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Luke (Signature Sweethearts)

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by Kelsie Rae


  A Signature Sweethearts Novella

  Kelsie Rae



  1. Luke

  2. Adam

  3. Luke

  4. Adam

  5. Luke

  6. Adam

  7. Luke

  8. Adam

  9. Luke

  10. Adam

  11. Luke

  12. Luke

  Dear Reader

  Sneak Peek


  Also by Kelsie Rae

  About the Author

  Copyright © 2018 Kelsie Rae

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, and events are fictitious in every regard. Any similarities to actual events and persons living or dead, are purely coincidental. Any trademarks, service marks, product names, or named features are assumed to be the property of their respective owners, and are used only for reference. The reproduction of this book in whole or part, electronically or mechanically, constitutes a copyright violation.

  Cover Art by Sly Fox Cover Designs

  Editing by Stephanie Taylor

  October 2018 Edition

  Published in the United States of America



  “Dude. The new girl’s hot. Did you see her?”

  I roll my eyes. “Yeah. I saw her. I’m not blind.”

  “Good thing ‘cause she’s a sight to behold. Did you witness her stealing my heart too?” Adam clutches at the organ in his chest dramatically, and I shake my head at his antics as we walk down the hall toward our last class. It’s our first day back from Christmas break, and I never would’ve guessed that the new girl in sixth period would’ve caught both our attention.

  How’s that for irony? Normally, Adam and I don’t have the same taste in girls, but apparently, there’s a first time for everything. As soon as I saw her soft gray eyes peeking up at me through her long blonde hair, I knew I was a goner.

  And I guess he did too.

  Unfortunately for me, Adam was the only one ballsy enough to approach her, while I stared at her from a distance like a creepy stalker.

  I shake my head at my idiocy.


  “Seriously, though. Mark my words––she’s going to be off the market within a month. Did you see the vultures circling?”

  “I saw you circling,” I note, sarcasm seeping into my tone.

  Adam stops walking, looking confused. “Huh?”

  “Nothing.” I keep moving down the hall with my backpack slung over one shoulder, attempting to look unphased by the whole situation.

  He rushes to catch up. “No, tell me. What’s up?”

  I lock my jaw, trying to contain my unwarranted jealousy from making another appearance. “Nothing. Seriously. I just found it amusing how quickly you pounced on her. I’m surprised you didn’t whip your dick out and pee on her to mark your territory,” I joke.

  Adam throws his head back and laughs. “Dude, can you imagine? My mom would’ve been pissed!”

  His observation breaks the tension, and I join in laughing, picturing his mom, Susan, receiving a phone call from the principal for such stupid bullshit. “Now that might be worth seeing.”

  “Right? I asked if she wanted to hang out with us this weekend. You cool with that?”

  I shrug. “Yeah.” The thought of seeing her again causes my heart to race. I run my hands through my hair to stop them from trembling as the bell rings for our next period to start.

  What the hell is wrong with me today?

  “Awesome. She looked like she could use a few friends,” Adam continues.

  What few memories I have of her flash through my mind. She reminded me of a little mouse, burrowing into her long, golden hair in hopes of not being noticed. Funny how her actions had the opposite effect she was looking for. It seems she’s caught everyone’s attention now––including mine.

  “Yeah,” I repeat. “She seems quiet. Might be hard for people to get to know her.”

  We turn a corner as our footsteps echo around the empty hallway. We’re late to class, but the teachers are still pretty laid back from being on vacation, so I’m not too worried.

  “Meh. We’ll show her around, right? Help introduce her to people?”

  I smile, trying to cover my nervousness. “Yeah, for sure.”

  Adam slows his steps, trying to act casual as he probes, “’re cool if I ask Liv out?” He’s watching me like a hawk, trying to gauge my reaction.

  I saw the way he acted around her, the way she smiled back at him. He likes her, and he wants to stake his claim, but he’s putting our friendship first. We’ve known each other forever. It makes sense. We’ve never let a girl get between us before, and we won’t be starting now.

  Her face flashes through my mind for a split second as everything inside of me begs my mouth to tell him no. That I’m not cool with it. That I want her for myself.

  Instead, the opposite tumbles from my lips, like a single pebble causing a massive rockslide that causes irreparable damage. “Yeah, man. No big deal.”


  Chapter 1


  Eighteen Months Later

  “Dude…” Adam drags out the word as we sit in my basement playing Call of Duty. We’re pretty spontaneous, but if we’re ever looking to just hang out and shoot the shit, this is where you’ll find us––binging on junk food with controllers in our hands. It’s where some of my most favorite memories have been made.

  “I don’t want you to go to college,” he whines. “Hell, I don’t want to go to college. Can’t we just stay here for the rest of our lives, drowning in Mountain Dew and rotting our brains with video games?”

  I chuckle dryly before tossing a pillow at him and effectively causing him to blow up his avatar simultaneously.

  “Hey!” he yells, throwing one at my head. I dodge it while laughing.

  “For real though,” he takes a deep breath then continues. “It’s going to mean some big changes. I’m not sure if I’m ready for them.” I’m a bit taken aback at his somber tone. My gaze darts to his prone form on the couch, trying to get a read on what the hell is going on in his head right now.

  Adam is my best friend. We’ve always been inseparable, but that’s about to change. At the end of the summer, I’ll be in Denver for school, while Adam will stay in Utah but is going upstate for college. It’s going to be rough for both of us, but I think it’s for the best.

  I’m not sure I can live in his shadow anymore.

  I would pause the game and ask Adam if he’s okay, but that’s not how we are. Adam and I tell each other everything...unless it involves Liv. But that’s beside the point. Coming out and asking what the hell is wrong with each other isn’t how we work. We always wait for the other person to open up. We wait until they’re ready to talk, not when you’re ready to ask questions.

  And right now, I can tell I need to keep my mouth shut and let him sort through his thoughts. He’ll get there soon enough.

  I know he’s been really stressed lately with all the changes going on. All the pressure has been slowly burying the Adam I know, hiding him under a sullen boy who can’t make real life decisions.

  It’s not like I’m one to talk, though. I have no idea what I’m doing. All that I know is that I need to get away. To be myself. And to stop envying my best friend.

  I can’t do it anymore.

  My thumbs direct my avatar through the controller, getting into position on the top of a roof, so that I can act as a sniper for a few minutes. Meanwhile, Adam guards a door in the game, shooting people left and right.

  “Do you ever wonder if you’re doing the right thi
ng?” he asks absently. “I you ever wonder if the path that you’re on is the right one? That you won’t regret it in a few years?”

  I glance over at him while simultaneously killing one of our enemies as I consider his question.


  “Yeah,” he answers.

  I give him the truth. “All the time, Adam. Living with regret is a bitch.” The blunt honesty tastes bitter in my mouth.

  Adam laughs at my response while nodding his head in agreement.

  “Damn right it is.”

  He kills another few enemies with bullets raining down on us from every side, and we’re distracted from our conversation for a few seconds.

  “So the real question is––how do you know whether or not you’re going to regret something until you’ve actually done it?” he wonders out loud, and I can’t stop the next words from rising to the surface.

  “Naw, man. Sometimes it’s the things you don’t do that you regret the most.”

  An image of Liv flashes in my mind, but I push it away. Just like every other time I’ve thought of her as anything more than a friend.

  Adam’s avatar gets shot in the game, making him wait a few seconds before he can continue playing. He takes the time to ponder my words as he waits for his avatar to respawn.

  “Well, shit,” he chuckles. “That’s some deep stuff, Luke.”

  I laugh dryly at his observation before he changes the subject to the last NBA game this season, and we leave it at that.

  Later that night, I dream about my greatest regret, relieving the moment like some sick Groundhog Day movie. I wake up lying on a set of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle sheets that only remind me of the girl who gave them to me.

  The girl haunting my thoughts and dreams.

  The girl I’ll never have, because I was too much of a coward to fight for what I really wanted.


  Chapter 2


  “So much is changing,” Liv acknowledges softly. We’re snuggled up on the couch in the family room while a TV show flickers across the screen.

  “It is,” I breathe. The pressure of so many life-altering decisions causes my anxiety to spike, and I feel my chest tighten.

  “It’s going to be okay, though...right? We’ll get through it together?” I can hear the silent pleading in her voice, begging me to promise her that I’m invested in this relationship as much as she is.

  Liv knows the pressure my mom’s been putting on me. For reasons I can’t possibly understand, my mom hates Liv. It’s a cold, hard truth, and it definitely hasn’t helped my relationship with the two most important women in my life.

  It also doesn’t make sense. Liv is one of the sweetest individuals you’ll ever meet. It’s impossible not to love her, yet my mom has somehow figured out how to do exactly that.

  I tighten my hold on Liv, pulling her closer to my chest before planting a soft kiss against her forehead. “Yeah, babe. It’s going to be great.”

  “What’s going to be great?” my mom interrupts from the connecting kitchen area. She likes to pop in unannounced anytime we’re together. Then she wonders why we spend so much time at Luke’s house.

  I roll my eyes before sitting up and looking over at her. “Liv’s and my future together, Mom. We’re talking about our plans.”

  She makes a small tsking sound, and her posture turns rigid. “Just remember how young you two are. Lots can change, baby. Wouldn’t want either of you to feel too tied down.”

  My nostrils flare.

  “Of course not, Mom.” I turn back around, desperate for the familiar warmth that only Liv can give me. Unfortunately, she’s busy texting on her phone.

  I patiently wait for her to finish. When she looks up at me, I know I’m going to be disappointed.

  “It’s later than I expected. I need to meet Luke.” She looks bummed out to be leaving, which is the only reason why I stay sane at the thought of them being together. Alone. Again.

  She has to go to the school to clean up her science project. Luke and Liv were partners who did an experiment that won second place in the entire school. The thought of how much time they’ve spent together alone is enough to crack my molars…and makes me want to slam my fist into Luke’s face. By some miracle, I’ve been able to restrain myself. So far, anyway.

  Don’t get me wrong, I’m proud of her success. I simply wish she didn’t have to spend so much one-on-one time with the guy who’s so enraptured with her...even if she’s clueless about his feelings.

  Slowly, I lean forward and place a predatory kiss against Liv’s lips. She melts instantly and hums low in her throat before slipping her tongue into my mouth for a quick taste. I cage her in with my hands on both sides of her head, completely ignoring my mother’s gasp of shock when Liv giggles and pushes me away.

  I hover over her, looking into her stormy gray eyes as she peeks up at me from beneath her lashes. “Not in front of your mom!” she whisper-shouts at me.

  I smirk, cockily. “You started it.”

  She bites her lower lip as her mouth spreads into a full-on grin. “I was teasing!”

  Lifting my brow, I respond, “And now you know not to tease.”

  She shakes her head while trying to contain the giggles from bubbling out of her. “I think we both know that I’ll never learn that lesson.”

  I growl softly before leaning forward and placing a quick kiss on her button nose. Her cheeks turn a soft shade of pink at my affection.

  “Let’s get you to the school.” I pull her up from our position on the couch until we’re both standing.

  “Sounds good. I need to go potty first.”

  My lips tilt up in amusement. “Potty?”

  She rolls her eyes. “Would you prefer I say, ‘I need to take a piss?’”

  My mom gasps from the kitchen in shock. Apparently, her son is dating a heathen.

  Grimacing, I nudge Liv to the bathroom. “Touche.”

  She throws a saucy grin at me over her shoulder as she walks down the hall to the guest bathroom on the main floor.

  My mom takes the opportunity to grill me––again––about my plans after graduation.

  “Remember that we have plans tonight. You can see Liv tomorrow, if you’re still firm on being with her. But I think you should seriously consider your inheritance before throwing it away over that girl.” She spits out the last two words like they’re a curse.

  “Mom, can you please give it a rest?” I grit through my teeth, trying to maintain a semblance of control, when in reality, I want to scream in frustration.

  “Remember our deal, honey,” my mom says cryptically, but I know exactly what she’s talking about. And so does Liv. We tell each other everything.

  Almost everything.

  The one giant elephant in our relationship is my best friend. Her best friend. He’s a topic that I wouldn’t touch with a ten-foot pole. Not even if my life depended on it. I can see the way Luke looks at her. I can feel their chemistry like a deep ache. It’s patiently waiting, practically begging to be unleashed. But I’m not stupid enough to bring it up. She’s completely oblivious to his feelings for her, and I’d like to keep it that way.

  I’m afraid that if I pointed it out...she might choose him over me.

  And I don’t think I could handle that.

  I know I couldn’t.

  Liv walks down the hall seconds later and senses my frustration immediately. She grabs my wrist and rests her head on my shoulder in hopes of soothing the raging beast inside of me.

  Silently, she watches my mom and I interact, trying to piece together what our latest argument is about.

  I’m a pretty laid back guy, but nothing pisses me off more than my mom attacking Liv.

  She’s always so damn critical of every single thing in Liv’s life, that the fact I’m dating the neighborhood’s charity case––her words, not mine––is enough to drive her insane.

  Which, in turn, drives me insane.

sp; “Honey, there’s nothing wrong with Liv taking the bus. After all, you’ll be going away to college soon, which means she’ll have to bum a ride off of someone else, now won’t she? Might as well give her some practice,” my mom adds in a sickly sweet voice.

  I haven’t officially asked Liv to come with me, and she hasn’t pushed. She’s been patiently waiting for me to figure out what the hell I’m doing, which only makes me feel more guilt for leaving her hanging. Although...maybe she doesn’t know that I’m even considering the alternative.

  My fists clench at my sides until Liv slides her hand down the inside of my wrist and laces our fingers together.

  “Oh…that’s what we’re talking about,” Liv mumbles under her breath before turning to me and smiling softly. “It’s fine, Adam. I can just call Luke to pick me up. Not a big deal. He has to go, anyway. Might as well kill two birds with one stone, right?”

  My mom’s lips tilt up wickedly. “Exactly. Why not kill two birds with one stone?”

  I release a sigh of frustration, wishing I could bang my head against a wall to stop my mom’s demeaning tone from echoing in my head.

  Liv raises up onto her tiptoes, planting a soft kiss against my cheek before whispering, “Seriously, babe. It’s not that big of a deal. Promise.”

  Does she prefer that Luke take her instead of me?

  She and Luke have a complicated relationship, to say the least.

  Actually, if I’m being honest, we all do.

  Luke and I have been best friends since kindergarten. I threw mud at him, ‘cause I’m a jackass, so he tackled me to the ground and ripped my brand new Spiderman T-shirt. Somehow that bonded us, making the two of us inseparable from that day on.


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