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Respect for the Dead (Surviving the Dead Book 1)

Page 17

by Shawn McLain

  Looking over he noticed one pump was missing its hose; the other’s was on the ground. The store’s glass door was broken and hanging open. The floor just inside was brownish red with dried blood. Turning in his seat he addressed the others, “Doesn’t look good, but let’s give it a try.”

  Hector, Max and Beth jumped out of the back and took positions around the vehicle. Devin got out and grabbed the pump from the ground, found the gas cap, “Drat! I need the keys!” He hissed into the cab. Gillian crawled around the front seat to grab the keys. Jumping from the cab, she searched through the ring quickly finding the one that opened the cap. Behind them they heard Trevor moaning about the engine being off.

  Beth, Hector and Max were scanning the area for any movement. Their guns swept side to side ready to fire. A light breeze swept Beth’s hair into her eyes but other than that nothing moved. In the distance they heard glass breaking and several shots. “Well, let’s get this done while they are distracted.” Hector whispered. Max jumped at the sound of nozzle clattering in the gas tank. Devin flipped the pump to the on position and nothing happened.

  “We have to pay first!” Gillian hissed to Devin. Immediately Devin began frantically searching for his wallet.

  “Here! The city will pay for this.” Martin was waving his credit card from the cab.

  Gillian grabbed it and swiped. “Yes it’s a credit card!” She muttered impatiently to the pump. “No I don’t need a receipt!” Finally with the gas flowing Devin motioned to Gillian. She got the message and hurried back into the truck.

  Time seemed to be moving slower as the gas pumped into the tank. Something caught Beth’s attention off to her right. It was a scraping sound, like metal on concrete. Training her weapon to the direction she thought it was coming from, Beth gave a short whistle to get the attention of her comrades.

  Nervously looking around, Devin was muttering at the pump, “come on come on you have to be about full.” He urged it to go faster , “I’ve already put in 20 gallons, how much more do you need?”

  Beth strained to see out of the pool of light into the darkness across the street. “Whatever we have is good enough!” She shouted over her shoulder. Out of the blackness surrounding the station an old man was staggering toward them. A hunting rifle hung from his outstretched arm, the butt at his elbow the barrel scraping along the street. Behind him Beth could make out several more figures moving in the shadows. She aimed between the old man’s eyes and fired. He crumpled in the middle of the road. Max and Hector were at her side in a second.

  “Should I try for the rifle?” She asked, wide eyed to Hector.

  “What? Hell no!” Max stammered motioning to the shambling dead in the distance.

  “Ya know what? I can make it.” She told the two shocked men. With a small hop she ran forward, barely noticing the tug on her jacket where Max tried to restrain her. Her foot falls seemed to thunder in her ears as she ran to the fallen corpse. Reaching the body she began struggling with the sling. Freeing the weapon she glanced over at the man’s other hand. The red label of a box of ammo had caught her attention. Forcing it out of the death grip she began to pat the pockets of the corpse looking for more ammunition or another gun.

  “Beth! Look out! Get back here now!” Hector ordered pointing to the advancing crowd.

  Looking behind her Beth saw the other zombies were only about five feet from her. She could see the yearning in what was left of their faces. Straightening up she looked them in the eye for a second. The nearest one raised it arm and let out a low moan. That was all Beth needed, she sprinted back to the truck.

  The handle of the pump clicked denoting a full tank. Devin tapped the nozzle several times then put it back on the pump. He waited a moment for the receipt, realized it wasn’t coming and the situation he was in. He was in the truck in a moment with the engine running and in gear. “What is with men and shaking the gas nozzle?” Gillian asked, receiving a snorted laugh from Matt.

  Beth was tucking her handgun into the back of her jeans, the rifle slung over her shoulder. She returned to the front of the truck. Max shook his head then started to move to the back when Beth grabbed him. “Hold on. Hector wait.” Hector was opening one of the back doors. “Hector and I will l hold them off. You should check the store; get some water and anything else we might need.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Max shouted. “The truck is gassed up, the dead are coming and we need to be going!”

  Beth raised her new rifle, checking to make sure it was loaded. She stuffed the ammo box in the pocket of her jacket and fired. Another of the undead dropped just inside the pool of light.

  Hector looked at the panicked cop, “I’ll go.” Banging on the hood of the truck he yelled, “Devin back up as close as you can up to the store.”

  Devin nodded and reversed to the smashed glass door. Hector directing him from the open back door. Beth walked backward keeping her back close to the front grill as she could. Max’s head was quickly moving from side to side. For every three shots he took only one found its mark. Beth’s aim was steady and spot on. They kept up a steady fire dropping several zombies as they back away toward the store.

  Broken glass cracked under the dual tires rear tires. Hector yelled a halt, jumping down he hurried into the store gun raised. He checked the four aisles but found them empty of anyone alive or dead. Gillian and Martin quickly joined him. Matt came scrambling after them, he looked left then right, “Ah HA!” He yelped then ran to a door marked “restroom.”

  “Ya know, he has the right idea, it may be a while before we see another one.” Gillian noted. Hector, Martin and Gillian had formed a kind of fire bucket brigade tossing food and water to each other and up to Trevor in the back of the truck. Hector yelled for Matt to take his place as he emerged from the bathroom. The line ended as the store was mostly cleared out of necessities. They quickly checked shelves and hit the restrooms.

  Outside, Beth fired nine shots from the rifle before it clicked empty. She slung it on her shoulder and pulled the gun, fired the last two rounds in that. She ejected the clip, stowing the empty one in her jacket and slapped the new one in as she surveyed the oncoming horde. They just kept coming out of the darkness. Hector was at her shoulder, “There is a bathroom in there, use it but make it quick.” Beth gave a look of disgust. “May be the last one we see for a while.” He shrugged firing at an older man who wore nothing but a flannel shirt.

  “We don’t have enough time for everyone.” Beth exclaimed as she backed into the store.

  “Hey we’re men. We can go anywhere.” He laughed.

  “Men are nasty.” Beth said lowering her weapon and running into the store.

  “You got that right sister.” Gillian agreed as Beth passed. “But that ladies room isn’t what you’d call clean.” Beth groaned as she pushed the door open.

  Hector and Max slowed their rate of fire to only take down the undead closest to them. Max was muttering under his breath. “Why does it take them so long to pee?” Beth gave a shout as she jumped into the back of the truck.

  Hector took a second to give the store a once over. “That’s it! Time to go! Everyone in the truck now now NOW!”

  Max didn’t need telling twice. He was in the back before Beth had even got settled. She jumped out of his way. Hector slammed the back doors. “We’re all in go man go!” In the time it took everyone to get back into the truck the dead had covered the distance of the lot. Hands were beating the hood and windows. Devin yelled, slammed on the gas and sped forward. Unable to see through the zombies they drove over the end of the gas islands and several of the undead. The truck bounced hard over the concrete. Those in the back were thrown around, bouncing all over as they sped away from a mass of about thirty undead.

  “Dude, I think I smashed the chips.” Matt groaned rubbing his head where he had banged it off the side of the truck. Several bags of chips had exploded when he landed on them sending crumbs all over the floor.

  Looking back
at her chip covered companions Beth tried to stifle a snicker. Suddenly she was hit a severe case of the shakes as the adrenalin left her body. She tried to busy herself by loading shells into the clip of the rifle. Her fingers were shaking too badly to get the bullets loaded. Noticing her trouble, Hector handed her a bottle of water. She smiled as she took it. She reached behind her and pulled out the hand gun to give it back to him.

  “That is yours.” He said taking the bullets and the clip of the rifle from her. “I think we should give the rifle to someone else, if that is ok. You know spread the weapons around, or do you want to keep it?”

  Beth only shook her head, not sure if she opened her mouth if she would vomit. Slowly she took a drink of the water. To her surprise it was still cold. It calmed her a little but the sight of Matt eating a chocolate cream filled cake made her stomach do a flip and she looked away.

  Hector rummaged in his pockets for a couple of seconds then looked in his pack. He emerged with a couple of boxes of nine millimeter ammo. Handing it to Beth, she opened it and retrieved her empty clips. Her hands were a little steadier and she began to load the bullets. Finishing one clip she fished in her pocket for the second. Her hand grasped her cell phone. She retrieved it and hit the buttons to call her brother. Excitement filled her as the phone rang. Then it rang again, then again, then, “Your call being routed to an automatic voice Mail Box…Steve McDaniel is not available.” Beth ended the call and drew a heavy breath leaning forward and returned her shaky loading of bullets.

  Hector’s hand gripped her shoulder lightly and he whispered, “I’d take one of you over two of him,” he jerked his head to Max who was muttering to himself again. Beth gave a weak laugh and leaned back against the steal wall. She was suddenly so tired.


  Wes was running ahead of her. Beth called out to him but he merely turned his head and laughed at her. He turned a corner and disappeared. She hurried after him calling out as she spun around the corner. He was just up ahead crouched down. She slowed her pace. Something was wrong, very wrong. The closer she got she noticed that Wes was leaning over someone lying on the ground. Holding her breath she didn’t want to see who it was but couldn’t stop. Suddenly she was right behind Wes. The person on the ground was her brother, Steve.

  Wes turned to look up at her. His face was covered in blood, torn flesh filled his mouth. In his hands he held intestines and other gore. Steve’s body was ripped open. Beth staggered back as Wes returned to his hellish feast. Steve’s eyes flew open and locked onto Beth’s, “You should have helped Dad.” He said. Beth’s eyes flew open. Slowing her breathing she realized she was still in the truck.

  Devin swerved to miss a group of three undead as he headed deeper into town. “We have to find a place to stop for the night.” Max called from the back as he pushed himself off of Trevor for the fourth time in the last fifteen minutes.

  “I think I know a place.” Devin nodded. It took several more minutes and a very uncomfortable incident with Matt’s hands and Gillian’s body, something Matt was still apologizing for, when Devin finally found was what he was looking for.

  “There it is.” He sighed looking ahead at the tall parking structure. Devin pulled the truck into the parking garage driving all the way to the top. From there they could see out over part of the city. The flames from the ball park had died down but were replaced by those of several of the surrounding buildings. The street lights had come on, but many parts of the city were dark except for the reddish glow of fires.

  Devin pulled to the middle of the lot, not wanting to be seen from below. They were alone at the top. There was one other car up there, but it looked abandon with its door hanging open. Putting the truck in park Devin slowly released the wheel. Beth watched him, it looked like it hurt to let go. Flexing his fingers Devin looked over at her, “I guess I was holding on a little tight.”

  “Do you think we are alone?” Matt asked pointing out the front window to the lot’s other occupant.

  “Better check it out.” Beth said reaching for the door release.

  “Hold on, we’ll go togehter.” Hector said as he stoop walked to the back doors. He looked over at Max who was suddenly preoccupied with something is his bag. Hector shook his head in disgust.

  “I’ve got the door.” Gillian reassured frowning at Max who only ignored the three of them. Matt got up to help, manning the other door.

  Hector nodded his thanks, “Ready Major?”

  “What? Oh, Drum Major, Right.” Beth smiled, took a deep breath, and a return nod to Hector. The doors opened. Hector sprang out sweeping his weapon from side to side Beth at his heels. The lot seemed empty. As quietly as possible they approached the car. Beth headed to the passenger side, Hector to the open driver’s door.

  Beth looked through the window. Nothing. Hector dropped down and checked under the car.

  “Clear.” He whispered.

  “Oh right, clear.” Beth returned. Hector smiled and winked his approval. The car was empty. Nothing in the front seat or back. Hector reached in and motioned for Beth to get ready at the trunk. He pulled the lever and the trunk clicked open. Joining Beth at the back he nodded to her to open the trunk. It was also empty except for some tool for the jack and a blanket. Hector grabbed the lug wrench and the blanket. Beth made a face at the filthy cloth.

  Hector smiled. “You may change your mind if it gets cold.”

  “Doubt it. That is nasty.”

  As soon as the others saw Beth and Hector relax they all piled out of the truck. Having been bounced around in the back of the armored vehicle for the last four or five hours had made everyone want a little space to themselves. Still embarrassed by the earlier incident, Matt moved far from Gillian. Beth noticed this and caught Gillian’s eye, they both laughed. Bill and Martin met Beth and Hector halfway back across the lot.

  “Anything useful in the car?” Martin asked frowning at the stained cloth in Hectors hand.

  “Just a tire tool and a dirty blanket.” Hector reported.

  Martin gave a silent nod and headed to edge of the structure to have a look around. The other three followed. Martin rested his hands on the thick concrete wall and looked over at the building across the street. It was one of the three hospitals in town.

  “That dipshit captain sent some of our guys here to try to secure it.” Hector whispered as they watched a steady stream of zombies stumble out of the front doors to the hospital. “Don’t think they faired very well.” He finished pointing to the Humvee parked behind a news truck.

  “Oh my.” Bill gasped.

  The lights were still on in the hospital. They could see many undead dressed in normal clothes, as doctors and as patients in the windows. Some seemed trapped in their rooms others stared out the windows at them. Devin wandered up behind to the railing. He looked at the hospital windows. “I think we should stay here for the night.” He said without looking at the others.

  Trevor looked over at them terrified. “We are right next to the hospital and close to downtown. There could be hundreds of them down there.”

  “Right they are down there and they don’t know we are up here. They don’t climb so good so the steep ramps will make it hard for them to get to us.” Hector explained.

  Devin nodded. “Exactly, we need a rest and this seems like the safest place at the moment.”

  “I don’t know,” Bill cut in, “they move pretty good when they see us.”

  “This will be ok for one night, right sergeant?” Martin stated giving support the military man. Hector saw the look the mayor gave him and agreed. It might not be the right decision but they had made it and were going to stick to it. Hector hoped it was as safe as they thought.

  Beth also saw the look and knew this wasn’t the best place to be but they needed the rest. She also silently agreed they needed to set up a kind of chain of command. She looked down at her phone and hit the speed dial for her brother. Frustrated she pocketed it. There was no service here.

Power must be out to the cell tower.” Hector noted as he passed her.

  Pulling her phone back out she Looked down at it. She felt betrayed by the technology. Stuffing the useless phone back in her pocket she watched Matt who was peaking over the edge of the parking garage at the hospital. She missed Wes and Steve. She said a silent pray that they were ok. Matt rose up a little and spit over the edge.

  “Got ya!” He yelped.

  Beth really missed Wes, “he would never do anything that immature.” She thought disgusted.

  “Shhh…Don’t give away our position.” Max hissed at Matt.

  “Whatever dude, they can’t get up here.” Matt shrugged.

  Max glared as Matt wandered over to the truck. Beth followed and took a bottle of water from the back and walked over to Hector, Devin, and Gillian. “So what is the plan?” She asked.

  “We need to get out of town but I’ll be damned if I can figure a way, other than trying to hike out.” Hector responded.

  “I’m not real keen on that plan.” Devin sighed.

  Gillian had noticed Beth trying the phone. “Were you able get a hold of anyone?” She asked. Beth just shook her head. “Could I...could I borrow your phone?” Gillian asked.

  Beth shrugged and handed it over to the older woman. Gillian dialed a number, hung up, tried another, then another. After several attempts she returned the phone to Beth as tears ran down her face. Beth looked at the phone then looked at the others in her group. “I still have a pretty good charge, anyone else want to try?” She asked. “Maybe on the other side of the garage or something.”

  “No thanks,” Matt said not looking at her, “Everyone I know is dead.” He shrugged and wandered back over to the edge and sat down. Gillian followed and sat next to him.

  Hector took the phone and made a few attempts at different sections of the lot. Devin just sat on the back of the truck. Hector gave up and handed the phone to Martin who took out his own and handed Beth’s to Trevor. After several minutes Beth had her phone back and no one had spoken to anyone.


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