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Butterfly Bitch!

Page 11

by Wahida Clark

  * * * * *

  When Shonda saw Butterfly enter the visiting room and sit across from them, she couldn't believe her eyes! It couldn't be possible for them to have women at this jail, and if that was a man . . . The nerve of it all was maddening, and she was instantly jealous and preoccupied with a thousand and one things. And she watched Atwater's eyes, because the eyes told it all. She thought her 36-22-38 measurements were mouthwatering, but as she took recognition of Butterfly's measurements, it looked as if she was outmatched by the remarkable composition of 36-22-40 busty breasts, nonexistent waist, and ass for days, which meant for any man: heartaches, sexual longing, and urge.

  It all seemed unjust to Shonda!

  “What is that!” Shonda asked, livid and beside herself, as she nodded over to Butterfly.

  Atwater wished she hadn't seen her. “What?”

  “You know what I'm talking about!”

  “Shonda, don't start that bullshit. How can I stop who they bring in here?”

  “Is it a girl?”

  “It can't be a girl and be in here,” Atwater said. He didn't like comparing Butterfly to a senseless object by saying “it” as if a person was a thing.

  * * * * * *

  Butterfly had a rare visit from her mother, and she hadn't seen her mother in years, or ever since her father ran her from the house. Her mother entered, and she was beautiful as ever. When her mother saw her son sitting there as a woman, she couldn't help but cry.

  “Momma, I don't need you to be here if you're going to be crying.”

  “Bobby, I'm sorry.” She hugged her son, and it was too hard for her. “I miss you, baby. No matter what, you're still my baby boy.”

  Butterfly was hurt. She couldn't sit here and allow her loving and doting mother to continue to make her feel bad for who she was. Especially considering the fact that Butterfly had been kicked out of her father’s house when she was a teenager, which forced her to have to hustle to make it, which eventually landed her in federal prison where she had almost been raped! And as always and with everything bad that accompanied her life, her parents had something to do with it, one, indirectly for being weak and the other, directly, for being hateful.

  “I'm not your baby boy. I'm a grown woman, and you're either going to accept it or you can leave.” Butterfly pointed to the door. It was as hard for her as it must have been for her mother. But she wouldn't apologize any longer! She was who she was and that much was final! But in her heart-of-hearts, she was praying that her mother would never leave her side.

  Her mother took a second to weigh what she was being offered. She missed her baby boy. She missed the . . . daughter that she never had, and if that's what she'd have to do to have her baby back, she'd do it for the sake of a mother's love.

  “Those look really, really, real,” Sandra said, laughing with tears in her eyes.

  “They feel real too.” Butterfly took her mother's hand and placed it on her breast.

  “They do!” Sandra said as she laughed, and a CO came over to them.

  “No touching,” he warned.

  “This is my mother!” Butterfly snapped as the CO walked off.

  “I missed you, Bobby. I know it's been hard on you because of your father and brother, but I never knew what to do.”

  “You should have left him, Momma.” And even though it sounded crazy, Butterfly truly felt that way. She knew her mother had always contemplated it, but her love for her husband was stronger than any words could describe.

  “You don't understand,” her mother said. “I didn't know what to do.”

  Seeing her mother like that hurt her to the core.

  “I'll never talk to them again,” Butterfly said, referring to her father and brother. “They tried to make me hate myself, and they almost succeeded.” And now Butterfly was the one crying in her mother's arms. She didn't know that she had all that hurt and pain inside of her, and the fact that she still longed to be loved and accepted by her mother.

  “I love you, Bobby, and I'll always be here for you even though I never knew how to handle the situation.”

  “I love you too, Momma, and if you really love me then call me Summer.”

  Sandra knew what it would take to have her child back in her life and that was all that mattered. “I love you, Summer.”

  They had an emotional hug, but only time would tell before her mother would tuck tail and desert Butterfly again.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Trouble In The Camp

  The compound, in the meantime, was singing another sad tune. B-Rod, who was Lazy Eyes' father-in-law, was in his mid-fifties, and he was the official shot-caller for Baltimore.

  B-Rod was big, and the strength he looked to possess belied his advanced age. He didn't have a lot of patience for bullshit, and as soon as the issue with Butterfly and Lazy Eyes was brought to his attention, he was all over it.

  He was coming from outside where he had been looking for Lazy Eyes, and when he was passing the kitchen, he saw Lazy Eyes heading the other way.

  “Lonny!” he called Lazy Eyes by his first name. “Come over here!”

  When Lazy Eyes saw who it was, he knew it was going to be some bullshit. But he walked over to B-Rod, nonetheless.

  B-Rod didn't say what's up or anything. He got straight to the matter at hand. “Tell me about this rumor going around that you got caught fucking a boy in the library restroom.”

  Lazy Eyes dropped his head, because he wasn't going to lie to any man! A man only lied to a person he was intimidated by or scared of, and he wasn't scared of anybody!

  “Lonny, this is not the type of shit you do being married to my daughter!” B-Rod could have smacked his son-in-law. “Have you forgotten about your kids with Brandy?” B-Rod had to take a minute to calm down, because he loved his grandchildren, and he didn't want to let one mistake define an individual, an individual whom he had respected for the longest. When it dawned on him what that meant, he calmed down. “I won't mention it to Brandy, but I bet not hear about you being with that boy no more, all right?”

  Lazy Eyes shook his head, because he wasn't lying to anyone, least amongst them—himself.

  “You don't understand. I'm in love with her.”

  “Her—who the hell is 'her'? Brandy?”

  “No, I'm talking about Butterfly.”

  B-Rod snatched up Lazy Eyes by the collar. “This is my daughter we're talking about! You leave that boy alone, or I'm going to check you in.”

  Lazy Eyes looked at his father-in-laws hands, and it was obvious that B-Rod didn't understand that he didn't run shit!

  “Yo, take your hands off my shirt!” Lazy eyes said as he pushed B-Rods’ hands off of him.

  B-Rod looked around and seeing that he was about to get them sent to the SHU, he walked off.

  Lazy Eyes was going to meet Raheem by the Commissary, but they had already ended the move, and it wasn't that many people on the compound.

  When he headed toward the Commissary, he didn't know there was an ambush waiting for him.

  As he came around the corner, Berry grabbed him and E punched him in the throat. They backed him into a corner and were about to poke holes in him with ice picks.

  “Hold up! Lieutenant Muncy coming! But hold that bitch-nigga’s mouth and keep him still!” Black said as he kept lookout.

  While they were watching for Lt. Muncy, Lazy Eyes broke their grips off his shirt and walked calmly by Lt. Muncy who passed him. He was shaken up a little, but the lieutenant didn't even notice anything out of the norm. “What are you doing outside and there’s no move?” Lt. Muncy asked Lazy Eyes.

  “I’m coming from outside. I forgot my ID and I was trying to go back to the unit to take a shower.”

  “Go straight to your unit. And the next time I see you out of bounds, I’m going to write you an Incident Report.”

  “Yes sir.” Lazy Eyes said and he couldn’t have thanked Lt. Muncy More. Lt. Muncy didn't know he had just saved his life, and Lazy Eyes scurried off
to his unit, almost skipping.

  Black, E, and Berry went into the barbershop, which was accidentally left unlocked by the compound officer who was in charge of securing the compound’s buildings. They didn't know that Atwater was in the cleaning room wringing out the mop when he overheard them come in.

  “Black, we have to alert the homies and let them know this shit is about to go down, because I know that nigga is going to get all those niggas from B-more,” E said, mad that he didn't get to kill that nigga Lazy Eyes.

  “Damn! The fucking lieutenant picked the perfect time to be walking around!” Black said.

  “And that bitch-ass nigga squirmed away,” Berry added.

  “I swear—by the end of tonight, that's a dead nigga,” Black said. Even with what he was making off the heroin, he couldn’t continue to let the threat that Lazy Eyes presented go unchecked. The botched ambush was going to cause a war between the 200 strong DC Cart and the 185 strong Baltimore Cart.

  * * * * * *

  On the unit front, Lazy Eyes went straight to his cell, crawled under his bed, and busted a hole in the wall and brought out three long knives from his stash spot. He placed them on his bed, and for a minute he looked long and hard at them.

  The more he thought about it, if he was to go to war with DC niggas, they'd just put him in the SHU and ship him off to another joint. In short, he'd be fucked because he'd be without Butterfly, and now that he had that heaven-ass, he couldn't live without it. It'd be unbearable. He returned the knives back to his hiding place, grabbed a sheet of paper out of his drawer, and scribbled something on the paper. It was always good to have something on somebody, he thought. He went downstairs, and when nobody was looking, he kicked the small paper underneath the CO's door, and he walked off to wait and see how his plot would hatch.

  And he really thought that would be the end of all his troubles . . .

  * * * * * *

  Atwater had just returned from his lovely visit with his wife. Shonda was most definitely a keeper, with the qualifications and criteria to be a boss player's numero uno wife. She was a dime piece, educated, and had fly shit to offer. At times she did get a little carried away and jealous, but there was no real passion without jealousy, he thought.

  He washed his face while his cellmate Thompson Bey was about to read the book on his chest.

  Atwater heard the front door to the unit open, COs marched in, and he didn't know what to think.

  “Damn, about ten COs just came into the unit.”

  “They must have found some wine.”

  “No, I think they're getting somebody.”

  “Who?” Thompson Bey asked, crouching over on his top bunk to see over Atwater's head.

  “They're taking Black, E, and Berry out,” Atwater said, and it all made sense to him of what they had been talking about in the barbershop.

  After he had come from his visit, he went to the barbershop to make sure all the cutting stations were clean, and that's when they were in there plotting on Lazy Eyes. But Atwater couldn't figure out how they could have done anything from the time they had left the barbershop till now because everybody was waiting in the unit to be counted.

  So after they were taken out of the unit, Atwater broke the scenario down to his cellie of what he had heard in the barbershop.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “Why does everybody die of HIV in this book!”

  Butterfly was reading a book that Britney had given her called Convict's Candy by Amin Meadows, which was an Essence best-seller.

  The CO had just cleared count and popped the door when Fraze came charging into their cell.

  “They just took Black, Berry, and E to the SHU.”

  “What?” Britney and Butterfly said at the same time. It was the best relief either of them had expected.

  “Yes, and word is that Lazy Eyes did some hot shit and dropped a kite on them. Tonight we're going to have a meeting. So be careful around here because the shit can go up any minute from now.”

  When Fraze left, Britney couldn't stop laughing. “Butterfly, you have this place going up in smoke because of that good pussy of yours.”

  “Shut up!” Butterfly snapped as she climbed on her bunk to try to lean over and see if she could see Unit 4B from her bed. She couldn't see anything, and she didn't know if they had made the ten minute move yet, or if Lazy Eyes would go to the gym during the chow move.

  “Give me a mirror.” Britney handed her a mirror, but she still couldn't see shit from her angle.

  “I'm going to the gym on the move,” Butterfly said.

  “Stay out of it, Butterfly,” Britney advised.

  “I can’t,” Butterfly said.

  Since Butterfly wouldn't listen, Britney resolved to say, “Be careful. He just told you something was about to happen.”

  “I know, but I'm gonna go out on the rec and come back when they open for mainline.”

  “Just be careful.”

  * * * * * * *

  Lazy Eyes was already in the gym plotting with Raheem. Nobody had come out yet, because they still hadn't called all the units for evening chow.

  Raheem was Lazy Eyes' best friend in jail. Even though Raheem never agreed with Lazy Eyes messing around with Butterfly, he'd still die at his homeboy's side.

  Lazy Eyes had his sweats turned inside out, and his pockets hung like rabbit's ears at his side. He had brought his knives because even though he got rid of Black, E, and Berry, he wanted to make sure anybody from DC walked a tight rope around him.

  “Are the homies coming or what?” Lazy Eyes asked briskly.

  “Yeah, nigga. Calm down. They're going to be here after dinner. Yo, shit is fucked up. They're saying you dropped a kite on Black and them.”

  Lazy Eyes didn't lie to anybody for nothing. Fuck that! “So what! Yo, between me and you, I did that shit. I let them know where them niggas’ heroin stash spot at. Them DC niggas are bitches without them three. What? You think they'll send scary-ass Tyrone or Fraze? Them niggas is through.”

  “Yo, word up, dog,” Raheem said as they slapped hands and laughed.

  “Word up, I wouldn't even worry about them no more. They'll send some kites out da SHU suggesting I did it, and I'll just deny it. It ain’t like they can prove I done it. Them niggas are through!”

  “What about B-Rod? He's trying to get the homies to check you in.”

  “Fuck that. I'm uncheckable. But B-Rod could be trouble. But he's family, and I don't think he wants to see me fucked up. He's just mad.”

  Right then, Butterfly walked in looking a bit wan and pale, as if she was frightened. It was truly feminine, and Lazy Eyes' heart poured out to his beauty.

  Butterfly went to the bathroom and that was his cue.

  “There she goes. Watch out for me,” Lazy Eyes told Raheem.

  “A’ight,” Raheem said as Lazy Eyes disappeared into the bathroom.

  Butterfly was in the last stall, which was the biggest. It was a handicap stall and the bathroom was filthy, but it offered them the privacy they needed. Outside, people would be coming to the gym after evening chow had ended, and whatever they had to say, they would have to make it quick.

  “You all right?” Butterfly asked, looking as if she'd been crying. She had on a big T-shirt and her tight sweats, which looked like she’d just hopped out of bed and came out to meet him.

  “Told you that I'd get rid of that nigga for you. Now it's just me and you. I love you to death.” They kissed, and he could taste the salt of her tears and the love of her heart. She tasted bittersweet with her velvet lips, high and soft cheeks, and creamy body! Fuck—he wanted to be with her come hell or high water.

  “I don't want you to get hurt, baby,” Butterfly said. She could feel Lazy Eyes fondling her tits because there was always a strong sense of lust, urge, passion, and hunger that went before the perils of danger hovering overhead. “Everybody from DC is supposed to meet up tonight. What's going to happen, baby?”

  “Nothing ain’t gonna happen
. Them niggas are bitches without Black and them. Don't worry about nothing. I got everything under control. I'ma wife you, baby. We can be the first to get really officially married. Obama back this shit now. You gonna be my Mrs.?”

  “Forever, baby.” And Butterfly meant it as she grabbed Lazy Eyes' dick. “Let me suck it, baby.”

  “Not right now.”

  “Fuck that. Let me suck it,” Butterfly Insisted.

  Lazy Eyes' dick was harder than Damascus steel, and Butterfly went to relieve him of that aching madness. With Butterfly at her oral industry, it was moments in the making before Lazy Eyes shot a load off, and Butterfly had her supper.

  “Yo, Lazy. B-Rod is coming with the homies!”


  “Come 'ere.”

  Lazy Eyes fixed his pants, still lust dumb, but he had to get his head out of his pants. He pulled away from Butterfly, who started to cry again, but she followed him as he came out of the bathroom.

  B-Rod had a squad of eight homies from Baltimore with him, but Fraze was with them too.

  “What y’all got that DC nigga with y’all for? Them niggas tried to kill me today!” As Lazy Eyes spoke, Raheem stood at his side, ready for whatever.

  “Lonny, you gotta check in.”

  “No, nigga, y’all gotta check me in. I'm uncheckable.” Lazy Eyes pulled out his knife and handed one to Raheem. Lazy Eyes looked over at Butterfly and said, “Watch out, baby.”

  “No, I'm going with you!” Butterfly cried out.

  “Get your homeboy, Fraze,” B-Rod said. But to Fraze, it didn't matter if they fucked Butterfly up too.

  “Butterfly, get out the way,” Fraze said, but he didn't move to go over and get her.

  “No!” she said, still really scared.

  After B-Rod and the other Baltimore guys took out knives that were just as big, she saw that it was going to be worse than she had imagined.

  “Butterfly, get out the way!” Fraze screamed.

  “I said no!” Butterfly had the nerve to reach for the other knife Lazy Eyes had in his pants.

  “Just grab him!” B-Rod ordered.


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