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Loving Their Vixen Mate (Pack Wars Book 4)

Page 7

by Vella Day

  With his booted toe, he pushed open a door, and then flicked on a light with his elbow. He set her down. “Don’t move.”

  Mac should have been afraid to be with a stranger in his bedroom. Both her father and mother had warned her about overtly sexy men and how they could affect your decisions, but Mac couldn’t help herself. She wanted him. Deep inside her.

  She was about to turn around and study his bedroom, but when he lifted his shirt over his head, she could no more move than she could give up breathing. A sprinkle of black hair spread across his upper chest and trailed down to the waistband of his pants. Muscles upon muscles covered his torso with very little fat in between. At six foot two, he was a beast of a man. The shirt floated to the ground, but she never saw it hit; her gaze was locked onto his chest.

  “Now it’s your turn, darlin’.” His words woke her up. She reached for her waistband to pull her shirt from her jeans, when he swatted her hands away. “That’s a man’s job.”

  Mac lifted her hands away from her body. She couldn’t remember the last time she let a man undress her. Hell, she could barely remember when she wanted a man to touch her so much. “Be my guest.”

  And he was the man to do it. As Brandon freed her shirt from her pants, his pecs rippled. Jesus. How had the women of Gulfside kept their hands off him? Why didn’t he have a slew of ladies pounding at his door right now? Did that mean he really was destined to be with one woman? Was she his mate? Her heart told her the answer was yes.

  She would have given more thought to the whole concept had he not toed off his boots and slipped his jeans down his slim hips. Mac was spellbound. The man was magnificent. Then the bulge under his briefs drew her attention and her breath caught. His cock was huge.

  “Have you ever made love with a shifter before?” he asked as he closed the gap between them.

  Oh, shit. Was he trying to see if he’d fit? “No.”

  He grinned. “Oh, darlin’. Aren’t you in for a surprise?”

  Chapter Nine

  Brandon’s fingers itched to touch her luscious breasts. How he hadn’t impaled her already was beyond his comprehension. The flood of adrenaline made him want to shift, and his desire urged him to rush, but his good sense told him to go slow. Mackenzie had been through so much tonight, and she needed kindness and some tender loving more than anything.

  Brandon had waited long enough to find her. Thirty-three years to be exact. He’d seen the change in Trax and Dante when they’d found Liz, and he’d certainly seen it in Dirk Tilton when he mated with Elena. Dirk’s was perhaps the most profound personality shift. The big brut had turned from a bulldog into a lapdog. Brandon was glad his friends had found happiness. Now it was his turn, though he suspected the road wouldn’t be an easy one. Mackenzie would be a handful.

  He raked his gaze over her body—beautiful, sensuous, and ever so feminine.

  Brandon lifted the top over her head. The moment he spied the red lace half-bra, his cock leaked cum. Jesus. “You’re perfect.”

  “You do know how to sweet talk a girl.” She ran her tongue over her lips, and his resolve to take his time melted, though he was determined to do right by her.

  Didn’t she realize she didn’t have to do anything to ramp up his desire? “It’s true. You’re perfect.”

  Her breasts weren’t large, but they were round and pert, exactly the way he liked them. Given she was his mate, one lick or suck, and she’d be screaming his name. Brandon’s body was cracking and threatening to shift. Damn. Perhaps a quick taste would calm him down. Or was that wishful thinking?

  As gently as he could, he lowered the straps on her bra. The moment her pretty pink tips peeked out, he clenched her shoulders. “Jesus, Mackenzie. You’re an early Christmas present.”

  With a quick pinch to the back, he released her bra and let it drop to the ground. His head swam. Dirk told him that after a while a shifter’s body would get used to being near his mate. Brandon wasn’t so sure he could last that long. He dipped his head and drew in the eager tip.

  “Ah, ah, ah,” she panted.

  Had his mouth not been full, he would have smiled. With the pad of his thumb, he brushed the other tip, and loved when she latched onto his arm. When the delicate nipple puckered and turned hard under his touch, he groaned. Damn. That came out too loud. Having her know how much she affected him wasn’t good. He was the one who needed to stay in control.

  Brandon figured if her tits were this glorious, what would the rest of her be like? Her body was sleek, like that of a wolf, and he couldn’t wait to taste her sweet honey.

  “Let’s finish undressing you. Kick off those shoes, will you?”

  In a flash, her sandaled feet were bare. He loved the sparkly purple nail polish. Everything about Mackenzie was fantastic. He unhooked the waistband and lowered the zipper one notch at a time, though why he was tormenting himself he didn’t know. Perhaps he wanted to give her time to voice any second thoughts.

  Once the zipper lay wide open, he lowered her jeans, taking in her flat belly and matching red panties. She’d come to seduce. He should be upset she’d agreed to follow them home because he had answers, but right now he didn’t give a damn. She was with him now—almost naked—and that was all that mattered. If he had his way, once they finished, she’d have no thoughts left in her head.

  “Don’t you want me to get on the bed?” she asked.

  Her question took him by surprise. Had her previous lovers been that unimaginative? “Just stay where you are darlin’ and let me take you someplace you’ve never been.”

  She nodded to his cock. “I don’t think it’ll fit.”

  For some reason, that made him laugh. “Oh, it’ll fit all right. Once I get you hot enough, it’ll slip in just fine.” If he thought she was ready for his kinkier side, he’d spank her ass until it was the same color as those panties. Then she’d be more than ready.

  Wait until she had both him and Sam at the same time. She’d need a spanking to ease the way for two cocks. At that thought, his hard-on throbbed.

  Control. Stay in control.

  Brandon slipped off her panties. He closed his eyes and inhaled. Her scent altered his cells. Mackenzie was his mate for sure. Excitement surged, and he spread her legs wide.

  “How about closing your eyes, darlin’ and dream of what it will be like when we come together?”

  She drew in her bottom lip, forcing him to look away. He didn’t wait to see if she obeyed. Instead, he held onto her ankles so she couldn’t move. He leaned over and swiped his tongue between her folds.

  “Oh, my God.” She immediately sucked in a breath, acting as if she hadn’t meant to let loose.

  “It’s okay. I want this to feel fantastic. Enjoy it.”

  Brandon let go of one ankle and opened her pussy lips with his thumb and forefinger, allowing him access to stroke her sensitive clit. The muscles in her thighs tightened as he wiggled the tiny nub back and forth.

  “It’s too much. I’m going to come.”

  This time he did smile. He was tempted to stop, to bring her close to the edge a few more times, but that might break her. For their first time, he didn’t want to overwhelm her.

  Brandon didn’t respond to her comment with words. Instead, he released her other ankle and plunged two fingers into her wet hole. She dropped back her head, clutched her fists, and gurgled some response.

  He loved how sensitive she was. He kept finger fucking her until he couldn’t take it any longer. The need to claim her became too great.

  Brandon stood, and her eyes popped open. “Why did you stop?”

  He grinned. “Thought you’d like something a tad bigger.” He stepped out of his briefs and enjoyed her jaw dropping.

  She reached out to touch him, but he stopped her. “Not yet. I’m a little on edge.”

  “I’m on edge, too.”

  “I can do something about that.” He extracted a condom from his wallet, and slipped it on. Now sheathed, he lifted her up. “Wrap your leg
s around me.”

  This way he could taste her sweet lips, her delicious tits, and fuck her hard and long. And the real bonus was that in this position it would prevent her from touching his dick. If she did, he’d lose it for sure.

  * * *

  The moment Brandon had taken off her top, her heartache lessened. How was that possible? No man had been able to distract her for long—until Brandon. Mac wrapped her legs around his waist, and her pussy rubbed against his cock, causing bolts of electricity to shoot straight through her. Her heart slammed against her ribs. Jesus. How could someone affect her like this? It was insane, but by God, she was going to enjoy the ride.

  Mac pressed her breasts against his chest and kissed him hard. Standing there while he’d ravished her body had turned her into raving madwoman. She needed to be with him. He opened his mouth and sucked her right in. Their tongues probed and dipped, exploring every nook and cranny. He increased the pressure, and his breath came out in a rapid tattoo.

  Brandon squeezed her rear, sending more waves of erotic thoughts through her. He lifted her above his dick. When the tip of his cock pressed against her opening, she broke the kiss, needing more air.

  “Hurry.” Did she sound needy or what?

  “Don’t want to go too fast. Have to stretch you out first.”

  She thought he was exaggerating until he pressed into her. Her walls stretched, forcing her to clamp down on him to halt his progress. His eyes shone gold.

  Brandon lowered his head onto her shoulder and held still, as if he needed time to gain control. “Don’t do that again, darlin’. I don’t think you understand this mate stuff very well.”

  Did he? She’d been told a werewolf only had one mate for life, so where did his experience come from? She didn’t have time to ponder the answer, because he withdrew his cock and nibbled on her neck. Then without warning, he drove straight up into her, and her vision turned dark. Pinpricks of light burst on the back of her lids. Holy hell.

  “Hold on tight.”

  She was already squeezing his waist with her legs and grabbing onto his shoulders. She wasn’t going to fall. Her walls slickened further on the next upward thrust. Sensations coursed through her that she couldn’t hope to name. It was hard enough to remember to breathe, let alone think.

  Mac wanted to run her hands over his muscular body, but she was hanging on for the ride of her life. With each pass, her passions blossomed. Her pussy loved the friction and the tightness and slickened with each thrust. Brandon seemed to know the perfect rhythm—enough to keep her on edge, but not so much that she’d blast off before he was ready.

  Sharp teeth scraped across her collarbone and she lost it. She had wanted to wait; wanted to live each second as if were her last, but when his cock banged against her back wall, she climaxed. Her head fell forward onto his shoulder, and as a huge orgasmic wave claimed her, she let her teeth press against his skin.

  Brandon banged into her over and over again, and then held her tight as his hot cum filled the condom. Blood pounded in her ears, leaving her with one less sense. She couldn’t tell if what he said was her name or not.

  He walked them over to the bed, slipped out of her, and placed her gently on the comforter. “Be right back.”

  Brandon ducked into the bathroom, returned with a warm cloth, and then wiped her clean. “I’m usually good with saying how great the sex was, but this was more than sex and it sure as fuck was better than great.”

  Mac grinned. She propped herself up on her elbows, trying not to think about the fact that she was naked in front of a man she’d just met. Her father was probably rolling over in his grave. She didn’t want to think about her mom’s reaction to what Mac had just done.

  He’s my mate.

  Brandon sat next to her. “It’s almost midnight, and you’re more than welcome to stay. Here. In my bed. I promise to hold you all night and keep the evil thoughts at bay.”

  A calm enveloped her as she stroked his face. “That’s very sweet of you, but I imagine Jay is waiting up for me.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yes.” She eased off the bed and picked up her clothes. It was a bit awkward dressing in front of him considering Mr. Magnificent was sprawled on the bed in all his glory. His cock hadn’t even deflated. If she didn’t need to get back, she might try for round two. “Thank Sam for me.”

  Brandon sat up. “For what? I think I should get all the credit for taking you to heaven.”

  She smiled. “I was talking about both of your willingness to tell me about Cheryl.” At her name, a renewed depression settled on her, but at least now Mac seemed better able to cope. Sam and Brandon would help.

  He got up, slipped on his jeans and boots, and walked her to the back door where she’d parked. This time she let him open her back door. “Stay safe and call.” He pulled out his phone from his pocket. “Can I get your cell number?”


  He typed in her number and she typed in his. Brandon cupped her face. “Don’t worry. I promise we’ll find her.”

  Those few words of support meant the world to her. Brandon was an awesome man. “Thank you.”

  He snapped his fingers. “That reminds me. I’ll set up an appointment for you to see Elena tomorrow. I’ll call you with directions.”

  She leaned over and gave him a chaste kiss, not expecting a renewed rush of lust. Boy, did she have it bad.

  As she drove back to Jay’s house, Mac’s head swam. Elena might have been the last decent person to speak with Cheryl. Brandon said Elena probably couldn’t tell her anything new, but Mac didn’t care. Not only did she want to make sure Elena was real, Mac wanted to learn what atrocities Cheryl had endured. Her cousin was fragile. Right now, Mac had no more leads. Elena was her last hope.

  It was late when Mac arrived at Jay’s house. The lights were out inside. Jay must have gone to bed. So much for him being a party animal. She opened her car door to get some light. She stuck her hand in her purse for the key but couldn’t find it. Crap. It was still on the shelf next to the door. She cut the engine, traipsed up the porch steps, and knocked.

  No answer. Now what? Only one thing to do—pick the lock. She could call him, but why wake him up? It would be faster to pick the lock anyway. She extracted the small kit from her purse, selected the right pick, and played with the tumblers. A few seconds later the door clicked opened—but so did a violently loud alarm that had her jumping out of her skin.

  * * *

  Sam was sitting in his truck about a block from Jay’s house, drumming his fingers on the wheel while he waited for Mackenzie to arrive. The headset sat next to him, ready to put on as soon as she stepped into the darkened house with her cousin.

  Sam had been there close to an hour, and he was getting worried something might have happened to her. An accident perhaps? Or had some of Jay’s Colter friends followed her? Anger roiled inside him. He had to find out. Just as he pulled out his phone to call Brandon, his cell buzzed. They couldn’t read each other’s minds this far away, but often their timing defied this world.

  “Where’s Mackenzie?” Sam asked not bothering to contain his frustration.

  Brandon chuckled. “She should be there soon.”

  From the joy in his voice, something had gone down. “Why the fuck are you so…ah, never mind. You made love to our mate, didn’t you?” His anger immediately defused.

  “Yup. She was desperate for me.”

  Brandon didn’t need to rub it in. At the thought of making love with Mackenzie, Sam’s nails grew and his fangs extended. He was happy that she’d been so willing, but he wished to hell he’d stayed around long enough to be with her. “Did you tell her about us being mates?” That had been Brandon’s plan. It must have worked.

  “Yes, and she took it very well. Seems she’s been feeling the same thing we have.”

  “Hot damn.” Headlights came toward him and he ducked down, not wanting Mackenzie to see him. “She’s here.”

  “Okay. I’ll let y
ou do your thing. Make sure she stays safe.”

  “You don’t have to worry about that.”

  As soon as she pulled into the drive, he sat up. Mackenzie exited her car and slowly walked up the steps, seemingly confused about something. It was almost midnight and the house was dark. Instead of unlocking the door and going inside, she knocked then removed something from her purse. The porch had one yellow bulb over the door, but it was enough for him to see clearly. Wait a minute. His woman was taking out a set of lock picks. He sat there entranced as she expertly opened the door in seconds. She hadn’t been exaggerating about her talent.

  Suddenly, an ear-shattering alarm nearly broke his eardrums. Holy shit. The whole neighborhood was bound to wake up. She slapped her palms over her ears and bounced up and down. Mercifully, a few seconds later the sound stopped, and Jay appeared at the entrance.

  Show time.

  * * *

  “What the fuck?” Jay said.

  “I left my key inside. I’m sorry.”

  “You ever try the doorbell?”

  “I knocked. Doesn’t that count? When you didn’t answer, I got in another way. I didn’t want to wake you.”

  “Could have fooled me. Get in here.”

  Christ. He sounded like her dad when she’d done something stupid. Only this time, it hadn’t been totally her fault.

  He closed and locked the door. “When you didn’t come back, I figured you were shacking up with some snitch.”

  That hurt. Then again, Jay hadn’t been around her much since she finished college. “Sorry.” She picked up the key from where she’d left it and placed it on her keychain. “Now, I won’t wake up the neighborhood.”

  “Let’s hope not.” He leaned close and inhaled deeply. “Eau de sex. You learn anything good?”

  Damn werewolf sense of smell. Heat raced up her face. “Some. But don’t you have to call the alarm company about the possible break-in?”

  “I don’t have a service. My alarm’s merely to scare the crap out of an intruder and to wake me. I’m a heavy sleeper. The alarm also turns on a bunch of surveillance cameras so I can see who’s trying to get me.”


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