Page 13
These scenes brightened my already good mood. We were making a difference.
At 8 AM on the East Coast of the States, there was some news coverage. Filming video from a safe distance, a news chopper from southern Virginia panned what once was Washington, DC. The extent of the devastation was overwhelming. There was nothing left but charred ruins from Roosevelt Island to the National Zoo. The area would remain too hot to enter for days, if not weeks. A snowstorm predicted days earlier would arrive that afternoon. I suspected the snow would be black, reminiscent of the Hiroshima Black Rain.
Ali was on the link shortly after we finished breakfast.
"Good morning Baba, I am about to begin a very long day."
"It really is and there will be many more before this business settles down," I said.
"I'll get right to it," Ali continued. General McDaniels ('Mac') of the US Central Command in Tampa, took control of the Army. We know him well. We provided ground support for dozens of his operations. Mac and the Admiral have voted to give overall command to General Hamilton."
"This is great news Ali. Please arrange for a secure videoconference with all three for 09:00. If there is any static, tell them there are still two missing nukes, not too mention the three still in Iran under Republican Guard control. Also, they're about to be hit by an Ebola epidemic. They need to be ready."
"What else, Ali?" I asked.
"Baba, for the most part, Europe is getting worse in the cold -- no power, no food, the hepatitis and the Ebola contagion . . . all add up to a perfect storm.
"I have no new numbers from China, which means it's really bad over there.
"When you have time this afternoon, I'll bring you up to date on Keny, Operation Rhino and Voting Machine.
"Zheng say he'll be ready to ship on Friday, with the caveat that the Cellbot vaccine stops Ebola but the longer-term side effects are obviously unknown."
"Perfect. Let Raffa know so he can inform the Premier. Any good news in a crisis is priceless. See you in forty minutes."
My love gave me a kiss and went to perform her morning ablutions. I called the caretaker and asked him to send 1,001 long stem red roses to Farah Alfarsi, the wife of Ali, on the next transport to Taroudant. While I was at it, I asked him send 2,016 to Cristina.
I showered and dressed casually for my conversations with the Generals. I sat down in the office in time for a double espresso and a smoke. This would be one bitch of a talk.
"Good morning Gentlemen. I know all of you have full plates, as I do. Give me ten minutes to lay out what we are up against. Then I'll take questions."
"First, there is an Iranian sub, the Yunez , somewhere off the northeast coast, or perhaps in a harbor already, with a 100 Kiloton device. I suspect they will detonate it today.
The Admiral blurted out, "How do you know that?"
"Dan, because that's what I would do if I wanted to create maximum chaos and terror. Gentlemen, I know all of these people. Hell, I'm related to half them. You just have to take my word on this conversation.
"The logical targets would be New York, Boston or Philadelphia in that order.
"There is a 50 Kiloton Pakistani device still missing. Our latest data indicates it's destined for New Delhi to level the playing field. We are in contact with the Indian Prime Minister on this issue.
"You have the makings of an Ebola Pandemic coming through your Southern Border. The CDC (Center for Disease Control) confirms it to be the same weaponized variant we are seeing in China, in the EU and in west Equatorial Africa.
"Ham, I know you are starting to close your border now. It will get really ugly. China has mobilized her entire army to close off the Western Provinces. She started a nuclear campaign about an hour ago on the hot spots. So if you start to pick those up on satellite, I would not be concerned.
"I suspect Russia will follow suit. They are being invaded by indigenous peoples from the Chinese Western Provinces, trying to get away. When I say it's bad, we're talking about 300 million-plus casualties.
"Good God, Johnny, we can't start nuking our own people!" Mac said.
"Mac, you'll have to cross that bridge when you get there. Do you kill 10 million to save 100 million? I don't know.
"Here's the bright spot in all of that. We've been working with China to develop an antidote that will stop the virus. The caveat is, we do not know what the long-term side effects are. China has chosen to use the vaccine because they are seeing, first hand, what the short-term effects of the virus look like.
"In the interim, I need Dan's help with the Republican Guard in Bandar Abbas. More specifically, delivery of 10 tactical nukes on targets we have selected, to stop their offensive capabilities against the Emirates."
Mac interrupted with, "Johnny are you extorting us?"
"No Mac, I spoke with Dan on this very issue a few hours ago. You will get deliveries of the vaccine on Saturday, even if you decide not to help us with this other issue. You will also receive the equipment to manufacture all the antidote you need. Please put a Globemaster on my airfield at your first opportunity. As I told Dan, if you do not intercede, I will be forced to rely on China and you all know what that means for the balance of power in the region.
"Next, Ham, I have a clear way out for your division in Afghanistan. I will need Dan's help with Naval transport. I am arranging their safe passage through Pakistan."
Ham asked, "And just how do you intend to accomplish that?"
"The Grand Mufti, himself, has granted safe passage and will accompany the troops as a gesture of good will. It doesn't get any better than that.
Ham just shook his head in disbelief or maybe because he was amused on how things were turning out. I do not know.
"Last, for the moment, is a small but important issue. Your country is entering the phase that has infected the entire EU. You are going to experience a complete societal breakdown and insurrection. It will take you weeks, if not months, to get this under control. It has already begun. In a few hours, the Designated Survivor, a political appointee to the Department of Interior who is not qualified to run the corner candy store, will emerge, and try to assert control.
"You don't need the help. I suggest that you detain this individual for the duration, until you can establish control and arrange for elections. I understand you may not wish to deal with this issue. I offer a team I have standing by, all good men, and you've used them before.
"Ham, I'll look for your decision on this when you're ready."
General Hamilton said, "Give us a half hour, Johnny. I'll get back to you."
Chapter 26
New York Harbor: 10:00, January 21st
The Yunez blew her ballast and surfaced just off the Wall Street Pier Eleven. The Captain climbed the conning tower and raised the Iranian flag. There were only a few people, Wall Street types, standing on the pier gawking at such a site.
It had been cold and most businesses lacked power so the majority stayed indoors which did not help them. A police boat was speeding down the river toward the sub leaving a huge, oily wake behind it.
With a sardonic smile, the Captain gave the order to detonate. Within seconds, the East River at the southern tip of Manhattan was virtually emptied. The water vaporized at 10 million degrees. The fireball bloomed, the mushroom cloud started forming, and the expanding pressure wave leveled southern Manhattan all the way to Washington Square.
The Carey tunnel collapsed with hundreds of vehicles in transit. The United Nations building vaporized instantly. Unfortunately, to my mind, it was mostly empty. I believed a more corrupt and utterly worthless organization never existed.
The news helicopter that had been filming the event simply disappeared. There was catastrophic damage as far as Central Park with fires everywhere. Razing and burning down Lower Manhattan was the culmination of all the Islamic extremists' failed attempts to destroy the symbol that was America.
. . .
Jack called to update me on the Ecuador raid.
nny, it was the strangest sight I have ever seen and you know I've seen it all."
"We hit the camp at 04:00 hours. Lights were burning and music was blaring. The Blackhawks surrounded the camp and the Seals repelled down, securing the area in less than a minute. I put my bird down in a clearing and went into camp.
There were two stacks of bodies, thirty-seven in all. The ones who were wanted were in a separate pile. Not one of them was shot. They were all killed in hand-to-hand combat by different methods. The coke was stacked in the center of camp -- all 60 tons of it. And no one was around.
"We never encountered your recon team. Didn't you say you'd put one in the field?"
"Jack, we did field a recon squad, six of my Guardians. I guess they got bored waiting for you and improvised."
"What the fuck? You're telling me that six unarmed men did this?"
"I'll be at the base tomorrow and I'll introduce you to the soldiers of the future. How much of the coke are you guys going to keep?"
"We left 24 tons for your cousin Guzman at the camp and we'll send 16 tons to the Colombian government, along with the photos of the wanted, deceased men. You do the math. We've got a big payroll and high legacy costs."
I said,"Oh, by the way, you probably haven't heard yet. The Iranians just lit up Manhattan."
I think he was too shocked to speak.
"Ciao, Jacky, see you tomorrow."
By the time I'd finished with Campitelli, my sat phone was ringing. It was General Hamilton.
"Johnny, I don't know what to say exactly, but we're on board. Where do we start?"
"Ham, you got your hands full with securing the border and turning back the invasion. It'll be really ugly but you've got to stop it or your country won't survive.
"I'll have Ali send Dan the targeting coordinates for the strike immediately. I believe the Seawolf carries 50 Tomahawks. If you'd like to enlarge the strike, I can arrange for more high value targets."
"Make it so Johnny!"
"Next, have your staff give Ali the dates and coordinates on your trapped Division's shipping. We intend to bring them out at the Port of Pasni.
"That's all I have for now. As things develop, I'll run them by you day or night."
"Johnny, we want you to make that last thing on the original agenda happen."
"Understood, Sir.
"Please assign Brigadier Thomas Sloan to the Seal Task Force in Colombia. Give him a ninety-day TDY with a field promotion to Major General and put in his retirement papers. I need him at the Leesburg, Virginia airport by midnight. We will also need a Marine helicopter, a VH-71 Kestrel, at the airport around the same time.
"One last thing -- while we do have the access codes to the secure channel for the bunker, it would actually be better if the call came from your office. Just a simple message -- 'A Marine One Chopper will be on site at 01:00 with Major General T. Sloan to transfer the Secretary to a secure operating base to take control.' We'll handle it from there.
"I'll be in contact, Ham."
I put a call into Uwishun to congratulate him on the on the success of his operation.
"Que me cuentas, Hermano (What do you have for me, Brother?)"
"I guess the boys went a little wild in Ecuador. I pulled them out them out after Jack's crew left."
"Yeah? I want to hear that story."
"Anyway, we're watching Jivaroson running Escalante down. They caught up with him about 07:00. They're just playing him now. Ali has the drone feed."
"Signal them to quit the chase and pike his head on that small, barren sand bar in the river.
"Uwishun, please speak with Jack and have him move that C-37A that's in the hanger at El Dorado to Leesburg, Virginia as soon as possible today. Tell him we'll provide the pilots.
"Get the boys and yourself cleaned up. Were headed to Saudi tomorrow."
"Roger, wilco, Johnny."
. . .
Escalante was haggard. He was being run to ground and he knew it. He caught a glimpse here and there and was terrified by what he thought he saw. His clothes were shredded. He was bleeding from a hundred cuts. No weapons, no food, no fresh water. He needed to stop for just a minute to rest and think.
But there was no time. As he looked up they were there. Like something out of science fiction movie, but this was real. Those eyes, the feline faces, their imposing stature clad only in loincloths. He stood up.
Jivaroson, in a quick movement, was by his side and grabbed Escalante by his hair. He was a fast learner. He pointed Escalante's face toward the drone and gave me a wink. With an effortless movement, he opened both jugular veins. El Asesino went limp. Escalante had killed for the last time.
. . .
Cristina showed up with Mario and a Pasta Primavera, as if she was reading my mind. I often wondered how I could be hungry after witnessing such a gruesome scene. I put the thought out of mind, into the "Do Not Disturb" compartment.
"Hello, Beautiful!" I said.
"Gianni, you're crazy, you know that! They've been delivering red roses for over half an hour."
"'It's the journey,' My Love, 'live every moment.' And in this moment, you are a most welcome diversion."
We ate and spoke of the possibilities to come. I let her know that I would be leaving in the morning with Uwishun for Saudi Arabia. We would have dinner this evening and a loving farewell.
I needed to plan for the meetings in Saudi, so I called my Father.
"Miche, may I have Don Francisco and your jet for a couple days?"
"What's on your mind Gianni?"
"Father, it's time that his majesty and I have a conversation on the future of Islam. As you know, he is highly intelligent and pragmatic. The Saudis have been walking a fine line for decades as the keeper of the faith and center for Islam.
"On one hand, they have all the faithful that must make the Haj. These faithful can be easily swayed by inflammatory rhetoric of a few mal-intentioned Imams or Mullahs.
"On the other hand, they have a small, but growing, brutal Islamic insurgency that they have to finance to avoid being dethroned. He understands it is all about power and ideas.
"You once told me the only way to fight an idea is with a better idea. The stem cell technology that we developed is that better idea. The righteous Muslim shall be healed and healthy. Those that take the dark path will continue to suffer. It's simple and will play well with the multitudes.
"That's not to say it will be easy, that it will happen without more violence, or come overnight. But we will have laid the new cornerstone for the faithful.
"The Koran is not laced with stories of miracles. So we must develop a delivery method to the Faithful, which will be presumed a 'supernatural event.' I will enlist the help of the Grand Mufti. This will cement his position as the supreme authority. As you've always told me ' Cui bono' (Who stands to gain?)"
"Que ha aprendidobien,saltamontes (You've learned well, grasshopper.) It's a sound plan. You shall have Don Francisco and my plane."
"I have Ali and Zheng studying the scriptures for an idea on the best presentation that is compatible with our technology. I believe the Guardians, since they look supernatural, could play a roll in the beginning."
I thought I was mature enough that such would not happen again but my Father's next comment made my heart swell with inner pride.
"Gianni, I cannot express in words how proud I am of your performance in these events that have overtaken our world."
With my preparations resolved, it was time to speak with Ali and catch up on world events.
Chapter 27
'Baba, good to see you looking so well. Cristina must be taking very good care of you." Again, Ali's comment came with the wink and smirk.
"What have I missed, Ali?"
"We pulled half the Alpha team out of Marseilles, which has become too hot. Only God knows what will become of southern France. The rest of the EU is trying to cope with cold weather, lack of supplies, the virus epidemic and the continued fighting. My prediction
is, they are close to the point of exhaustion. Also, that the better-armed and healthier militaries will begin to assert control in the next 48 hours."
"We sent the initial targeting information to Dan. The strike will commence in twenty minutes. You will have a live feed on screen 11. We'll transmit the balance of the target data within the hour including the area where the remaining nukes are stored.
"The most recent BDA suggests that the Ayatollah and a majority of the ruling council were killed instantly along with close to a million other Iranians. It is very likely, after these strikes this morning, that the country will change directions. This leads me to an important request that only you can approve, Father."
"Reza seeks your blessing and permission to return and unite Iran. He does so with a pure heart and the urging of many important leaders as his name alone will remind the people of better times."
"Hmmm. Ali, I need some time on this. If I approve it, I want to see a solid plan before anything happens."
"Yes, it shall be as you say, Father.
"Raffa says China is worse and declining by the hour. The military is committed but even they have a hard time with the brutality of the preventive measures. They will hold the line. They know the vaccine will arrive in about 36 hours."
I said, "It will be a little better timing than that. Zheng has bumped the departure date to 22:00 hours tonight. The flight time is about 20 hours, with a stop in Dubai to take on fuel, so let's call it 30 hours from now. Please inform Raffa."
Ali continued, "Nothing new with Russia. They are closing their borders and mobilizing more troops. South and Central America are about the same with Mexico a complete disaster. The government there has fallen and the Army is fighting with the drug Cartels for control.