A Rehearsal for Love

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A Rehearsal for Love Page 7

by Alexandra Warren

  “Nah, Malia. You weren’t wrong, I just…”

  “You just what? Had a bad night? Had a rough morning? Got into a fight with Charlotte? And my role is what exactly? Am I’m supposed to feel sorry for you? Be understanding? Seriously, who are we to each other? What is this? Because I’m starting to feel like a pawn in your silly ass game.”

  This is exactly why we should’ve talked in private...

  I tried to keep my voice down so that I wouldn’t draw any extra attention to us. “It’s not a game, Malia. I’m just as confused as you seem to be.” And that was the God honest truth. My head and my heart were in the battle of the century as they kept themselves busy trying to outdo each other. While my head told me to just leave her alone, my heart was literally begging for her.

  But that all came to a halt when she replied, “Well let me take the confusion out for the both of us. I’m your student and you’re my dance teacher. Simple as that.”


  “Blaise. Blaise. Helloooooo. I’m talking to you.”

  I peeked over to my phone that was covered with Charlotte in the middle of a FaceTime call. I had the phone propped up on my desk as I kept myself busy with studio paperwork; anything to keep my mind off of Malia. I still couldn’t believe the way she had blown up on me before class, but I honestly couldn’t blame her considering I had done the same thing.

  “What, Charlotte? Damn. Don’t you see I’m trying to…”

  It was then that I noticed she was wearing lingerie. And not just any bra and panty set, but one of those crotchless joints that clung to her body flawlessly. Her legs were propped up so I could practically see right inside, and… it did nothing for me.

  “Blaise, don’t you see I’m trying here?” she whined as she began to play with herself.

  I rolled my eyes. “You can stop, Charlotte. I’m… this shit just isn’t working for me anymore.”

  Her legs flew down as her face appeared closer to the screen. “What! Are you kidding me, Blaise?!”

  I shrugged, returning my eyes back to my stack of papers as I told her, “Nah, not at all.”

  “What is this about? What did I do? Blaise, don’t you do this to us,” she scolded as if that was gonna change my mind.

  “Charlotte, the only reason you’re acting like this now is cause you think somebody else is pulling me away from you. And while that may or may not be true, it still doesn’t justify your only effort being on the account of someone… damn.”

  Now it all made sense.

  Malia wasn’t just mad about my attitude with her, she was mad that it took Knox showing interest in her for me to show any real feelings - negative or positive - about her. Even if I didn’t really think of the kiss as much of a mistake now, the fact that I told her it was painted the picture that I really didn’t mean it, especially since we had technically moved on from that. But now that those feelings were revived on the account of Knox…

  “Blaise! Blaise, say something!”

  “What else do you want me to say, Char? I meant what I just said. I’m through with this shit.”

  “So just like that? I’ve been saving myself for years for you to come home and do this shit the right way. And now you’re just gonna throw it all away?”

  I couldn’t believe she was playing that card as if…, “Come on, Charlotte. There’s no way in hell you were a saint while I was gone. Hell, I hardly believe you’re a saint now that I’m back. So let’s just quit wasting each other’s time and…”

  *Bing* *Bing* *Bing*

  The screen went black. And while I should’ve been mad at her for hanging up on me, I was actually able to smile for the first time all day. It was like a weight had suddenly been lifted off of my shoulders; a weight that I was really carrying for no reason at all.

  And now that I was free from the chains of Charlotte, it was time for some new rules.

  Starting with Malia.


  This shit has got to stop.

  I could see Blaise sitting in my section of the restaurant and instantly got annoyed. I mean, why else would he be here other than to push his little agenda, play his game the way he had already been doing for far too long?

  I was sick of him.

  I was sick of this; the back and forth that lead to nowhere.

  So I had no problem showing it when I strolled over to his table and asked, “What do you want, Blaise?”

  His eyes lit up as he turned towards me with a smile that I had to fight to ignore. “Malia. Hey. I didn’t know you were working today.”

  I rolled my eyes, shoving my notepad in the pocket of my apron so that I could call his bluff. “Yeah right, Blaise. You probably know my schedule almost as well as I do. So what is it? I know it’s not the shrimp and sausage skewers that keep bringing you back.”

  He let out a laugh that embarrassingly gave me little shivers.

  Focus, Malia!

  I crossed my arms over my chest, trying to sell the attitude that seemed to be melting away by the second. It was like no matter how irritated I felt on the inside, simply being in his presence still… did something to me.

  An annoying something.

  “They’re actually good enough to do just that. But you’re right. That’s not what I’m here for. I’m here to tell you… sorry. For flippin’ out on you the other day at the studio.”

  Ugh, here we go again.

  This time the attitude felt real as I snapped, “Apology accepted. You can leave now.”

  But he didn’t budge, instead smiled as he said, “No, Malia. I’m not gonna leave. Not until I know we’re good, even if I have to sit at this restaurant all day.”

  I immediately called his bluff yet again. “Oh please. You have way more important things to do than sit here all day long.”

  The statement made me feel completely in control. But it didn’t last long once I made the mistake of letting him touch me - take my hand in his and stroke it lovingly with his thumb- as he bored into me with those dark ass eyes.

  “Nothing is more important to me right now than making sure we’re okay, especially with your audition coming up. I really wanna get you back in the studio for our private sessions so we can make sure you’re on track to do well.”

  Of course he does…

  I brushed him off, managing to pull my hand away as I told him confidently, “I’ve been practicing on my own. I’ll be ready regardless.” There was no way I was letting him come between me and the biggest opportunity of my life, no matter how important of a role he had played in the process.

  And I could tell that had struck a nerve as Blaise let out a sigh before bargaining, “Malia, come on. This isn’t just some little local audition. This is big time. You need to be on point. So let me help you. I want to help you.”

  I could hear the sincerity in his voice, could see the honesty in his expression, and that was hard to turn down. But I didn’t want to get myself into another mess. I didn’t want to be the weak, vulnerable girl that somehow ended up with a broken heart when the heart had no business being involved in the first place.

  But it was.

  A corner of my heart, for whatever reason, felt like it belonged to him even though I refused to give him the satisfaction of knowing.

  That alone had the warning bells going off in my head. And still, I drowned them out in favor of my half-truth. “I’d love your help, but your help seems to come with a hidden agenda. And that part I’m not interested in. Not even a little bit.”

  The sincerity remained as Blaise replied, “No hidden agenda, Malia. All legit. Dancing only, I promise.”

  I was waiting for his eyes to flicker with deception, his lip to twitch with dishonesty, some small sign that told me this was all wrong. But all I saw was promise, and hope, and…

  A pinky?

  “Really, Blaise? A damn pinky promise? Aren’t we a little too old for that?”

  His smile was incredibly full as he replied, “Pretty, we’re never too old for a pinky prom
ise. So take it.”

  I stared at his hand, pulling my bottom between my teeth as I thought it over. And once I made the mistake of peeking back up to his face - staring into those eyes - I knew there was no more contemplation necessary.


  “So. Have you decided what song you’re gonna audition to? I have a couple tracks in mind, but I wasn’t sure if you wanted to do more hip-hop or R&B.”

  I couldn’t believe I was really back in the studio training with Blaise. Considering how far left we had managed to go, I wasn’t sure if we’d ever make it back to the light and fun friendship we had initially established. It was honestly refreshing to be back in a good space, exactly what I needed to get my head in the game for this audition.

  I laughed to myself, thinking of what song I originally wanted to dance to. And instead of keeping the little joke to myself, I told Blaise, “Yeah. I Bet by Ciara.”

  I could tell the moment he caught on as he turned to me with a frown, so I quickly added, “I’m kidding. I think I wanna dance to, Get You Alone by Maejor. You ever heard of that song?”

  He nodded at me in the mirror. “Yeah, I think so. Has that little fluty beat to it, right?”

  This time it was me nodding as I answered, “Yep, then it switches up to a slower vibe towards the end. That way I can show both, you know… upbeat and sensual.” It was crucial to me that I put my best foot forward, and I knew that would only happen if I showcased myself as a versatile dancer.

  He stuck his hand out to help me off the floor as he said, “Yeah, that makes sense. Well show me what you got so far, superstar. Then I’ll give you some suggestions.”

  I positioned myself in front of the mirror as he went to the sound system to cue the song up. I had gotten so use to him gearing up to dance with me that it felt a little awkward when he actually stayed away. But I quickly focused up as the words to the song began.

  “Sex on my mind thinkin' 'bout when I get you alone...

  You already know it's goin' down when I get you alone...

  You know what I came here to do when I get you alone...

  I'ma give it all to you when I get you, when I get you alone…”

  And just when I was getting into it, the music stopped.

  “Pretty, come on now. Are you dancing or taking a shit? Why is your face so damn tight?”

  I wanted to laugh, but I couldn’t because it was an honest critique. I didn’t quite feel myself with him and only him watching me dance. Like I was… nervous, or something.

  Nervous for what?

  “Shake it off and start from the top.”

  I put my hands on my hip, nodding as he restarted the song. And this time, I made it all the way to the second verse when he stopped the music yet again.

  “Malia, what’s the matter with you?”

  I couldn’t help but whine, “I don’t know. Something just feels… off.” I couldn’t put my finger on exactly what it was, but it was certainly starting to frustrate the hell out of me.

  “Told your ass you needed to get back in the studio with me,” Blaise said with an annoying chuckle. And even though the sentiment may have been true, I still rolled my eyes as I pulled my shirt over my head and tossed it to the ground.

  “Whatever. Start it again. I got it.”

  He laughed a little more before he pressed play. And this time I really got into the zone as if I was dancing by myself in my room the way I had done a million times. I felt weightless as I grinded, and glided, and did everything I could to prove myself. But the music still got stopped.

  “What now, Blaise?” I huffed, as I worked to catch my breath.

  He strolled over to where I was standing and sighed my name, “Malia. I’m sure it’s been awhile since you’ve auditioned, so let me explain something to you. Dancing like this might make you stand out from the group, but you won’t be dancing in a group in the first round. It will be all about you and what you can bring to the table. And if you don’t show out as a solo dancer, you won’t even make it to the group portion. I need you to dance like you wanna steal the attention of people who aren’t even in the building. Dance like your life depends on it; you know… how you usually do.”

  I repeated the last line to myself, nodding as I digested it before I instructed him to start the song over. This time he used the remote, standing a few steps away from me as I began to dance instead of going clear across the room the way he had done before.

  And that seemed to make all the difference.

  My moves were tighter, my face was looser, and… Blaise was legitimately proud of me, smiling and nodding as he watched me through the mirror. It took everything in me not to use him as a prop, instead focusing on myself so that I wouldn’t get in trouble again.

  “Alright, Malia. Here it comes. Get ready.”

  I knew Blaise was talking about the beat switch and I was beyond ready considering all of the other times, I had gotten stopped before I could make it this far. And while upbeat was fun, slowing it down was my go-to. I could use my body in a different way, use my hands to be more seductive, use my hips to hypnotize, use my legs to…

  The music stopped again.

  “Seriously, Blaise. What is it now?”

  He seemed dazed as he answered, “Huh? Oh shit. My bad, I didn’t mean to stop it that time. I was just… that was perfect, Malia. Perfect. You’re gonna kill this audition.”

  I knew there were a few things for me to tweak and tighten up, but the compliment still felt good to hear; especially coming from him.

  Now, I could only hope he was actually right.


  The line was bleeding outside of the studio with dancers all vying for the four positions available to be one of Zalayah’s background dancers for her upcoming tour. But the only one that mattered to me was Malia. I was proud as hell as I watched from the back of the room while she performed her solo audition. And if the expressions of the judges - a combination of my colleagues and then Zalayah herself - were any indication of how well she was doing, then she was practically a shoe-in. Still, I felt anxious up until the final moment when she stuck her ending pose and offered her thank yous to the panel.

  I followed her out of the room, catching up to her with an arm around her shoulder as I told her, “Malia, you killed that! I know for a fact you’re gonna advance to the second round.” Hell, I was honestly confident that she’d go all the way. And with Zalayah being one of the biggest Pop&B stars in the country, the opportunity would be the perfect first nod on Malia’s resume.

  But Malia remained optimistic, pulling away from me so that she could reach her duffle bag that was sitting on the floor. “No guarantees, Blaise. I’m not even gonna get my hopes up about it.”

  “Well you should because they’d be foolish not to pick you.” From what I had already seen from the other dancers, Malia was the best in the bunch by far.

  “I’ve seen bigger fools not pick me before,” she said with a teasing side-eye that forced me to laugh.

  “Well those fools missed out too. But seriously, Malia. You did good. I’m so proud of you.”

  Malia blushed, gnawing at her lip as always before she pushed out, “Thank you, Blaise. Now go watch the other dancers so we can really know if I’m in or not.”

  I laughed again, leaning in to give her a little kiss on the cheek as I told her, “I got you.” And I honestly didn’t realize what I had actually done until I noticed how tense Malia was.

  I rubbed a hand along the back of my neck, trying to figure out how to explain myself. But came up with nothing other than, “My bad. I was just…”

  She cut me off with a smile. “Relax, Blaise. No need to explain. It was completely platonic.”

  “Platonic. Right. Let me go… see about these dancers.”


  “So tell me something, Blaise. Does Malia really deserve the opportunity or are you in favor of her for other reasons?”

  I laughed at Amerie, the head choreographer for the show and a
close friend of mine, as I told her, “Nah, she’s just really that dope. I mean, you saw her yourself.”

  Amerie nodded to agree as we both watched Malia from across the room. She was interacting with some of the other dancers, going over the steps for the group portion of the audition. And even in the group, Malia’s energy managed to stand out from the rest.

  “I did. And she is good. I’m just worried she’ll clam up with this being her first tour. I mean, this is a pretty big stage for a beginner.”

  I knew Amerie was right, but I was confident that Malia was ready. Hell, I was the one that had trained her to be ready for this audition. Surely I could make sure she was ready for that next level.

  “You’re right, Amerie. But I know Malia has what it takes, she just needs an opportunity to show it. I mean, we all had our first show, right?” In fact, I was pretty sure Amerie and I had done our first major show together.

  “God, that seems so long ago,” she said with a sigh, probably playing the moments back in her head.

  I could’ve easily gone down memory lane about all the times we had performed together over the years. But there were more important things to talk about like…, “So… what are you thinkin’, Amerie? Are you gonna give my girl a shot?”

  She laughed, turning to me to say, “Ohhhh there it is. She’s your girl, huh?”

  I initially froze, but quickly tried to recover. “No, not like that. I meant like…”

  She cut me off. “Mmmhmm. Don’t you lie to me, Blaise Anthony. We’ve been friends for way too long to start keeping secrets now. And I mean, she is pretty cute.”

  The last thing I needed was for something like this to be on the rumor mill. Not that Malia couldn’t be my girl. She just… wasn’t.

  Not yet at least.

  “She’s not my girl. Seriously. More like my… protégé.”

  Amerie put a hand under her chin, nodding as she said, “Protégé. Interesting choice of words. But… if you’re vouching for her this hard, she must be worth the trouble.”


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