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Born Magic (Chronicles of the Marked Book 1)

Page 14

by S Lawrence

  “She is something.”

  I follow his eyes as they turn back to Reyna. “She most definitely is.”

  “She is the one.” He sounds positive. “She called them, didn’t she?”

  Now his eyes turn to the waters around us, the waters that are still teeming with creatures from this part of the world and also those never seen here.

  “I’m not sure.” He scoffs at my answer. “Maybe.” I have to give him that.

  “She is the one then.” I had told him the story about the girl who would wield the magic, the power, long ago.

  “We think so.” I watch as she finally settles on the one she plans to win over. Old Marco is a very good choice. He is the father or grandfather to every man on this ship. If he falls for her, the others will die for her, if need be.

  We finally drag our attention back to the matter of running the ship. He goes over the daily logs and repairs that are taking place. We are still talking when the first of the ropes from the Howling Lust is thrown over and caught by the crew. They are swift and efficient, tying them off and dropping the fenders over to prevent any damage to either ship.

  Lash swings over, looking every bit a pirate of old. His smile means the supply run down the coast was fruitful. I wonder if he found a willing woman like he normally does. He has a bag thrown over his shoulder, and I watch as his eyes travel over the entire deck.

  “She is below in the kitchens. She just convinced Marco to take her down.” His eyebrows raise at the name.

  “She looking for a fatherly figure?” He jokes, but I can tell it is mostly for the benefit of Jack, who doesn’t fall for it.

  “You’re looking mighty spiffy today, Captain.”

  I don’t even try to contain my chuckle. Lash is in some of his finest and possibly tightest clothes. He frowns and stomps away.

  “I’ll leave you to it, Jack. Make sure you get some of the fresh meat.” My head is shaking as he grins at Lash’s retreating back.

  “That monster is going to come in handy, I suppose.” His gaze locks onto Liam, who is standing at the rail raised up taller than most of the men. He is looking at the other ship and also down at the creature swimming below.

  “Don’t you dare, Liam.” His head turns at my loud words, tongue lolling out with a look like ‘you’re not my boss, human.’ “Reyna would be very upset.”

  He growls and lowers himself. I swear he is more, just like she is. He trots away, following in Lash’s footsteps, going to find his mistress. He leaps down the stairs in one bound.

  Leaving Jack to speak to the crew and hand out their evening tasks, I head to my quarters, yelling for one of the cabin boys to help get the table and chairs out and onto the deck. While he and another he asked to help are doing that, I open one of my many chests and pull out some lanterns I keep stored there.

  Heading out, I string one of the ropes between the masts, then hang the lanterns from it. Setting a mood, the sky begins to turn bright orange as the sun sets. I see Hagen’s ship finally appear far out on the horizon, tiny but moving closer, black sails full of an evening breeze. He will be here by the time dinner is served.

  As if on cue, the smell of roasting meat drifts up from the galley. Cyder’s ship ties up next to Lash’s, and I see his dark red head practically glowing in the evening sun as he jumps from from his rail to the other. He is the tallest of us, lean and lanky. He makes the distance easy.

  He’s across the other deck in less than ten steps and jumps up, standing there grinning at me before leaping across. His boots make a loud thud as he lands. A few steps and he’s standing at my side, his face turned up to the lanterns.

  “Going all out, huh?”

  “Shut up, asshole.” I grin though because hell yeah, I am. I want her to love being on my ship. “The beast caught a fucking moose so we are having fresh meat, and there will be plenty for you to take to your crew.”

  A growling sound and red eyes looking out from the darkness of the hold makes the hair on my body stand on end. Cyder straightens while staring at the dark opening. We both jump as a loud bark echoes out at us just before the animal itself jumps onto the deck.

  “I’m glad he’s on our side,” Cyder murmurs as Liam bumps into his thigh.

  “I wouldn’t be so sure about that.” I watch as Liam licks his fingers. “He has but one Mistress. He tolerates us, at best.”

  “Maybe you, but I think he likes me.” Cyder scratches at the floppy ears that have been pushed into his hands. “See.”

  “You go on thinking that.” I turn and check on how the table is looking. The boys have covered it with bright cloths and multicolored plates and glass. “This looks great. Thank you”

  “We hope she likes it, Captain.” Their faces look like they are already half in love with her. I know for certain they wouldn’t have gone through a third of the trouble for my brothers and me.

  “I have no doubt that she will,” I assure them as they turn and walk away, heading down the stairs to the crew quarters to get their own dinner.

  Liam turns his head toward the stairs.

  “She’s coming.” Cyder starts across the deck but he is met by Marco, who narrows his eyes and draws his huge bushy eyebrows low, a frown on his face. It turns into a smile as he turns away and holds out his hand to help her up.

  “Thank you, Marco.” She turns and kisses him on his wrinkle-lined cheek, which instantly turns pink, then she turns back to us. “They cooked, and some others are bringing the food.”

  I see the moment she sees the table and lights. Her lips form an O before turning into a huge smile. “It’s beautiful.” She glides across my deck, stopping less than an inch from me. “You did this for me?”

  I nod and she rises up on her toes, pressing her soft lips to mine. She applies pressure, demanding entrance. I kiss her like the starving man I am, wrapping my arms around her. We kiss and kiss, hands skating over each other until a not so subtle throat clearing makes her giggle.

  “Hello, Cyder.” She leans back away from me, turning to look at him after grinning at me.

  “Sorry, my throat is dry.”

  “Right,” Fallon calls from the rail where he is standing frozen.

  We didn’t hear him, which says a lot about how we were all wrapped up in the kiss. Even Cyder, who was only watching. That says so much about… Well, all of us really.

  “This looks great, Wilder. Just like out of one of your books.” Fallon jumps down and crosses to where I stand with our girl. Yes ours, for she has chosen us. He stops as he reaches us and leans over, kissing her softly even as he rests his hand on my shoulder and squeezes it.

  I watch Cyder’s eyes widen as he begins to fully understand what this could all be, and I nod. Now a new gleam enters his eyes, and I shake my head as I step away, leaving Reyna with Fallon and move in front of him.

  “Do not scare her.” It comes out as a quiet command. Not something I ever do with him or the others. It is a tone I reserve for the crew.

  “I wouldn’t,” he whispers back, leaning down at me.

  I am not intimidated by his height but I take no offense. It is a tactic he has learned to use; one that has saved us trouble many times. “I saw that look, Cyder. She is innocent.” He raises a brow. “She is. We must give her time to find her way and learn what she wants and needs from us all.”

  Lash steps onto the deck with a platter of meat in his hands, his eyes scanning the situation, the tenseness of myself and Cyder along with the others.

  “I brought the meat.” He plasters the look on his face that has made many women wet as Reyna looks up with a giggle. Mission accomplished.

  Lash is the most secretive of all of us. She will have a hard time getting beneath his mask, but I hope she perseveres, for his sake. A good man lurks just under it.

  The cook and his kitchen help shove Lash aside as they too try to get on deck with their plates and bowls of food.

  “You’ve outdone yourself, Dominic.” He is a young man but he can cook
. I dare say he is the best on all the ships.

  “Thank you, sir. I hope you all like it.” He says those words but he is looking at Reyna.

  “It smells wonderful.” She moves beside the table, across from where they all stand placing their items in the center. “I can’t wait to try everything. We forgot to eat lunch.” She looks over at me, still smiling.

  Dominic walks to the end and pulls the chair out for her. Head of the table for their goddess. She glances at us, and we all bow our heads slightly in agreement, head of the table for our queen.

  A shrill whistle cuts through the growing darkness, and we all turn to see the Black Wolf pulling alongside Fallon’s Bloody Rose. Reyna stays standing, watching and waiting. I glance at the others, realizing she isn’t the only one who is going to have to find their way in this new arrangement.

  Fallon is the only one that seems to feel secure in his place in her life. This new life is going to take some getting used to for all of us.

  Hagen comes across the other ship quickly then leaps over to us, landing hard on the deck, looking devilish. A rogue out to steal her right from under our noses.

  “Hello.” He frowns as we all stare. “What’s going on?”

  “You just made it for dinner.” Reyna rushes over to him and grabs his hand, dragging him to the table.

  He flops into the chair next to the one she was given then turns his eyes to the rest of us. She sits a little more delicately, and Fallon pushes the chair in before taking his seat at her right. I take my chair next to him as the others lower themselves into the ones they’ve chosen.

  No one moves.

  “Well, come on, let’s eat.” She smiles waving her hands at the food. “Dominic worked real hard on all this.”

  The man in question is still standing at the top of the stairs and he smiles with pleasure. Another man for her army. I wonder if she realizes that she’s recruiting. I don’t think so.

  Hagen is the first to start getting food, and I can’t hide my shock nor can the others as he serves Reyna then himself. The rest of us dig in as she unconsciously leans toward him.

  I had initially thought Fallon would be her favorite but I can see something about Hagen really draws her. He seems very unaware of that pull, but the others aren’t.

  “So how’d the swim lessons go?” He asks innocently.

  Reyna’s gaze flies to mine. “They can help us figure it out.” I remind her.

  “I’m a very good swimmer, it appears.” She starts then stops and looks at me again, silently begging for help.

  I set my fork down while nodding and watch her relax.

  “Did you happen to notice the abundance of creatures circling our ships?”

  Cyder nods hard once; he’s been waiting for an explanation. Lash frowns, which means he was more worried about getting back to her. Fallon just waits as Hagen tenses.

  He is ready to war for her.

  She looks down at her plate, and then I hear her quiet voice. “We think they came because of me.” It’s like the oxygen is sucked out of the air.

  “Excuse me, what?” Lash sits forward staring at her before turning to look at me. “Wilder?”

  The others look at me once again. “When she stepped into the water, something happened. It was like a little ripple, and I wasn’t sure what it was, and then she went from a dog paddle to swimming like a damn mermaid in seconds, but the ripples kept happening. They were like…” I look at her, and she shrugs. “I don’t know, pulses? Next thing we know, a shark swims into the cove. Then another.” I jerk my head toward the side of the ship.

  “A shark in the cove.” Fallon stands and walks to the front of the ship, looking over the rail. “The waters are still teeming.” He turns back to us.

  “The magic,” Cyder murmurs, watching her closely.

  “Maybe.” Reyna refuses to commit.

  “Maybe, sweetheart?” Hagen grins at her.

  She doesn’t smile back, and he reaches down, picking up her foot. I can tell because she shifts slightly in her seat.

  “Don’t be scared, princess. We will protect you no matter what,” Lash vows, drawing her attention.

  I’m not sure she needs our protection at all.

  Chapter 29


  They seem unconcerned while I’m freaking the hell out. Even if I can wrap my head around magic and gods and whatever else, it’s totally different to accept it in myself.

  I’m terrified. Hagen’s fingers rub against my insole harder when he feels me tense. I look up at him then at Wilder, my calm port. I need calm.

  “Wilder?” I hate how scared I sound but I love that he stands and comes to me before his name completely clears my lips. I let him draw me up and go into his arms. Hagen released my foot without a complaint, knowing that I need this.

  I need stable until I get my feet under me, until I figure this all out. My face is buried against Wilder’s neck when I feel them. They moved silently from their chairs and are now circling us. Their heat envelops me.

  “We made a promise, Reyna.” Cyder’s warm breath blows across my hair. “Whatever you need, we will provide it.”

  The words make me feel warmer, safer, and loved. I blink, letting my eyelashes tickle over Wilder’s skin. Loved. Could it be? Not full-fledged love on any of our parts, but maybe just a tiny flame just starting to burn.

  “I know and I believe you all. It’s just scary. And none of us know what it means. I mean, do either of you know of anyone or anything that can call animals without even trying?”

  They move back as I shift away from Wilder. He keeps his arms around me, and they all have a hand on me, touching me somewhere, keeping us connected.

  Each shakes their head, just like I thought.

  “We should eat.” They look at me, each hard in their own way, before moving away and back to their seats. We have our meal in silence, all lost in our own thoughts.

  Candles have burnt low when we finally finish. I push my chair back then stand. One of the crew is high in the crow’s nest, playing a guitar; the melancholy notes float all around me, around us.

  I let my eyes fall closed, and my hips sway from side to side. The music takes away the worry. I feel him before I open my eyes and then smell his exotic scent. I had noticed it at that first meeting. Lash.

  His arms circle around me, and we begin to dance. It’s sensual and yet loving. He is the perfect gentleman.

  “You’re a very good dancer,” I murmur as I open my eyes and look up at his gorgeous face.

  “It’s part of my job.”

  For the first time, I see a hint of unhappiness in his eyes. Maybe he isn’t as he first seemed. The song ends, and he steps back, bowing slightly before stepping away. Cyder is waiting as a much faster, happier song begins and he leads me in a joyful dance that leaves me breathless and giggling.

  They each follow, the man with the guitar playing a song that fits each of them, with the last being Wilder. He has been waiting in his chair and stands just as Hagen steps away after kissing me sweetly on the cheek.

  His song is beautiful, and I look up at the musician, amazed he is still only using the guitar. Drum beats and other sounds come from it as Wilder guides me through the dance. It feels like we are butterflies on the breeze, just floating across the deck. When the music stops, he follows but keeps me in his arms. Glancing around, I see we are alone; the others have gone. His hand slides down my arm until his fingers link with mine. I let him lead me to his quarters, both interested and nervous about what will happen next.

  As he closes the door behind us, I see a package on the table. Glancing back at him, I wait for him to see it. When he does, he nods his head and I walk over to it. A piece of paper is laying on top.

  I saw the color and I knew it would be beautiful on you.


  I open the paper wrapping, and there is a gorgeous night gown of soft, buttery green fabric. Lifting it up, I hold it against me.

  “He’s right; it wil
l be.” Wilder has moved right behind me, and I find myself leaning back against him. His hand comes around to grip my chin, turning my head up and back so he can capture my lips. The kiss is more demanding than any of his others, and I wonder if he has different ideas about waiting than Fallon.

  He releases me too soon and steps away, crossing to a chest and kneeling in front of it. My nerves are growing, but I leave him to whatever he is doing and go behind the screen to change. The fabric feels delicate against my skin, the pale green making it seem even tanner than usual. It was made to highlight a woman’s curves, hugging my breasts and waist but flaring out around my hips. I like that it hangs down to my calves.

  I feel beautiful and a bit daring when I step out.

  Wilder’s eyes fill with heat when he sees me. “I need to remember to thank my brother.”

  “So do I.” I stop some distance from him. He has lit some candles, and the light dances over the walls and his face from where he sits on cushions on the floor. Looking around, I realize they are his bed. He has pulled blankets from the chest. The way it is set up it reminds me of a nest.

  Holding his hand up, he beckons me forward. I only pause for a moment before walking forward and letting him draw me down. I snuggle against his side.

  “Tell me the story again.”

  He nods as he pulls a blanket up over us. His other hand is rubbing over my arm, like mine is doing to his chest. He had taken his shirt off and changed into loose pants while I was changing. They sit low on his hips, their dark teal color highlighting his skin.

  All of my captains have muscles and are physically fit. Wilder is leaner though, with a slim waist below slightly wider shoulders. He is the one closest to me in size, but laying against him and feeling the muscles below my hand, I can sense the power coiled in his body.


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