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Stephan Talty

Page 26

by Escape From the Land of Snows_The Young Dalai Lama's Flight to Freedom

  24 “When, at some point”: Dalai Lama, Essential Writings, p. 76.



  1 “Even the high-ranking”: Interview with Gray Tuttle.

  2 Sharma: Author’s note: “Sharma” is a pseudonym.

  3 “You have to pretend”: Interview with Robert Barnett, Foreign Policy, April 3, 2008.

  4 “We are helping”: Quoted in Laird, p. 350.

  5 Many others, perhaps hundreds: Jane Macarthey, “Tibetan Monasteries Empty as China Jails Monks to Silence Olympic Protests,” The Times (UK), July 7, 2008.

  6 The Chinese had drained: Ibid.


  For advice and access to key materials, thanks to Lisa Cathey of the “CIA in Tibet” project; Marie Louville; Marcella Adamski of the Tibet Oral History Project; the Dalai Lama’s Private Office in Dharamsala; and the staff of the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives. Doma Norbu kindly allowed me to quote from the unpublished memoir of her father, Athar Norbu. Rebecca and Ronny Novick of were unfailingly generous and helpful in my visit to Dharamsala. My tranlators Cosme J. Navarro, Phurbu Thinley, and the invaluable Chempa helped me understand the stories of the Tibetans I interviewed. My editors at Crown, Julian Pavia and Rick Horgan, honed the manuscript to a fine edge. My agent, Scott Waxman, spotted the potential in the story at the very beginning. And Jim and Mary Beth Talty provided encouragement, laughter, and nutritious meals when sorely needed.

  I’d like to especially acknowledge the contribution of the many Tibetan survivors of the uprising who invited me into their homes. Their accounts were a clear window onto an often searing past.

  And, as always, Mariekarl, Asher, and Delphine were the reward at the end of the day.




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