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Loving Their Vixen Mate (Pack Wars Book 4)

Page 9

by Vella Day

  Sam laughed, and the sound rumbled inside her. “Or what? You’ll walk away? I’d like to see you try. Brandon was right. You are a vixen. For that, I should tie you up, spank you for your insolence, and have my way with you.”

  His words should have scared her, especially coming from a giant of a man like Sam, but he had a gentleness about him that she liked.

  He grabbed Mac’s hand and walked her over to the living room. Making love on the sofa worked for her. Instead of guiding her there, he stepped around the coffee table, grabbed a few pillows, and tossed them on the rug.

  “Take off your clothes,” he commanded.

  What part of that was her way? A compromise was needed. “How about for every piece you take off, I’ll take off the same one?”

  He cocked a brow, and then said nothing. With the way his lips twisted, he must be thinking really hard. She bet she was the first woman to challenge him like that. Then again, she was the first woman he’d been with who was his mate.

  “Deal.” He kicked off his boots, forcing her to remove her sandals.

  With the speed of a racing wolf, he unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans and discarded them. Holy fuck. He wasn’t wearing any briefs, and his cock appeared thicker than Brandon’s. She was already sore. How could she possibly handle someone of that size?

  “Ah…maybe this isn’t a good idea. It’s humongous.”

  “You can’t turn back now, baby. I’m a steam engine and you are my coal.”

  His analogy was so ridiculous that she burst out laughing. In a flash, she was in his arms, and a second later sprawled on the floor by his side. She would have protested the strong-arming, except that she liked being pressed against his chest. He smelled clean and virile. Definitely all man—or rather all werewolf.

  Sam clasped her wrist and dragged her palm over his cock. “Is this funny?”

  She couldn’t quite tell if he was serious or not. “I’m not sure.”

  “What do I need to do to make you sure?” His tone lightened.

  “Hmm. Perhaps I should taste it.” Mac had no idea where her boldness had come from, but as soon as she’d suggested she suck on his cock, her body nearly exploded with need.

  “You sure you can handle it?” Sam unsnapped her jeans and then cupped her pussy.

  “We’ll have to see, won’t we?” Teasing him was a total high. She grabbed his drawn up sac and rolled the balls in her hand.

  Sam hissed. “They’re not made of steel.”

  She didn’t think she was hurting him. Perhaps he meant he might explode too quickly if she wasn’t gentler. “Lightweight.”

  “I’ll show you lightweight in a moment.”

  Mac enjoyed his ability to tease. Before he stopped her, she slid down so that her lips were at cock level. With the tip of her finger, she traced circles around his scrotum, pressing inward every once in a while. It was fun to watch the skin pucker and swirl.

  “Baby, if you know what’s good for you, you’ll suck on that dick.”

  The devil inside her made her look up. “Or what?”

  Sam sat up, stretched out his legs, and dragged her across his lap face down. He whacked her bottom. Holy shit, She hadn’t been spanked since she’d been maybe seven. Indignation raced up her spine. He spanked her again, only this time with more force.

  She covered her butt with her hands. “What was that for?”

  He grabbed her wrists and lifted them. On the next slap, her breath whooshed out. While the pain wasn’t that intense, the injustice of it sent her outrage sky high.

  Without answering, Sam rolled her over. “These need to come off.”

  He maneuvered out from under her and tugged off her jeans. With it, came her panties. While she had planned to have sex with him—at least she’d wanted to before he spanked her—she was a bit self-conscious being naked in front of him. She hadn’t minded with Brandon, but she sensed Sam would be more discerning.

  “Holy fuck on a stick. You’re hot, baby.”

  That made the giggles pop out again, and she never was one to let loose. “You have the strangest way of talking.”

  He rolled her over his lap again. Instead of dread swirling in her belly, excitement filled her. For some unknown reason, the heat from the spanking had set her pussy in action. What was up with that? It must be a mate thing.

  Once more, he held her wrists over her head and spanked her bare ass. She squeezed her cheeks tight. The pain took her breath away but for only a few seconds. Then ecstasy followed.

  “That was for making fun of the way I talk.”

  “I was only kidding.” She wasn’t sure how much more she could take of this punishment.

  “You sounded serious to me.”

  Instead of another round of spankings, he widened her legs and slipped two fingers in her pussy. Holy crap. Her whole body lit up. When he curled them and pressed on her G-spot, her juices flowed. How could she be this excited in such a short period of time?

  Mac needed a break. She tugged on her arms and he let go. She then rolled over. “I forgot to finish something.”

  “Oh, yeah? What’s that?”

  The few seconds break helped. “Suck on your cock. How about sitting on the edge of the sofa and I’ll kneel in front of you?” That way, her body wouldn’t be pressed against him while she tried to torture him.

  “I like a woman on her knees. It’s where she belongs.”

  Her mouth opened. “If I thought I could get away with it, I’d spank you for being so freaking sexist.”

  Sam cracked up. He had to wipe a tear from his eyes. “Oh, boy. You’re going to be more fun than trying to catch salmon swimming upstream.”

  Ew. That didn’t sound fun at all. Whatever. “You want a blowjob or not?”

  “You sassing me again? You won’t be able to sit down for a week if you keep this up.”

  “Will you shut up and let me suck on your dick?”

  Sam sat on the sofa and spread his legs. He lifted his turgid cock off his belly. “Have at it, but don’t take too long. I’m itching to sink this into your sweet pussy.”

  She was about to say he had no idea if it was sweet or not since he hadn’t even licked her, but she thought it wiser to keep her mouth shut. Instead of teasing him, Mac grabbed his cock and drew it closer.

  She slowly sucked him into her mouth. What she hadn’t expected was help from Sam. He planted a hand on her head and pressed. She nearly gagged as his cock drove down her throat. It was hard enough to keep her lips wrapped around his girth, but good Lord, the man was long.

  She must have made a choking sound, because he let up the pressure. “Swallow then suck,” came his command.

  Normally, Mac didn’t do well with dictates, but Sam seemed like he wanted to help. It was in his best interest, after all. She did as he suggested and managed to take in another half inch. Yes!

  “That’s it, baby. Keep doing that.”

  Mac swirled her tongue around his length. When she squeezed his balls a little, a dollop of cum squirted out, and she lifted off, not wanting him to climax too soon.

  “Fuck,” he said. “Sorry about that. I usually have more control.”

  Mac smiled at the inadvertent compliment. “I thought you could handle someone like me.” Where that sass had come from was anyone’s guess.

  Sam slipped off the sofa and onto his knees. “Oh, I can.” He unhooked the back of her bra and flung it off. His pupils dilated. “I think it’s time I show you who lacks control.”

  She couldn’t wait.

  Chapter Eleven

  Sam patted the sofa. “It’s your turn to take the throne seat. Sit on the edge, lean back, and spread your legs. Don’t even think about closing them until I’m done.”

  Sam’s forceful words jacked up Mac’s pleasure button. Being told to do something usually bothered her, but not this time. She liked his aggressiveness. The spark in his eyes implied he’d never hurt her, so she eagerly assumed the position.

  Moving in front of her,
he sat on his haunches, spread her legs even wider, and leaned over. She steeled herself for the first sensual assault, but her imagination didn’t even come close to the reality. The first swipe of his tongue had her gasping. She had to grab the pillows on either side of her not to come after the second lick.

  “Easy there, hacker girl. I’ve only just begun. Show me how strong you are.”

  Challenges were her fortes. “Go for it. I’m not even turned on.”

  “That’s not pussy cream I’m detecting?”

  Damn werewolf. “I don’t know.”

  Sam grinned and went back to what he was doing. This time, he released her legs, wedged his shoulders between them, and rubbed her clit with one thumb while he plucked a nipple with his other hand.

  “That’s playing dirty,” she said, huffing out the words.

  He sucked harder and pinched her clit. She moaned and scooted closer toward him. She needed his cock, but she sure as hell wouldn’t beg. No way. Not her. Not ever.

  He lifted his other hand and cupped her breast. He looked up and smiled. “You like that?”

  Mac was so confused; she wasn’t certain how she should respond, so she said nothing.

  “So that’s the way you’re going to play it? Fine by me.” Sam rose, grabbed her waist, dipped down, and hauled her over his shoulder.

  “Whoa.” Mac beat on his back. “What are you doing?” She thought he was about to fuck her.

  He clamped a hand around the back of her thighs. “You need to learn control, little one.”

  Control? She had more control than ten werewolves. He carried her down the hallway. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed they’d passed Brandon’s room.

  Sam set her down and opened a door that led to something that looked like a room of torture. “Holy hell. Is there where you bring Colters to get the truth out of them?”

  He laughed. “Hardly. This is our pleasure room. You aren’t ready for this yet. We’ll need time to train you.”

  She whirled around on him. “I’m not into whips and chains and shit. I like hardcore fucking. With a man. Not with some object.”

  He grinned. “When wielded by the right man, you’ll love it; but for today, I’m good with hardcore.” He clasped her hand and led her into a bedroom that looked like a maid had just been there. The room was spartan. Other than a small wooden box on his dresser, the rest of space was dominated by a four-poster metal-framed bed.

  “Hold onto this post and bend over. Real far. I’ll show you what a man can do with a woman. Try not to come too quickly, or I’ll lick your pussy so much, you’ll pass out from all the climaxes.”

  She liked when he was funny. “Sure thing, Captain.”

  “Watch your tongue.”

  She stuck it out and looked down at it, as if that was what he meant.

  “Sassy vixen.” He spun her around to face the bedpost and pressed on her back. She had just enough time to grab hold of the post. “Don’t move.”

  Not only did she sense the pounding of his feet across the room, the closet squeaked as he slid it open. Sam returned and waved a red striped tie under her nose.

  “What’s that for?”

  “I thought I’d blindfold you.”

  Her stomach clenched. “Why?”

  Sam grabbed her by the waist, turned her around once more, and tilted up her chin with a finger. “Look. I would never in a million years do anything you don’t like, hacker girl, so you don’t have to worry. I thought if I blindfolded you, the rest of your animal senses would be heightened and bring you more joy.”

  Ooh. “Okay.” As long as her hands were free, she could rip off the tie if she wanted to.

  Sam moved close and sucked on her bottom lip and inhaled. “Mmm, you smell good.” His slow sensuous words caressed her and ignited a fire between her legs. The man was potent.

  His erect cock pressed against her abdomen as he shifted his attention to her earlobe. She recalled Brandon’s fangs had extended when he’d been this close. Sam must not be turned on enough. Wanting to remedy that situation, she reached between them and grabbed his cock.

  He sucked in a large breath. “Be careful there. Think of it as a bottle of nitroglycerin about to go off if you shake him too much.”

  Would she ever get used to his strange sense of humor? She hoped not. To tease him, she grabbed his dick and pumped her fist up and down fast.

  He snatched her wrist and held it behind her back. “Be good. I’m trying to seduce you. In fact, I think you need this blindfold. That way you won’t be able to see my cock when I drive it into you.”

  She loved his sexy words. She didn’t comment that if he stood behind her, she wouldn’t be able to see his cock, blindfolded or not. Speaking up might earn her another spanking. As much as she’d enjoy the experience, she wanted his cock more.

  He let go of her hands, placed the cloth over her closed eyes, and gently tied it in back.

  It wasn’t too tight or too loose. “That’s good.”

  “Now for some fun.” Sam bent her backwards, and his dick slid lower on her belly. Her pussy dampened in expectation of what was to come. Fearing she might fall, Mac grabbed the post behind her with her right hand and cupped the back of his head with her left.

  When his lips captured hers, his unexpected passion stirred something deep inside her. They each opened up and dove in to explore. It was glorious. A deep rumble emitted from inside him.

  “I need you,” he ground out.

  As his hands slid to her waist, his tongue left a trail across her chin, down her throat to her right breast. Ripples of desire burst across her skin. When he tugged on her nipple, her juices flowed freely. Sam sure had mastered the art of knowing the right amount of pressure, or else it was not seeing his lips make love to her body that raised her awareness to new heights. He twirled one nipple with his fingers, while he swirled his tongue around the other tip. He alternated, making her crave his touch on the abandoned breast even more. His warm breath skimmed across her skin, intensifying the sparks of need within.

  She wet her lips because she could barely speak. “How about a little cock?”

  “It ain’t so little. Or did you forget?”

  “Yes. I forgot.”

  Sam laughed, spun her around, and hooked her other hand on the post. He drew back her hips and lightly kicked open her legs. “Now be a good girl and let me take you my way.”

  How had she started out wielding the power and ended up so vulnerable?

  Because I like it this way. At least with Sam and Brandon she did. Uh-oh. “Will Brandon be upset that I’m with you?”

  “Don’t you worry about him. He’s good.”

  She hoped so. Sam slapped his cock between her legs. Because his legs were so long, his dick pressed against her clit, and the movement made her soar. He leaned over and cupped her breasts. Gently, he rubbed her distended nipples until her body sizzled with need. Every time he moved, his cock rubbed back and forth across her wet slit.

  “Please, Sam.” Shit, she hadn’t meant to beg.

  “Please what Sam?”

  He grabbed his dick and pressed it against her opening, but he held still as he awaited her answer.

  “Fuck me.”

  “Fuck you how?”

  Damn him. She needed him, and he wasn’t making it easy. Only then did she realize why he wanted to blindfold her. Yes, her senses had been heightened, but it was probably so that she wouldn’t see the signs of him nearly shifting. He didn’t want her to know how much she affected him; and that idea made her giddy.

  “Hard and fast. That’s how I like it.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  He eased his cock in an inch and stopped. While her walls nearly screamed from being stretched, she relished the pain throbbing inside her. She wanted more and edged her hips back.

  “None of that.” His voice sounded like he had marbles in his mouth. She smiled at his desperation.

  As if his cock really were filled with nitroglycerin, h
e worked it down her wet channel nice and slow. What part of hard and fast didn’t he get?

  “I’m not that delicate.”

  He grunted. “I’m going as fast as I can.”

  Aw. He was holding on by a thread. That pleased her to no end. Was he waiting for her to come first? He must not realize that all he needed to do was thrust into her a few times and she’d be off in the stratosphere. To help him get moving, she tightened her inner walls.

  “If you want to see the light of day, don’t do that again.” He growled, as if to prove how close he was to shifting.

  Mac relaxed her pussy walls, allowing him to slide in farther. Every inch brought relief. When he reached the end, he wrapped his arms around her waist and placed his cheek on her back. His beard had sprouted coarse hair since they’d started.

  He withdrew and plowed right back into her. Each subsequent stroke came with more force. She gripped the post and lowered her head, loving every thrust. Sam slid his hand along her belly. The closer he came to her pussy, the faster the sparks flew. When he finally rubbed her clit, it was as if he’d lit every match in the box and tossed in on a pile of lighter fluid-covered wood. Her orgasm swept through her like a blazing inferno.

  “Ah, yes. Sam. Yes!”

  After that, the words no longer had meaning. Once her climax took over, he let loose. He drove his cock into her fast and hard, and she couldn’t get enough. His mouth latched onto her shoulder just as his cock erupted. Sharp pricks sank into her shoulder, but she didn’t feel any pain, only the elation of the joining.

  “Mackenzie.” He hugged her tightly then lifted the blindfold off. She blinked back the light. “Be right back.”

  He uncoupled and slipped into the bathroom. Once he cleaned her, they both dressed in silence. She turned toward him, his face a mask. “Are you sorry you made love with me?”

  “Are you kidding? Hell no. You do realize though, that from now on, I’ll do everything in my power to make sure nothing happens to you.”

  “I don’t need a man to take care of me. I’ve got my gun and my skills.”


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