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Royal Bastards MC: Blayze's Inferno Los Angeles Chapter

Page 18

by J. Lynn Lombard

  “Look at her, Prez. She’s a fucking mess. She doesn’t sleep, doesn’t eat and won’t talk to anyone. She’s screaming for help and no one is listening.” A lonely tear falls down Poison’s cheek and she quickly wipes it away. “Fucking hormones.”

  “You ready to tell me what the fuck is going on with you?” Kayne asks, his voice is full of concern.

  “Not now,” Poison gives him a kiss.

  “Is this true, Danyella? Is this why you’re hot and cold with me?” Capone asks slowly approaching her. She’s trembling from head to toe, nodding her head with tears streaming down her face. “Oh, fuck. I’m such an idiot.” Danyella sobs collapsing onto the garage floor and Capone gathers her into his arms, soothing her.

  Monica comes next to me and rests her head on my chest. I wrap her in my arms, breathing a little easier.

  “She needs this, Blayze. More than anyone could know.” Monica looks up at me and I wipe the tears away gathering in her eyes. “Trust me.”

  “Like you needed it?” She nods her head. “Ok, Bug. If you say so.” I give her a small kiss. “Prez,” Capone looks at me with rage in his eyes. “Let her have at him.”

  He whispers something to her and she shakes her head. He whispers again and together they stand. He grabs her hand and they walk toward Dred. Capone kicks him once in his bad knee causing Dred to howl in pain.

  “Wake up motherfucker. I have a surprise for you.” He punches him in the stomach causing him to swing back and forth. Dred peels one eye open and it settles on Danyella. He hisses through his broken jaw.

  “I’ll fuck you up again little bitch.”

  I watch Danyella transform from weak and timid to a strong and powerful woman. No longer afraid of the man in front of her, she stiffens her shoulders and swings with all her power landing a solid blow to his face. Dred screams out in pain as Danyella punches him repeatedly. Each blow hitting him hard.

  “You piece of shit asshole.” She brings her fist back and nails him in the nuts. “That’s for touching all those girls.” Dred howls. Danyella grabs his dick with her palm and squeezes hard. His face turns a deep shade of red and he grinds his teeth. “That’s for forcing yourself on them.”

  Danyella squeezes his balls harder. I can hear the pop of one from my spot and I cover my junk. She pulls back making his body follow her. He’s bucking his hips trying to get out of her grasp but he’s at her mercy.

  “This is for me. Each time you stuck your filthy dick down my throat or inside of me when I didn’t want it. It’s for each time you made me cry or made me bleed. Welcome to hell motherfucker. I’m your judge, jury and executioner.” She balls up her other hand into a fist and keeps ahold of Dred’s balls with the other. Danyella lets her fist fly, punching him square in the stomach. Dred’s body swings back from the blow but she hangs on to his junk and I can hear the pop of the other one. My stomach clenches at the thought while Dred screams in pain. Blood blooms on his jeans and Danyella releases him. “Now tell these boys what they want to know, or I’ll rip off your dick, shove it down your throat and let you choke.”

  I step up next to Danyella and put my arm around her shoulders, pulling my sister into my embrace. “Well done sis. Now let us take over.” She nods her head, breathing heavily. Dred is close to passing out but we don’t want him to yet. Danyella goes to Monica out of my line of sight. I turn my attention to Dred. “Why are you here?”

  “Steam made us come here to kill you.” Dred coughs up blood and spits it out at my feet.

  “Looks like you fucked up. Say goodnight motherfucker.” I bring my fist back and land a crushing blow to Dred’s throat. He gasps for air but can’t get any in. I crushed his windpipe. He flops around like a fish trying to breathe out of water before he stops moving. His lifeless eyes stare at me and I smirk. “That’s what happens when you fuck with the Royal Bastards.”

  “Is it over?” Danyella asks behind me.

  “Yeah, it’s over. He’ll never touch you or anyone else again.” I respond.

  “Thank God. What about Aerial and the rest of the girls?” Danyella is always putting others over her and it’s a rare trait to find anymore.

  “We’ll find their homes and help them any way we can.” Capone offers. Danyella nods her head.

  “Can you please get me out of here?” She begs Capone.

  He locks his arms around her and gives her a gentle kiss on the head. “You got it.” Together they leave the garage. I watch from afar hoping and praying that she’ll find her way out of this mess.

  “Get the prospects to clean up the bodies.” Kayne orders Stryker.

  “You got it, Prez.” Stryker walks out of the garage leaving me, Monica, Kayne, Poison, Siren and Blayde alone.

  “Come on Monica, let’s go see if Holly needs any help for dinner.” Poison and Siren both put their arms around Monica. “Then you can give us the deets on that hunky man you snagged,” Kayne growls but Poison winks at him. “You’re still my hunky man.” This seems to work because Kayne stops growling.

  “Remember Princess, I’m the only one who can fuck you into oblivion.” Poison’s face turns red and Kayne smirks. “Be ready for me. I’ll be in in a few.” She nods her head and the three of them leave.

  “Listen, I’m really sorry for you guys coming all this way for this short of a time.” Kayne apologizes.

  “Don’t worry, brother. It was something that had to be done and I’m glad it was resolved so quickly. It makes me wonder what Steam is up to though.” I think aloud.

  “I’ve been wondering the same thing. But he’s off his rocker. Has been for a long time. That’s a problem Savage Saints can handle.”

  “We’re here for a few more days so if you need help, just say so. Ride or Die, brother.” I offer my fist and Kayne bumps it.

  “Ride or Die. Now let’s get some grub and party like no tomorrow.”



  It’s been a few months since we’ve been back from our trip. We stayed in Michigan for a few days longer than planned. Jameson, our Mother Chapter President, called Capone, so he had to head to New Orleans then Baltimore and meet up with the Presidents from other Chapters. He didn’t say much when he got back but from the haunted look in his black eyes, it wasn’t good.

  Now, we’re back at our clubhouse in Cali. The vibe here is peaceful and relaxing for the first time in a long time. We’ve been able to place most of the missing women back with their families, but some of them stayed instead of going home. Daisy is one of the few who stayed. She’s recovering remarkably well from her gunshot wound. We still can’t locate Aerial’s mom, but Red isn’t giving up. Danyella has been staying at our house more often with them than here at the clubhouse, but it’s her choice. She’s trying to find herself and what she wants to do with her life.

  My brothers and I are standing in the common room where the pool tables used to be. The patch whores and girls have transformed this part of the clubhouse into something beautiful. There are small white chairs set up in aisles that currently hold the patch whores, prospects and the rest of the Royal Bastards. Flowers are placed every fucking where and the spot I’m standing at is on a white throw rug. Dagger is standing on a podium behind me dressed in his leathers. Capone is right next to me on my left. I nervously adjust my cut waiting for Monica to get her ass out here. I wipe my sweaty palms on my black jeans. Capone cocks an eyebrow at me. Torch smirks and Bear, Derange, Red, Trigger and Tiny are squeamish. They keep wiping the sweat from their brows or fidgeting. They’re the ones who shouldn’t be nervous.

  “Are you sure about this?” Trigger asks, adjusting his jeans for the hundredth time. He’s the worst one out of all these guys with nerves.

  “Of course, I am. I’ve never been surer about anything in my life.” I answer honestly.

  Capone dangles a set of keys in my face and smirks. “Do you like the Harley I picked up the other day? You know, the brand-new, satin black Sport Glide with the Milwaukee-Eight one-oh-seven-
engine and high-performance suspension?”

  “Yeah? That bitch is beautiful.” I’m confused about where Capone is going with this.

  “What if I tell you that if you don’t go through with this, that bitch is yours?”

  Realization dawns on me and I laugh. I laugh so hard my stomach hurts. “You’re such a fucking asshole,” I grumble once I have myself under control. “No way in hell. My girl is more important than that.”

  Capone pockets the keys and smiles huge. “That’s Royal Bastard asshole to you, fuckface. Perfect answer. Welcome to the family officially, Blayze.” Capone holds his hand out for me to shake. I grab his offered hand and he pulls me in for a hug. “Keep her happy. That’s all I ask.”

  “I plan on it, brother.” We release each other and turn toward the bar. Aerial comes flying down the hallway wearing a white lace dress and gray DC shoes. When she sees us standing here, she slows down and smiles.

  “They’re ready!” she shouts. Aerial has become the little sister of the Royal Bastards. We try to shield her from the parties the best we can, but she always ends up sneaking around and seeing more than she should. She’s a sassy, sneaky little girl that keeps us on our toes but also brings a ray of sunshine to the brothers. She’s quickly worked her way into our hearts and we will do anything to protect her.

  Aerial plays with the lace of her dress, waiting until Daisy and Jezebelle make their way next to the bar, followed by Danyella. They each have on slim-fitting satin blue dresses; they did their makeup to perfection and their hair is in some fancy up do. I can’t see the woman I’ve been waiting my entire life for yet and I’m nervous as hell. I keep shifting from foot to foot, anxious to lay my eyes on the perfect woman made just for me.

  Soft music floats around us as Aerial makes her way down the makeshift aisle. She’s counting her steps as she goes. Sometimes, she’ll speed up and then make herself slow down. Once she reaches us, she turns and stands at the opposite end of where we are with a big smile on her tiny face. Jezebelle is next, her eyes never leave Derange’s as she makes her way toward us. Once she reaches the end, she stands next to Aerial. Behind her Daisy walks down the aisle, followed by Danyella. Danyella keeps sneaking glances at Capone but his face is static, not releasing his scowl.

  The music changes and everyone stands up. I can’t see past the sea of heads until Monica steps up at the end of the aisle. She’s the most stunning woman I’ve ever laid eyes on. In a long white dress that hugs her body like a second skin, Monica’s eyes meet mine. She walks toward me with confident steps. Her brown eyes sparkle with love, a smile on her face that lights up the whole room. My cock hardens in my jeans as I think of different ways to fuck her in that dress. I adjust my growing erection in my jeans and a look of lust flashes in Monica’s eyes. She finally reaches me and I grab her offered hand pulling her flush against my body.

  “You look incredible, Bug.” I nuzzle the curve of Monica’s neck and nip at the skin with my teeth. She giggles and a soft moan floats between us.

  Dagger clears his throat behind us, “Save that for after.” The room erupts in whistles and catcalls. I reluctantly release Monica and turn us towards Dagger.

  He raises his hands and the room quiets down. “Please be seated.” Once everyone behind us sits, he begins. “We’re gathered here today to witness the holy union of Monica Gates and Xander Blayze Combs. These two have been through many trials and tribulations in their lives and always manage to make it back to one another, no matter how much or how long they’re separated. If anyone here believes these two should not be married, speak now or forever hold their peace.”

  The room grows silent when Dagger asks the question. I hold my breath, waiting for someone to make a smartass remark. But none come and I exhale loudly. “Thank fuck.” The room erupts with laughter and Dagger quiets them down again.

  “Very well. Do you Xander take Monica as your lawfully wedded wife?”

  “You bet her sweet ass I do. She’s mine.” I stare into Monica’s eyes when I answer. She’s smiling at me so big; it lights up the entire room.

  “Monica, do you take Xander to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

  “I do, without a doubt,” Monica says.

  “The rings?” Dagger asks holding his hand out for them. Capone reaches into his cut and produces two gold bands and places them in Dagger’s palm. I had them custom made with our Royal Bastards logo etched into each band. On her band it reads, Property of Blayze. On mine, it has Property of Bug. He hands one to me, “Repeat after me. I, Xander Combs, take you Monica Gates as my wife. To have and to hold, in sickness and health. With the wellbeing of the Royal Bastards in mind, I will always put you first.”

  I repeat what Dagger says and slip the ring on Monica’s slender finger.

  He hands the other ring to Monica. She has tears in her eyes and a shake in her voice as she repeats after Dagger. “I Monica Gates, take you, Xander Combs, as my husband. To have and to hold, in sickness and in health. With the wellbeing of the Royal Bastards in mind, I will always put you first.” She slips the gold band on my finger and adds her own. “Live together, ride together, die together. Forever in my heart, always in my soul.”

  “With the power vested in me in the state of California and the bylaws of Royal Bastards, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

  I gather Monica into my arms. “About fucking time.” My lips descend upon Monica’s hard, kissing her with all the love and passion she pulls out of me. “Welcome to the Royal Bastards, wife.”

  “Welcome to the Royal Bastards, husband,” I growl and kiss her hard again, sealing our lives together forever. No matter what happens, we’re in it together.


  6 months later

  Nursing a beer in my hand, sitting at the bar in my clubhouse, I watch my sister and her new husband, my VP, Blayze, slow dance to a girly song some patch whore is playing. They’re chest to chest. She stares into his eyes, love and adoration shining in her brown depth. A deep pain of longing settles in my chest.

  Danyella comes out of the kitchen laughing and joking with Torch, while carrying a tray of food. Her long blonde hair flowing freely down to the center of her back. Anger boils to the surface of my skin and I tamp it down when her blue eyes land on me. She offers me a shy, sweet smile.

  A deep ache settles in my chest and the collar of my shirt is choking me. I need air, need to clear my head. Before I can move off the barstool warm, slender nails roughly run through my hair.

  My spine stiffens, “I don’t know who the fuck is touching me, but if you want to keep your hands, you’ll release me now.” The anger in my voice is unmistakable.

  The nails disappear from my scalp and Rose, a patch whore, presses her fake as fuck tits against my forearm. She bats her fake fucking lashes at me, pursing her red lips into a pout, trying to be seductive. It’s pissing me off more than turning me on.

  “You look a little tense, Prez. Can I help relieve your stress?”

  I think about Rose’s offer. It’s been a while since my cock has had a woman’s lips wrapped around it. It’s been months since I’ve felt the soft curves of a woman. My eyes drift in Danyella’s direction on their own accord. Her slender back is facing me and she’s watching Dagger and Torch play a game of pool.

  God, she’s beautiful but stubborn.

  My cock aches to belong to only her. We’ve barely talked since we came back from Michigan and that was months ago. The last time I touched those plump lips were after Monica’s wedding to Blayze. Things got carried away and before my brain caught up with my aching dick, Danyella and I were in a dark corner, locked in each other’s embrace, our lips devouring each other. Her hot breath fanning over my heated skin, moans and whimpers escaping her delicate throat. Her sweet pussy grinding against my stiff cock begging for release.

  Shouts and catcalls pulled me out of my lust induced haze, slamming me back to reality. I stopped Danyella from freeing my cock and making a big mist
ake. My body was screaming at me to continue while my mind was telling me no. I can’t defile her beautiful soul with the darkness I carry with me.

  After that night, Danyella walked away from me, angry and heartbroken and hasn’t looked in my direction since. That is until tonight. Tonight, she’s looking at me with lust and longing in her baby blues which are currently staring at me, taking my breath away. She hasn’t blessed me with her sweet smile or her light laughter. I don’t blame her either. I was a dickhead and deserve it all taken away from me. But damn it, it hurts. I deserve this pain in my chest. All the bad shit I’ve done. All the blood spilled by my hands. All of it. I don’t deserve anything from someone created as an angel.

  I shove Rose off me and she falls on her ass with a thud and a cry. I don’t even bother to check if she’s all right. My boots eat up the distance of the room until I’m in Danyella’s space. Her breath catches in her throat but she doesn’t break eye contact.

  “Belle,” I whisper. My breath carrying across her face. “If you’re ready for me, be prepared. I won’t stop until I have your full submission.”

  A flush is spreading across her porcelain skin. The music fades away, voices disappear as I stare into her eyes, willing her to give me the green light. Begging her to give in to this attraction we have towards each other.

  One word. That’s all I need. One word from her plump red lips to put us both out of this misery. Only, that word never comes. Shots ring out through my clubhouse destroying everything in their path.

  Want more of Capone? His story will continue in September of 2020.

  Thank you

  First off, I want to start with my wonderful readers. Thank you for taking the time to read this book. I hope you’re enjoying the Royal Bastards MC world.

  Crimson and Nikki, thank you for letting me be a part of this world and trusting me to do it right. Without the support behind all the authors in this world, Blayze never would’ve come to life. So, thank you again for allowing me to be a part of this world.


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