Book Read Free

The New Guy

Page 23

by Kathryn Freeman

  ‘You’re busy at work, you told me that. I don’t want you getting in trouble with that boss of yours.’

  He began to laugh then, hysteria, relief and amusement all rolled into one. ‘She’s the one who drove me up here.’

  ‘She’s here?’ In an instinctive gesture that would have had him laughing again, if her face hadn’t contorted in pain the moment she tried to sit up, she patted at her hair. ‘Where is she?’

  ‘Where’s who?’

  Erin walked back into the room. When she’d first seen him walk onto the ward, she’d given Ryan such a heart-wrenching hug he’d begun to hope they could find a way back to each other. But since then her answers had been monosyllabic and the accusing stare she’d cast his way every now and then had seen his hope turn to dust.

  ‘Ryan’s boss, Sam, drove him to the hospital.’ Either his mum was oblivious to the undercurrent between him and Erin, or she was determined to ignore it. ‘It’s late. You two need to get some sleep. The staff here will keep an eye on me.’

  ‘I don’t want to leave you.’ Erin’s voice caught as she strode up to the bed and bent to give her mum a hug. ‘You scared the crap out of me, Mum.’

  ‘I’m sorry, darling.’ She kissed Erin’s head. ‘But I’m a tough old bird. I’ll be fine now.’

  Erin refused to budge, just lay across the bed, holding on tightly to her mum, and Ryan’s heart went out to her. He’d been a mess when he’d got the call. If it hadn’t been for Sam insisting on driving him here, he’d probably be in a mangled heap at the side of the motorway by now. How much harder had it been for Erin though, watching their mum suffer the heart attack, calling for the ambulance? Waiting alone in the hospital while the staff operated, not knowing if she was going to be okay?

  And while he was on this monstrous guilt trip, there was also Sam herself, whom he’d left sitting in the stark hospital waiting room. He’d told her to go home hours ago but she’d refused to budge, insisting the hard plastic chairs were actually quite comfortable.

  A nurse came in to check the monitors, reassuring them everything was fine. Soon Erin’s hands relaxed and her breathing became more even.

  ‘She needs to sleep at home,’ his mum whispered to him a few minutes later.

  ‘I’ll take her.’

  ‘Will you stay with her?’

  ‘You’re certain you’ll be okay here?’

  She smiled tiredly. ‘I’ve got all these monitors checking me, nurses checking me. I don’t need you, too. But your sister does.’

  ‘Fine. I’ll kip at home and come back to see you in the morning.’

  Relief washed over her face. ‘Good. Thank you.’

  Ryan leant forward, holding onto one of her hands. ‘Since when do you thank me for looking after my sister?’

  ‘Since things have been strained between you.’ Before he could say anything, she added. ‘Erin’s wrong to blame you for leaving when you did, but she was only a child. Still is, in many ways. She needs her big brother more than she’ll ever let on.’

  He didn’t doubt that, but needing and wanting were two different things. She might need him, but she didn’t want to need him. Didn’t want him in her life at all. It was a hard thing to move past.

  Reluctantly he stood, easing Erin off the bed. As soon as she realised who was touching her, she bristled and squirmed away from his touch. Sighing heavily, he dropped his hands. ‘Time to go home. Mum needs her rest, and so do you.’

  She put up a bit of a fight but was clearly knackered because it wasn’t long before she was following him out of the ward, her steps sluggish. He wanted to put his arm around her because she clearly needed someone to lean on, but he didn’t want to risk another argument so he kept his hands in his pockets.

  As soon as they entered the deserted waiting room, Sam looked up. Her eyes skimmed over Erin before falling on him. ‘Is your mum okay?’

  As Ryan nodded, Erin halted, staring at Sam. ‘Are you the boss?’

  Sam looked uncomfortable. ‘I’m Sam.’

  ‘You’re the one I spoke to. The one who drove him up here?’

  ‘I am, yes.’ She glanced back up at Ryan, her eyes soft with compassion. ‘Do you want taking home?’

  And shit, he didn’t want to use her as chauffer service, but what was the alternative? Send her off into the night while he and Erin waited for a cab? ‘Thanks, yes.’ So much more he needed to say; thank her for driving him here, for waiting. Tell her how frigging amazing she was, but Erin was watching them closely, so he settled for giving her a small smile. One he hoped conveyed at least some of his gratitude.

  The journey to the house was quiet; the only words spoken were directions from Ryan, delivered in a flat voice that seemed designed to put off any further conversation. Not that Sam knew what to say, what with Erin sitting in the back seat, staring out of the window, her face looking horribly harsh for someone so young. The tension pinging between Ryan and his sister – half-sister, if she recalled correctly – was so taut Sam was sure she could hear the air cracking.

  It was with a great deal of relief she pulled up outside a redbrick semi.

  ‘This is us.’ Ryan unclipped his seat belt, his actions slow, as if he didn’t want to get out of the car.

  ‘Is she coming with us?’

  Erin’s sharp question hung in the air. Sam glanced at Ryan who shook his head, and for a moment Sam thought it was in reply to Erin, but then he turned round and glared at his sister. ‘Yes, Sam, who’s spent all night either driving or sitting in a shitty hospital waiting room just so she can take you home, is coming in with us.’

  Erin didn’t reply, just flung the car door open and leapt out, slamming it behind her.

  Ryan heaved out a breath. ‘Fuck, sorry.’

  ‘Don’t be. She’s upset about her mum.’

  ‘Yeah, but she’s acting like a right cow. I deserve it. You don’t.’

  Before she could tell him he didn’t either, he’d climbed out of the car. Sam took her time grabbing her handbag and locking the door, giving the siblings a few moments to themselves before she followed them up the path.

  ‘Where’s she going to sleep?’ she heard Erin ask as she stepped into the house.

  ‘In my room,’ was Ryan’s terse reply from the sitting room.

  ‘You’re sleeping with your boss? Classy, bro, real classy.’

  Standing in the doorway between the hall and sitting room, Sam cleared her throat. Erin looked over and stared coolly back at her, all attitude and simmering hostility.

  Ryan dragged a hand over his face, seeming to be at the end of his tether. ‘Not that it’s any of your business but I’ll be kipping on the couch. Now go to bed, Erin. I’ll see you in the morning.’

  ‘You don’t get to tell me what to do in my house.’

  Tell her it’s your house too, Sam willed him. Tell her you’re paying for it, because she was pretty certain that’s where most of his wages ended up. It explained why he lived in a shithole of a flat, as he’d memorably called it that first night they’d met. She knew what she was paying him, and it was enough for a decent flat, and a new car.

  Yet Ryan didn’t say anything. He was like a boxer who’d taken one hit too many and was now clinging to the ropes, no fight left in him.

  Thankfully Erin seemed to have had enough, too, because she turned away and trudged up the stairs, heavy footsteps making clear her anger, or perhaps her fatigue.

  Ryan sagged against the wall. ‘Do you want a drink of anything? Tea, coffee?’ His mouth settled in a grim line. ‘Something stronger? There’s bound to be some.’

  She walked over to him and laid a hand on his arm. ‘I’m good,’ she told him softly.

  ‘Good doesn’t begin to describe you.’ He wrapped his arms around her, drawing her tight against him, and her heart melted. She was falling for him, and there was nothing she could do to stop it. ‘I’m sorry, but I think you’re stuck here for the night. Too late to drive home and it’s a fair drive to the nearest de
cent hotel.’

  ‘I’m not stuck here. I want to be here.’

  He groaned. ‘You must be bloody bonkers, but I’m so flaming grateful you’re here.’ His arms tightened and she felt his need. It wasn’t sexual, not this time. It was a need for comfort, for connection. The same things she’d needed from him that night on the cliffs in Cornwall.

  After a while she felt the press of his lips against the top of her head. The gentle gesture, coming from this hulking, taciturn male, touched places deep inside her. ‘You need to get to bed.’ He eased her away. ‘I’ll show you.’

  ‘Aren’t you coming too? I know you said you’d take the couch, but—’

  ‘That was mainly to keep Erin quiet.’


  His eyes darted away from hers. ‘You’ve seen the way Erin is with me. You’ve heard why she hates me. I figured you might not be up for sharing my bed.’

  ‘Because you left home at eighteen to work so you could send money home?’ She wound her arms back around his waist. ‘If anything, I like you more now.’

  ‘Yeah?’ He shook his head. ‘You’re kind of crazy, you know that?’ He tugged at her ponytail, drawing her mouth towards his for a brief kiss. ‘But it seems I’m a fan of crazy.’

  Taking her hand he led her upstairs. His room was small, the bed taking up nearly all the room. ‘I bought a double for it a few years ago. Got fed up with wedging myself into a single every time I came to stay. Didn’t think I’d get a hot woman sleeping in it with me.’ Bending, he touched his lips against hers again, the kiss deeper this time. ‘Strip.’ Her expression must have betrayed her surprise because he laughed. ‘Yes, I want you naked. I also want to shove our clothes in the wash so we have something to wear tomorrow.’

  And God help her, she felt her heart open up for him that little bit more. A practical man, who could make her laugh, and make her knees tremble. How was she supposed to resist?

  When he finally eased into the small double bed beside her, all naked hot skin and hard muscles, resisting was the last thing on her mind.

  Chapter 30

  Ryan woke early, his mind immediately back at the hospital. There’d been no phone call, which had to be a good sign. Still, he felt anxious to go back and see for himself. His gaze fell on the woman curled up next to him in the bed. The woman who’d given him more support, more comfort in the last twelve hours than he’d ever had. He loved his mum, but thanks to the booze she’d never really been there for him when he’d needed her. It had always been him, worried about her.

  For the first time in his life, last night, someone had taken care of him.

  Emotion welled, churning around in his chest, tightening his throat. Sam was the gutsiest, kindest, sexiest woman he’d ever met, no doubt would ever meet. He was one lucky sod to be going out with her.

  Even if it was on the quiet.

  Even if it meant lying to people at work. To Lucas. To Erin.

  Shaking off the unwanted thoughts he pushed himself out of bed and took a quick shower in the tiny cubicle – a far cry from Sam’s swanky walk-in version with the multiple jets. Wrapping the towel around his waist, he went to wake her. ‘Hey, Sunshine. Time to get moving.’ She grunted in an unladylike fashion, turning away from him. ‘Whoa, no, you don’t. Not if want to have a shower before Erin wakes up.’

  Sam blinked open her eyes. ‘What time is it?’

  He looked down at his watch. ‘Six thirty.’

  She groaned. ‘Four hours isn’t enough sleep.’

  ‘Not all of that was my fault,’ he reminded her smugly.

  Her cheeks turned pink, which made him feel even smugger. ‘Fine. I’ll get up.’ She pulled back the duvet, and his body reacted instantly to the sight of her naked one. This time it was her turn to smile and she did, flashing him a provocative look over her left shoulder as she walked out of the room.

  Shaking his head, he sat on the bed and dialled the ward. Hearing his mum was stable and still asleep sent a wave of relief through him. Another good sign, surely.

  After dragging the clothes out of the tumble dryer, he shrugged his on and dumped hers on the bed. Then thought twice and made a reasonable attempt at folding them, his fingers lingering on the lacey underwear longer than was strictly necessary. It was only when he thought of Erin barging in and finding him perving over his boss’s knickers that he dropped them onto the pile and headed downstairs to find something for breakfast.

  ‘I see she’s in the shower. She’d better not nick all the hot water.’

  Erin stood in the doorway, wrapped in an oversized dressing gown, the scowl she reserved just for him already on her face.

  Ignoring her comment, he filled the kettle. ‘I’ve rung the hospital. Mum’s still asleep.’

  ‘That’s a good thing, right?’

  There it was, he thought, the vulnerability beneath the bluster. It was signs like that, and the way she’d clung to their mum yesterday, that hinted at the sister he knew was still in there. ‘It’s a good thing,’ he reassured. ‘Fingers crossed she’ll be allowed home soon.’ But what was he supposed to do about Erin in the meantime? She’d be okay by herself – she was seventeen, after all – but he didn’t want to think of her stewing at home, worrying. ‘Have you got any friends who can come and stay until Mum gets back?’

  She quirked a brow. ‘Worried about me?’

  ‘Of course I am.’

  ‘Not enough to stay around though, eh?’

  He sighed, leaning against the counter. ‘I work, Erin. You know that.’

  ‘What, you can’t wangle a few days off, even though you’re clearly shagging your boss?’ She let out a sharp crack of laughter. ‘A fact you haven’t even got the guts to admit to me?’

  ‘Cut it out,’ he answered tersely.

  ‘Hit a sore spot, did I? Must be really weird, having sex with someone who’s the boss of you. Still, I guess that’s the only way you can get on in the company, with you having no qualifications or anything. Can’t see what’s in it for her, mind. You’d have to be one hell of a lay.’

  ‘I said cut it out.’ Ryan felt the anger burn through him, tinged with a hint of shame, because some of what she was saying was true. He didn’t have any qualifications. And he was terrified that part of the reason behind Sam’s desire to keep their relationship secret was that sex was all she wanted from him. ‘What happened to you?’ he asked Erin sadly. ‘When did you become so hard?’

  ‘Maybe when I was forced to live with a foster family for a while ’cos my brother upped and left me with an alcoholic mother? Or maybe during the last nine years of living with Mum, seeing her struggle with the booze and depression. Wondering every time I woke up if this was going to be the day she’d have another major meltdown and I’d have to go back into care.’

  Tears filled her eyes and Ryan felt his heart break for her. Shit, he hadn’t realised. How easy it had been for him, just checking in on them every few weeks. Blissfully ignorant of how hard they were both finding day to day life. ‘I’m sorry,’ he croaked, swamped with guilt.

  ‘Yeah, sure you are.’

  At the sound of a creak they both looked up to find Sam had entered the kitchen. Ryan swore under his breath, humiliation rolling through him. How long had she been listening?

  Sam stood awkwardly in the doorway, wishing for all their sakes that she could unhear the last few minutes. And unsee the tortured expression on Ryan’s face as he’d issued his choked apology to Erin. For a man who already wore his guilt like a heavy chain around his neck, his sister’s words must have really sliced through him.

  ‘The bathroom’s free.’ She glanced over at Erin, saw her stony expression and clamped down on the other things she’d planned on saying. Like your brother is far more than just a good lay.

  As Erin flounced up the stairs, Ryan turned, leaving her staring at his rigid back, his hands clenched so tightly to the worktop she half expected to hear it snap.

  Must be really weird, having sex with someone wh
o’s the boss of you. Erin’s words seemed to echo around the room, leaving an awkward silence in their wake. The feelings she had for him, woman to man, were hard enough to cope with, without the added complication of their work situation.

  ‘What happened with Erin isn’t your fault.’ Though she ached to put her arms around him, she held back, unsure if he’d accept that from her now Erin had shoved their boss–employee status down his throat. ‘I feel for your sister, I really do, but you have to stop blaming yourself. If you need to throw the blame at someone, hurl it at your dad.’

  ‘Sam.’ She heard the breath rush into his lungs, saw the rise of his shoulders and then the fall. ‘Leave it. Please.’

  She wanted to push. To shake his stubborn body and yell at him for being so accepting, so meek when it came to defending himself against Erin’s barbs. But he didn’t need any more angst right now. ‘I’ll leave it, when I’ve said this. You are one hell of a lay. But you’re also far, far more than that.’

  Slowly he turned to face her, his smile going a long way towards dissolving the awkwardness Erin had put between them. ‘Come here.’

  Three steps and she was sliding into his open arms. As she wrapped hers around his waist she felt the tension leave his body. Guessing he needed the contact more than words, she kept quiet, just holding on to him as he held on to her.

  Finally he eased away, but not before he’d planted a soft kiss on her lips. ‘You want some breakfast?’

  ‘I’ll take a coffee, if you’re offering.’

  ‘Cereal? Eggs? Toast?’

  He was so subdued still. Upset about his mum, Erin? Or smarting from Erin’s implication he was sleeping his way to the top? ‘Whatever you’re best at.’ Nope, still nothing, just a nod of his head. ‘Shall I ask Erin what she wants?’

  Gratitude shot across his face. ‘Thanks.’

  Warily Sam climbed the stairs. She could do this. If she could face down angry investors, she could tackle a stroppy teenager. Finding the bathroom door still open, she walked to the room Ryan had pointed out to her last night – the one at the end of the small landing. Squaring her shoulders, Sam knocked on the door. ‘Erin. Ryan wants to know what you’d like for breakfast?’


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