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Gavin (Made From Stone Book 2)

Page 9

by T. Saint John

  “Get in the car Nicola,” he speaks to her calmly but with an imminent threat behind his voice.

  “Nicola do as you're told,” I reassure her that this is her best option right now, her shoulders sag. I normally would have advised that she stay here, make him talk, keep him occupied. But my gut is telling me if she doesn’t go with him now, they’re both dead.

  Nicola looks at me with tears in her eyes, “I’m so sorry Gavin.” I squeeze her hand one more time to tell her it’ll be okay. My heart bursts in my chest.

  “Ah! So this is why you left?” he questions Nicola with a devilish grin on his face. He then looks to me and asks, “You wouldn’t be fucking my wife would you?” He motions towards her with the gun.

  I hang my head and shake it to say yes and whisper cowardly, “I’m sorry! I didn't know she was married.” I know just how to play the part of a weaker man, but it kills me that I can't smugly announce how much I enjoyed fucking his wife.

  “Nicola has a way of deceiving people, it isn’t your fault. But maybe you should take a drive with us? I can't be leaving witnesses.” He lets out a dry laugh and continues. But he addresses Nicola this time, “You know you just killed this innocent man? Just like you, you bitch, so selfish.” He shakes his head in playful disdain.

  The gasp that leaves Nicola’s mouth is an apology to me because she doesn’t understand that this is the perfect scenario.

  I purposely walk towards my car with my hands slightly raised, playing my part for the time being.

  “Hurry up!” he commands and I start walking a little faster.

  “What are you going to do?” I ask nervously, stumbling over my words so that he will relax just a little.

  His licks his cracked lips and says to me, “you’ll see.”

  His response tells me he doesn’t have a plan. Spur of the moment criminals are the dumbest and sloppiest criminals. He turns his eyes to Allison, “Get in the car Allison.” She does as he asks and then he turns to Nicola. He stares at her for a moment without moving and then he explodes towards her, smacking her across the face with a stingingly loud pop before shoving her into the passenger side seat. I nearly explode, trying to take a deep breath and remember what I’ve been taught about these situations to calm myself down, but I make myself a promise right now, I’m going to kill this fucker myself. But for now, I have to bide my time. Play my role.

  He slams the passenger door and turns the gun to me, “Get in the backseat. One wrong move and I’ll shoot you.” I notice that his hand shakes on the gun before throwing my hands up one more time, “Okay man. Just please don’t hurt anybody.” I say, taking a step forward, closing the gap. My hands are still raised slightly when I reach the car.

  “Get in!” Jason barks at me once again.

  I make one last whiney plea with my hands up, “Please don’t do this.” For the first time in a long time, I feel a real purpose, and I know I’ve got this.

  He’s distracted for one second, paying no mind to my words. “Nicola, keys!” They make the exchange and when he turns back in my direction, I take the opportunity to slam my head forward as hard and fast as I can. I hear the crack of his nose and a laugh rises into my throat. He squeals, clapping his hand to his nose, and I sweep his feet taking him to the ground. I take the opportunity to grab his gun and deliver a few well-deserved kicks.

  His groan serves as encouragement for me to kick him in the fucking mouth. I get nothing but pure excitement from his pitiful crumpled frame as I watch this man who has terrified Nicola turn into nothing but a crying punk, begging me to stop. As much as I want to keep swinging, Allison’s crying sobers my thoughts. He isn’t getting up again. So I grab my keys, get into my car, and start driving far away from here.


  It’s been complete silence in the car since we left the church. Gavin keeps looking in his rear view mirror, almost like he suspects that we are being followed. It’s making me nervous.

  “Gavin? Where are we going?”

  He doesn’t say anything, but holds his finger over his mouth to hush me before nodding towards the back seat. I look back and notice Allison's eyes fluttering as she fights sleep.

  The car is silent, the only sound are the wheels rolling over the pavement. I tune into the sound and rest my head on the window until I know that my daughter is asleep. I don’t want her to hear the questions I’m sure to be bombarded with. Part of me is dreading this conversation, but the other part is ready to let it all out. After what Gavin just did, he deserves an explanation. More than that, he deserves a thank you. Without Gavin there I would be close to death myself, I don’t even want to think where Allison might’ve been.

  Another thirty minutes pass before Allison finally closes her eyes. Just as I’m about to start talking, Gavin jumps in, “Where have you been Nicola?”

  “We can talk about all that later I promise. But where are we going?” We’ve been in the car for three hours now.

  “I’m taking you to Chicago until the dust settles. We can stay at my Uncle Noah's place. No one lives there, but it's furnished.”

  The reality hits me and I start crying, “We have nothing Gavin. Nothing. No clothes, no money, no car, no food, nothing.”

  His hand covers mine and he gives it a reaffirming squeeze, “I’ll take care of it. That’s the last thing you need to worry about.”

  “The last thing I need to be worried about? I have a daughter Gavin and she has needs.” Unable to keep these feelings down any more, I start to tremble, my eyes flooded with tears.

  “Is that why you left? Because I said I didn’t want children?” he questions carefully.

  “In part. You don’t want children and I have a daughter.”

  “Nicola when I said I didn’t want children, I didn’t know you already had one.”

  “Me having a kid doesn’t change the fact that you don’t want them.”

  He sighs deeply and waits a moment before speaking, “I’ve been looking for you since you left. You ran out on me that night.”

  “Gavin, the odds are stacked against us. I ran because I’ve been through this. It was easier to just leave.”

  “Easier for you,” he confesses softly and I can hear the hurt in his voice. He continues, “Do you know what the last few months have been like for me? Hell Nicola. You don’t just run away. Unless of course you didn’t want me. Even then you at least owed me an explanation.”

  “I’m sorry if I hurt you.” I say and Gavin burst out laughing. Feeling slightly offended and completely confused, I have to ask, “What’s so funny?”

  “Because you said you were sorry. This is your first proper use of an apology and I accept. Please talk to me though. What happened back there? No more hiding.”

  I take a few deep breaths and start opening up. “Jason and I were married for fourteen years. I guess, maybe we are still married. Before I left though, I signed divorce papers and left them for him to sign. However, I knew he wouldn’t sign them, but I wanted to be free of him. Just in case you think I’m a cheater, I’m not. I did what I could legally do. Anyway, for the first several years things were good. At least there wasn’t any abuse. Looking back though, I can see that Jason and I just coexisted. I’m not sure I was ever what he wanted. I was probably more what he settled for. Who knows, maybe that’s why the abuse started? Maybe coming home to me every night angered him. It started out as name calling and gradually the abuse got worse until one day I couldn’t take it any longer. I didn’t want Allison to see it anymore and I just couldn’t bear being hit one more time.”

  “Why did you stay so long?”

  “No money. No job and I knew if I left it would be worse when he found us. What am I going to do Gavin?” I cry out.

  He squeezes my hand again and says, “Let me worry about that.”

  Chapter 17


  Nicola and Allison are sleeping peacefully as we pull into the parking lot of my Uncle Noah’s penthouse. I’ve called him and briefly ex
plained the situation and asked if we could stay here until he decides what they will do with the place. We all assumed Lane would take over, but him and Mallory seem content in the small apartment they’re in.

  When I pull up to the parking garage I’m greeted by a few more cars than I thought I’d see. “Shit.” I should’ve known to ask for privacy, but it didn’t cross my mind that my entire family would be here at two in the morning. But there they are, waiting by the elevators.

  “Nicola, we’re here.” I announce softly. She stirs a little bit and rubs her eyes, opening them and staring out with confusion

  “Who are all those people?” she asks.

  “I’m sorry. It’s my family. All of them.”

  I laugh a little when she lowers the visor and stares sleepily into the mirror. She looks embarrassed, “You’re beautiful just the way you are.” I don’t give her time to respond. “Ok. Ok. I’ll tell them to leave.” I suggest as I get out of the car.

  “Gavin!” My cousin Harper screams as she comes running towards me. It’s a moment of excitement and relief for all of us, and I open my arms to greet her.

  “I’ve missed you,” she whispers as if it’s a secret.

  Placing a kiss on the top of her head I whisper back, “I’ve missed you too.” Honestly, it’s the truth, my cousins are more than that; we’re brothers and sisters.

  After mine and Harper's embrace, I hurry to open Nicola’s door. Extending my hand to help her out she softly takes it. “What about Allison?” Nicola whispers near my ear.

  “I can carry her. If that’s alright with you? It’s probably best not to wake her.” Nicola looks exhausted and I’m sure she doesn’t have the strength to carry her.

  Nicola agrees and I place my arms under Allison’s armpits and lift her with ease. She squirms for a few seconds before resting her head on my shoulder.

  When I look up, I see all of my family watching me in disbelief. No one is saying a word as we approach. I can only guess what’s running through their minds, but my mom has tears in her eyes. As always.

  “This is Nicola.” I inform them.

  They all say ‘hi’ and Uncle Noah motions us to the elevator door.

  Thankfully, we couldn’t all get in the elevator at once, so its just Nicola, my parents and me on the first ride up. It stays mostly quiet in here except the occasional clearing of a throat. I notice Nicola only stares at the floor while my parents take turns staring at each of us probably trying to figure out what in the hell is going on.

  When the elevator doors open, we step out and into the penthouse. Nicola grabs my hand and shifts on her feet and it lets me know she feels uncomfortable.

  My mom must notice too because she quickly pulls Nicola in for a tight hug and speaks as she holds her, “I’m Kerrigan, and this is Maddox my husband. We're Gavin's parents.”

  “It’s nice meeting you all.” Nicola says cautiously. The two women step back from their embrace, and Nicola smiles at my mom.

  The sound of the elevator door opening behind us cuts the tension as we all look back. Thankfully, the only people who step out are my aunts and uncles. They must’ve realized now isn’t a time for a family reunion so they probably sent my brother and cousins home.

  “Nicola, would you like for us to show you around? There’s a bedroom for your daughter just down the hall if you want to lay her down?” Aunt Molly motions towards the hallway.

  “Yes please.” Nicola agrees.

  Nicola takes Allison from me and they leave the room.

  It takes a whole second before I’m overwhelmed with questions.

  “Why are you all back?” Uncle Evan asks.

  “Are you home for good?” my dad inquires.

  “I’m not sure how long we will be here.” I answer honestly. There are still so many unanswered questions in my own mind.

  “Is this the girl you were talking about when you were here last?” My dad wonders aloud.

  “Yeah, it’s her.” I confirm.

  “You didn’t mention she had a daughter.”

  “That’s because until eight hours ago I didn’t know she had one.” I confess and my dad looks confused and I know he has a million more questions but he isn’t asking right now.

  “Uncle Noah, how long can we stay here?” I ask because I know finding a safe place in Chicago is usually a difficult thing to do.

  “As long as you want. Landon said he wants this place, but he’s gone back to Iraq for another year.” Noah says. I can see the worry in his eyes as he speaks.

  “I appreciate it. How’s Landon doing?” I’m desperately trying to steer this conversation away from me.

  “He’s good I think.”

  “What do you mean you think?”

  “He usually calls on Wednesdays but he didn’t call this week.”

  I give Uncle Noah a firm pat on the back, “that was two days ago. If something happened to him you would know by now.” I play a role again. I’m worried about Landon, too, but Uncle Noah doesn’t need to know that.

  “I hope you’re right.”


  Talk about feeling uncomfortable. I feel as though I’ve been thrown into a situation I don’t necessarily want to be in, but with my options limited, I do feel grateful. At least we’re far away from Jason. Without Gavin, it’s hard telling where we might be now. Hopefully we have some time to come up with a plan to keep my little girl and myself safe.

  “What’s your daughter's name?” Kerrigan asks.

  “It’s Allison.” I reply.

  “Well she can sleep in this room. It used to be my daughter’s room,” the nice woman says. I know who she is because I’ve seen her pictures on Pastor Madden’s desk. I never asked her name, but I assume now that she must be his daughter.

  “Thank you so much,” I say and I mean it. Ever since I walked through the door, I’ve been overwhelmed with the support and kindness from this family, I don’t even know.

  “It’s no problem. You can pick from any of the other rooms. By the way, I’m Molly, Gavin’s aunt.”

  “I worked with your dad in Kentucky, I think your picture is on his desk at the church,” I tell her and then continue, “but I think it’s probably best to stay in the room with Allison at least until morning. I don’t want her waking up and being afraid.”

  They each nod their heads in understanding and I go to lay Allison down. I’m so exhausted myself, but I can’t sleep. Not until Gavin and I have some time to talk. I fell asleep in the car, which cut our conversation short. When the adrenaline started wearing off, I crashed hard. Carefully, I place Allison in the bed and tuck the covers around her just the way she likes.

  “We’re going to take off and give you all time to settle,” Kerrigan says as she calls out to her husband.

  I’m thankful they aren’t being intrusive and asking questions I’m not ready to answer. The rest of the women follow suit and call their husbands to the elevator door. Each says goodbye as they walk out, doling out hugs to both Gavin and I.

  When the room finally clears and the lock on the door clicks, Gavin turns to me, “Are you hungry?”

  “Not really,” I say and Gavin laughs. I laugh, too, and I’m not even sure why. It feels good to have a moment of relief.

  “That’s good. I’m sure there is nothing left here. I could go out and grab something when you do get hungry. Tomorrow I’ll take you girls shopping for clothes and food.”

  I start to say he doesn’t have to do that, but with no money, I am again at someone else’s mercy. So instead, I say “thank you,” and hope to move on from the topic of my helplessness.

  “How old is Allison?”

  “She’s six, seven in August.” I reply and Gavin nods in acknowledgment.

  “I talked with my dad and uncles. My father and brother are both cops and my Uncle Evan is an attorney. We’ll take care of Jason. So please do your best not to worry.”

  I almost want to laugh, but the stress of the day comes rushing onto me quick and
I don’t mean to snap at Gavin, but he’s the only person standing in front of me. “Don’t worry? Don’t worry? I have a terrified daughter in the next room and I know it’s only a matter of time before Jason finds us and what then? What happens to my daughter, Gavin?”

  Gavin ignores the sharpness of my voice and instead engulfs me in his strong arms. Full of anger and fear, I beat my fists to his chest and I scream out once more, “What the fuck happens to my daughter?”

  Instead of trying to stop me, Gavin stands strong and silent, letting me use him as a punching bag until the anger dissipates and gives way to the sorrow. I take a deep breath and let my fists fall to my sides, still clenched. Gavin pulls me closer to him and lifts my chin with his forefinger, I meet his gaze with dewy eyes and without a single thought, my lips find his. It's not what I meant to do, by far, but I need this. I’ve never been one to make the first move but I know that Gavin is too respectful to make a move in a time like this. It takes less than a second for him to open his mouth and let me in. His warm tongue invades my mouth as he lets out a groan. He picks me up quickly and easily and starts walking. Just like that, all the stress and worry melts out of my body as my temperature rises. And at least for now, I allow myself to live in this moment.

  Chapter 18


  For months, I wondered where she is and why she left. I had a vision of the moment we would reunite, but I didn’t see it going down like it did. Not that any of that matters now. She's in my arms and I’m taking her to bed where I plan to worship her body the way I should have all along.

  The door to the master suite is in front of me and it’s in my way. Careful not to break our kiss, I grab her ass and hold on tight as I kick it open.

  “Are you sure you still want me Gavin?” Nicola breathes softly, her mouth not leaving mine.

  There’s no reason to answer her with words. Moving her to an upright position, I know she can feel my dick straining behind my zipper. I’m aching like I never have before, and am beyond ready. Instinctively I groan with need for her.


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