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ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Tempted Pleasure (Bad boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult and College Contemporary Romance)

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by Jane Price

  Dirty Obsessions

  Chapter 1

  The Bradley couple has been married for ten years. As teenagers, they were high school sweethearts, who were inseparable. She was the good girl and he was the football player. It was the typical high school relationship, except for the fact that Charlotte was a freak in the sheets and Cooper was actually pretty submissive when it came to sex.

  As they grew up, becoming high school seniors, their relationship grew rather provocative, until they were fucking each other under the school bleachers after each of Cooper’s games. Charlotte loved it.

  Their relationship made her feel naughty and strong. She always felt a hit of adrenaline anytime she was with Cooper. While they were both in high school, she couldn’t get enough of Cooper Bradley.

  Then after high school, Cooper popped the question. It was the happiest day of Charlotte’s life. She, of course, said yes as he got down on one knee and pulled out a beautiful diamond ring. They got married in the summer between high school and college.


  This had been ten years ago. Now everything was different. Charlotte was no longer intoxicated by the thought of Cooper. Yes, she was still in love with him or she would have left him long ago, but it seemed she was no longer attracted to him.

  The biggest problem in their relationship was sex. Their sex life was in jeopardy and Charlotte didn’t know why. She wished she could figure it out, but it seemed like the more she thought about it, the worse it got. She knew it wasn’t normal or healthy for their relationship, but what could she do when her husband no longer made her wet?

  They were already twenty-eight years old and reaching the taboo age of thirty, where everything goes downhill. As a married couple, without children, they were supposed to be living life to the fullest. They were supposed to travel and fuck like bunnies, but instead they lived on opposite sides of the house barely talking to each other. Charlotte didn’t want to live like this anymore. But what could she do?

  Chapter 2

  August 25th. It was the Bradley ten year anniversary, a hallmark in any relationship, but for some reason, Charlotte felt like it was just another day. Why should this day be any different from any other day?

  She expected Cooper would try and scramble something together for their special day, but at the end of the night, Charlotte was almost sure she would find herself unimpressed. She felt so frustrated. It felt like she would never be happy again. She knew it wasn’t fair to Cooper for her to be mopey since he was trying so hard to keep her happy, but Charlotte couldn’t help it. She felt like her life was in a rut.


  If this had been their first or second anniversary, Charlotte would have taken the day off of work in order to fuck and celebrate with her husband, but this year, she took a double shift at work. It was as if Charlotte didn’t want to go home at all. In a way, it was true. She didn’t want to face the disappointment she was about to experience.

  Eventually, however, Charlotte found herself opening the door to her home. Any other year, she would have been excited about coming home to Cooper. In their early marriage, Cooper had a habit of surprising her anytime she worked late, but lately that tradition had vanished. Charlotte wished she knew what had happened to their marriage but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t find the trigger that had pushed their marriage into a rut.

  Charlotte opened the door now. She suddenly felt Cooper wrapping his arms around her tightly, leaning her back, kissing her hard. He wrapped one of her legs around his waist, as he continued to lean her back until her head was almost touching the ground.

  Cooper had always loved the fact that Charlotte was a dancer and thus capable of being very flexible. It always added to their fun.

  Cooper continued to kiss his wife, hard. His lips were smacked against hers. He kissed her passionately as if a fire had ignited inside of him. Charlotte was a little surprised by this sudden onset of excitement. She decided to play along, hoping that tonight would turn their marriage around.

  She placed her hands on his cheeks, kissing him hard. Her tongue started to force her way into his mouth. Charlotte had always been the more dominant one in their marriage. She took command now, pushing him into the counter as she kissed him even harder. She was determined to relight the fire in their relationship.

  She tangled her hands in his hair, pulling it slightly as she pressed their crotches together. She could feel his hardening member press against her thigh and smirked. She was definitely turning him on. However, when she thought about it, she realized that she was bone dry. She suddenly stopped kissing him, disappointed. There was a time in their relationship, where just his look was enough to make her wet. Now, not even a kiss was enough.

  She pulled away, frustrated. Cooper sighed. The night was going in such a good direction. What had happened? Was it something he did? Cooper didn’t want to ask. He didn’t want to make Charlotte angry, so he stayed quiet before saying softly, “I made dinner…”

  Charlotte was frustrated but didn’t want to take it out on her husband. She decided to play out the night out and see where it went. There was something in her chest telling her it would be a disappointment, but she decided to give it the benefit of the doubt.

  She turned around, looking at her husband now. “Thanks, honey, what did you make?” She asked, pretending to be interested, even though she wasn’t at all hungry. Her mouth felt like it was full of acid. She felt sick to her stomach.

  Cooper smiled at her, thinking she was genuinely interested and hungry. “I made your favorite! Lamb chops!” Cooper looked at her, waiting for her reaction. He wanted nothing more than to make her happy.

  He had noticed that their marriage was taking a turn. It wasn’t the same anymore and he wanted that to change. This was why he had put so much effort into preparing for their anniversary. He had planned everything: dinner, dessert, after dinner entertainment, and, of course, the romantic night to follow. There was no doubt in his mind that things would change tonight.

  Chapter 3

  Despite Cooper’s best intentions things did not go as smoothly as he had hoped. Dinner had ended up being hopelessly awkward for the both of them. He had pulled out the good wine, but even that tasted bitter in his mouth as he watched his wife barely touch her food. Was she sick? Was she having another one of her bad nights?

  Cooper just wanted to find out what had happened to their marriage. When he was newly married everything in the world seemed perfect and now it seemed like everything was falling apart. Cooper was trying to pick up the pieces but all he did was cut himself on all the broken pieces. Even tonight, when he was trying so hard to fix their marriage, everything seemed to be going astray. He hated it.

  Despite these feelings, Cooper could not stop the awkwardness that consumed the dinner table as they ate their anniversary dinner. Cooper prayed that dessert and after dinner entertainment would turn things around but even that fell short. It seemed like nothing would work to get his old wife back.

  Eventually, they were sitting on opposite sides of the couch watching some romantic comedy. Charlotte was looking into her glass of wine, staring at her reflection. What had changed? She tried to figure out in their marriage had changed so drastically. Was it her? Cooper? It didn’t even feel like they were married anymore.

  Cooper stole a glance at his wife as the movie moved toward its end. What was he supposed to do? Should he continue with his plans for the night or just give up since nothing seemed to be working? He looked at his wife again, wondering if the last part of his plan would work.

  When they were younger, Cooper just had to look at Charlotte to make her wet, now it seemed like despite his best efforts he couldn’t satisfy her anymore. But Cooper refused to give up. He loved Charlotte and wanted to see her happy. He needed to turn their marriage around and he needed to do it quickly. He felt like he was running out of time.

  As the movie ended Cooper decided to give it one last shot. He looked at his wife before
picking her up suddenly. She yelped in surprise, since it had been a very long time since he had picked her up like that. She smiled up at him and wrapped her arms around his neck. Cooper looked down at her smiling and thought, maybe, just maybe, he had seen the spark return to her eyes.

  With this thought in mind he became invigorated with his old passion for his wife. He felt like he wanted to fuck her in their high school style: hard, rough, and quick. Cooper smirked as he thought of the countless times they had fucked under the bleachers, where he had made her scream his name. The whole school had known their secret by the end of senior year and that was just how they liked it. Now Cooper was lucky if they had sex on a weekly basis.

  Charlotte looked up at Cooper’s smirking face and wondered what he was thinking about. She hadn’t seen him smirk like that in a very long time. Seeing his smirking face, she decided to give him a chance. She figured she was being too bitter about the whole thing. Who knew? Maybe tonight they would have red hot sex like they used to have when they were newly married. Charlotte grinned, giving the night the benefit of the doubt. Maybe tonight would be a good night.

  Cooper continued to carry Charlotte up the stairs. He was still exceptionally strong from a daily workout routine and while their marriage had lasted ten years, it seemed like Cooper hadn’t aged a bit. Yes, he had a few grey hairs, here and there, but other than that he still looked like an 18 year old. Charlotte often envied him as she looked into the mirror and saw the beginnings of crow’s feet form at the corner of her eyes.

  Entering the bedroom now Cooper grinned before tossing Charlotte into the bed. Her small body, also fit from constant exercise, jumped into the air as if she were on a trampoline before she settled down in the middle. She looked up at her husband, giving him a sexy grin. Cooper smirked, taking the grin as a sign that he had ignited the flame that had gone out months ago.

  Feeling excited, Cooper quickly jumped on his wife, pouncing on her, pinning her to the bed before kissing her hard. He let go of her soon enough to where she flipped them over and pinned him down. They continued to kiss until she broke away, looking at him, grinning. There was something in her eye that looked excited.

  “This is our anniversary. I expected rose petals and music and champagne.” Charlotte gave a little pout, as if genuinely upset. Cooper chuckled as he looked at his wife.

  “I learned very quickly after our first anniversary that you were not a fan of all that romantic nonsense. Don’t you remember how you chugged the champagne out of the bottle before smashing the radio and destroying the vase of flowers? I thought you were insane that day… but really I just fell further in love with you.” He looked up at her with loving eyes.

  Everything Cooper said was true. He really did love his wife’s crazy personality. He knew to stay away from romantic clichés with her or he would feel the wrath of her hand. He smiled up at her and she kissed his nose. “This is why I love you. You know me so well.” She smiled before looking him over, as if trying to figure out if she still found him attractive.

  As her eyes traveled over his body she noticed a well-pitched tent in his pants and grinned. She didn’t know if she was turned on yet but he was definitely excited. Charlotte grinned and jumped between his legs. He had tried so hard tonight to make her happy on their special day, maybe she should do something to repay him.

  Cooper was amazed as he watched Charlotte unbutton his pants and yank them off his body. Was she going to do what he thought she was going to do? She hadn’t gone done on him in ages. Cooper remembered how good she used to be. They used to sneak into the bathroom and have quick oral all the time. He really missed those times.

  He continued to watch her now as she worked on taking off his boxers. He helped her by lifting his ass off the bed. Charlotte grinned and grabbed his ass before he lowered it. Charlotte always did have a thing for his ass. She was often guilty of slapping it in public, or at least had been when they were a more promiscuous couple.

  Finally naked from the waist down Cooper shivered a bit as his dick was exposed to the elements. Their bedroom had always been a little drafty which was great on one hand because it made for hard nipples but on the other hand it sucked since it was always cold. Cooper looked up at his wife with pleading eyes.

  Charlotte chuckled, “What? Is your dickie cold? Let me help you with that…” Cooper blushed as his wife referred to his dick as a dickie. Charlotte had always been the more dominant lover and liked to tease him during sex. She never meant any real insult by it.

  Cooper watched her, wide eyed as she leaned down and wrapped her warm lips around his dick. His member throbbed at the sensation. It hadn’t felt anything but his hand for about a week and it felt good to have some soft female skin caressing his dick. Cooper leaned his head back and arched his back as he enjoyed the sensation.

  Charlotte grinned, watching Cooper clutch the sheets in pleasure. She knew just how good she was with her tongue. When they were younger she could make Cooper cum in the matter of five minutes. She wondered if she could still do that and set herself with a challenge as she started to suck him off.

  Moans resounded through the room as Charlotte’s hot mouth wrapped around his throbbing member, sending darts of pleasure into his skin.

  He hadn’t felt anything this good in a very long time. He was surprised, to be completely honest. Charlotte had strayed away from the sex scene lately and it felt good to see the old lioness back in the bedroom.

  Getting back in the swing of things Charlotte placed her hands on his thighs, holding him down as she went deeper and deeper. Her head bobbed up and down on his throbbing member. She had started to count from the moment that her lips wrapped around his tip. She was at 210, which meant she was three minutes into the blowjob. She had two more minutes left if she hoped to keep up with her old record.

  Feeling the pressure of living up to her old blowjob status she continued to suck him off harder. Still she couldn’t feel the tightening of his balls that would indicate his orgasm. She had to try harder. She knew he was holding out on her, making it harder for her, but she wouldn’t lose. Charlotte Bradley didn’t lose. With this in mind, Charlotte decided to use her last trump card. Looking up at Cooper with a mischievous look she suddenly started to hum.

  Cooper’s eyes grew wide as he heard her hum. He heard her before he felt her but when he felt her he lost all control. The humming had the effect of making her whole throat vibrate which meant that when she deep throated him, his dick vibrated too.

  It was like having his own personal vibrator even though they didn’t own one. It was amazing. Cooper couldn’t hold back anymore. He had been trying to hold back, but it was useless now. Charlotte was too good. She was always too good. In a fit of ecstasy Cooper exploded down his wife’s throat.

  Charlotte took to it well. She coughed and gagged a bit but in the end she ended up swallowing a large portion of his cum. She had always loved the taste of it. Cooper smirked down at his wife, her face covered in cum. She was licking her lips. Some things just never changed. Cooper was confident that this was just the beginning of an amazing anniversary night.

  Chapter 4

  And Cooper was right. After sucking him off Charlotte wasn’t satisfied. She wanted some action too. As Cooper recovered from his orgasm Charlotte stood on the bed and started to undress, as sexily as she could manage. She was a little rusty on her strip tease routine but in the end she figured she had done a good job since Cooper’s dick was slowly coming back to life as he watched his wife.

  Cooper bit his lip as he looked up at his wife. She was just as beautiful as ever, if not more beautiful. He smiled at her before opening up his arms, “Come here sexy.” Charlotte grinned, before kneeling down and straddling him.

  To Cooper’s dismay, however, Charlotte was dry. If this had been any other anniversary, Charlotte would have been soaked after sucking him off. Did she not find her husband attractive anymore? Cooper frowned a bit. No, if a blowjob hadn’t made her wet then he would ma
ke her wet one way or another. If she wasn’t turned on by the end of the night, then Cooper could worry but for now he would make her feel so good that she wouldn’t have any other option but to explode in pleasure.

  With this thought in mind Cooper suddenly flipped them over. Charlotte was now laying on her back, looking up at her husband as he grinned down at her. There was something in his eyes that told Charlotte she was in for a night of fun. Even though she was dry there was a part of her that was really excited. In fact, she didn’t know why she was dry, she felt excited. Maybe she just needed some time.

  Hopeful, Charlotte bit her lip, wondering what was going to happen next. She looked up at her husband, whose face was no longer hovering above hers. Charlotte blushed as she looked down between her legs and saw her husband’s face hovering a few inches away from her pussy. There was a determined look on his face and there was no denying what his intentions were. Charlotte bit her lip.

  Moans filled the room, this time higher pitched and louder as Cooper’s tongue darted out and lapped at Charlotte’s pussy. While Cooper was a little disappointed at the lack of nectar, he still continued to eat her out, hoping it would arouse her at some point.


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