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Legend of the Iron Flower Box Set (Books 1-4)

Page 84

by Billy Wong

  "I'm weak," he answered miserably. "If only you could still use magic..."

  Then maybe I could save her. But as things are, there's nothing to do but get the amulet. I'll be glad to wear it on the way back, too. My arm's killing me.

  Fearfully, Derrick asked, "Are you okay? Can you make it to Hullel?"

  If I couldn't, what kind of husband to Rose would I be?

  The doubt in his voice got Derrick to think twice about making Finn travel, but he didn't have much of a choice if he wanted to save Julie. "Alright. Don't exert yourself more than you have to, though."

  Did Rose make it back to the fort okay? Finn asked suddenly.

  He frowned. "Yes, why do you ask?"

  I'm glad. I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm afraid I might've been angry she beat that monster, after I failed. I made her walk back from the cave, making an excuse of my arm wound, when she'd been hurt so much worse. Her body was so torn up... She did it, too. She's too good for me.

  "Not this again." Derrick sighed. "I thought you got over this ages ago? We'll talk about your problems later. Let's fly." He mounted the dragon.

  As they took off, Finn asked, Am I a selfish fool? It seems I never think about how Rose feels anymore. All I think about is being human again.

  "Rose wants you to be human, too. But why the jealousy again? I thought you were okay with her being the best warrior now."

  I was when I was unique as a human who had magic. Now I'm just the same kind of big old monster she kills on a regular basis.

  "Don't think that way. If that's the case and you're the same as any other monster, aren't we humans all the same too? It's who you are inside which makes you special. Which makes you Finn—Rose's husband. You love her, remember."

  But I don't really express it too well, do I?

  "You did when you helped us fight those monsters. Especially when you attacked the big one, after it hurt Rose. That was impressive."

  He gave a flustered sigh. While it lasted. So, did Rose do anything with Count Brandon?

  Taken off guard, he stammered, "S-she, uh, no!"

  Finn sounded unconvinced. Really?

  Reluctantly, Derrick revealed, "He kissed her, when she was down from the ballista bolt. Don't get mad. She was helpless."

  Was she? Did she try to resist?

  "I don't know if she could have. She must have been in horrible agony. Please, Finn. Cut her some slack, you haven't been the best husband either."

  He realized he'd said entirely the wrong thing when the dragon bellowed, Are you trying to say I drove her away?! Look at this body I'm in! What could I have done better? What substitute could I give for what Brandon offers?

  Despite their friendship, Derrick couldn't help but be shaken by his fury. "Finn, calm down! I think you and Rose should talk seriously about your problems, but don't overreact. She loves you. Brandon's been trying to seduce her ever since we first got here and she's never given in, but always told him off." The dragon didn't reply and Derrick grew annoyed, thinking Finn ignored him out of anger. But then his wing-flapping slowed, and Derrick asked, "Finn? What's wrong?!" There was no answer, and they dropped like a rock out of the sky, crashing down to earth.


  Rose greeted Julie with a warm smile as she opened her eyes. "Hi. Glad to see you're awake."

  "What happened? Where's Derrick?" Her frail voice shocked Rose, whose heart constricted with fear.

  "He's fine," she hastily assured. "He'll be here soon."

  "I'm happy to see you're okay. I thought you were dead, when I saw you down with all those holes in your armor."

  She grinned. "You've got to have more faith in me. I killed that piece of trash, you know."

  "I guessed so, seeing you alive. So when is Derrick coming?"

  "Soon. He went to get help for you, but he'll be back as quickly as he can."

  Julie shuddered. "But I want to see him now. I don't know if I have much time left. I don't want my last memory of him to be his terrified face looking down on me as my strength failed."

  "You'll be fine. You survived the ballista hit, remember? Whatever's happening to you now, it's nothing compared to that gigantic thing tearing you open!"

  She shook her head. "But I haven't survived the ballista hit yet. This is from that hit, and it was probably too good to be true to think I would... make it."

  Pleadingly, Rose reminded her, "You're my student, you know. You've got to survive this, to do me proud!"

  "I hurt real bad," the redhead moaned, her hair contrasting so sharply with her white skin. "It's hard to take."

  "I'm hurt pretty terribly too. Doesn't mean I'm going to give up and drop dead." Desperate to rouse the girl's spirit, she stood and pulled her shirt up, revealing her freshly sewn-up body. Grinning cheerfully, she said, "Look, I'm practically a bag of minced flesh and pulverized organs held together with stitches. I'm standing. What you have is nothing in comparison. Don't you dare die from it." Though it sent a wave of pain and nausea through her body, she slapped her chest and gasped, "Girl pride."

  She was relieved to see Julie smile back and ask, "Did you get your breast split down the middle?"

  Rose frowned at the disturbing injury. "Yeah, just about. Doesn't matter. Hang tough, Julie."

  "I'm weak. I'm not like you. No one is."

  She couldn't speak for a moment, beginning to regret letting Derrick go for the amulet. "I don't expect you to be like me. You only have to hang on for a couple days, until they get back from Hullel. You know how fast Finn flies. Just fight the reaper off for a little longer, that's all I'm asking."

  "But it's already so close..."

  "Beat it back, then!" Rose growled. "You can't leave this soon, when Derrick barely just met you. You'd hurt us too much, him and me both. Don't lose hope so easily. You thought you were going to die before, and you lived. You'll do it again, I know."

  "Death won't spare me again."

  "It let me go enough times, when I made it. Focus your will! What, you don't want to see your children grow old?"

  "I don't have children..."

  Rose touched her head. "You want to, right? Then you'll have to live to have them!"

  "I'll try."

  "Then get some sleep. No point wasting your energy with excessive talking. There'll be plenty of time for talk later, when you're well and happily back at home."

  Julie smiled weakly. "You're sweet, Rose. I'd hate to disappoint you."

  "Then don't." She sat there by her pupil's side until she seemed comfortably asleep, though her own body longed as it had since the battle for a chance to rest and recuperate from its grave wounds. Finally seeing Julie still and free of pain, she dragged herself into Derrick's guest bed, and let slumber wash over her tormented flesh.


  Derrick slowly came to, his back a mass of crippling pain as he tried to sit up. He could hardly remember what had happened, and how he'd ended up in this beautiful rainbow-like meadow. A strange place to suffer pain like he did, he thought. Then he recalled how Finn had suddenly failed in his flight towards Hullel, on their way to get the magic amulet that would save Julie's life. He must've been hurt worse than he thought, and overtaken by weakness after that burst of anger. Derrick looked around for the dragon and saw him prone on the ground about twenty feet away.

  He limp-hopped over to his friend. "Finn, are you all right?"

  Slowly, the dragon opened a huge eye to regard him. I feel terrible, and worse for that nasty landing, but I think I'll live if I get some much-needed rest. But I certainly won't be flying far anytime soon, considering I can hardly move. I'll have to drag myself somewhere to hide until I regain my strength.

  It gladdened Derrick to hear he wasn't too gravely injured, but his heart nearly stopped at Finn's revelation of his inability to complete the trip. "What am I going to do? Julie's growing weaker by the moment. I need to get to Hullel!"

  Walk. It's only a few days away.

  He recoiled. "So a week or more to get ther
e and back? I don't know if she has that long."

  Steal a horse if you get a chance, Finn advised in a hostile tone. I'm not going anywhere. I'm no Rose—she'd probably drop dead like a fool trying to escort you in spite of any gruesome injuries she had.

  Derrick was surprised and slightly upset at the way Finn bad-mouthed his friend and Finn's own wife, but agreed to some extent with the sentiment. "It's good you know to take care of yourself. Rose scares me sometimes too. She volunteered to come here in my place despite her wounds, can you believe it? Ow! Anyway, you sure you'll be okay by yourself?"

  I do feel pretty weak, but you have to go. Good luck.

  "Thanks. Take care, Finn."

  Leaving him behind, Derrick hurried to the road, pondering if he'd really steal a horse. He would feel a little guilty doing it to innocents, but his concern for Julie far outweighed that, and he began hoping for a chance to acquire a steed. But though he passed the occasional traveler, he didn't see any good opportunities and continued his exhausting trek on foot. Finally he saw a horse tied to a tree by the roadside unattended, and suppressing long-held morals he untied it. He thought for a moment to leave a sum of money for a new horse, but realized it might well be stolen by the next passerby and decided against it. Then he tried to mount the beast, but as if completely untamed, it burst into a gallop before he could even get firmly on and threw him off before running into the sunset.

  That, of course, was the last unattended horse he saw. So for three days he walked almost nonstop, pausing only for the shortest nap and pushing himself to continue though his legs became stiff as logs. He neared the bridge normally used to reach Hullel from the west, and his heart sank when he saw what foul luck fate had saddled him with. The bridge was gone, all but the ends, and he figured despondently it must've fallen to some treacherous weather. He knew he could find other ways to Hullel by going around the gorge, but was not familiar with navigating the wilderness off the road here and feared to waste precious time. It occurred to him that Rose might've simply climbed down this side and back up the other, but he'd probably die trying such a stunt even with rope. He supposed he could cut a tree down to bridge the gap, considering it was only about thirty feet wide, and his eyes sought a suitable one.

  It pleased him to see a tall birch capable in his estimation of both spanning the gap and supporting his weight, and he drew his handaxe to begin chopping it down. But he was far from an expert woodsman, his only knowledge of such things garnered from watching his friends. He soon wished that he'd sent Rose in his place as his chosen bridge fell the wrong way and landed far from its intended position.

  Beginning to panic, he looked around for another passable bridge; no way was he moving the fallen trunk into place alone. He exhaled with relief at the sight of another tall though disturbingly thinner tree close to the gorge, and chopped it down with aching arms. More by luck than knowledge gained from his previous mistake, this time the tree's top landed on the other side of the abyss. Derrick walked fearfully across the slender, shaky trunk, the thought of death from any misstep making every step a waking nightmare. The will to save his beloved Julie drove his courage, and he made it across, shuddering as he stepped off the wobbling bridge of his own make. Sparing a last glance at the past trial, he hurried off to find his goal.

  He knew Hullel must not be far off, and refused to allow his burning muscles any respite. The smoke of the mining town came into view, and he hurried towards it glad his journey was half over. But within half a mile of the town gates, so close he could almost smell it, six filthy men darted out of the brush to surround him with drawn swords. He guessed them to be bandits, and dared not fight them knowing he would prove no match.

  "Please let me go. I'll give you all my money, though I don't have much. Just spare my life."

  Their apparent leader, a stout gap-toothed man, replied, "You'll give up more than your money. Your clothes would fit my nephew nicely, and I'd wager your sword is of far better make than mine. Give us it all, and we'll let you live."

  There was no guarantee the man would keep his word, but he had no other choice that would not likely lead to death. So he gave up everything they would take, leaving him with only his underpants. After many minutes of heckling, mocking, and threatening, the bandits did let go him with his life. He felt glad enough for this, thinking little of the humiliation suffered as he hurried on to Hullel. Before going to the hospital, he decided to visit Rose's mother Lise and hopefully borrow some clothes which had belonged to her late father.

  Opening the door of the house where he'd spent many days with his friends, the heavyset woman greeted him. "Derrick?! You're nearly naked! What happened? Are you all right?"

  "I got robbed. I'm okay, relatively speaking. How are you doing, Lise? I need to borrow some clothes, is it all right?"

  "I'm fine. It's tough living alone, but I've managed. How's Rose, and whose clothes do you want to borrow? My husband's clothes were way too big for you. Would you like some of Rose's kid clothes?"

  Derrick knew full well they were girls' clothing, but hardly cared. "Sure, give me a dress. Anything that can cover me up. As for Rose, she's okay. Actually, she took a beating fit to kill ten men, but she is Rose." He immediately regretted the words, remembering they'd never spoken of such things in front of Lise. Though she was well aware of what happened with Rose, it had never been comfortable for her to talk openly about. "Sorry Lise, I forgot myself. Can I get that dress?"

  "It's not like I don't know anyway," she said as she handed him, to his relieved surprise, a blouse and light pair of pants. They still looked feminine, but not so much as he'd feared the clothing would be. "What's wrong, that you're in such a hurry?"

  "Julie got hurt badly, and needs the healing amulet Rose gave the hospital here. I have to get it back to her before it's too late." He'd already put on the pants, and now slipped the blouse over his head. They were rather tight, and he judged they must've been from early in Rose's teens. He didn't care and forced them on, telling Lise, "Thanks for the clothes!" before rushing out the door.

  "Good luck," Rose's mother called after him.


  Rose sat sadly on the steps up to the wall, having just watched the funeral rites for those men without families who'd died. It hadn't been a fancy affair, but Rose thought it good considering the circumstances. Everyone was eager to go back to their lives from before the devastation of recent days, though the loss of family made such impossible for some, especially women and children left without their men. It was these people's openly displayed grief which drove Rose close to tears despite being strangers. Ashleigh walked over, sporting a heavy limp due to serious wounds suffered against the fagres.

  "Rose?" she asked gently. "How's Julie doing?"

  She didn't look up. "Not too good. She's only gotten weaker and weaker every day, and can barely talk now. I'm really scared she won't be able to hold on much longer. Where the hell is Derrick? He should've been back by now for sure. It only takes a day or so to fly there on dragonback, so how could he be gone for three? I hope nothing happened to them..."

  "That is worrying. I hope he's all right too. Even after Julie fell, he paid me enough mind to ask if I was hurt, seeing me with a spear in the thigh. Of course, I denied it."

  "Yeah, we girls always have to prove our toughness, don't we?" Rose mused, smiling.

  Ashleigh frowned. "How are you doing, physically speaking? I know you took a hell of a lot more punishment than the rest of us who survived."

  "I took some solid hits, but at least I didn't lose any limbs like some of your wounded men. I know my injuries would've killed most people, but I'm used to it. So how's Brandon nowadays?" He hadn't bothered her since the battle, thank goodness.

  "He's been really busy, as you'd expect. But he still wanted to see you, so I suggested he give you some space, to not disturb Julie."

  "You did? Thank you. I wonder what our staff and students back in Gustrone are thinking by now. It's been longer than expect

  "You teach?"

  "No, I don't do much of the teaching. That's the men's domain for the most part, though I've helped out. I'm still a novice in all things magical."

  "But aren't you afraid of things like what we just faced coming out of your work? I mean, there are so many stories of great evils created in the Old World by magic. Is it really worth it to risk such horrors again?"

  It was a familiar argument to Rose. "Yes, I do think it's worth it. Sure there's the potential for mistakes, but I've come to realize it's our responsibility to prevent them, or deal with them when they occur. There's so much potential in the study of the arcane. Why, with a little better healing magic Julie would be okay now!"

  Ashleigh smiled, seemingly in agreement. "That's true. I guess I shouldn't be afraid of progress."

  "It's a fear I used to share. Only after Finn's acquisition of magic did I overcome it. He showed me any tool has worth, with the right wielder. Not that he never made a mistake in using the tool, but still, he's only tried to do the best he can."

  "What mistakes did he make?"

  Unprepared for the question, Rose paused briefly before answering. "He just got a bit too obsessed with it, and it ended up changing who he was. But he's still a good man, and the man I love."

  "I'm surprised he wasn't here with you, considering how much you say he adores you." With a smile, Ashleigh added, "But I guess you didn't need his help, did you?"

  "He helped me plenty in ways you wouldn't know, though I don't mean any insult by that." Changing the subject, she said, "You're a really good fighter."

  The stocky soldier laughed. "Not nearly as good as you! I couldn't believe what I was seeing—some little woman slaughtering huge monsters by the hundreds?!"

  Rose giggled at Ashleigh's choice of words. "Me, a little woman? Surely you're not blind, you're too good of a shot to be! Can you not see my arms are bigger than many women's thighs?"

  "I meant compared to the monsters. There were so many times when you got hit and I thought you were dead or at least out of the fight, but you just kept going and going. The stories about your superhuman constitution really are true."


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