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Legend of the Iron Flower Box Set (Books 1-4)

Page 39

by Billy Wong

  Suddenly Derrick saw a large cloaked figure enter the tent, and thought the visitor couldn't have picked a worse time. Finn walked up to the man and began yelling almost incoherently about Rose's death, and when the figure simply gave a disapproving shake of the head, threw a full-force punch right at its face. Derrick's heart almost stopped as he watched his friend about to commit murder. But incredibly, the cloaked one raised a hand and caught the blow. Finn drew back his fist in mute shock, and Derrick felt his own jaw drop. What monstrous being...

  Then the figure broke the moment by painfully shaking its hand and commenting in a rich, deep, female voice, "I've always wanted to try that. You better pray my hand isn't broken!"

  Rose pulled her hood back, and Finn burst into tears of joy. She looked pale and weak, but happy as could be. Her love seemed hesitant to touch her, afraid to hurt her despite her show of strength, but she came forward and embraced both men in her thick arms. Finn held her tight and buried his face in the fluffy waves of her hair, crying all the way. Derrick backed out of her arms so the lovers could share more fully in each other's embrace, and was glad he had when the two hugged fiercely, shaking each other like wrestlers jostling for position.

  Then Finn lifted his love into the air and spun her a full circle around, her feet almost hitting Derrick as they swung through the air. Though he expected it, the scholar was nonetheless amazed when the woman returned, with some difficulty, the loving ride, forcing him to back away in fear of being smashed. She put Finn down with a little gasp of pain, and something of a shameful expression flashed across her face.

  Her smile returned in an instant, and the warriors looked adoringly into one another's eyes. "Glad to see you're still substantial as ever," Finn beamed. "I was afraid you were a ghost at first." The three friends stood regarding each other in silence then, the men still hardly able to believe their dear, lost Rose was back. They embraced again, and all three tenderly stroked one another's heads and backs, joyous not only at Rose's survival but to be all together again.

  They stood holding each other until a voice from outside interrupted them. "Um, Rose, can I come in yet? People are staring at me!"

  Rose motioned the other cloaked figure into the tent. "This is Loreen, a good woman who helped me out when I was down. She's a hell of a cook, too." Finn and Derrick proclaimed their gratitude for her help, and another round of hugs was shared. When they all had their fill of embraces, Rose asked, "So, where are my weapons?"

  Finn and Derrick looked at their feet while Rose tapped hers impatiently. Finally, Finn fessed up, saying softly, "We, um, buried them at your funeral. Sorry."

  She must have been too happy to get mad. "Oh well, we'll just dig them up. At least I didn't get a funeral at sea!" She paused. "Finn, I'm ready to go home now, and enjoy peace together. What of it?"

  He frowned, as if disbelieving his ears. "You really don't want to fight anymore? I'd just about given up on winning that argument anytime soon."

  "You mistake my meaning. Honestly, I'll probably be lured back into battle sooner rather than later, and I have no plans to become a housewife. But I'm still sorely hurt and want to rest, and there's no one I'd rather have take care of me than you. So for now, let's set all arguments aside and live day by day, as we did in our happiest times. I love you with all my heart and soul, and I know you feel the same towards me. Whatever else happens, I'm sure we can preserve that love, and cherish it forever."

  Finn took her face in his huge hands and touched his nose to hers so that their eyes were inches apart. "I should never have abandoned you in my anger. My idiocy almost cost you your life and me the one I treasure most in the world, you—my Iron Flower. From now on, I'll stand by you in all your endeavors."

  Rose smiled, letting Finn know she forgave everything. "Don't blame yourself, even the closest kin will have their disagreements. Someday, when the time is right, I'll be more than glad to bear your children. I wasn't faultless in all of this; if I'd been a better person, I would have stayed and worked things out, rather than run away like a coward. And I'm sorry for that."

  They shared a long, loving kiss, and when they broke it off, Finn put his hands on her shoulders. "I know to keep you away from the battle against evil would be like taking a fish out of the water. I'll never again demand of you something against your nature. If we do have children, it'll be when you're ready, and after they're born, we'll be sure to hire a nanny when the need arises for you to do what you do best."

  Rose placed a hand over his heart and smiled. "It's not if, it's when. I'm sure, too, that our children will be happy knowing their father is one of the greatest warriors in the world!"

  "One of the greatest only after their mother!"

  The whole group shared a laugh, then Rose sobered and looked to Derrick. "Are you sure the army doesn't need our help anymore? We could stay a little longer if it's necessary, right Finn?" He didn't look too pleased at the idea, but nodded anyway.

  Derrick shook his head. "Thanks to you two, they barely have any capable leaders or outstanding warriors left. I think Lipner and the rest of us can handle it from here. Take the break you deserve, and hopefully I'll see you again soon."


  Holding hands with Finn, Rose turned to leave. "We're going home now," she said to Loreen. "Would you like to join us?"

  She shook her head with a smile. "I think you two need some time alone, after all you've been through. Just tell me where you live, and I'll stop by in a little while. For now, I guess I'll help put an end to what's left of Prince Wilner's despotic government. Now that he and the backbone of his army are gone, it shouldn't be too hard to return Coblan to the peaceful land it was so long ago." The departing couple now bid Derrick and Loreen farewell, and Rose put her hood back up. She opened the tent flap.

  Just outside, Peter greeted them. "Finn! Who is this cloaked fellow with you? And your new lady friend?" Finn stammered as he tried to think of a good explanation, but Rose pulled the veteran into the tent and uncovered her face. He stared at her in disbelief for several seconds before he could speak. "Rose? You're still alive! We were all sure your wounds were fatal—how do you feel?"

  She laughed. "I feel how any person who got chopped up with axes, beaten to a pulp, skewered, and knocked off a roof would feel. Overjoyed to be back with my friends!"

  Peter gaped, apparently too shocked to share in her mirth. "What will you do now? The men loved you, most of them anyway. Will you reveal yourself and soothe their sorrow over your death?"

  "Of course. It's not as if I have something to hide, and I'm sure everyone will understand when I leave. After all, I did get skewered."

  A troubled frown covered Peter's face. "That is well and good, but the two of you are leaving together? Finn, you have become the soldiers' inspiration. Without your presence, I'm afraid they will lose some of their stomach for this war."

  Not this. Rose couldn't go home alone. She knew that she'd just sicken with loneliness and worry if she went, and left her love to fight a war she'd dragged him into.

  To her relief, Finn seemed to share her sentiments. "Sorry, but I have to go. Rose's grave wounds still ail her; she needs my care and protection, and I'm not about to make her stay here in these miserable conditions when she's more than earned many nights of luxurious sleep and delicious banquets. I'm sure you can handle mopping up the scraps of Wilner's forces."

  Peter nodded. "You both came here for the sake of friends, so it's only natural you would put each other first. I'm glad to see the world hasn't lost the great person you are, Rose, and that the two of you care so fiercely for each other. We'll see you off with a great feast in your honor, though the food will be no banquet. I'm sure we'll be fine, and wish you a safe journey as well. Then, let's not delay any longer. To the celebration!"


  They enjoyed a fine evening of dinner and drink, though Finn worried at Rose's uncharacteristic fatigue and disinterest in the festivities. Despite the vast amount of numbing spirits he in
gested, a wave of guilt hit him as he sat there, stroking her fluffy mane as she leaned wearily against him with her lovely head on his chest. Well, it had been little more than a week since she took wounds that would have killed anybody else, so it was no surprise she was still weak.

  Finn prayed she would recover fully, as he couldn't bear to see her crippled as a result of his neglect. She reached up to stroke his face with a callused hand, and he grew frightened when she seemed to tire after only a short while. He held her hand and kissed it, drawing a soft mmm from the depths of her throat. Then he gently grasped her breast, only to feel her shudder in pain.

  "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," he whispered as he held her.

  She laid back further to look up at him and grinned. "Don't worry, it's nothing. I only got run through the chest." Catching the guilt in his eyes, she reproached him. "Don't you dare blame yourself for my hurts. Wilner stabbed me, not you. Besides, what would you have done if you had come earlier? Interfered in our battle? You were there when he cheated, and you couldn't stop it—not that I fault you for that. Would you have tried to stop me from accepting the duel?"

  Finn's voice shook with anger, at himself as well as Prince Wilner. "If I'd been with you in the first battles against that man, I wouldn't have let him hurt you as he did—because I'd have killed him."

  "Maybe so. But I killed him anyway, so what's the big problem? Feel better now?"

  He didn't reply for a long time, and his voice was quiet when he did. "I'll feel better when you do. Poor Rose, why I can't I ever save you?"

  She chuckled. "Stop this foolishness already. I'm not angry at you at all, now. But I will be if you keep torturing yourself over a couple scratches I got. Come on, am I some dainty princess who cries over a broken nail? If there's one thing I can do, it's take a beating. Besides, if you helped me against Wilner in that first encounter and we'd slain him then and there, would the tale be nearly as grand? I mean, I'm not one who covets fame, but if I hadn't fought the prince and his captain on that fort, I would never have known I could defeat them. Maybe that's not a kind of knowledge one can apply, but a good memory nonetheless. Anyway, you don't need to waste worry on me. I'm fine."

  She paused, and looked at him with a challenge in her eyes. "Fine enough to do anything you want with me!"

  He didn't take her up on that offer, still concerned about her dire injuries. But he did gain some relief, as she'd shown that whatever damage had been done to her body, her indomitable spirit was strong as ever. They walked arm in arm to their tent, chatting and laughing all the way, and Finn fell asleep in his powerful lady's arms, convinced the coming of the next day would bring unlimited bliss and joy.


  When Finn was deeply enough asleep, Rose carefully slipped out of his arms and exited the tent. She wanted to do one more thing here. Throughout the festivities, one man had kept his distance from the crowd and Rose, his head hanging in guilt and shame. Now she approached his tent, and before she got there saw him still outside, sitting before a dead fire and looking downward at nothing.

  "Adam? You haven't said a single word to me since I came back. What's wrong, aren't you happy to see me?"

  The noble did not look up, but choked on his words as he said, "I couldn't face you, when for what seemed the longest time, I thought I killed you. Back when you accepted the duel, I felt a rush of joy. Then, I thought I was hopeful that you might be able to stop Wilner, but when you fell, I began to wonder if that was all I had really hoped for."

  Rose sat next to him and squeezed his shoulder hard enough to hurt a bit. "Well, you sure don't need to blame yourself for my death anymore. I'm right here, alive as you can feel. Come on, if you really wanted me dead, you wouldn't have felt so bad about it afterwards. Tearing yourself apart over such a little thing—if I did that, I wouldn't even be able to keep on living, let alone fighting. You did what you thought would most help everyone, and it all turned out for the best, so ease up on yourself."

  "I don't know—I was sad when I thought you died, but I'd often felt anger when I saw you before, when I thought of you killing Jacob. So even though I wasn't happy, I still feared that somewhere deep inside, what happened was what I hoped for."

  She took his chin and turned his head to face her. "Well, were you glad to see me come back?"

  "Yes, I was. It felt like a huge burden was lifted from my shoulders."

  Rose shook her head. "No, I didn't mean if you were relieved that you wouldn't have to feel responsible for my death. I mean, were you happy to see me, the person, alive?"

  She could see that Adam had to think about it. She'd killed his mentor, after all. But she had tried her best to help him and his companions, when another might have considered them acceptable losses and simply killed them. She hoped he would be able to see that. "Yes," he answered at last, "I was glad to see you're still with us."

  Relieved, Rose grinned as she released his chin, and he didn't turn away. "You needn't distrust yourself so. You're not someone who would have made a decision with the fate of the army on the line based on a personal grudge against one warrior. You didn't arrange that fight to get me killed, but to get your enemy, Prince Wilner, killed. And it worked. No one's perfect, Adam. Even if there's still some anger towards me in your heart, it's perfectly understandable. But I don't think you're a bad person."

  He bowed his head and closed his eyes briefly, as if fighting back tears. "Even after all the unimaginable pain you must have suffered, you're still so quick to forgive the man responsible for it. You said no one's perfect, but if anyone-"

  She cut him off right there. "I'm far from perfect. I get scared and angry like everybody else, and it can be a fearsome sight indeed. I second-guess myself too much. Often, I'm too stubbornly brave for my own good, and that of others as well. I'm not above being rattled by the unknown. I'm often tempted to take the easy way out, even if it's not the best way. I let a disagreement with the love of my life turn into a brawl, and then foolishly ran away to forget my heartache in bloodshed! I can't stand the cold. And I have scars enough to make most retired soldiers gape. I also have no regard for proper manners."

  She could barely get the last three out while keeping a straight face. Then she grinned. "But physical pain? Come on, it's me! That, I'm quite used to. So I'd hope I wouldn't take it too hard! Besides, you didn't hurt me. Prince Wilner and his captain did, and I more than paid them back. So I've little reason to dwell on what they did."

  Adam took her hand and shook it respectfully. "I'm glad you don't begrudge me. Thank you, mighty Rose. You're a rare warrior, whose gentle heart hasn't hardened even after all you've faced. Though I don't I think I'll ever get over Jacob completely, I'll try not to think of you in anger anymore. You don't deserve it."

  "Thanks. I couldn't ask for anything more." Rose stood and began towards her tent. A few strides later, she smiled back over her shoulder at him. "I'd love for us to be friends again, someday. If you ever feel ready, send me a letter!" Adam nodded, and she sensed there was yet real hope for them. And she was off to bed, her heart at ease.


  Finn awoke with a splitting headache. Though he'd won the drinking contest last night, he now bore a vicious hangover. He couldn't quite figure out what had awakened him, until a hard, strong hand clasped his and pulled him effortfully to his feet.

  "Come on big guy, time to wake up! I want to get away from this war already, so let's get moving! First stop, my burial mound!" Rose was apparently trying to pretend her injuries were nothing, and though she wasn't quite successful, she at least acted better than Finn felt. They stumbled out of the tent together, the giant blinking as the harsh sunlight half blinded him.

  Shaking themselves to full wakefulness, they began to walk. Suddenly Finn stopped in his tracks, and Rose turned to regard him. He pulled something from his pouch and held it out to her. After a moment, she took in that it was a necklace.

  An amazing one at that, Finn knew, the chain of pure gold bearing a pendant with a
tear-shaped ruby the size of a man's nose set in the center and diamonds sparkling like miniature stars all around it. Rose smiled blissfully and breathed, "It's beyond beautiful," then added in her usual strong voice, "Where the hell did you get it?!"

  Finn draped it lovingly around her sturdy neck. "I got it off that giant who fell off the roof with you," he said, enjoying the contentment on her face. "Since you killed him, I thought you should get to keep this thing. It must be worth more than many a nobleman's dwelling! But not nearly as much as you."

  Rose giggled. "Off him, huh? I paid him back for ambushing me by killing him, but I guess this is good compensation for him falling on me when we went off the roof. That hurt more than a bit, twisting the sword in me and all. Thanks for holding onto it for me. Too bad you didn't do the same for my weapons! Eh, just teasing. I don't mind a little healthy digging exercise. Now I have something to wear to feasts!" She looked expectantly into his eyes. "Now, is there something you want to ask me?"

  He started to think about it, then answered, "Well, yes, a few things. For one, what kind of things did you tell that Loreen about me? For that matter, what do you women like to talk about among yourselves?" Rose shook her head in mock exasperation and they continued on their way, Finn continuing to unload a plethora of questions at his love. She gladly answered them all, and for all the uneventful walking they did, their pace slower than usual for Rose's sake, neither of them got bored.

  Eventually, they reached the mound of Rose's grave and began to dig. The first thing Finn noticed was that Wilner's sword which had been stuck atop the monument was missing. They worked fast, hoping to put behind them the specter of Rose's death, but could not seem to find her weapons.

  "We've gone way farther down than where I buried them. What the hell's going on?" Finn walked around, looking from all sides, and came to a realization. "Rose, someone dug here and took your weapons. What nerve, to disturb a hallowed tomb!"

  The dejected look on her face broke his heart. "It must have been someone from our allies, for it hasn't been long, and only they would've known about my weapons being down there. To think that after all I did and gave for them... even among those who supposedly fight for good, there are honorless scoundrels with no regard for other folk."


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