Book Read Free


Page 1

by DiMirra

  Table of Contents





  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47



  A Novel by DiMirra

  This work is dedicated to The Lady Jane,

  who has made my life and reality complete.

  -- DiMirra


  Copyright © 2015 Bright House Publishers

  Published by Bright House Publishers

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any other means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America.

  Cover Art: Atula Siriwardarne

  Editor: Joseph Ridden

  Technical: Icecoldslim

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  "O my children! my poor children!

  Listen to the words of wisdom,

  Listen to the words of warning,

  From the lips of the Great Spirit,

  From the Master of Life, who made you!

  I have given you lands to hunt in,

  I have given you streams to fish in,

  I have given you bear and bison,

  I have given you roe and reindeer,

  I have given you brant and beaver,

  Filled the marshes full of wild-fowl,

  Filled the rivers full of fishes:

  Why then are you not contented?

  Why then will you hunt each other?

  I am weary of your quarrels,

  Weary of your wars and bloodshed . . .

  -- Spoken by Gitche Manito, "the Master of Life, The Creator of the Nations"

  From The Song of Hiawatha I, The Peace Pipe

  H. W. Longfellow, 1855


  Location: 0.6667° S, 90.5500° W

  07:00, May 1, 2016

  My family is an old family.

  We trace our roots back through the Medici's and even beyond. My name is Gianni Castillo de Medici.

  Avenger, our 300-foot converted frigate, swings on her anchor off the point of Isla Santa Maria in the Galapagos. Campitelli and I are drinking ice cold Tusker Premium Lager and smoking ayahuasca cigars the size of fat sausages. It has been barely four months since the end of recent world hostilities. That carnage reduced total human population by around three billion souls.

  I am determined to record the events that led to such an apocalypse. Because I was at the center of the maelstrom, I fully understand every reality is just one minds' interpretation of electrical signals, or as I have come to think, mere code. You will come to understand how things got so far out of hand so quickly by my recounting of this history.

  All these events unfurled as we stood on the brink of disaster yet also on the cusp of the greatest discoveries since mankind came to inhabit the earth. On one hand, we were committing humanicide and destroying the planet. On the other hand, we are discovering cures for every disease, unlimited green energy, how to live together and even the origins of our existence.

  As for you, the reader of my story -- at some future date I can tell you human destiny is not written in stone. It is determined by decisions we make personally and collectively concerning what is important in life and in death.

  This is the reality that I lived. Yes, I know, only one of an infinite number of realities . . .

  Chapter 1

  Marseilles: January 18, 2016

  On a frigid early morning, at the outskirts of the Marseilles district called "Air-Bel," a passerby found her. She was a teenage German girl with blond hair and blue eyes. There she was, half-naked and crucified in the traditional Biblical manner, complete with pierced heart and with shins crushed and broken to hasten exsanguination. The inscription on the cross read "God Is Greater," in Arabic.

  Air-Bel has been a "no-go zone" for police for many years. The public and press had free run of the incident area for several hours. Not long after discovery, this crucifixion went viral through all social media channels in unedited images and uninformed commentary from jihadists, ISIS, Hezbollah, Mossad, the Americans, some Nazis and more.

  Within hours, identical crucifixions of young Christian women were discovered in the vicinities of Amsterdam, Madrid, Berlin, Jerusalem, Nigeria and Syria. Each new act was more frantic and more barbaric than the last. The mainstream press began censoring images and downplaying the enormity of these brutal, ritualistic slaughters.

  Some countries shut down access to the Internet but the pictures and narratives continued to reach their audience privately on cell phones and through email and other media. Passions became inflamed beyond belief.

  The flashpoint was reached. Now all Europe is in flames. Acts from civil disobedience to outright insurrection occur everywhere and seem beyond control. Much like the crucifixions, there seems to be a synchronicity, as the very same events happen throughout the European Union and in the Middle East. Some sort of planning appeared to be in play behind it all at first. The situation has passed the point of command and control. It has spun inevitably past the point of no return.

  Our self-destruction has become spontaneous.

  Snipers vandalize power grids. Explosive charges bring down lines, transformers and towers. Workers rushing to repair damaged facilities are being attacked around Europe.

  All the while, temperatures continue to drop during what portends to be the coldest January on record.

  Raiders torch municipal buildings. Public transportation is being razed to shut down government and as a street-blocking maneuver to deny access to neighborhoods. Police and firemen are all coming under attack at numerous choke points.

  Police, militias and national guards respond to the chaos, leaving the stations and armories lightly guarded. Populations are storming these facilities to arm thems
elves. Some groups hijack tanker trucks to refuel their vehicles, create bombs and to poison water reservoirs. Over 200 tankers have gone missing throughout the European Union.

  Citizens view members of parliaments, local legislators and mayors as the root cause of their suffering. Where militants find leaders, they assassinate them, throughout Europe and the Middle East.

  Like swerving flocks of synchronized birds, people realize they need food and money. Banks, butchers, bakers, fish markets and grocery stores are picked clean with little or no resistance.

  Disparate groups of hackers target command and control on official communication networks -- doing anything and everything that creates chaos -- in banking centers, power grids, and even with traffic signals. The bright idea evolved that it's easier, faster and more effective to kidnap a high-level employee and coerce them to reveal a password and user name.

  Internal warfare has broken out within the Muslim communities. Various groups vie for control -- Sunnis, Shiites, Sufis, Alawis and their respective political subdivisions -- Al-Qa'ida, Ansar al-Islam, Abu Nidal, Abdullah Azzam Brigades, Ziyad al-Jarrah, Battalions of the Abdallah, Hamas, Haqqani Network, Hezbollah, ISIS, and more. The extremist list seems endless.

  The initial fighting began in Marseilles, the cesspool of Europe, home to major drug and arms smuggling and a contraband conduit to the entire Eurozone. Immigrant enclaves, the groups with the most weapons, mount attacks on indigenous Europeans. Foreigners try to annex territory through terror campaigns and slaughter.

  To counter the cataclysm and slow invasions, hundreds of small private planes take to the air and mount low-level gasoline and diesel firebomb attacks on no-go zones throughout Europe, devastating these communities.

  A battalion of Marines, stationed at Naval Port of Toulon, was dispatched to Marseilles to help restore order. An ISIS cell had anticipated this very move. They performed a near-perfect blocking maneuver on Highway 56 toward the nearside of Aubange.

  The insurgents engaged the Marines with heavy machine guns and rocket propelled grenades. They shot down attack helicopters with surface-to-air missiles captured during the infamous Benghazi fiasco a few years ago.

  The battalion was caught in crossfire from an elevated position. Pinned down by heavy weapons and withering sniper fire, the battalion was completely destroyed. Five hundred of France's finest were gone in an hour.

  Stock markets worldwide are off 50% with the latest unrest. Most markets have now closed indefinitely. Gold breached $2,000 an ounce. Brent crude oil broke $200 a barrel.

  Though I honor my family name, "Gianni Castillo de Medici" is too formal for conversation. My friends call me Johnny. I am currently managing director of our family's intelligence and security service. In these times of total anarchy, ours is one of few such agencies that functions fully, thanks to our own private network throughout the world.

  My father Michele, Miche ("Mi-sha" to his friends and children) had the foresight -- and he should, as this line of our family is strong with "second sight" -- to purchase communication satellites through the Russian space agency at Baikonur. These satellites did not achieve the desired orbit. Satellites would be worth upwards of a billion dollars in a strategic orbit. They can be purchased for pennies on the dollar when they don't achieve that. Launch anomalies were sometimes paid for in advance and with our own code pre-installed in the satellites.

  Now we possess the largest private satellite network in the world, more than a dozen, which makes for strange bedfellows in the information business. We maintain contact with all of the world's spy agencies at the highest level and are considered the final authority on many matters. We know where all the bodies are buried. More importantly, we can anticipate who will be next to go.

  My son, Ali Castillo Alfarsi, "the Persian," is my right hand man. He's in charge of Operations at the tender age of thirty. He was born from a passion that his Mother, Ana, and I had for each other when we met in Paris a lifetime ago.

  We are a multicultural family by choice. My Great, Great, Great Grandfather's choice, not by any state's decree. We honor all peoples and all religions but owe allegiance to none. This alone has been the secret of our success -- we gently encourage our men and our women to marry into different cultures and families in countries believed to be strategic. We have done so for centuries. This is our strength. No other agency can match our boots-on-the-ground or our access to credible intelligence, which is the truest guardian of wealth.

  In my late night musings, I try to make sense of all the intel. I realized that no one really knew exactly when or where the mass insurrection started. Most think it began on the "Day of Crucifixion," as that infamous day has become known.

  The why of it is easy enough. A sleeping giant, the people as a whole, young and old, conservative, centrist and liberal, all awakened throughout The Continent and shed veils that were blinding them from truths.

  "The Singularity" is upon us, as John Neumann defined it best --

  ". . .The ever-accelerating progress of technology . . . gives the appearance of approaching some essential, unusual event in the history of the race beyond which human affairs, as we know them, could not continue."

  A ruthless political elite that has no sense of morality, work ethic or governing ability now rules by decree over the populaces. They are, as a class, without merit. They are actually belligerent monarchies in all senses of the word. Their failed policies of unlimited immigration and taxation have ironically destroyed the very success that was the beacon for the migrants in the first place.

  The indigenous people feel as though their nationality and culture are being erased by the very people they elected to govern. Their currencies are nearly worthless. They realize they have no future, no possible way to live comfortably in peace and have children who will be better off than they are.

  Their children have been taken. An educational system without common decency is corrupting, indoctrinating, and molding them into mediocrity. The immoral curriculum is leading toward a collective and economic slavery.

  The media is a propaganda machine promoting their masters' agendas and policies -- unlimited immigration, unassimilated multiculturalism and a kind of social justice to which they, themselves, are immune.

  The paradox in all this is that policy makers are getting attacked from both sides. The immigrants -- first, second and now third generations -- will not, and cannot, assimilate. They immigrated to work but because there are no jobs. They find comfort in the public dole and the underground economy they create. Now all of this is in jeopardy.

  On the other hand, among indigenous populations, "Not another cent for taxes" is on everyone's lips. They were approaching a 70% total tax burden as their lifestyle went by the wayside. Life as they knew it was over. It simply became too much to bear.

  Theirs are all normal human emotions and reactions borne from the tumultuous times that are upon us.

  Chapter 2

  Bogota, Colombia: January 15th

  Starting in early 2015, my son Ali monitored low-level actions that were more than likely to become the flash point -- civil disobedience, sabotage, surveillance and civil strife in Europe and the Americas. We were aware of terrorism and covert ops but these were normal, contained and without any greater direction.

  The following report from Ali was an epiphany for me. For the first time, I could actually envision the future direction of world events. The fabric of what we call civilization was beginning to tear apart.

  Political Conditions Intel 15 January 2016

  United States and Canada

  Union strikes -- 37, public and private. Issues -- pay, health benefits, work conditions, pensions.

  Random power plant and transmission line attacks -- six total. Two in southern California, two in New York, one in Chicago and one in Toronto. These appear probing rather than dangerous. In all cases, snipers used rifles to take out cooling reservoirs and the actual transmission lines themselves. Soft and easy targets.

/>   Intentional fires set in 22 states -- hundreds. These were small, we suspect, to gauge response of fire, police and National Guard. Some fires were near power transmission lines and natural gas facilities. Others were close to nuclear plants and still others at key gateways to major cities. Taken individually, or in small clusters over a year's time, they mean little.

  Water supply disruption, 11 instances -- three in New York aquifers, four in Southern California, two in North Carolina, one each in Vancouver and Ottawa. These appear to have been dye tests for dispersion patterns.

  Computer hacks and virus attacks -- 265 reported. Sixty-four in banking. Thirty-seven in national healthcare. Twenty-two in utilities. One hundred forty-two in Federal, State and local governments. These are reported stats, while the actual sum is considerably over 500 successful entries and disruptions.

  Conclusion: various terror groups, including Iranians, are actively probing infrastructure. They are also funding the known 240 affiliated Al Qaeda, ISIS and Hezbollah in-country cells for transportation disruption and civil disturbance. China and Russia are implicated in the hacking, which appears to be both criminal and State sponsored.

  Mexico and Central America

  Mexico is under attack. Most Cartels have merged together under one powerful new leader, called "Cacique," who is popular with the natives. Major cities have no power or water.

  The army suffered defeat in Jalisco and Sonora districts.

  Oil production has completely stopped, with four offshore rigs on fire and spewing 1.5 million barrels a day into the Western Caribbean.

  Violence is spilling over the borders. So are refugees in record and growing numbers.

  We expect a state of emergency to be declared in the following US states within 96 hours -- California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas.

  Guatemala has declared a state of emergency after receiving record numbers of refugees from Southern Mexico.

  Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama are besieged with riots from the public unions and the general population. Issues include pension cuts, health care and civil services. Protestors are intent on destroying records and disrupting work. They occupy hundreds of government buildings.


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