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ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Tempted Pleasure (Bad boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult and College Contemporary Romance)

Page 77

by Jane Price

  “He left because he was pissed at me, not you.” Nash said from beside me. I turned to him, surprised. He had just said more words in one sentence than I heard him say all last night. “He wanted things between the three of us to happen but I wasn’t ready to. He was mad that he forced things and pulled you into that situation when it clearly wasn’t a good idea.”

  “Why wasn’t it a good idea?”

  “That’s a good question. I have yet to figure out the answer. We’ve let women in before, Nash.”

  Nash’s cool exterior suddenly looked less so with both our eyes on him expectantly. He squared his steely eyes on Nick.

  “We have. But it’s the first time we’ve let a woman in that either of us had cared about.” Nash turned to face me. “Nick likes you, and whatever is going on between the two of you means something to him. Any other time we let a woman be included it was someone with no attachments. No hurt feelings to worry about.”

  “So what’s so different this time? Why would you care about hurting my feelings? You could have just left last night as it was and never saw me again.”

  “Nick wants you. And I want to make Nick happy. I’m just not sure I can do both.”


  Nash sighed. Diverting his eyes from mine. “I’m not used to asking permission. The beauty of my relationship with Nick is that I never have to ask. We take what we need from each other, no questions. I don’t like complicated.”

  “You don’t have to treat me any differently. You don’t have to ask.” I said, feeling that pull from him again. My body already recognized it, was already drawn to it.

  Nash’s eyes roamed my body, as invasive as if it were his hands. That tension he seemed to carry with him was upon me again and it dragged me towards him. I wanted to touch him, explore him, but I wouldn’t. Not after last night. I would wait for him come to me.

  At last he moved towards me and pulled me to him roughly. His mouth came down on mine, hard. Pent up anger, resentment, passion unfurling onto me. He gave it all to me, like a man seeking confession, and I took it from him. His passion was so foreign, so dangerous. So sexy. I could feel the throbbing ache between my thighs, the wet heat pooling there, and I longed for him to drag me beneath his hard body and press himself against me.

  His fingers ripped and tore at my clothes, mine at his. The aching between my thighs continued to build and I knew there was only one thing that could ease it. With persuasive hands, Nash removed the rest of my clothing and grabbed at my ass, grunting his approval as I molded myself into him. My hands wound their way down our bodies until I could grasp his erection, long and hard between us. Nash sucked in a breath as I began to pump him, angling him so the head of his erection brushed against my mound.

  Nash seized my arms, tearing his mouth from him. I darted my eyes up to his only to have him twist me around to face Nick who was still sitting, watching. The heat in his eyes was heady and the swollen flesh fisted in his hand was begging for my touch. Nash walked us over to Nick’s chair, his cock pressing into me, and guided me to bend at the waist. With no further invitation I placed my hands on the armrests and leaned forward. My lips enveloped Nick’s hard length, struggling to take all of his hot flesh into my mouth.

  Nash positioned himself behind me, pressing his head into my core, rubbing into my wetness before sliding into me. I moaned around Nick at the feeling of being filled. With his hands at my hips, Nash pushed into me with fierce, hot strokes. His pace was fast and rough, a primal craving unleashed. I struggled to push back to meet his thrusts under the force of him. Nick twined his fingers into my hair and pumped his hips into me, I was hungry to accept.

  I glanced up at Nick and watched as he let go, body taut, eyes closed. We fucked like that until Nick’s expression contorted in surrender, until Nash’s throaty growl echoed behind me, until my body quaked with pleasure. My chest rose and fell with rapid breaths as I collapsed onto my knees, head resting on Nick’s lap, Nash collapsing behind me. No one moved until the rasp of our breathing subsided.

  Nick stroked my hair and chuckled. “What did I tell you, Nash? She’s a keeper.”

  I could feel the bass of Nash’s laugh on my shoulder where he was resting his head.

  “Did you just laugh?” I asked, smiling.

  “Don’t be alarmed, it happens every now and then.” Nick said.

  Nash disentangled our bodies and came to sit with his back against the couch. He studied me once more, this time with a slightly amused expression.

  “Yeah. We can keep her.”

  “Wait a minute. You can’t decide that like I’m a puppy that followed you home.”

  Nick slid out of his chair and joined Nash and I on the floor, pulling me against him and pressing a kiss to my temple. “You were always following me around when we were kids. It’s kind of the same thing.”

  I smiled up at Nick and swatted his chest.

  “Fine, you can keep me, but not just because you two said so. Because I want you to.”

  “Is she always this stubborn?” Nash asked.

  “Oh yeah. Better get used to it.”

  The men shared a smile and whatever ill feelings they came here with were gone, washed away in a haze of euphoria. I pulled them both close, letting their hard bodies envelop me. For someone who thought a man was too much hassle, what was I going to do with these two?

  I couldn’t wait to find out.


  Naked Affair

  Chapter 1

  Most girls dreamed of finding Mr. Right. Most girls dreamed of finding the guy of their dreams, a guy who would make them feel loved and cared for. Evelyn, however, was not like other girls.

  She wanted to be loved, of course. Who wouldn’t? She was a helpless romantic too, but she wasn’t on the hunt for Mr. Right. She had tried looking for him when she was younger, but it hadn’t worked out. In the end, Evelyn decided that all the heartbreak and disappointment associated with a one on one relationship was not worth the trouble.

  For a long time, she didn’t date anyone at all. She became solitary and depressed during her final year of high school. She didn’t have many friends and often kept to herself. When prom rolled around she had seriously considered not going until her best friend Monica forced her to go.

  Monica was lucky. She had a boyfriend and thus a date to the prom. She got to be like all the other girls who wore pretty dresses and took pictures with their dates. Evelyn did not have this luxury (not that she wanted it). In the end, however, Monica forced Evelyn to wear one of her dresses and go to prom.

  Prom itself was pretty boring but what happened after prom was a pretty magical experience. Monica’s boyfriend, at the time, was really into the idea of threesomes. He also found Evelyn incredibly attractive and by the end of the night he had convinced Monica to let Evelyn have some fun with them.

  It had been an amazing experience for Evelyn. She had enjoyed every minute of it. She had became more intimate with Monica in the process and she had never felt so loved in her whole life. From that moment onward Evelyn fell in love with threesomes and gave up completely on the idea of normal relationships.

  For some time, Evelyn continued to join Monica and her boyfriend in the bedroom. However, soon enough Monica’s boyfriend started to get jealous. He thought that Monica was giving Evelyn too much attention. In the end, the situation blew up. Monica and her boyfriend broke up.

  Monica soon learned that she was lesbian. The two girls tried going out, but they had been friends for so long that it didn’t feel right for them to be in an intimate relationship together. They decided to go their own romantic ways but stayed friends.

  This meant that Evelyn had to find her own threesomes. At first she had been rather successful but now things were turning sour. She always tried to join couples, but she noticed that they always ended up the same. In the end, someone always got jealous and things would always blow up.


  This was exactly what happened to Evely
n this past week. She had a good relationship going with a married couple. They were newly married, around her age, and they had wanted to spice up their love life. They saw Evelyn at a night club and they all went home together.

  It had been a good arrangement for a while, but in the end, like all other threesomes, jealousy destroyed everything. Last week, the wife walked out of the relationship for good, and the man was left without a wife, and Evelyn was left without a relationship to fall back on.

  Now she was sitting at her favorite smoothie shop all alone. She could feel herself falling back into a state of depression as she sipped her strawberry and banana smoothie. She just wanted a nice loving threesome. Was that too much to ask for?

  As she sipped her smoothie she started to think about the perfect threesome. She just wanted two lovers who would be kind and romantic toward her. She wanted people who would treat her as a lover not just as a sex object in the bedroom. She wanted to shower together with these people, have dinner, wake up and have breakfast. Evelyn didn’t think she was asking too much but still she was already twenty-five and she had never experienced one threesome that didn’t fail.

  Evelyn sighed loudly. She didn’t know what she was going to do, but there was a part of her that just wanted to give up. She wanted to curl up on her couch and watch TV all day. She didn’t want people in her life because all they did was hurt her.

  Evelyn would need to see Monica soon. Monica was the only person who could cheer her up in a time like this. Picking up her phone she quickly dialed her best friend’s number. She waited patiently for her to pick up.

  “Hello?” Monica’s chipper voice sounded on the line and Evelyn smiled. Monica was always happy. Evelyn couldn’t remember a time when Monica was depressed. She always had a smile on her face and always managed to cheer up the people around her.

  “Hey, Monica it’s me.”

  “Ev!” Monica squealed through the line. “What’s up? I’ve missed you!” Evelyn smiled. Leave it to Monica to put a smile on Evelyn’s face.

  “I’ve missed you too. Hey, I’ve been feeling kind of down lately, do you think we could meet up soon for coffee or something?” Evelyn said.

  “Aww what’s wrong? Is everything okay?” Monica sounded concerned and Evelyn bit her lip. She hated to make Monica worry, but she knew she wouldn’t be able to get over her current situation without her best friend’s help.

  “Well, yeah. I just kind of broke up with the Hadley’s.” Evelyn said simply.

  “Oh, that newlywed couple you’ve been seeing?”


  “Aww, I’m sorry to hear that. How does coffee on Friday sound? We can go to that little coffee shop that you like so much.” Evelyn smiled. Monica was a good friend.

  Chapter 2

  Evelyn waited patiently at her favorite coffee shop. Monica, like always, was late. Leave it to Monica to be fashionably late. The only thing that got her excused from her lateness was her bubbly smile. That smile was able to get her out of almost anything.

  So Evelyn waited as she sipped her mocha latte. Finally, she heard the coffee shop bell ring and when she looked up she was met with Monica’s beaming face. Monica flashed her a bright smile and rushed over to the table.

  “I’m so sorry I’m late! There was a bunch of traffic! And Lisa and I were… you know… I’m so sorry. Will you ever forgive me?” Monica gave Evelyn a puppy dog look and she continued to rant. Monica had always been a blabber month. Evelyn chuckled at her best friend. Who could stay mad at Monica?

  “Of course I can forgive you silly. You are my best friend. You think I haven’t gotten used to you being fashionably late yet? You would be late for your own funeral!” Monica chuckled at the comment before putting down her bag.

  “I will be right back, there’s a dark roast caramel swirl calling my name! Plus, look at that cute barista!” Evelyn rolled her eyes as she looked over at the barista, a short fairy-like girl with a cute round face. Monica did have a weak spot for the short cute ones. Evelyn couldn’t blame her but at the same time she knew she was more attracted to men than she was to women.

  Evelyn sighed softly as her best friend walked to the counter to order her coffee. She watched as her friend flirted with the barista. Monica left her waiting for another twenty minutes as she flirted with the barista.

  When Monica finally made her way back to the table Evelyn had already finished her latte ten minutes ago. She looked at her friend a little annoyed. “Monica… I really need you right now. I don’t know what to do… can you please sit down and listen to me?” Evelyn pleaded with big eyes.

  Monica instantly felt bad as she looked down at her friend. “Of course, Ev, I’m so sorry if it seems like I have been ignoring you. I didn’t mean to. The barista…”

  “You already told me about the barista.” Evelyn’s temper was coming out now. She didn’t like being ignored. It was the worst feeling in the world. She just wanted to be loved and it seemed like everyone just wanted to ignore her.

  “I’m sorry,” Monica said meekly. It wasn’t like Evelyn to shut her down like that. She looked at her friend and realized that Evelyn was probably in a dark place if she was this moody. She looked at her, vowing to give her friend her utmost attention. “I’m all ears, I swear.” She placed her hands around her coffee, her eyes focused on her friend.

  “Thank you. As I said… I am in a really dark place right now. I just broke up with the Hadleys and I don’t know what to do. I can feel myself falling into depression like I did in senior year when you forced me to go to prom. You pulled me out of depression once and I am hoping that you can do it again.” She looked at her friend with hopeful eyes.

  “Aww, Ev… I’m sorry I wasn’t paying attention to you before. Of course, I will try to help you. You’re my best friend. So you broke up with the Hadleys? Any specific reason why?” Monica tilted her head to the side in question.

  Evelyn sighed before answering, “Yeah, she got jealous and ended up leaving. She is filing for a divorce with the husband and I just kind of got kicked to the curb. I think they broke up because of me. I don’t want to be a relationship killer Monica, but I feel like that is all I do. I mean I made you and Brad break up.”

  “Hey… don’t blame yourself for that jerk getting jealous. You deserved all the attention I gave you. I already told you not to think about that. Really it wasn’t your fault.” Evelyn didn’t look convinced. She looked down at her empty coffee cup and sighed.

  She just wanted to be loved. She didn’t want to make people unhappy, instead she wanted to do the opposite. She wanted to make people happy. She had a lot of love to give and it seemed like no one wanted to take advantage of it.

  “Anyway, I’ve noticed that you always have threesomes with straight couples. Is there any reason for that?” Monica asked.

  “Well the relationship I had with you and Brad was the best one I’ve ever had so I guess I keep trying to recreate that with other couples. Is that weird?” Monica shook her head.

  “No, of course, not. It makes perfect sense too, but I think you need to expand your horizons. I think that you need to try dating other people. Step away from the straight couples and try something new.” Monica suggested.

  Evelyn tilted her head. She didn’t understand what her friend was trying to suggest. If she didn’t join straight couples, who else would she join?

  “I mean that maybe you should try joining a gay couple. I know that you don’t do very well with females in the bedroom so maybe you would benefit from two men in the bedroom with you. I heard it can be a lot of fun.”

  Evelyn thought back to the last time she had a threesome with two men. Monica was right, it had been a lot of fun. But if a couple was gay, why would they want a female in the bedroom?

  “I know what you are thinking. But a lot of gay couples are between bisexual men and they actually love and are turned on by women too. And the best part is that I have the best couple for you!”

  Chapter 3

  Evelyn laid in her bed thinking about her coffee date with Monica. Had she been right? Would she feel better if she expanded her horizons and allowed other people into her life? But Evelyn was skeptical of joining a gay couple in bed. Why would two guys who have the hots for other guys want a girl in the bedroom? She sighed looking up at her ceiling.

  She didn’t know what to do. What would happen if she tried? Would she really have anything to lose? She had her heart broken so many times before that she was unsure if there was still a part of her heart that hadn’t been damaged throughout the years.

  It was worth a shot, right? What was the worst thing that could happen? Still, Evelyn couldn’t commit herself to making the fateful decision. She had no idea about the couple Monica had in mind for her and, of course, her friend refused to tell her. She wanted to set up Evelyn on a blind date with the two men. That was what bothered Evelyn the most. First impressions were so important and she always sucked at them. She sighed.


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