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Gavin (Made From Stone Book 2)

Page 13

by T. Saint John

  Before long, the door opens again and I turn to see Nicola standing in the doorway. It dawns on me that every time I see her my heart skips a beat, and I stop breathing as I look at her.

  “How was your day?” I ask to get this evening started. I'm ready to learn all I can about this woman in front of me.

  Nicola smiles before she responds. “It was actually nice. The doll was a big hit!” She smiles brighter than I’ve ever seen her smile and she continues speaking.

  “For the first time in a long time, Allison and I felt safe. Like truly safe. And it was the first time since she was born that I could breathe easy, knowing Jason couldn't get to her. Thank you Gavin. Even if it's one day of peace, it was worth it.”

  “It's the way I hope you feel everyday Nicola, and I'll do whatever I can to make sure it stays that way for you and your precious daughter.”

  I watch as Nicola’s face turns to worry. She's been through a lot and I know I can't snap my fingers and make everything better for her.

  “Gavin, after I went to bed last night I laid awake for hours trying to figure a way to keep everyone safe. I love that you want to help and believe me I appreciate it, but I need to take care of Jason on my own.”

  What the hell is she trying to say? Surely she isn't dumb enough to think she can talk to Jason and make everything magically better. Since I want to know what she thinks about me I have to ask, “Why won't you let me take care of it? And don't say you couldn't live with me getting hurt because I meant what I said yesterday, men like Jason pose no threat to me.”

  She lets out a small cute giggle and my previous irritation is gone by the time she starts talking. “I know you could handle him. I saw you could handle him already. It's just you shouldn't have to. He's my problem.”

  “Ok, are you saying that, because of our relationship, or whatever it is that's going on between us?”

  “I don't understand,” she says looking for clarity.

  “What I'm trying to ask is if you are looking at it from a girlfriend’s standpoint. Like you don't want to involve your new boyfriend in your ex-husbands drama?”

  Her face crinkles making her look completely confused but totally sexy at the same time. “Well, not from a girlfriend’s point of view but more of a friendship point of view.”

  Something inside me stirs and for whatever reason I feel the need to label us. “Let’s get something straight. You’re not my girlfriend yet. But make no mistake, you will be.” I announce and immediately Nicola lets a small gasp escape and I can see she wants to deny it but I continue to talk before she is able. “Look, I'm messed up and you're messed up and we have a long way to go and so many things to work out, but you're more than my friend. You know it and I know it.”

  “Gavin, I do know what you're saying. But…”

  I need to interrupt her because I know she's going to talk and talk about why we shouldn't be together. “Like I said, I know there is a lot going on in our lives. Both of us have parts of our past that we need to work through. But I'm willing to do that as long as we are also working on our future Nicola. Do you want to be my girlfriend? Please answer from your heart. Don't think of the million reasons we shouldn't be together.” I feel like a teenager asking my crush to go steady.

  “Well yeah! I do want to be your girlfriend but...”

  Again, I interrupt because she's overthinking the question. “Good, now that's settled.” I say and laugh, as Nicola glares at me with both aggravation, from having to deal with a ‘Stone’ man and happiness. I can tell she shocked so I start talking again. “Now let's get back to the other things that need to be sorted out. Tell me everything that worries you. About Jason, us, Allison or anything else.”


  He wants to know all of my worries? It's going to be a long night if he does.

  “Everything worries me Gavin. My immediate worry of course is Jason. It's also my biggest worry. I've tried thinking of every possible scenario and none have a good ending. Other than Jason, my next worry is being able to take care of Allison. I'm so thankful for the job your mom gave me but even with that job, there are so many things we need. And lastly, the title ‘girlfriend’ is bothering me. Not because I don't want to be your girlfriend, but I'm still married and it doesn't seem fair to you. If we do take that next step it won’t be until Jason and I are divorced.” I speak honestly.

  Gavin clasps my hand between his two hands and gives it a firm, reassuring squeeze. “First, you being married does bother me. But I don't think it's unfair. You're not with him and haven't been for a couple years. But when I take care of Jason, we will make sure you're divorced as soon as possible. And as far as the things you need, I can help you.”

  “Gavin you can't get me a car or an apartment. And I told you before; you're not taking care of Jason. He's my responsibility.”

  Gavin’s eyes burn into mine and I know he's angry, but at least we've made some progress. He doesn't snap at me before speaking this time. “I'll tell you what. Tomorrow when you go to work, I'll go talk to my father and brother about ideas to take care of Jason. I won't do anything without running it by you first. And I expect the same from you. Please don't try to handle this on your own.”

  That seems reasonable but I feel embarrassed. “Gavin, I appreciate the offer. But I don't want your family involved. I mean it's embarrassing enough that they know I was stupid enough to stay. I don't want them thinking that I'm using you.”

  “My family would never think that. I promise you. We have more experience with this than we should and I don't just mean professionally. So please let us help.”

  With no other options, I reluctantly agree. The moment I do, Gavin starts talking again. “Do you want to move out on your own? Do you not like being here?”

  “I love this place! Especially with the security. But after Jason is taken care of, I want to get my own place something, cozier and more affordable.”

  “I can understand that,” he admits as he places a small kiss on top of my head. That one small kiss relaxes me, and in this moment, I feel like everything will be ok.

  “Thank you Gavin. I know I've said it a million times, but it doesn't seem like enough.”

  Gavin gently lifts my chin and his eyes once again burn into mine. But this time his eyes don't hold anger; they are holding passion and I know he's about to kiss me. I brace myself against the balcony wall and wait for his lips to touch mine. But instead of a hot passionate kiss, his lips gently touch mine for a couple seconds before they're gone.

  “You're welcome Nicola,” is all he says before he walks towards the door leaving me confused and turned on. I want to ask him what he's doing but don't. I'm not hurt or internalizing the obvious diss, because I could see when he walked away that he was forcing himself to take each step.

  Chapter 25


  “Ok girls, have a good day today!” I say after pulling up to my mom’s office building. It’s Nicola’s first day and Allison is tagging along. The thought ran through my mind about offering to watch Allison, but it still doesn’t feel like the time. She’s still very leery of me. If I’m anywhere in the room she’s watching me. My guess is she’s waiting for me to be the monster.

  “Thanks, I’ll call you when it’s time for me to get off.” Nicola replies taking her handbag and flinging it over her shoulder. Of course, I can't help but notice how she has her hair pulled up in one of those librarian buns. I've never noticed how sexy those things are and I can't help but wonder how my lips would feel when they touched her exposed neck! I shake my head to clear my mind.

  Speaking softly I say, “Bye Allison.”

  She hesitates a second but replies “Bye!” She takes her baby doll with her, and I wish I could give her back all her lost innocence. It motivates me even more to take care of the situation.

  After giving a wink to them both, I drive just a few miles to my family home. As I pull up, I notice that it isn’t just my dad and Eli’s car in the driveway. Fucking
hell! My dad must’ve called every guy in my family along with our life long friends Braydon and his son Cade. Those two are truly just an extension of our family.

  You would think I would no longer be surprised that everyone has to be in the know, but still it surprises me to see my family assemble when there is a problem.

  I don’t want to stall because I’m anxious for ideas on how to handle Jason; so, I rush inside. The moment I open the door, I stop and laugh. It’s like a damn frat house. There are nine men gathered in the living room; the only one missing is Landon. Some with drinks in their hands while others are casually talking.

  When they finally take notice that I’m here, they gather around me like a pack of wolves. One after another, they say their hellos and follow it with a hug or pat on the back. As I look at them, the realization hits me that these men really are my pack of wolves, and because we always stick together, Nicola is untouchable. Just the way Mallory would’ve been, had she not decided to go back to that hotel without letting us know. As I look at my family, I feel a new sense of confidence. Everything will be ok.

  “Glad you’re back man! I need a new wingman! They’ve all been cock-blocking me!” Lucas announces and the look on my face must show my confusion.

  “Yeah well he deserves it.” Logan says looking directly at me and I can hear the level of irritation in his voice. Whatever Lucas did, Logan hasn’t let it go.

  “Do I even want to know?” I question humorously. Lucas has always been the jokester in our family and I can't count the times he's pissed one of us off.

  “No, I promise you don’t.” my brother Eli confirms.

  “Well alright then. Lets get started.” I suggest and watch as everyone takes a seat.

  Within a second, my dad asks. “What do you need from us?”

  “My first concern is Nicola and Allison’s safety. It's only a matter of time before her ex finds them again.” I start with this since it's my immediate concern.

  “Well, we can all take shifts and watch her when she goes out. That only works if she doesn't pull a Mallory though.” Logan says while looking at Lane. Which of course sets Lane off.

  “Leave her out of this!” Lane snaps back.

  “I'm not trying to bring her into it. I'm just saying us watching her only works if we are constantly in the know.” Logan responds.

  “I don't think taking shifts will be necessary. I'll constantly be with her when she isn't working. I just hope that we can find him before he finds her.”

  Uncle Evan sits up in his seat. “Cade, do whatever it is you do to find people.” Evan says while looking at Cade and then looks to me, “We just need his name and last known address and we can find him before we even leave this house.”

  “I'll get you all that info tonight. But after we find him. Then what? I'm okay with just putting a bullet in his head. But I'm sure that's not the consensus.”

  I don't know if I find it funny or frightening that this entire room of men shrugs their shoulders as if to say they're cool with whatever. Since no one speaks up, I start talking again. “That's not the plan. Right?”

  Again, everyone shrugs their shoulders and I hear a few grunts before my dad says “No, that's not the plan.” As he says this, he eyes only my uncle Evan and his best friend Braydon. We all know the story of my aunt Lani’s abduction. Well, all of us besides Uncle Evan’s daughters. I'm not sure why they didn't want his girls to know, but we've all been sworn to secrecy.

  “First lets locate him. Watch him for a little bit and find out his habits. We can hire an undercover agent to watch over him. In the meantime, keep her close.” my dad suggests. It's disappointing but I know he's right.

  After we’re done talking, we all get up and grab something to drink. It takes no time for each individual to seek me out. First up and the one I’m most uncomfortable speaking to. Lane.

  “So, is she the real deal? You know, your one?” he questions without picking up on my uneasiness.

  “Yeah, I think she is.”

  “So, you're a dad. Fucking crazy, right?” he asks while making the mind blown gesture.

  Shit, is that what I am? Or what I will be, if things with Nicola and I, work out? A panic attack almost starts to set in but thankfully, Lucas distracts me by handing me another beer.

  Lane walks away smiling so I use the time to stop thinking of the possibility that I might be a father. And if anyone can take my mind off the craziness it's Lucas.

  “So, what did you do to piss Logan off?”

  I can tell Lucas still thinks that whatever he did is funny because he starts talking through his laugh. “He fucked this girl at the bar a few months back. Apparently, he didn't give her the memo that it was a one-time thing. Every time I ran into the girl, she thought I was Logan. I gave her his number and kept texting her the places he would be. She's driving him crazy now.”

  “You're an ass!” I say seriously and walk off to find Logan. I'm not really pissed at Lucas, but I do wonder how in the hell he functions as an adult.

  Logan is sitting on the couch looking at his phone. So I go sit next to him. “Did you punch him?” I ask.

  Logan half laughs. “No, but I want to and will if she doesn't quit texting me.” He huffs out while holding up his phone to show me the amount of text coming in from this girl.

  “Why don't you just tell her you're not interested?”

  “It's the chief’s daughter.” Logan explains.

  “Why would you fuck your Chief’s daughter?” Hell, we all know that bosses’ daughters are off limits.

  “I was drinking. She was wearing a mini skirt and she sat on my lap! All she had to do was lean over the table a little bit and her pussy was perfectly positioned over my cock.”

  I can appreciate Logan’s attitude. That was me once. I know he’ll grow up. I think I finally have.

  “Was it worth it?” I ask in jest and instead of answering, he holds up his phone again but I don't need to see it. I can hear the near constant dings.

  As dysfunctional as my family is I can't help but feel excited to be back where my life makes sense.


  “Thank you for allowing me to bring Allison with me.” I tell Gavin's mom Kerrigan.

  “Oh, it's no problem. I used to bring my boys with me. I couldn't imagine leaving them with a stranger.” Kerrigan responds.

  “Allison, can you play quietly with your doll right over there?” I ask, hoping she's in the mood to behave today so that I can actually work and show Kerrigan I can be a valuable employee if given a chance.

  Allison starts to talk but Kerrigan interrupts her. “Actually Allison, I was wondering if you would like to work too?”

  Her interest is piqued and she asks, “Do I get paid too? Like my mom?”

  Embarrassed I say “Allison, that's not nice.”

  Kerrigan just lets out a big laugh. “Of course you get paid. You see that big stack of menus over there?” She says while pointing at the table.

  “Yes” Allison acknowledges.

  “Ok, if you help me, you can go through those menus and pick out whatever you want to eat for lunch. I'll order it and pay for it, for your services.”

  “And I can order for mommy too?” Allison excitedly asks.

  “Yep, for your mommy, too.”

  Kerrigan takes Allison to the computer and I sit down at my desk. There's a list of my duties laying there. I pick it up to read. Going over it, I know I can handle this job. It's mainly ordering supplies, organizing vouchers, inspecting fabric for flaws. I have to choke back the tears. Finally, I have a job that I can be proud of. And one that can help me make enough money to support my daughter. I loved my job at the church, but the pay wasn't great. It was just enough to help me and Allison get by.

  Wanting to make a good impression, I start at the top of the list and start making my way down it. It doesn't take too long for me to realize, as successful as Kerrigan is, her organizational skills are seriously lacking. I find myself trying to tra
ck down things that should all be in one place. I'm not complaining because I know she’ll see that I can be a great asset to her.

  Still lost in my work I didn’t realize it was now lunchtime. I hear the office door open and in walks the sexiest man my eyes have ever seen. His hair is pulled back giving me the perfect opportunity to study his beautiful face. His five o’clock shadow, lines his chiseled jaw. And my panties are immediately soaked when he catches me staring at him. I'm not embarrassed because the wink he just gave me told me he welcomed it.

  “Hey, baby boy!” Kerrigan says while getting up from her desk. Right! We aren't alone and now isn't the time for all this built up sexual tension.

  “Hey mom! I just stopped by to see if you girls wanted to do lunch.”

  “Actually, Allison and I had plans to go to Big Buck Burgers. Maybe you can take Nicola.” Kerrigan suggests and I know she is offering us alone time. She must've picked up on the eye fucking that was going on just moments before. She turns to Allison and asks, “Is that ok with you?”

  I can tell Allison is torn. She looks like she wants to go but is worried about me leaving without her. “Allison, mommy will be fine. I promise. If you want to go with Kerrigan you can.”

  “And you'll be ok?” she double checks with me.

  “I promise! I'll be ok. But can you bring me back some fries?” I ask because I know this will make her more confident that I will be ok. If I'm making plans to eat fries then I must plan on being here when she gets back.

  Allison suddenly seems more relaxed. “Ok, Mommy. It’s a plan.” She runs up and gives me a tight squeeze before turning around and naturally taking Kerrigan’s hand.

  Chapter 26


  The restaurant he picked is surprising. I don't know what I was expecting, but I wasn't expecting a sports bar. Ok, maybe I was hoping for something more romantic. Or at the very least something more private. I try not to let the disappointment show as he places his hand on the small of my back and guides me through the door.


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