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You Don't Know Me Like That

Page 9

by ReShonda Tate Billingsley

  She was quiet for a minute, but then her shoulders sank in relief, and she seemed to relax a little.

  “Wait until you see this website I’ve designed.” She pulled her laptop out of her bag and opened it. “I don’t know if you’ve seen Tyra Banks’s website,” she said as she started punching keys on her MacBook. “But I wanted to model your site after that. It’s an interactive 3-D site.”

  She turned the laptop around so I could see it better. My mouth dropped open in awe as a 3-D image of me strutted across the screen, then stopped in the corner and said, “What’s up, everyone? It’s the ultimate gossip girl! The diva dishing the dirt. Make sure you check us out every week on Rumor Central!”

  Jayla studied me as I watched it. It was as if she was really hoping I liked it. “Oh my God,” I said. “Jayla, it’s awesome!”

  She smiled proudly. “I’m glad you like it. I’ve been working on it for a while. I was hoping you’d like it.”

  “Like it? I love it. You are so talented.” I sifted through the website some more. This had to be one of the best websites I had ever seen. I mean, it still had my regular column, Get the Scoop, so I could still post the latest celebrity gossip and photos, but the 3D me took things to a whole other level. “How did you get into this?” I asked.

  She shrugged. “I’m just a tech person.”

  “Did you take classes?”

  “Nah, I taught myself.” She closed her laptop and dropped it back in her bag. “I like computers. My dad wants me to major in computer engineering, but engineering is so boring.”

  “Well, whatever you choose, you definitely will do well. When does this site go live?”

  “We’re hoping by the end of the week, because Tamara said you’re picking up seven more markets next week, so we want the site live by then.”

  I stood and gathered up my tray. “Well, this is amazing.”

  “Hey, I’m just grateful to be working with you.” She smiled admiringly. “I love you, and this is just a dream come true.”

  I don’t know why, but her words sent an eerie feeling through me. Love? She didn’t know me like that. But I quickly shook it off. I was sure she was just speaking generally. I have fans tell me all the time that they love me, but I doubt any of them mean that literally.

  “Well, we are lucky to have you.” We laughed, and I couldn’t help but notice the shocked look on Shay’s face. She probably wanted some drama to jump off so she could be the first one taping it and uploading it to I was so glad I followed my gut. It would be a cold day before I let Shay Turner get the best of me.

  Chapter 21

  Today was one of those days when I wished that I could just crawl back in bed. We had had a long taping last night, and I was exhausted. I thought again about just dropping out of school, but I quickly nixed that thought, since dumb wasn’t cute. Besides, it’s not like my dad would cosign that anyway.

  I dragged myself to my second-period class. I knew my first-period teacher was going to have a stroke, but I was moving as fast as I could. I had just turned the corner to head to my classroom when I looked up to see Shay Turner charging my way.

  She body-slammed me into the lockers. The move quickly snapped me out of my daze, and I snatched a handful of her hair and tried to pull her off of me.

  Tears were streaming down her face as she clawed at me. Someone, I have no idea who, pulled her off of me, but she kept swinging like a wild woman. “You . . . you . . .” She couldn’t even catch her breath.

  “What is wrong with you?” I screamed.

  I could barely get up off the ground before she lunged at me again. Someone grabbed her again and pulled her off me.

  The vice principal, Mrs. Young, came racing toward us. “What is wrong with you?” she yelled at me.

  “Me? She’s the one who charged me!” I shouted.

  “You low-down . . .” Shay cried as she lunged toward me again. “Is this how you try to get me back?”

  I jumped back out of her reach. I didn’t back down from a fight, but I also wasn’t a fool. I didn’t fight crazy people, and right now, Shay was certifiably crazy. “What did I do now?”

  Before either of us could say anything else, we were both shuttled into the principal’s office. I couldn’t believe this. I guess the principal couldn’t either.

  “Do you two want to explain to me what is going on?” Mr. Carvin asked once we were both seated in front of his desk. “Are you trying to get kicked out of school and not be able to graduate?”

  “I was walking down the hallway minding my business when this fool came out of nowhere and attacked me!” I yelled. It was then that I tasted blood. Had this heffa busted my lip? I had to host an event tonight! I couldn’t go in there with my lip all busted up!

  Shay jumped out of the chair to try and go at me again. Luckily, the security guard stopped her.

  “Miss Turner, what is your problem?” Mr. Carvin asked.

  The guard pushed her back down in the chair, and Shay started sobbing. This was a side of her I hadn’t ever seen. I’d seen her angry, but never crying. It was almost like she was truly hurt.

  “Miss Turner, do you want to tell me what is going on?” Mr. Carvin repeated.

  “She did it again,” Shay cried, pointing at me. “I hate her.”

  “Shay, what are you talking about? I didn’t do anything,” I said.

  “Not according to your stupid website.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “The story on your website. Don’t play dumb.”

  “I’m not playing anything. What story?”

  “You dishing the dirt,” she said sarcastically. “You know you try to give us that whole game about you not selling out your friends, but you haven’t changed. I mean, I know we’re not friends anymore, but I just never thought that you’d do something like this.”

  “Shay, what in the world are you talking about?”

  Mr. Carvin turned to me as well. “Miss Morgan, what have you done now?”

  I threw my hands up. “I swear, I have no idea what she’s talking about.”

  “You are so full of it.” Before I knew it, Shay was out of the chair and coming toward me again. This time the guard grabbed her in a bear hug and pulled her kicking and screaming out of the office.

  “Miss Morgan, wait right here,” Mr. Carvin said, following them out.

  I didn’t know what Shay was talking about, but while they were trying to calm her down, I was going to figure it out. So I quickly got up, walked around to Mr. Carvin’s computer, and logged onto the Rumor Central website. I was dumbfounded as a photo of Shay’s mother—black eye and all—popped up, along with a photo of her father.

  Miami hoopster accused of beating wife, the headline read. I pressed the link to get the story, and the little interactive me—that I thought was so cool just a few days ago—popped up.

  “What’s up? It’s the ultimate gossip girl, Maya Morgan,” the animated figure said. “Yes, your girl has dug up some more dirt. It seems NBA great Jalen Turner likes to slap his woman around. Check out how he jacked up the woman he promised to love ’til death did him part.’ ” Pictures of Shay’s mother popped up again. Her left eye was black, and her face was all bruised. “Rumor Central obtained these photos of Jalen Turner’s wife, and we learned he was taken into custody on domestic abuse charges. Remember, you heard it here first, and tune in to Rumor Central to get the latest scoop on this serious dirt.” I fell back in the chair just as Mr. Carvin walked back in.

  “Miss Morgan, do you want to tell me what is going on?” He saw the stunned expression on my face and walked over to his desk. He leaned in and clicked on the article. I winced as the interactive me repeated the story.

  “Miss Morgan,” he said, shaking his head as he closed the website out. “As much as I hate that rag of a job you have, I understand that you’re just doing your job. But really, is this necessary?”

  “Mr. Carvin, I know you won’t believe me, but I
didn’t do this.”

  His expression told me that he definitely didn’t believe me.

  He pointed to the computer. “Is that not your website we just saw?”

  I nodded.

  “Is that little animated figure not you?”

  “Yes, but—”

  “Well, as much as I don’t condone fighting, you’re lucky Miss Turner didn’t cause more damage.”

  I knew he was right about that. Shay was out for blood. I just sighed in defeat. I knew this whole “I didn’t do it” was starting to sound played.

  Chapter 22

  This was getting ridiculous. First J. Love, now Shay. I did enough dirt digging on my own. I didn’t need anyone attributing something I didn’t do to me. And Sheridan was right about one thing. I didn’t start having these problems until Jayla came around. That’s why I was speeding toward her house right now. I hoped this stupid Google Maps didn’t send me all over the place.

  I was going to get to the bottom of this now. I’d tried to find Jayla at school, but I couldn’t catch up with her. Then, one of her friends had told me she’d gone home early. As I drove to her house, it dawned on me that it was a good twenty minutes away; it made no sense that she would drive this far to come to Miami High.

  I dialed her number again, and once again, it went straight to voice mail. I thought about calling Tamara, but I didn’t need her trying to give me the “let me handle it” speech. This had gone too far, and Jayla was going to give me some answers whether she wanted to or not.

  After getting turned around a few times, I finally found Jayla’s place. Her car was there, so she’d obviously made it home.

  I knocked on her door. No one answered, so I pulled out my phone and dialed her number again. Still no answer. For a minute, I thought maybe no one was there, but then I saw the curtain move like someone was peeping out.

  “Jayla, open the door,” I yelled. “I see you’re in there.”

  “I’m coming,” she called out. It took a few more minutes, but she finally opened the door. She had on a Hello Kitty bathrobe.

  “Maya, what’s up?” She caught me eyeing her robe and pulled it tighter. “I was taking a shower because I have somewhere to be in a few minutes.”

  The look on her face answered my question. She knew I was here about Shay. She was absolutely terrified. I pushed past her and into her living room. Even though she was standing in the door as if she was trying to block me. “So I guess I know why you’re not answering my calls.”

  “Wh-what are you talking about?” she stammered, following me in.

  I spun around to face her. “Wh-wh-what do you think?” I said, mocking her.

  “Maya, it’s not like that at all,” she said, all flustered.

  “Not like what? You’re the only person that can go in the website and change stuff.”

  She stopped, frowned, then said, “Wait a minute, what are you talking about?”

  It was my turn to frown. “I’m talking about the Rumor Central website. What did you think I was talking about?”

  I swear, I saw a look of relief pass over her face, and then she said, “No, I mean, I thought that’s what you were talking about. I just didn’t understand what you were mad about.”

  “You don’t understand? I’m mad because of this blatant lie you posted about Shay Turner’s dad, attributing it to me.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “The article on Shay Turner’s dad.” Her and this dumb act. And if she tried to give me some bull about being hacked, I was gonna scream.

  “Yeah, what about it?” Jayla said, looking at me confused.

  So, she wasn’t going to deny it? I had been prepared for her to start giving me excuses about being hacked.

  “Oh, so you admit putting it up?”

  “Yeah,” she slowly said. “And the problem would be?”

  My mouth dropped open. “Why would you put that up there?”

  She looked at me in confusion, like I was speaking a foreign language. “Ummm, because you told me to.”

  “What? I didn’t tell you to do anything.”

  “You sent me an email last night. All the details were in there, and you said post it ASAP. You told me not to change anything.”

  “I didn’t send any email.” Okay, this was getting ridiculous.

  “Yes, you did. About seven last night.”

  “At seven last night, I was in the middle of an appearance for the TV station. What did the email say?”

  She walked over to her laptop and punched a few keys, before turning the laptop around to face me. I set my phone down, leaned in, and read. Jayla, I need you to post this story in the Get the Scoop section. Run as is. I’m at an event so I can’t call, but I need it to go up ASAP.

  “I didn’t send this!” I protested. I looked up at the email address. It was definitely my email address. “This is too much. Someone keeps hacking into my email account.”

  “I’m sorry. I just did what it said.”

  “Why wouldn’t you call me to verify the story?”

  “I don’t ever call. You always just send me the stuff via email, and I post it.”

  I took a deep breath. I wanted to be mad, but she was right. That was how I usually did it. Now the question was, who in the world was hacking into my account?

  “So you didn’t send the email?” she asked.

  “No, I did not.”

  “Wow,” she said.

  I ran my fingers through my hair. This was all getting to be too much. “I don’t know what’s going on. I’ve got to get to the bottom of this.”

  “Do you want me to change your password?” she asked.

  “Yeah, like right away.”

  “Okay.” She started easing toward the door. “Well, I’ll get that changed right away. If there’s anything else I can do to help, let me know.”

  “Yeah, fine. Sorry for trippin’ with you.”

  “Okay, no problem.” She held the door open. When she noticed me looking at her strangely, she said, “Sorry to rush you, but I really need to get going.”

  “Fine. I’ll talk to you later.”

  I’d barely set foot outside before she was closing the door behind me. Forget her. I had bigger fish to fry. I needed to figure out how someone was hacking into my account.

  I had just turned off Jayla’s street when I realized that I had left my phone on her table when I set it down to look at her laptop.

  “Doggone it,” I said, making a U-turn so I could go back and get it. I parked in front of Jay la’s house and made my way back up her walkway. I was just about to knock on her door when it opened.

  To say I was shocked was an understatement. Standing there in the doorway was my ex, Bryce. He and Jayla were laughing, but when they noticed me, they stopped cold.

  “Maya!” Jayla said, coming around in front of him. She now had on a T-shirt and some shorts. I couldn’t do anything but stare. I looked back and forth between the two of them.

  “Is this why you were rushing me out?”

  “It’s not like that at all. I know this looks bad, but it’s nothing.”

  “Are you kidding me?” I said.

  “No, I’m serious. It’s not like that at all. Bryce was here helping me. I mean, we are lab partners, and he was helping me with my project.”

  “I guess that’s why you were in your robe?”

  “No. . . . But, I mean, I had to change out of my school clothes, and that’s when you knocked, and that’s when . . .” It sounded like every word coming out of her mouth was a lie.

  “So were you hiding?” I asked him.

  “No, he went upstairs to use the bathroom.”

  “Bryce can’t speak for himself?”

  He glared right back at me, then tried to shrug like he couldn’t care less. “Yo, it’s like she said; it’s not even like that.”

  “What’s it like, Bryce?”

  He looked like he was about to explain, then I don’t know if ego took over or what,
because he said, “Nah, I wasn’t hiding. What I got to be hiding for? What’s it to you anyway? I’m here kickin’ it with her. And? It’s not like we’re together anyway.”

  “Wow,” I said.

  Jayla turned and gave him the evil eye. “Are you serious, Bryce?”

  He pulled her close to him and put his arm around her neck. “Nah, what we got to lie for? I’m single. You’re single. What difference does it make to her?”

  “Wow,” I repeated. Bryce would get no more of my time. I stared directly at Jayla. “You’re such a big fan that you got with my ex. Really? Slut.”

  “Why she gotta be a slut?” Bryce said. Was he seriously defending her?

  “Maya, please. I’m sorry,” Jayla cried, pulling away from him.

  My first instinct had been to slap her. But Bryce wasn’t my man, and any secret hopes I had of us ever getting back together were definitely gone. “Both of you can kiss my—”

  “Maya, please?” she begged. “Don’t be mad.”

  “Whatever, Jayla.” I spun around and walked away. I’d just buy a new phone. I just needed to get away. I didn’t care if I ever saw Bryce again. And the same went for that backstabbing trick, Jayla.

  As hard as I tried to act though, the minute I turned off Jayla’s street, I couldn’t help but break down in tears.

  Chapter 23

  I would never in a trillion years admit this to anyone, but I cried myself to sleep last night. I think a part of me had held out hope that this was just another one of Bryce’s and my many breakups to make up. Even with me kickin’ it with J. Love—before everything went down anyway—my heart still belonged to Bryce, and I knew, eventually, we’d get back together. But there was no way I could get back with him now. Not after I knew he’d been with her. And he knew that she worked for me. That was about as lowdown as they came.

  My phone rang, and I almost didn’t answer it, but I knew it was Kennedi. I had talked on the phone with her last night until three in the morning. I knew she was worried and calling to make sure I was okay, so I went ahead and answered.


  “Hey, chica. You all right?”


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