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Born Magic (Chronicles of the Marked Book 1)

Page 10

by S Lawrence

  Wilder bumps into me, and I look up to find everyone is staring at me. My brothers look in frustration, but it is concern that clouds Reyna’s eyes.

  “Sorry. What?” Hagen shakes his head, and I flip him off.

  “I asked if you had any idea how we would figure it out,” Reyna murmurs, her eyes still clouded.

  “None.” I shrug. “I didn’t even believe in magic until I met you.”

  Her cheeks turn a pale pink, and she smiles. A really breathtaking smile, directed at me. Damn.

  “Well, in that case, I’m going to go get some sleep. Tomorrow, we need to go ashore and get fresh water before we head north.” Cyder is turning away toward the door but stops when she starts to speak.

  “Why are we going north?” I glance at the others.

  “You tell her. Come on, Lash.” Hagen pulls at his sleeve, giving Lash no choice.

  Wilder nods at his words, pivoting and starting toward the door also. I watch as they all pause together and look back in unison.

  “Goodnight, Reyna.” I don’t miss the longing in those words that come from each of them. Looking at her, I can tell she didn’t either.

  “Goodnight.” Her voice is breathy, and I watch as their eyes flare at the promise it holds.

  She is warming to the idea of staying with us.

  She is looking at me when I come back from my daydream about what that could mean.

  “You keep slipping away.” She smiles at me as she says the words.

  “Yes, lots of things running through my mind. Memories. Dreams.” I let my eyes travel over her slowly. “Fantasies.”

  My voice is lower, and I feel myself hardening as more images play through my head. She swallows hard, but her pupils dilate. I remind myself of my plan to get to know her and tighten my control on my needs.

  Instead of grabbing her and laying her out across the table to feast on, I walk to the couch and sit slowly, adjusting my raging hard on. Patting the cushion, I beckon her to join me.

  “You wanted to know why we are heading north.” She stays where she is for a minute and then shakes her head. Sighing, she comes and sits at the other end.

  Maybe I hurt her. Just as I’m about to ask, she pulls her feet up and places them on my thighs. Her skirt has ridden high on her legs, and the skin of her thigh looks like satin. My fingers itch to run over it. I finally drag my gaze to her face, and she is watching me through hooded eyes. She is like a siren, trying to lure this sailor to his death.

  I smile because it would be some way to go.

  “You were saying?” Two can play this game.

  Wrapping my fingers around her left foot, I start to massage it as I talk.

  “For over a year, there have been rumors of something long ago buried beneath the ice of the north, becoming reachable as the ice melts. Something has been calling to those that can hear. Men and ships go north. Some never return, others return empty handed. Men have died searching for this thing.”

  “What is it?” She moans as I press hard against her arch, her eyes falling closed.

  “No one knows exactly. But it has been said it is something that will let the one that controls it rule over everything.” Her eyes fly open.

  “Everyone.” I nod.

  “The King is searching.” She shivers, and I nod again. “You understand. He would not be a good ruler. He isn’t a good ruler now. If he obtains whatever was hidden and becomes more powerful, he will use it to enslave the world.”

  She gasps. “Is it that much power?”

  “You tell me. You have a letter telling you a god has been watching and waiting for you.”

  “Yes but…” She trails off. and her eyes turn to the window and become unfocused as she remembers something.

  I wait, continuing to rub over her foot, and then let my fingers trail up her calf, tempting myself. Just as I reach her knee, she looks back at me.

  “Do you think that’s why I kept going to the water?” Yes, that’s exactly what I think but I don’t say that.

  “Do you?” She chews at her lip as she considers my question.

  “I’ve never been in the sea. Not a single toe.” I frown, thinking about when we were picked up. She’s right. The boat was pulled up high on the rocks, her shoes didn’t even get wet.

  “Do you want to? To touch the sea?” She frowns.

  “Seems like I should if I’m to live on a boat.” Her head nods, as if she is agreeing with herself.

  “You should probably learn to swim. For safety.” She looks down at herself. “Shit, Reyna.”

  I realize her only belongings are just what she has on her back. “I’m sorry. Stay here.” I lift her feet and place them on the cushion, reluctant to stop touching her. “I’ll be right back.”

  When I get to the door, I look back, and she looks both confused and exasperated. I don’t explain; I just rush out. I stop in the middle of the deck. Where is that boy? He has been lurking since she stepped foot on this ship.

  “Colin,” I call out, and he steps from the shadows. “What are you doing?”

  “Keeping watch.” I glance around.

  “On what?”I know his answer but wait to hear it.

  “Miss.” I fight the smile that threatens to ruin my stern look.

  I nod. “Colin, I realized Reyna has nothing. No clothes, no nothing.” He frowns. “I need you to find her some things until we can get ashore and find her more appropriate items.”

  “There’s no female things on board, sir.”

  “I know, Colin, so find things that will work for her. Pants that will fit for now. Something for her to sleep in.” He nods.

  Taking a step away he starts to leave, then stops. Repeats the process so many times I’m ready to toss him overboard when he finally turns back to me.

  “For fuck’s sake, Colin, spit it out.” He frowns.

  “I… just…” I wave my hands, hoping to hurry him along. “What do women sleep in?” His face is redder than Cyder’s hair. “I’ve never slept with a woman.” My eyebrow raises, and he starts to blubber.

  “I don’t care, Colin. Try to find the largest man on board and get one of his shirts.” His head bobs repeatedly. “Go.”

  He scurries away, and my own head shakes. Smitten. She will soon have more than five protectors.

  I stand frozen with indecision -- go back to her or wait? Movement catches my attention, and turning my head, I look and see Hagen patrolling his deck, or maybe he’s just pacing. Emotions are wildly out of control, not just within me but everyone on the ships. Hagen doesn’t deal with ‘out of control’ well on the best of days. Today, while not the worst, it has been different, to put it mildly.

  Hagen stops and looks at me while moving to his rail, so I mirror his motion until we are standing directly across from each other. The ships are anchored one hundred yards apart, but every pirate knows sound carries over water.

  “Can’t sleep?” My voice is quiet, but I know he hears me.

  “What are you doing? Shouldn’t you be in with her?” His head jerks toward my cabin.

  “She came here with nothing.” I glance behind me. “I’ve sent Colin to find her clothes until we can go ashore.”

  He stares at the door and then spins without saying a word. Minutes later, I hear three shrill whistles. Then three more after another few minutes. I wait.

  Hagen has some idea, and I’ve learned over the years to let his ideas play out.

  The sound of the door opening behind me makes my muscles tense. She walks on silent feet, stopping when she reaches my side. The wind blows her hair, and the silken strands of it tickle over my face. Reaching up, she catches at it and tucks them behind her ear.

  “Sorry.” She smiles at me. “What are you doing out here?”

  I’m not sure how to answer, but Colin’s arrival makes it so I don’t have to. He has a basket in his hands and as he stops in front of us, he stares down at it.

  “I’m sorry, sir. I didn’t find much.” Reyna frowns at the bask

  “I’m sure whatever you found will be just fine.” I don’t look at her. A whistle blasts from Hagen’s ship. She turns just as I watch Hagen fire an arrow. It whistles through the night sky then sinks into the wood right in front of Reyna.

  I’m impressed when she doesn’t even flinch. Instead she reaches for the rope that hangs loose from the shaft.

  “Pull it.” Hagen’s voice carries over the distance between us. “A gift from all of us.”

  She smiles and glances at me as she starts to pull the rope hand over hand. A splash echoes as something hits the water. What has he done?

  Her hands become wet with the water from the rope, dripping down onto the wood rail. I hold out my hand, but she shakes her head, unwilling to give up her prize.

  Letting my hand drop, I wait as she begins to pull faster and faster. A giggle bubbles up from her throat as an oiled bag slides over the rail. It’s stuffed full of things.

  She looks across the dark water and smiles at Hagen.

  “Take her inside, Fallon. She needs to rest. Tomorrow we start a very long and dangerous journey.” He nods at her then spins on his heel and stalks to his own cabin.

  “I guess you better take me inside.” She smirks but holds the wet bag to her body.

  “I guess I better.” I grin at Colin as I take the basket, although I have a feeling that the things Colin has managed to find will pale in comparison to whatever is in the bag she is clutching.

  I nod at the door, and she starts forward. I follow with Colin close behind. She stops at the door and adjusts the bag, but before she can reach for knob, Colin is there turning it for her. She smiles at him, and his face flushes red. Poor boy.

  I’m willing to share her, but that only applies to my brothers.

  He stumbles back when he looks at me.

  “Goodnight, Miss,” he murmurs as he backs away.

  She glances back at me, her brows furrowed. “What did you do?”

  I shrug and shake my head trying my very best to look innocent. Her lips twitch. “Hmm.”

  She says nothing else, just starts inside, knowing I will follow. And I will follow; I’m beginning to think I will follow her anywhere.

  Closing the door, I stand with my back against it, watching as she places the stuffed bag on the table.

  “You staying by the door all night?” She turns leaning her hip against the wood. “What did Colin bring?” She glances at the basket I’m still holding.

  “Never mind this. Check to see what Hagen has sent you.” She grins as she reaches for the rope that is tied tightly around the top. Hagen tied it with an intricate knot and I watch as her smile softens when she notices it. A heart.

  That pirate.

  Stealing her heart right from beneath my very nose. I shake my head a tiny bit as her finger tip traces over that knot.


  They are sneaky bastards.

  She slowly begins to try to untie the rope, her fingers shaking just a bit, either from excitement or some other emotion. I finally push away from the door, making my way to the other side of the table. I set the basket on a chair I pull out with my foot. Looking down at it, I see some shirts and maybe some other scraps under them.

  I’m completely positive Hagen has sent much better fare.

  “I can’t get it started,” she grumbles, not looking up.

  She’s pissed. It’s cute. She looks up, and I know better than to tell her that.

  “Do you want some help?” She shoves the bag in my direction. “Okay.”

  I swallow the chuckle that threatens to bubble up as I work to loosen the knot. As soon as I get the first part pulled out, she pulls the bag back to her side and tears at the rope.

  In no time at all, she has it unraveled and drops it forgotten on the table. Next she untwists the oilskin, opening the top and peers down into the darkness of the interior of the bag.

  Her mouth forms a circle as she reaches in. She looks up at me as she pulls her hand back. In it, she is gripping a brightly colored fabric. She repeats the motion, getting more excited each time she pulls something out. Finally, she pulls her hand back and in it, she holds a paper. I recognize all my brothers handwriting on it. Pirates.

  Gifts from each of them. Presents to win her heart, to bind her to us.

  I watch as her lips move as she reads each of their words, her smile growing even as her eyes fill with tears. When she finishes, she looks up at me.

  “It was your idea.” She drops the paper and comes around the table. “You wanted me to feel welcome. You realized I had nothing, and you all want to give me…” She steps closer, her breasts touching my chest and looks up at my face. “Everything.”

  Her fingers curl into my shirt as she pulls herself up to my lips. I fight the need to take her, to plunge into the warmth I know lies just behind her soft lips. Instead, I let her show me exactly what she thinks everything includes. She leaves my lips, and I feel my hands fist as I fight my desires. Soft kisses and hot breath tickles over my jaw as she makes her way toward my neck. The muscle in that jaw flexes when I feel her tongue flick out to taste the skin above the vein that is pulsing. My control snaps when she closes her teeth over that same flesh, biting down with just enough pressure to leave a mark.

  The idea of being marked as hers releases something in me. Something both dark and wild.

  Chapter 23


  I don’t know why I bit him but I want to do it again. I want to do it again but I stop myself just as his hands grab my thighs and lift me into the air. In the blink of an eye, I’m on the table and he is looking at me like I’m a piece of steak and he is starving.

  I swallow. Hard.

  There is no going back if I do this, if we do this. He braces his hands on either side of the thighs that still bear his marks and just watches me, breathing hard.

  “Have you decided, Reyna?”

  I swallow again.

  “Do you choose me…” I open my mouth but he keeps speaking. “And my brothers?”

  I let my eyes fall to the paper on the table; each had written a note, an explanation of what they had sent, of what they offered. Each was different in their words and reasons.

  Wilder was sweet, Cyder slightly cynical, Lash was flowery and self-assured but underneath worried I’d hurt him again, and Hagen, well, Hagen was to the point and somehow that intrigued me more than it should have. I realize Fallon is a blend of them all; he is the leader to a group that needs no leader.

  He says nothing as I stare down at their masculine handwriting. Just waiting. He has the quiet strength and patience a leader needs.

  I, finally, look back at his green eyes and I realize they have darkened to the color of the moss under the trees deep in the forest. I stare at them, noticing the flecks of brighter emerald green and even some almost yellow near the middle, predator eyes like those of the big cats that are just now starting to make a big comeback.

  I am the prey.

  He smiles. “What?”

  “I guess you can think like that but I have a feeling it would be the other way around.” Hell, I said it out loud.

  “You think you guys would be my prey?” It sounds ridiculous even saying it.

  “I think you will be a queen ruling over your kingdom before we know it.” I gape at him. “The crazy part is, I don’t think we mind the idea one tiny bit.”

  I don’t know what to say. “I don’t want that. You have to know that.”

  “I do. Maybe that’s why we don’t mind the idea.” His hand comes up and cups my cheek, and he looks at me with a mixture of longing and something so much more. “Why don’t we just get some rest tonight?”

  A bolt of disappointment jolts through me. How did we get to ‘let’s just get some rest’ when moments ago, he looked like he was about to devour me?

  Before I can answer or make a move to change his mind, he steps away, letting his fingers slide over my skin before they drop. I watch as he moves efficiently around t
he room and I’m surprised when a bed folds down from the wall.

  It was so well hidden among the carvings that I would have never found it. He grabs extra blankets from a basket in the corner behind his desk and throws them at the couch, along with a pillow.

  “You can have the bed. I hope something in the bag or the things Colin brought will work for sleeping.” I look at the forgotten basket from my new friend and see a large shirt on top.

  It gives me an idea. I stay where I sit and draw my leg up, letting my skirt slide up over my knee and fall in a pile at my thigh as I remove my shoe and short sock. I repeat the action with my left leg, very aware that he is watching.

  Standing, I let the fabric fall back in place around my calves while I reach back and untie the ribbon that holds it up around my waist. My mother has always made me the old style skirts, wasting yards of fabric to make them full, hiding my figure from the men at the pub, she thought, although I doubt that very much. I let it fall and hear a noise from behind me.

  I don’t look at him. I know my shirt is hiding my butt, barely. I reach up and pull the wooden sticks from my hair and let the long length of it unwind and fall down my back. I shake my head and run my fingers through it before reaching for the hem of my shirt and pulling it up. Quickly. My hair hides almost as much as the shirt did. Almost.

  “Reyna.” A warning. One I don’t plan on heeding.

  “I’m just getting ready for bed, like you said.” I glance back over my shoulder as I untie the ribbons holding my undergarment tight against my breast and let it fall to the floor using my hair as a shield. I keep my eyes locked on his.

  He watches as the fabric that matches the green of both our eyes flutters down.

  I reach for the oversized shirt and pull it on as I straighten, knowing he has seen the matching green bottoms. After the shirt settles in place, I reach back and run my hands under my hair at my neck, pull it out of the shirt, and let the wild curls bounce free.


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