say anything at that moment if he really thought it would work. Problem was, it just might be possible. “Is that what you really want?”

  His face turned pale when he realized I might be able to grant his wish, and the pain in his eyes couldn't hide the fear creeping below the surface.

  “Come on. Let's go home,” I said. We could discuss that idea more in the light of day.

  Arm in arm, Spratlin and I walked out of the store and toward our bikes. I wish I could say we made it home safe and sound and spent the rest of the night in each other's arms, but the dark forces that had been looming over Blackwood had other plans.


  As we approached our bikes to head home, we were thrust forward as a loud BOOM! rang out. I caught myself on the seat of my bike and grabbed the handlebar to keep from knocking it over. I turned around just in time to see a huge metal chain with a spike on the end slam into the ground, burying itself like a tent stake.

  Clumps of dirt from the earth flew up as the ground buckled. The concrete cracked and hissed as the pressure released itself.

  “Hold on!” Spratlin braced himself and reached for me, connecting hands right as the impact swept over us.

  “Inside!” I yelled as we ran back to the store.

  The storefront had just been replaced with shatter-proof glass, but the impact of the metal spikes thrusting into the ground was making the building shake. The glass flexed with each wave.

  I backed away. “It’s not gonna hold!”

  Jeremy and his new boyfriend came running down the stairs and over to us. “The hell’s going on?”

  Spratlin and I exchanged looks. Neither of us wanted to use the word, but if there were any doubts before about whether we believed in Dominion, they were just shattered.

  Another spike, followed by another, penetrated the ground. The glass flexed, giving away a little more each time. It was holding for now, but it likely wouldn’t withstand another round.

  Thick, heavy metal chains attached to each spike drew taut upwards into the sky. Reddish purple clouds swirled around as an enormous metal ring appeared through the cloud and haze.

  Darkness filled the metal ring like a black hole in the sky. Lightning struck across the darkness to each side of the ring. There was a flash of light and thunder as ten, twenty, thirty, demons descended the chains.

  “The gates of Hell have just opened in Blackwood,” I muttered, in awe of what I was witnessing.

  Jeremy looked at me, shocked. “You know what’s going on?”

  “I have a vague idea.” I turned to Jeremy. “Can you put up more protection spells?”

  Jeremy nodded.

  “Get to work.”

  Jeremy, followed by Spratlin and Dan, went to work casting protective wards all around the store while I pulled down the rolling gate. It wouldn’t hold back a mid-level demon, but it could at least slow them down.

  “It’s really happening.” I watched the demons, their numbers now nearing over a hundred, run amok around the square. “We’ll be toast if we try to run.”

  “We’ve gotta get help,” said Jeremy.

  Spratlin pulled out his cell phone. “Calling my parents. We’ve gotta warn everybody.”

  It would be panic city once he made that call, but the people of Blackwood had to know. Better than getting slaughtered in their sleep.

  Jeremy called Gaylin and then Creep. I was only half listening to his conversation when I remembered my neighbor. “Shit. Mrs. G! There was a Hell Hole in her cellar recently. She can’t stay there alone!”

  Jeremy waved his hand to calm me. Creep must’ve heard me over the phone because Jeremy then said, “They’re all coming here. Creep will pick up Mrs. Gonzales on the way.”

  “No, no, they need to stay home where it’s safe.”

  Jeremy placed his hands on my shoulders and turned me to face him. “Zee. Your friends want to help you. You don’t always have to do things alone.”

  I nodded and walked away silently. Jeremy was right. I couldn’t keep shutting out the people I loved, but that’s why I d
id it. I didn’t want to see them get hurt because of me. And somehow, I knew this was all because of me.

  Spratlin said, “They’ll be here soon. We’ve got to distract the demons or they’ll be sitting ducks.”

  I spun around. “The roof.” We could run along the rooftops of the adjoining stores firing at the demons. “Even if we only distract some of them, it’ll give Creep a chance to drive through the square.”

  We ran upstairs through Jeremy’s apartment and climbed out of the hatch in the ceiling that led to the roof. Smoke billowed up from a store at the opposite end of the square. The demons’ numbers had grown exponentially. They looked like ants swarming a picnic. Only, they weren’t looking for food—they were trashing everything in sight.

  “They’re gonna destroy the whole damn town!”

  Jeremy stood up and held up his arm like he was about to shoot fire at the demons. I grabbed his arm, yanking him down. “They don’t know we’re up here. You fire at them and we’ll be swarmed.”

  Jeremy smiled sheepishly at both myself and Spratlin. I knew he was only trying to help, but I didn’t need any help getting myself killed, thank you very much.

  It had been enough time for Creep to gather everyone, so I told Jeremy to get him on the phone. “Tell him to turn by Lillie’s Crafts and sneak down the alley behind the stores.” We needed to shield them from the demons as much as possible.

  I turned to Spratlin. “What’s the ETA on the Enforcers?”

  He checked his watch and shrugged. “Soon.”

  Another loud boom rang out across the square. The ground rumbled as the shockwave rolled our way.

  “Over there!” Jeremy pointed to another spike that slammed into the ground at the entrance of the square.

  Even though we were a hundred yards away, being on the roof only accentuated the rumble. Spratlin and I looked at each other. We wouldn’t be able to stay here for long.

  “There’ll be three more just like that as the Hell Gate appears!” I said bracing myself against the wall of the small machine room on the roof.

  Then Jeremy yelled, “They’re here!”

  Creep swerved to miss another spike sending them off track. So much for keeping them out of sight.


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