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The Black God (#2, Damian Eternal Series)

Page 25

by Lizzy Ford

  He Traveled to the Guardians headquarters in Texas and stood before the gates once more.

  An hour after throwing the Guardians’ compound into chaos, Jonny paced in front of the White God’s massive ranch house under the careful watch of Guardians he ignored. His gaze strayed more than once to the corral of farm animals he suspected his sister had rescued.

  He was starving, and he wasn’t above draining animals since humans and Guardians were out of the question. His wounds had stopped bleeding, but he was conserving his remaining energy. He wouldn’t have the power to heal until he’d eaten. His phone buzzed with constant texts from Charles, and he checked the latest updates.

  Survivors: four hundred and nine. Valon’s vamps wiped out. Brandon delivered to Xander.

  Jonny paused in his pacing. He’d lost over nine thousand vamps in his first five years. The enormity of the loss hit him hard. He stood, gazing into the dark sky, the weight of an entire race of people on his shoulders, and the knowledge he felt whole enough to carry it only when Ashley was at his side.

  “We need to talk,” Xander’s low growl came from behind him. The Guardians around them shifted at the arrival of the Original Vamp and at least one called someone.

  Jonny drew a breath. He’d been expecting this confrontation with Xander for quite some time. He turned and squared his shoulders, not about to let Xander see how weak he was. “No, we don’t,” he said firmly. “You have no right to tell me I can’t see Ash or she can’t see me. Yes, she ended up dragged into something horrific and yes, much of what happened to her and Brandon could’ve been prevented, had I thought it wise to come to you. But I didn’t, because we’re fucking adults capable of making our own decisions in life. You taught me this, Xander, and I’m not about to back off this time, out of fear of what you’ll do since I’m in love with Ashley and have been for four years! You, cabron, will not scare me off again!”

  Amusement crossed Xander’s features. “What I planned on telling you is I’ll respect her choice. I couldn’t give a shit about what you want, Jonny. But if she wants to be with you, then I’m okay with it. Jessi isn’t,” he added. “But I’ll talk to her.”

  It took Jonny a moment to digest what Xander said. “You’re seriously okay with this?”

  “You just said it doesn’t matter if I am or not.”

  “It doesn’t. But … you are her family.”

  “And apparently, so are you.”

  As usual, Jonny sensed there was always more to Xander’s motivations than what he revealed publicly. Some relief unfurled inside him to know he wasn’t about to make an enemy of the most powerful immortal around by pursuing Ashley.

  “Although it probably doesn’t need to be said,” Xander continued, “if you fuck up, Jonny, if she comes home crying or if she ever ends up here being brought back to life again, you will deal with Jessi first and then me.”

  Jonny snorted, expecting the warning. “I understand. Nothing like this will ever happen again. I swear it.”

  “That’s a relief.” The White God’s voice materialized before he did. “You’re forgetting she made Dusty a deal.”

  “She made me one first,” Jonny retorted.

  “I could definitely use someone with her skill set,” Damian said.

  “Or you could let her make up her own mind, when her life and that of her brother aren’t in danger,” Xander interjected.

  Jonny and Damian gazed at one another. Jonny wasn’t about to bend; he already knew where Ashley was going to end up. His discussion with Darian, however, made him think Damian was going to need an incentive not to press the issue.

  Damian, he said into the White God’s head. Take Brandon. You get your bargaining chip. I get my mate.

  Damian studied him and then glanced at the Original Vamp. Mate?

  Jonny’s cheeks felt warm. Isn’t that what you immortals call them? Mates?

  Yeah. Didn’t know the Black God was capable of having one. Damian started to smile. Help me convince Xander of it, and I’ll tell Dusty to back down.

  The idea Jonny had a bargaining chip, one that wasn’t going to make Xander happy, almost made him smile. Not only that but for once, he wasn’t the one being teamed up on by everyone else. He was involved in the politics instead of watching everyone else argue and waiting for them to smack him around.

  “There’s always Brandon,” he said aloud. “He’s going to need some serious rehab time with my sister. She can’t regrow his eye or hand.”

  “He can heal at home,” Xander replied.

  “Not as well as he can here,” the White God pointed out. “Bianca’s skill set is definitely unique. She’ll be able to help him adjust.”

  Xander shifted, his eyes narrowing. Jonny felt him prod his mind and neatly blocked it. The White God’s wards around the compound weakened the power of anyone who entered, making it easier to fend off Xander’s attempt to penetrate his thoughts.

  “It doesn’t have to be permanent, Xander,” Jonny continued. “Give him some time to heal with Bianca. Then let him decide what he wants to do. I’m sure Damian will agree to help a Natural heal.”

  And then conscript him before he has a chance to refuse, Damian added into Jonny’s mind.

  Jonny coughed to cover his laugh. He didn’t expect the humor from the man who had viewed him as either a child who needed schooling or an enemy who was lost – but never as an equal he joked around with.

  The silence that followed was long, and Jonny willed his features unreadable by the Original Vamp who was always too sharp for people to hide much of anything from him.

  “I know how powerful Bianca is. In theory, I don’t object, but I do have one condition,” Xander said finally. “Jessi has to agree or I will never, ever hear the end of it.”

  “I understand what it means to be terrified of the tiny woman you live with,” Damian said wisely. “It’s only fair Jessi makes the final call.”

  “Give me a few hours to talk to her.”

  “Darian,” Damian called over his shoulder. “I know you’re lurking. Give X a ride home.”

  The Grey God emerged from the shadows of the house and winked at Jonny as he approached. He strode to Xander and touched his arm, and they both disappeared.

  “Now, back to our business.” Damian said, focus on Jonny.

  Holding up his hand to stop Damian from continuing, Jonny tilted his head, sensing … something. The tingle of an Other nearby had a similar feel. He’d gotten good at knowing where they’d appear before they did so. Unable to Track them from the distance like Charles could, he was able to sense when they were within about ten meters of him.

  He followed the tingling tug towards the corral and paused, waiting. A second before the creature materialized, his hand flew out, and he snatched its neck.

  The otherworldly creature gasped. Unlike the Others, this small man had green eyes. Jonny had heard them called Watchers, the enemies of the Others, but had never met one.

  “Good catch,” Damian said in a growl, approaching. “What the fuck do you want?”

  The Watcher squirmed in Jonny’s grip. He sensed it gathering its power to Travel again and blocked it, adept at countering the creatures once they appeared after the four years he spent hunting and killing Others.

  He did loosen his grip on the creature’s neck and bared his teeth to show his lengthening fangs. “Speak quickly,” he growled. “I have no patience with your kind. I can’t kill you, but I’ll make you wish I could.”

  “Ikir, I mean no harm. Will you tell him so?” The Watcher was looking at Damian.

  “You can ask him to not rip your throat out,” Damian suggested. “But the Black God will do what he wants with you once he has you. We both know I have no love for your kind and am more inclined to watch him do it than vouch for you.”

  The Watcher’s gaze went to Jonny. “It is an honor, ikir,” he said and ducked his head the best he could. “I have come to say farewell. This is all.”

  “Farewell?” Jonny
eyed him.

  “Things are as they should be, at least for a very long time,” came the quick response. “I wished to tell you so, ikir.” He addressed this at the White God.

  Jonny resisted the animalistic urge to crush the creature that looked too much like his enemies.

  “You’re done fucking with us since we’ve killed your enemies,” Damian said, unimpressed.

  “Yes, and since the Black God has accepted his path.”

  Jonny listened. He knew little of the Others and Watchers, aside from the basics. They were remnants from an ancient culture of immortals. The Watchers were said to aid the White God on occasion, while the Others were after power. They often simply stood back and watched the White and Black Gods fight, capable of seeing into the future and sometimes interfering depending on how they wanted the balance of power among immortals to go.

  His own experience with Others left him soured on the Watchers as well, for they had the power to stop the Others and had left the job to him.

  “You won’t return,” Jonny said, the menace and threat in his voice clear. “Ever.”

  “I will not, ikir.” The Watcher said. “If you do not object, I wanted to thank your mate for her help.”

  “You’ve spoken to her before?” Anger flared to life inside him at the thought of the Watcher anywhere near Ashley.

  “Yes, ikir. I told her how to break the bone weapons to help you. You see, I’m not your enemy. I’m –”

  “I don’t give a fuck what you are,” Jonny snapped. “If you go near her, I will spend my eternity making you suffer.” His hands squeezed the creature’s neck reflexively.

  “Easy,” Damian said, resting a hand on his forearm. “I hate these things as much as you do. But he poses no threat. And sometimes, letting someone go who might help you down the road is the smartest thing you can do.”

  Jonny didn’t move, but he reined in the side of him that wanted to feel warm Watcher’s blood sliding down his throat.

  “Especially since Ashley’s grandfather is a Watcher. Having a blood tie to someone with this power is smart.”

  “I remember Xander saying that,” Jonny said. “It’s why Jessi, Brandon and Ash are stronger than normal Naturals.”

  “Yes, ikir,” the Watcher choked out.

  “Alliances are important to have in your position,” Damian advised.

  Jonny loosened his grip and then dropped his hand completely. He had learned as much from Xander and his own experience battling Others and then Valon.

  “Thank you, ikir.” The Watcher sounded too cheerful. Jonny had the urge to strangle him again.

  “Get the fuck out of here,” he ordered. “And stay away from all of us.”

  The Watcher nodded his head and winked out of existence in a spark of green.

  Jonny rolled his shoulders back and faced Damian.

  The White God was smiling. “You did good.”

  “I did what I had to,” Jonny replied.

  “And you’re certain you can take a Natural into your organization and keep her safe?”


  “For being my mortal enemy, you aren’t so bad.” Damian said with a snort. “You gotta keep the catch and release protocol in place or I’ll be at your door.”

  “I understand,” Jonny replied. “I want you and the Originals out of my business. Permanently.”

  “That can be arranged. Get the fuck out of my database.”

  Jonny hid a smile. “Fine.” Stuart had mirrored it. He wasn’t going to stop seeking out Naturals with gifts to vamp and help rebuild his organization, but Damian didn’t need to know that. He’d learned many lessons the first few years in charge of the vamps. Among them, he wasn’t going to be caught off guard by anything or anyone ever again. His people deserved to have lines of defense against the rest of the world.

  “You moving your people back overseas anytime soon?” Damian asked. “Jules is bored over in the Eastern Hemisphere.”

  “When I have people to move, yeah,” Jonny replied.

  “All right. Don’t be a stranger.” Damian held out his hand.

  Jonny shook it.

  “I’ll give Ashley a phone and let her know she can call you or me, depending on where she wants to go,” Damian said. “You headed home to Miami?”


  “I’ll warn Dusty. In the words of the most worthy Black God I’ve ever known, get the fuck out of here.”

  Jonny offered a tight smile. He didn’t want to leave Ashley, but he also knew he was, for the first time, on even footing with Damian. He wouldn’t want the White God showing up at his headquarters, and he felt pressured to reciprocate.

  Jonny debated how to respond and finally decided there was nothing he really needed to say to Damian. He Traveled back to his headquarters in Miami and materialized on the private beach. Exhausted yet wired with concern for Ashley, he took a moment to gaze at the serene ocean before acknowledging the vamps awaiting him.

  Charles stood bloodied and sweating beside Tasha.

  “You disobeyed me, Charles,” Jonny started. “You sent Ashley after me.”

  “Yes, ikir. I freely admit to not following your orders, and I would do it again, if I had the chance.” Charles knelt, eyes on the ground. “I request a merciful death.”

  Jonny studied him. Tasha’s gaze was downcast as well, and she was tense.

  “Tasha, liquidate a quarter of our properties worldwide. We’re going to make some changes around here, starting with taking better care of our people,” Jonny said. “Go.”

  She left quickly after sneaking a glance at Charles.

  Jonny crouched in front of Charles. “What you did was pretty stupid, I’ll admit. You put Ashley in danger. But … you also knew something I wasn’t ready to admit to myself.” He paused, unable to recall the last time he thanked his second for being the diehard loyal, wise vamp he was. “I need someone like you to continue to guide me and prevent me from falling into the trap I did with Valon. I need someone who can remind me I have options and I don’t have to do this alone and who knows a thing or two about what makes a good leader great.”

  Charles was still.

  “I’m not going to kill you, Charles,” he said softly. “I need you by my side.”

  “I am deeply grateful, ikir.”

  “Just don’t make a habit out of disobeying me.”

  “Never, ikir. I did what I thought was right to protect you.”

  “And you were right, as always. Ashley saved my life.”

  Charles appeared to be trying not to smile. Jonny suspected his humble second was secretly telling him I-told-you-so. “Will she be returning?”

  “Yes,” Jonny answered. No part of him thought Ash was going to walk away, not after everything they’d been through. “I’m pretty sure she’s going to want a rematch with you in the sparring ring.”

  “It would be my pleasure, ikir.”

  Jonny stood. His thoughts strayed to Ashley once more. If he didn’t keep busy, he was likely to end up at Damian’s once more, and he doubted the White God was going to be so accommodating the next time he appeared. “We’ve got some clean up to do, don’t we?”

  “Yes, ikir.”

  “Let’s get started.”

  Chapter Twenty Four

  Ashley sat beside her cousin Jessi in the guest room adjacent to hers at the White God’s. Brandon slept peacefully on the bed in front of them, his wounds healed by Jonny’s sister.

  “You’re sure you’re not upset?” Ashley asked for the tenth time since they’d sat down together. She studied her cousin’s face.

  Jessi was worried. That much was clear from the lines around her lips, but her nod was firm. “I want you both to be happy,” she said and hugged Ashley once more. “Xander and I fought about it for two days, but … he’s right. I really, really hate that. If you tell him I said so, I’ll never make you fudge again.”

  Ashley giggled, amused by the secrets her two most favorite people in the world kep
t from one another. “Okay. I won’t.” Her hands trembled. She was exhausted despite the forty eight hours she spent sleeping. “I know you never liked Jonny.”

  “I absolutely despise him!” Jessi exclaimed.

  “He’s not that bad.”

  “It might take me some time before I can tolerate him at our weekly family dinner.” Jessi pulled away, frowning. “You’ll still come Thursday night, won’t you?”

  “Always,” Ashley promised. “Just promise to give him a shot.”


  “If not for him, you wouldn’t have met Xander.”

  “Yeah. Our lives are so much better for having Xander in them.” Jessi’s features softened. “I keep thinking I can protect you and Brandon from the world forever. It kills me to know you all got hurt.” Her gaze went to the still form of Ashley’s brother.

  “He’s strong and smart. He’ll be okay,” Ashley said. “We’ll make sure of it.” She squeezed Jessi’s hand. “Will you call me when he wakes?”

  “Of course.” Jessi planted a kiss on her forehead. “Just promise you’ll be careful. It’s bad enough having one vampire in the family. I’m not sure what to do about two.”

  Ashley laughed. “I love you, Jessi.”

  “I love you, too, Ash.”

  Cat jumped up onto Ashley’s lap. She patted the vamp cat with a smile. “Just in time. You’ll get to go live with the rest of the vamps! Aren’t you happy?”

  The cat purred. Ashley scooped it into her arms and left Jessi and Brandon. She made her way out of the house and walked across the compound to the main gate, which was open.

  Her pace quickened, and her heart began to race when she saw the dark form of Jonny waiting outside the fence under the wary gazes of the Guardians. His hands were in his pockets, his dark hair mussed by the west Texas wind, and his black eyes on her. As she stepped off the compound, his eyes began to glow red once more. While contained, raw power made the air around him shimmer.


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