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The Witch's Protector

Page 9

by Leia Shaw

  At last, she hit the jackpot. Her squeal of delight made Erebus lift his head from his precious bone. Just wait until she showed Geo.


  Geo knew Erebus would guard Samantha but he still didn’t like being away from her. Because it was dangerous here, he told himself, not because he craved her company. Though he feared making her smile was quickly becoming an obsession.

  After haggling with a few peddlers, he anxiously started back to their room, presents filling his arms. A feeling of pure male satisfaction surged through him. Protecting, providing – it just felt right. Was this what it would be like having a woman for himself? If so, he couldn’t wait to get home and start his search.

  A painful tug on his heart made him rethink that. He couldn’t imagine doing this for any other woman. Was it the act of protecting and providing that filled him with pride or was it the witch herself?

  He shook his head. It didn’t matter. She was from a different world. She couldn’t be his.

  The sound of a particularly brutal win from the ring below focused him. He had one mission and one mission only. Save Samantha’s sister so he can return home. Soon he’d have two of Gaia’s daughters to witness for him. And two witches were better than one.

  Yes, if he could manage to control his irrational feelings for Samantha, he’d be home in no time and life would go back to normal. He just had to keep reminding himself of that.

  He opened the door to room forty two and all thoughts were washed away.

  Samantha beamed up at him with a wide smile, her beautiful face lit up like a beacon of sunlight. “Look what I found!” She sat on the edge of the bed, fiddling with some gadget that looked to be electronic.

  He hated to dampen her spirits. “Won’t work, dove. No electricity, remember?”

  Undeterred, she kept working at it, picking at it with a pocket knife. “Yeah, but I dug up some batter – what is that?” She eyed the clothing in his hands.

  “Clothes.” He tossed them onto the bed. She’d balk at the tight leather but getting rid of her silly human clothes would make the competition take her more seriously. Or maybe he should keep her looking harmless. It would’ve been a good strategy if he was sure she wasn’t. “Will they fit?”

  She put down her project and lifted the shirt and pants. “Guess I’m going commando for a while,” she murmured.

  His cock jumped picturing her bare under the leather pants he’d picked out. Now he wished he’d bought the skirt instead. The thought of her available, ready for his use at any time had him hissing in a breath. He gave his head a shake. Get control of yourself!

  “Turn around. I’ll try them on.”

  Reluctantly, he did. He closed his eyes and tried not to think about her silky body, naked just a few feet away. After several torturously long moments she finally sighed loudly and he knew she was done.

  “Seriously?” she said.

  He turned around and breath escaped him.

  “I look like Xena Warrior Slut.”

  He almost choked. “You look sexy.” What an understatement. Gods, he knew the outfit would look good on her but nothing prepared him for this. The skin-tight leather pants rode her curves deliciously. The matching top was little more than a scrap of fabric that zipped in the front leaving her midriff bare and hugging her breasts, causing her cleaving to burst out the top. And now he knew how they’d win their matches. Send her into the ring and slaughter the competition while they stared.

  As he thought it, a growl started before he could stop himself. No one should see her like this but me. The possessive bite confirmed what he was already beginning to suspect. He wanted Samantha. Not just any woman. Her.


  He snapped his gaze from her breasts and looked her in the eye. “Yes?”

  She bit her bottom lip. “Can I still sleep in your spare T-shirt?”

  He swallowed hard. Like he needed another arousing visual. “Of course,” he said tightly.

  He was glad he’d bought his other gift. This was going to be a long night.


  My, my. So Geo likes a little leather, does he?

  She could barely keep her gaze off his crotch, tenting at the sight of her in the getup.

  She had to admit, the well-worn leather stretched across her curves did make her feel…sexy. Geo’s heated gaze took it further. With no underwear, she felt especially naughty. But the fabric was soft, and though it was tight, it had a lot of give. It would be comfortable to fight in, which she guessed was why Geo picked it. Along with other more naughty purposes. A shiver crept up her spine.

  Focus! She had no right to be having lustful thoughts when her sister was in danger. She was so close. Don’t lose sight of what’s important.

  “We should go question people about my sister,” she said.

  “Not now.” He set a jug of some kind of liquid on the table and plopped down onto the chair.

  “Why not?”

  “There’s unrest. A fight in the crowd. Too dangerous.”

  So that was the noise she’d heard a little while ago. She was growing used to the roaring crowd and gruesome sounds of fighting, but shortly after finding the tape player, a whistle went off and loud thuds and yelling rose up over the crowd. She’d first thought they were being raided but the noise died down quickly and the fighting resumed. Actually, she’d tried to walk out just to see what was going on but Erebus, traitor that he was, wouldn’t let her pass. She looked over at the corner where he’d been chewing his bone. He was gone. Must’ve left when Geo came back.

  She sighed and went back to work, trying to fix the tape player. She was going to get it to work if it was the last thing she ever did. Music would be like a salve on her raw nerves right now. Growing up poor, she’d learned how to fix things herself at a young age. It was either that or never have anything to play with.

  “Well, what do we do then?” she asked.

  “Talk strategy, then go to bed. I need you well-rested for tomorrow.” He lifted the jug and uncorked it. “This will help.”

  He held it out to her and she grimaced. He expected her to drink some mysterious Underworld alcohol? Hell no.

  “It’s just wine.” As if proving it, he took a swig. “Good wine too. And that’s saying a lot considering I come from the god realm. We invented wine.”

  She chuckled and took the container. When she sniffed it and it seemed okay, she took a sip. Damn, it was good wine. She guzzled it, just now realizing how thirsty she was. If she grew a second head tomorrow, she was going to be pissed.

  “Easy,” he coaxed, taking the wine from her hands. “Now, what can you do in the ring?”

  “Kill things with my mighty sword.”

  He shook his head. “No. You’re going to make one of your protection circles and cast spells from there.”

  What? “The fuck I am!” He’d better not think he was going to manage her. “My strength is my sword fighting.”

  He didn’t raise his voice, but he did get that authoritative tone she didn’t like. “You promised to obey me.”

  “I did no such thing.”

  “At the gate, you said you’d do what I told you.”

  Shit. He had her there. She growled and grabbed the wine, throwing back another mouthful.

  His tone softened. “I will help you, Samantha. But you must trust me.”

  He’d been true to his word so far. Through the Grim Desert, in the death worm tunnel, and through the Games gate, he’d protected her, took care of her. When she’d followed his lead, he hadn’t let her down. Could she trust him in this too?

  “A protection circle,” he pushed. “Agreed?”

  She smiled sweetly. “Except in dire emergency. And that’s as far as I’ll bend on this, dove,” she answered, repeating his words from the tunnel.

  With a gruff laugh he shook his head. “Saucy wench.”

  Finally, the piece she’d been fiddling with on the tape player clicked into place. She pressed play and turned up t
he volume. When music flowed from the small but effective speakers, she gave Geo an I-told-you-so look.

  His wide eyes told her he’d probably never heard music come from a machine before. She recognized the song. I Put a Spell on You by Creedence Clearwater Revival. Somebody in the Underworld liked 70’s rock. Go figure.

  “I love this song.” She placed the tape player on the bed and stood up, feeling a little reckless, a little free. Must be the wine.

  The lead singer’s throaty voice and the heavy beat fit the dim room. The song was gritty and raw just like the Underworld. She looked at Geo, laid back in the chair all big and bad, strong and silent. He’d never looked so sexy.

  Definitely the wine.

  “Dance with me,” she commanded.

  His brows lifted.

  “Come on.” She grabbed his hand and tugged.

  With a smirk, he let her pull him to his feet.

  “Just put your hands here and here.” She guided his hands to her hip and shoulder but he yanked out of her grip.

  “I know how to dance, woman,” he growled. Then he plopped both hands on her low back, just above her backside, and yanked her up against his body.

  She gasped. His arousal pressed hard against her abdomen.

  Taking the lead, he moved them to the music, grinding against her in a most indecent way. He bent his head and inhaled her hair then let out a savage groan.

  Oh my.

  All that caged lust was focused on her. Could she handle a man like Geo? His fingers dug into her exposed skin where he’d slipped them under her waistband – his hands like a fiery brand. She swallowed hard.

  When the guitar solo came on he bent her backward and she fell, dropping her head, trusting him to hold her as she arched away, presenting her chest. His growl of approval seemed to vibrate straight to her clit. Roughly, he pulled her up and she slammed into his chest with both hands. He gazed down at her, panting, his eyes dark with lust. Her hands shook until she stilled them on his shoulders.

  His fingers moved lower, grasping her bare ass and squeezing. Her knees trembled and threatened to give way. Then he lowered his mouth to her ear. She canted her head to the side, thinking he was going to say something, but instead he bit down on her lobe.


  “Be still,” he ordered softly then licked the small sting away.

  Oh my Lord, I’ve freed the beast.

  His mouth skimmed along her neck, licking, kissing. Goose bumps rose over her skin. He nipped the side of her jaw and she jerked. A shiver shook her. He was so unpredictable – so dangerous. And she’d never been more turned on.

  “Did you put a spell on me, little witch?” he rasped in her ear. “Am I yours?”

  Mine? God I want to say yes! She could barely find her voice. “Something tells me you’re not the type to belong to anybody.”

  He leaned his forehead against hers. “I’m beginning to doubt that.”

  He tilted her back again and this time he pulled down the zipper on her vest. Not all the way, just enough to expose her cleavage. She’d taken her bra off when she tried it on. A few more inches and her breasts would be exposed.

  She should stop him. She really should stop him.

  He kissed the top of each mound and she sagged against him, her will overtaken by her libido. Then he looked into her eyes.

  “I want you.” His declaration was so packed with need she almost whimpered.

  What would it be like to be taken by such a strong, demanding male? Would she regret it if she said no? The hand in her pants moved lower…under her cheeks…between her legs. She gasped when he touched her there. Could he feel how wet she was? Fire raced through her veins. Then he took her mouth. And there was no gentleness about him. His lips moved recklessly against hers, pressing her backward. His hands moved from her pants and cupped the back of her head, holding her in place. Though it was only their second kiss, he tasted so familiar. He nipped at her bottom lip, demanding entrance. His tongue plunged into her mouth as he sucked hers into his.

  Then she knew the meaning of possession.

  She finally pulled away, panting for air. Blaming the wine and his magic fingers, she purred, “So take me.”

  His eyes tightened. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “I’m not afraid of rough sex.” She was a little afraid. “And I’m no virgin.” But she’d only had two lovers and it’d been a long time. Too long.

  This seemed to amuse him. “Oh, really?”

  He grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her head back, not roughly, but firmly. He kissed the length of her throat and down her chest. That little feeling of danger, of helplessness, sent a thrill down her spine and between her legs. Her clit throbbed with the beat of the music.

  Without releasing her hair, he unzipped the rest of her vest. The cool air hit her nipples and they tightened. He stared at them and anticipation had her clenching her fists. Touch them…suck them.

  Instead of taking them in his mouth, he released her hair and slid his hands down her arms. He took a step back.

  Where’s he going? She almost pouted.

  “I like to be in charge.” It sounded like a threat.

  “In the bedroom too?”

  “Especially in the bedroom.”

  Heat pulsed to her core at his sensual words. But she couldn’t let him roll over her like a freight train. She wasn’t a wilting flower. Was she?

  She grabbed onto his shirt and pulled him close. “I’m stronger than you think. I can handle you.”

  He chuckled. And then he swept her in his arms and tossed her onto the bed.

  Was that it? Was that the best he could do?

  Grabbing her ankles, he pulled her to the edge and leaned over her. “Stay where I put you, Samantha. Do you understand?”

  Could she be passive in the bedroom? She’d never explored this side of herself but she couldn’t deny a tingle of excitement at the idea of a dominant partner.

  Geo watched her, waiting for confirmation she understood him. It felt a little like he was asking permission. If she did this, there’d be no going back.

  She nodded.


  His gaze raked her, head to toe, and her body burned like a fever. With a quick pull, her pants were down off her hips and onto the floor. The cool underground air licked at her skin but Geo’s gaze heated it – moving from her breasts, down her stomach, to her mound. She couldn’t stop a soft moan.

  Just touch me already! She was tempted to reach up and grab him but she forced herself to stay still.

  He whispered something tenderly in Greek then said, in English, “You’re delicious.”

  His sexy smirk melted her insides like butter on a hot stove. She couldn’t take anymore.

  “Please,” she begged.

  He smiled. “Mmm. Yes, matia mou. Tell me what you want.”

  Bastard was toying with her. “You to fuck me. I thought it was obvious.” Let’s see what he makes of that.

  His eyes crinkled with amusement. “Saucy wench.” Then he flipped her over. “I want to look you over first.” He held her still with a strong hand on her lower back.

  She was half hanging off the bed, her face smothered in the blanket that smelled like him. Mmm… She was tempted to reach under and touch herself. Well, if he’s not going to.

  Then one of his hands slid down her spine and over her ass. The other moved up her thigh to between her legs. Gently he cupped her mound.

  A moan escaped her lips. “Yes.” Did she say that out loud? She moved her hips toward his hand. A sharp slap on her backside stopped her.

  “Stay,” he commanded.

  She whimpered.

  “You have the perfect ass. I could stare at it all day.”

  She was tempted to wiggle it but didn’t want to get slapped again. Or did she?

  “But I’m greedy. I want all of you.” He tapped her hip. “Turn over.”

  She obeyed. What would he do next? Her heart sped with excitement.<
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  “Open for me.”

  Her cheeks heated. Now she was getting embarrassed?

  Apparently, Geo had used up all his patience for the day. With a growl he gripped her thighs and held them open to his gaze. He leaned in between her legs and placed soft kisses up the inside of her thighs moving toward her center. Her clit pulsed harder and harder the closer he got.

  Just a few inches more. She stopped breathing. The world faded and her entire existence centered on his lips moving up her thigh.

  Then he halted and stood, staring with dark, lust-filled eyes and a sexy grin. Quickly, he shed his pants. Her gaze locked onto his muscular thighs, solid and all man. His cock sprung free and she felt her eyes widen at the sight of it. She’d forgotten how big it was after the peep show at the spring. She squirmed in anticipation.

  He chuckled, watching her. “I like you wriggling, eager for me to please you.” Leaning over, he kneaded one breast with his hand. His mouth lowered to her nipple. He bit down hard enough to send a little jolt down her body and make her jump. “You were right, Samantha. You’re a strong girl. You can take it rough, can’t you?”

  He sucked it hard and circled the other with his thumb. Warmth slid through her and she relaxed into the mattress. When she didn’t answer, he stopped and looked at her. “Samantha. I asked you a question. You’ll take it rough, won’t you?”

  She exhaled a breath. “Keep doing that and I’ll have to insist on it.”

  He laughed out loud then grabbed her legs and held on tight while he plunged into her. A bite of pain made her cry out before she settled into the fullness.

  His brows drew together in concern. He leaned forward and stroked her cheek while he settled into her, moving back and forth to adjust. “You okay?”

  She nodded and gave him a shaky smile then reached up and stroked his wide shoulders. Yes, her body was relaxing now. Mmm…feels good. And they fit perfectly.

  “You sure? Tell me to slow down and I will.”

  He was almost reaching her pleasure spot already. God, if he moved more forcefully, she’d explode. She ground her hips beneath him impatiently. “I’m fine. Is this what you call rough?”

  He laughed again. “You asked for it.” With a sharp bite, he latched onto her nipple and she arched off the bed with a shout. But the sting flew straight to her clit, morphing into pleasure.


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