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The Witch's Protector

Page 14

by Leia Shaw

Where was the other one? She’d kill that one too.

  “Sam.” Geo’s voice came from the right.

  Reluctantly, she looked from the skinwalker, laying in a pool of his own blood, to Geo.

  The other worg had Geo’s sword stuck through his head. It melted back to human form too.

  His eyes full of concern, Geo walked to her. “It’s over, love. You okay?”

  It’s over.

  She inhaled a few deep breaths.

  It’s over. “Yes. I’m okay.”

  Geo took her hand. “Come on.”

  They walked, hand-in-hand, across the bloody ground, both of them limping. Samantha’s hip ached where she’d fallen on it. The sounds of the crowd faded as she concentrated only on Geo’s strong hand in hers. His presence alone made her feel calm, safe. She squeezed his hand tighter.

  “You’re limping,” he said softly.

  “Something threw me.” What the hell had it been? “When the worg you were fighting was about to attack me.”

  He nodded. “That smoky animal running around like a horse with a bee in its ear.”

  Her familiar? Wow. The useless puff of livestock had actually saved her life.

  “What in Hades’ name was that thing?” he asked her.

  “Um. My familiar.”

  He arched a brow. “A sheep?”

  “It was a ram,” she told him irritably. “You should recognize the horns.”

  His lips twitched. “It was a wooly lamb.”

  And just like that they were back to normal. Geo and Sam. No dead worgs or sick Underworld Games.

  “We don’t get to pick our familiar. My friend’s is a hedgehog.”

  They reached the divider and climbed over.

  “At least that’s got spikes,” Geo mumbled.

  She hid a smile.

  “Cutting it a little close, no?” Aedan said, handing her a bottle of water.

  She chugged half then gave it to Geo. The crowd began to boo and hiss. She looked up at the board where the gamesman was erasing their names. “Why are they erasing us? We won.”

  Geo didn’t answer. He started cleaning his sword with a towel Aedan gave him. What the hell happened?

  “No, you didn’t, lass,” Aedan said sadly.

  “We lost?”

  Geo gave her a sharp look. “We’re alive, aren’t we? I wouldn’t call that losing.”

  Panic started in her chest.

  “You were disqualified,” Aedan answered her unspoken question.

  Her stomach dropped. “Disqualified,” she repeated numbly, staring up at the board.

  All that for nothing?

  Aedan continued. “Because the shadow hound interfered.”

  Erebus! She turned frantically toward the ring, searching for his body on the ground. How could she forget about him?

  “He’s gone.” Geo placed a hand on her shoulder.

  No! She started to crumple to the floor but Geo grabbed her shoulders and held her up. “He’s not dead. Shadow hounds are very resilient. He’s gone to the shadows to heal. We’ll see him again soon. I have no doubt.”

  She breathed a sigh of relief.

  “So what’s your plan?” Aedan asked Geo.

  Samantha still couldn’t wrap her head around losing. They didn’t have a plan B. Giving up wasn’t an option, but what else could they do? The feather around her neck still felt warm against her skin. Nicole was here – and she was alive. Scared, and maybe even injured.

  If Shade hurt her in any way, she’d kill him, painfully.

  It suddenly felt stuffy and hot in the corridor. Emotion lodged in her chest and she wasn’t sure she could hold it in. I need to get out of here.

  She interrupted Geo and Aedan’s conversation. “I need some air.” Before Geo could stop her, she limped as fast as she could to the tunnel leading outside.


  Geo watched Samantha hobble away, wanting to follow her, to hold her. She was probably in a panic about the possibility of losing her sister. As if he’d ever let that happen. But sensing she needed space, he stayed put.

  “She’s got you wrapped around her little finger,” Aedan said, grinning.


  “You’ve fallen hard for the lass. Tell me, what do you plan to do when she finds her sister and returns Topside?”

  He rubbed his hands over his horns. “Hell if I know.” Return home with Gaia’s blessing. Get back to life as he knew it – making weapons for his father, visiting his mother when he could, continuing his search for love.

  His heart clenched. Except he’d already found it. Everything he wanted in a woman, he’d found in Samantha. Courage, intelligence, a sense of humor, a kind heart. She was that and more. He hadn’t known he liked freckles that appeared in the sunlight. Or waking to a husky voice, thick with sleep, in the morning. Or the little spot between two eyebrows that crinkled with deep thought. Flirty smiles, playful surrender in the bedroom, a cute, spankable ass, amber eyes, curly hair he wanted to grab in handfuls – gods, everything!

  His throat constricted. He’d always thought love was the missing piece to his happiness – he never thought it’d hurt so damn much.

  Aedan interrupted his thoughts. “That’s why you’ll never see me fall for a woman. You look miserable.”

  “I’m not miserable. I’m…” In love. Love that held no future. Impossible love. “I better go find her.”

  He made a hasty retreat before Aedan hit too close to the truth. Outside, he found her standing on a cliff, halfway up the mountain. He climbed up and stood a few yards behind her, watching her stare at the nighttime sky. For the first time in a long time, the moon appeared in the Underworld.

  Samantha crossed her arms, hugging herself. He heard a small sniffle and he found himself moving toward her – like a magnet pulling to its other half.

  Her head turned to the side – she heard him behind her. He slid his hands down her bare arms, feeling goose bumps rise on her skin. Pulling her against his body, he placed his hands over hers and rested his chin on her head.

  He inhaled a deep breath and almost groaned when the scent of her hair hit him.

  “Look,” she said softly. “My sky.”

  A silvery moon lit up the horizon and a few shining stars stood out like sparkling gems. Sometimes beauty could be found in the ugliest of places. He felt Samantha sigh and relax against him. He squeezed her tighter. She was his gem – his beauty in a dark place.

  “We’ll find her, Samantha.”

  She turned her head and looked up at him, her eyes filled with doubt. “Will we?”

  “Yes. I give you my word.”

  Tears formed in her eyes, glittering then falling onto her cheeks. It broke his heart. He turned her to face him then kissed each wet cheek. “Though you may feel all is lost, hope is always there. It carries us through the darkest times.” His lips moved to her ear, planting small kisses across her cheeks as he went. “Don’t give up hope,” he whispered.

  She buried her face in his chest. Her small shoulders shook. Gods, he wanted to take this pain from her. He cupped the back of her head, holding her against him. She fit perfectly against his body. Feels so right.

  She pulled away too soon. Wiping her tears with the back of her hand, she straightened her shoulders and asked, “So what’s the plan? What do we do now?”

  Brave girl. “Well, we can fight as three’s with Aedan or I can sign up as a single contestant. Either way we’ll have to start over but –”

  “No. I can’t risk you two. This is my fight, not yours.”

  He took her face in his hands. “Samantha, it was my fight too the moment I brought you to my cabin.”

  “But –”

  He hushed her with a finger over her lips. “We’ve already discussed it. The three’s was Aedan’s idea. He said he could use the practice anyway. So the only choice you have is whether you want to be in the competition or not. If it were up to me, I’d fight alone but I know how stubborn –”

��I’m in.”

  As he thought. He sighed.

  “But what if we lose again?” she asked.

  “Then we’ll keep trying.”

  Her forehead crinkled and she bit down on her bottom lip. His gaze locked on that lip. He yearned to kiss it, to nibble it. As he was about to lean in and do just that, Samantha looked up at him, guilt and regret written all over her face.

  “Geo. I have something to tell you.” She dropped her gaze to the ground and exhaled a deep breath.

  Why did he have the feeling he wasn’t going to like this?

  “But first you have to promise you won’t be too mad at me. Promise you won’t beat me or kill me, okay? Not until after I find Nikki anyway. After that –”

  “Samantha.” He tipped her head up with a finger under her chin. “There’s nothing bad enough that would warrant me beating you, and certainly not killing you. So get that out of your head please.”

  She bit down on her lip again.

  “Even if you anger me, I’m quick to forgive. And I’d never, ever hurt you. Now tell me what’s troubling you.”

  After another deep breath she said to his chest, “I can’t contact Gaia. I lied to you.”

  Yeah, he’d figured there was something suspicious going on there. She really thought he’d beat her over that? What had her father and brothers ingrained in that head of hers?

  “But I was desperate,” she rushed to add. “It was only out of necessity. You know I’d do anything for Nikki.”

  “I know.” He couldn’t be mad at her. Knowing now what was at stake, he’d have done the same thing.

  She lowered her head. “I’m sorry. I was going to try my hardest to reach her. I still will and you never know but…she hates me because of my family. Knowing what I want for you, she’ll probably do the opposite.”

  He touched her cheek and stroked his thumb across the bottom lip she’d been chewing. “You should have told me.”

  “Would you have helped me?”

  To his shame, he admitted he probably wouldn’t have. “I don’t know. Maybe not at first.” How ironic that now his dilemma had become letting her go.

  He took her hand. “Come on, love. Tomorrow is another day.”

  Chapter 15

  Samantha’s head swam as they walked back to their bedroom. She’d told Geo her big secret, certain he’d at least rail at her. At his willing sacrifice for her cause, guilt overwhelmed her. Then, not only had he stayed calm, he’d promised to find Nikki too. Why was he risking his life for her again knowing he would get absolutely nothing in return? Either he was completely insane or…he loved her.

  She exhaled a deep breath, her stupor fading as they walked upstairs.

  God I hope he’s insane.

  Because if he loved her, well, she wasn’t sure she wouldn’t love him back. And there were two problems with that scenario. One; they had no future. He was stuck here and, well, she wanted to be anywhere but here. And two; he was far too perfect.

  It wasn’t normal to be so level-headed all the time. Maybe she should provoke his temper. He could only hold back his true colors for so long. If she saw him rage, it’d break the spell.

  Yes, I’ll bet he’s just like my dad.

  In the room, she turned on him. “How can you not be mad at me? I lied to you. I tricked you and risked your life over and over for my own purpose.”

  He shrugged. “Not for your own purpose. For your sister. It shows your loyalty and devotion. And I would’ve done the same thing.”

  Too good to be true. She pushed. “You should at least yell at me. What kind of man are you? Do you typically let people use you? No wonder your brother got you kicked out of the god realm.” Inwardly, she winced at the insult. “Bet it was easy since you seem to lack any self-preservation.”

  His head cocked to the side and he examined her as if she were an interesting science experiment. “What’s gotten into you?”

  “You’re too nice.”

  “You think I should punish you?” Three ominous steps and he stood inches in front of her, staring down with a dark expression.

  She gulped. Courage abandoned her like rats on a sinking ship.

  Suddenly, he grabbed her shoulders, spun her around and slapped her ass. She yelped in surprise. He turned her back around and smirked. “There. Consider yourself punished.” A kiss on her cheek then he strolled away.

  That was it? She’d purposefully challenged his masculinity and all he did was give her a little tap on the butt?

  “Now, are you done with your little test?” he asked.

  She snapped her head up, surprised. “What?”

  “Samantha.” He sighed wearily. “I’m not like your father. I’m not perfect but I’ll never hurt you in a fit of rage. I have more self-control than that. And I care too much about you to risk hurting you that way.”

  He cared too much? Just how much? Her heart clenched and butterflies took off in her belly. Because she was pretty sure she cared about him an awful lot. She swallowed hard.

  “Did I pass your test?”

  Suddenly ashamed, she nodded. Stupid. She should’ve known better. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean what I –”

  “I know. I get it. But, dove, if my brothers couldn’t taunt me to anger, you couldn’t either.” He walked to her and brushed his fingers across her cheek. “My sweet, beautiful, fiery Samantha.”

  She couldn’t move or speak – caught in his gaze like a fly in a web.

  “Do you believe me now?”


  “Good.” He stepped back and looked her over. “Now take off your clothes.”

  She blinked.

  He stripped off his shirt then began unloading his weapons and placing them on the table. When he saw she hadn’t moved, he said, “Come on. Take them off.”

  Struck momentarily speechless by his toned upper body and smooth olive skin, she was slower than usual in her retort. She caught Geo’s smirk and gave her head a shake. “Arrogant man. Who said you were getting lucky tonight?”

  His smile widened. “I did.”

  “You can’t just declare things like that.”

  With brows raised at the challenge, he took a step toward her. “Take off the clothes or I’ll do it for you.”

  Mmm…as if she could resist that body and his manly demands. But still, she liked this little game. What would he do if she refused? He looked ready to tear through her leathers and ravish her body. She shivered.

  “Off, Samantha.”

  His stern tone made her want to melt into the floor. But she stood her ground.

  He stalked closer. She couldn’t hold back a coy smile. If her lying hadn’t provoked him to hurt her, neither would a little rebellion. And she felt like having some fun.

  When he came close enough, she shoved the heel of her hand into his chest, gave a push then ducked under his arm as he tried to grasp her. She made it three steps before he snared her around the waist and plopped her onto the bed.

  Geo followed her down, straddled her hips and pinned her arms above her head. Laughter bubbled up as she squirmed and tried to throw him off.

  He chuckled and held her tighter. With a mock stern face he said, “Lie still or I’ll have to punish you again.”

  She giggled. “Oh, no. Please not that!”

  With an arched brow, he leaned in and bit down on her ear lobe.

  “Ow!” Warmth slid through her body, finding all her sexual places. She gave him a saucy smile. “Thought you were going to strip me.”

  “I am. When I’m sure you’re not going to sucker punch me again.”

  “Takes a sucker to get punched like one.”

  He laughed out loud. “You’re asking for it.”

  Slowly, he lowered himself while he kept her wrists pushed flat on the bed. She wriggled but couldn’t move from beneath him. The anticipation as he opened his mouth sent blood pulsing between her legs. With his chin, he made her turn her head then burrowed in close. His breath warmed her skin.
  “Geo!” She gasped. His lips skimmed her neck before he bit down. She squeaked then he did it again on her jaw.

  A soft moan escaped her.

  Geo pushed up but kept her wrists trapped. “I’m one second away from ripping off your clothes. Only problem is you’ll have to wear my T-shirt for our next fight. Only my T-shirt.”

  She froze. “Okay.” Panting, she relaxed into the mattress. “Okay. I’ll be good.”

  With a satisfied grin he let her go. Leaving her panting in the middle of the bed, he sat up and leaned against the headboard. “Now, strip for me.”


  Her eyes flared and he wondered if she’d refuse. Though he liked this sassy side of her, her surrender was equally alluring. And he was getting hard just thinking about her baring that sexy body for him.

  A flirty smile played at her lips as she rose to her knees and faced him. She fingered the zipper on her vest for a moment before pulling it down, slowly, baring the pale and delicious curves of her cleavage.

  “All the way off,” he rasped.

  She let the vest fall open then slide down her shoulders. Her dark pink nipples – erect and ready to be sucked – drew his eye. He could almost taste them on his tongue. Gods, if this was the last naked body he ever saw, he’d die a happy man.

  He choked out, “Now the pants.”

  The little minx grinned then placed her hands on each breast – but not hiding them, playing with them. She pinched one nipple then the other, all the while keeping her gaze locked on him. Oh, now he’d have to punish her disobedience. And how fun that would be.

  “Tease.” He reached for her, wondering if it’d lead to another wrestling match. But when he grabbed her shoulders, she went down willingly.

  He placed her face-up on the bed and hovered over her, cruising his gaze over her body. Where to begin? The nibble on her bottom lip cinched the decision. He took over her mouth in a fierce kiss. When he gave her lip a little suck, she groaned.

  The way she lifted her hips and ground against his erection…he lost all control. With a growl he stripped off her pants. A miracle they didn’t tear. Then, before she could do more than gasp, he latched onto a nipple. He licked and sucked each one while she squirmed and moaned against him. Each time she put her hands up to push him, he batted her away and bit her nipple.


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