Book Read Free

Bramble Burn

Page 22

by Autumn Dawn

  Kjetil gave her a look.

  She raised a hand. “Don’t get excited; my belt’s not going to go off. I know what I’m doing.

  “My point is, Justin can’t afford a diamond like that, and it would take a massive amount of little diamonds to carry the same charge, which he still can’t afford. Anything that powerful is going to be well guarded.”

  Breaker looked at Gilly. “There are some very good thieves in Griswold.”

  Gilly looked alarmed. “Don’t look at me! He didn’t say what he was there to fetch.” She realized what she’d said and frowned. “But he did say he had to pick something up. He wouldn’t say what, though.”

  “If he did have the means to obtain such a diamond, what could he do with it?” Breaker insisted.

  Uneasy with the subject, but knowing it was unlikely Justin had such a thing, Juniper saw no reason not to answer. “Grandpa controls the Blue Wood, keeps it healthy. He would never do anything to harm it. That said, he could turn it into a parking lot in a single day. Justin could lay waste to a forest…or create a truly horrifying tree.”

  “How can a tree be horrifying?” Kjetil wondered.

  She grimaced. “It could eat people, of course. Picture the Dragon Tree walking around, how hard it would be to stop. There are things that can be done to a plant that I would never do, but that Justin might try just for kicks.”

  “Such as?” Breaker asked, his expression neutral.

  “You know very well, dragon,” she said coolly. His kind had warred with elven mages long enough to know their capabilities. “I want to know why you think Justin has a battery.”

  His eyes flashed. “I think a dragon gave it to him.”

  Dead silence. No one wanted to think of a dragon being involved. Breaker was on his best behavior, but a dragon bent on revenge was a dark and scary thing. Intelligent, long lived and patient, a dragon was capable of wreaking havoc on a catastrophic scale, and he wouldn’t overlook the small things.

  “I saw Chaldaic,” Gilly said in a small voice. She flinched when everyone looked at her. “I passed him on the street yesterday. He looked right at me…and smiled.”

  “Good grief, Gill! When were you going to say so?” Juniper demanded. Anything could have happened!

  Gilly straightened. “I don’t like to talk about him! It’s not like he was doing anything. It was probably coincidence.”

  “If he allowed you to see him, it was deliberate,” Breaker said grimly. “He has a grudge against Indris, and you would be the perfect instrument to hurt his brother. Both of you are in danger.”

  Juniper snorted. “We’re always in danger, but Chaldaic won’t come against us directly. Not only would I kill him, it’s not his way.”

  Breaker stared at her, his eyes glowing with banked heat. “You’d kill him. Just like that.”

  She met his gaze calmly. She was the granddaughter of the Lord of the Blue Wood, and she had nothing to prove. Her grandfather had her play “kill the dragon” games since she was a child. Even Indris didn’t know what she could do.

  Gilly did. She cleared her throat. “Why would Chaldaic do these things now? Why does he hate Indris so much?”

  Breaker tilted his head in a uniquely dragon gesture and deigned to address her. “They are brothers. Love so easily becomes hate.”

  “That’s not an answer,” Juniper said. “I’d like to know why he’s hunting us like stray dogs! I thought we had some value to your kind.”

  Something hot lurked in his eyes, was banked. “Very well. They competed for the same dragoness. She spurned Chaldaic and would have accepted Indris, but there were complications. Chaldaic made certain Indris couldn’t have her.”

  There was a long silence. “Me. I was the complication,” Gilly said grimly. “Chaldaic got Mom pregnant.”

  Breaker inclined his head. “And refused to raise you. His line was dishonored, Indris stepped in, and here we are. It was very cleverly done, although it cost Chaldaic greatly. His horde was confiscated and he was cast out. Chaldaic’s hatchlings blame you, incidentally. Should you meet them, do not trust them.”

  “What about her grandmother?” Juniper asked cautiously. “Indris said we had to meet her.”

  He looked thoughtful. “It will depend on you. I think she’s prepared to keep an open mind, and she’s quite put out with Chaldaic. Don’t assume she’ll like you, and don’t attempt to curry favor. She’s a difficult old dragon.”

  The sisters smirked at each other. “There go our plans to charm Nana,” Juniper said. Breaker didn’t know them if he thought they were brown-nosers. They were hardly going to fawn over a stranger capable of eating them.

  Sobering, she asked, “What about the dragoness? She’s alive, isn’t she?”

  “She’s currently living in Istanbul,” Breaker said. “Indris hasn’t seen her in years. If you’d been given proper etiquette lessons, you would know there are strict protocols for this sort of thing.”

  “I’m sorry,” Juniper snapped, indignant. “We didn’t know Indris had a lost love, let alone fifty other things! That’s what happens when you’re kept in the dark.”

  “You’re quite right. Considering your importance to dragon society, you’ve been woefully undereducated. It’s time I spoke with your father.” He considered Gilly. “A dragon academy would be an excellent start.”

  Gilly held up her hands in alarm. “Whoa! Don’t give Dad any ideas! I don’t need some stuck up…”

  “Gilly,” Juniper said calmly. Guesting laws were strict for a reason, and both Indris and her grandfather had drilled her carefully. It was the height of stupidity to insult a thousand-year-old elf or a fire-breathing monster. Little dragons were polite to big dragons, or big dragons squished them. “Lord Verbreaker is a guest in my home and your elder. You owe him an apology.” She didn’t look at Gilly, but she was very aware of her struggle with her temper. If Gilly didn’t apologize, Juniper would have to punish her severely, or lose honor. Gilly was young, but she was old enough to know better.

  Time stretched. Gilly gritted her teeth.

  Juniper looked at her coolly. “Don’t shame your family, sister.”

  Gilly exhaled. “I apologize, my lord.” She clamped her mouth mutinously shut, unwilling to go the extra mile and make it convincing…and then she narrowed her eyes in challenge, daring him to do anything about it.

  Juniper felt her eyes ignite. The top of her head felt like it was going to explode. She rose slowly, ignoring the pain in her knee, and said very, very calmly. “Go to your room, Gilly.”

  Gilly remained rooted, so Juniper let the tree eat her. One moment she stood there, the next a hole opened and trapped her in an oubliette. Juniper sealed the floor to the sound of her curses. She drew in deep, calming breaths to cool her temper and inclined her head in a bow. “My lord, I apologize for this insult. It seems your suggestion of a dragon academy holds merit. All honor to our mother, but she is not equipped to deal with a teenage dragon. I will personally speak to my father about this and tell him I support your recommendation.” Gilly wouldn’t thank her, but her life might be forfeit the next time she insulted one of the elder races.

  To her surprise, Breaker smiled. “It’s no reflection on you. Young dragons are headstrong. I think she would benefit greatly from socializing with her peers. The males won’t be intimidated, and the females won’t let her throw her weight around.” He didn’t say it, but it was implied that Gilly could become a bully if she remained unchecked.

  Juniper exhaled. “True. Our father will decide, of course. Forgive me, but I seem to have developed a headache, one I will shortly be passing to my father.”

  He took the hint and stood. “Of course. Until next time.” He inclined his head and left.

  Juniper dropped into her chair and rubbed her face. “Dragons,” she muttered.

  Kjetil, who’d been alert but blessedly silent, massaged her shoulders. “Like he said, it’s no reflection on you.”

  “Feels like it,” she gru
mbled. She shot a look of disgust at the floor. “I made a tunnel to her room; I’m locking her in until Dad comes to get her. She’ll have to go to the academy now. The elders won’t stand for a dragonette running amok. She’ll be upset, but it’s her own fault.” She sighed. “I’m never having children.”

  His hands paused, then resumed.

  It wasn’t the best time to discuss this, but she’d brought it up. “Kjetil.”

  He squeezed her shoulders. “You’re tired and upset, and that’s never a time to make important choices.”

  As if in agreement, a steaming green pool opened in the living room, complete with wooden screens to block the drafts. Glowing lotus floated in the water, magically immune to the heat. Thick green moss spread like a carpet around the pool, dotted with tiny flowers. The tree was trying to make her better.

  She managed a reluctant smile. “I think that’s my cue.”

  He helped her clear the table. “I’m going to check on my crew in the Dragon Tree. I’ll talk with you later, all right?” He gave her a gentle kiss and strode out the door the tree helpfully opened for him. It had been doing that a lot lately; giving him access the way it did Gilly. Even Grigori had to knock.

  Juniper knew the tree acted as an extension of her feelings, but she didn’t want to think about it deeply now. She fetched a towel and limped past the screens. It felt so good to take her clothes off, and she sank into the blissfully hot water with a grateful moan. Thank God for hot baths.

  While her body regenerated, she thought about the hideously expensive ward. Yes, her yard was safer, but between Indris and Kjetil, she was being outrageously pampered. Everything her mom taught her about blending in, being average, was flying out the window. Ha! It had been bulldozed and doused in kerosene. She was being tugged in so many directions, she felt frayed. Indris wanted her to be a fierce, glittering dragon princess; her mom wanted someone to smother and Kjetil…

  She closed her eyes and thought about what she wanted. There was no question of finishing the park while pregnant; the energy required would kill the baby, and that would be devastating. But what if the park were done tomorrow?

  She closed her eyes and imagined being with Kjetil every day. They’d start the day with coffee (because every good fairy tale had coffee). They’d take turns cooking; although she’d be generous and let him do it all if he wanted. Thanks to her greenhouse, they’d always have something delicious and fresh.

  He’d go to work, she’d do her thing (there would be a kid, but she wasn’t ready to think about that now) and at night…

  “Mind if I join you?”

  She jumped as a naked Kjetil slid into the pool next to her. He smiled and leaned back against the rim with a sigh. Ignoring her shock, he closed his eyes. “I love hot tubs.”

  She found her voice with an effort. The steaming green water blurred everything but his chest and arms, but those arms were noteworthy. “What are you doing?”

  “Sitting naked in a bath with you. Why?” He stretched his arms along the rim, the biceps wet and gleaming.

  She struggled for words. “You know why.”

  He gave her a lazy smile. “Sweetheart, I’m not going to jump you, and I’m not going to get you pregnant. If you want to play, you have to come to me.” He closed his eyes and leaned back.

  She looked straight ahead, her pulse racing. What a jerk! Just because he was hot, didn’t give him the right to…sit there and tempt her. She took a quick peek, noted his eyes were still closed, his face perfectly relaxed. He didn’t have tattoos, just miles of muscle and tan skin.

  She swallowed and looked away. Pregnant was bad. She didn’t want to have a baby right now.

  He said he wouldn’t get her pregnant. Her eyes slid sideways. She shut them with a snap, but that made it worse, because she could see him in her mind’s eye, could imagine his touch.

  Argh! She could get out of the pool. He wouldn’t stop her. She could get out right now and…she leaned in and nuzzled his cheek.

  He smiled and turned into her kiss, but his arms remained on the rim. “Mm, sweetheart.”

  She eased closer, her heart jumping when her breast brushed his chest. She couldn’t help the hot sound that escaped as she brushed a kiss over his lips.

  “Yes, baby,” he murmured, his tone sexy and encouraging.

  She shivered with excitement and swung a leg over his thighs, daring to straddle him when he growled with approval.

  “That’s my pretty baby,” he purred. His hands clenched the rim as if fighting not to drown.

  “Hold me,” she whispered, sliding her hands over his chest. How could it be so hard? He was so different from her; even his scent screamed male. It was like a drug, coaxing her to take one more hit.

  His arms slid around her, one tangled in her wet hair, the other snugging her close. He was hard and right there, terrifying and exciting. His hand caressed her lower back, her hip, and slid between her spread thighs, taking his time. Her vision blurred as he brushed her intimately with his thumb, shaking with heat.

  She moaned as his fingers slid inside. Too much! His hand clamped her hip to keep her from escaping the sensual torture, ignoring her tugging on his wrist. Soon her hand dropped away and she grabbed his chest before she fell over. She panted and begged for the pleasure he lavished on her.

  Burning. She was burning, and he held the blowtorch.

  She felt half dead when he carried her from the pool and laid her on the moss. He nuzzled her ear, tugged the lobe and made her shiver when he moaned. He kissed her as if he owned her, trailed down her neck and taught her what a man’s mouth could do to her breasts. She clenched his hair and clawed his back, called his name over and over. Her grip tightened as he kissed his way down her belly and kept going. “Kjetil? Wait!” Her panic died in a burst of fire as he kissed her intimately, his shoulders keeping her wide, his hands holding her right where he wanted her. The orgasms kept coming, leaving her breathless, hoarse from screaming, and she wondered if she might die. Nothing had ever felt so good, so powerful. Surely she couldn’t survive.

  When he finally kissed his way up her body, she was almost grateful. Her heart was pounding, her body slick with sweat and trembling with aftershocks. He pulled her close, nuzzling her cheek, her neck…and then he put her hand on him. He held it gently when she would have pulled away, encouraging her to explore, to feel. “Look at me, baby. That’s for you.”

  Feeling incredibly shy, she dared a look. It was a lot bigger than she expected, but she hadn’t had anything to compare it to. It felt... “Weird,” she said apologetically. It was so hard, harder than his muscles, but the skin felt delicate and soft. She gave a gentle, experimental stroke, scared to hurt him. “That’s so weird.”

  “It’s also very sensitive,” he said, his voice guttural. “I dare you to make me feel what you did.”

  She looked at him, scandalized…and intrigued. She was also nervous, because this was all new and she wasn’t positive what to do or how. “Like this?”

  He grinned impishly and put his hands behind his head. “Harder. You won’t break me, baby.” He sucked in a breath as she suddenly sped up. He struggled for words. “Although, you might leave friction burns.”

  She yanked her hand away.

  He grinned. “Try your mouth. It feels as good to me as it did to you.”

  Her eyes widened. “I don’t think…”

  He closed his eyes. “Or I could just lie here and look pretty. It’s about what feels good to you, too.”

  She stared at him. What did feel good to her? Would she like that? She bit her lip and stroked his chest, enjoying the happy sounds he made. Her nails made him growl, and he liked kisses over his chest and ribs. There was something exciting about making a man like him shiver, and he actually whimpered when she kissed his thigh. She trailed her fingers lightly over his length and dared a tiny lick.

  His body went rigid.

  She kissed him lightly and he trembled. Grinning mischievously, she popped his t
ip into her mouth.

  He nearly reared off the ground, but grabbed his hair just in time. Looked like he needed an anchor.

  She was nervous, gentle. She kept her hand wrapped around him and didn’t go deep, but he began to buck, sweat glazing his body. His hands gently touched her hair, stroking encouragement. “You’re killing me, baby. Don’t stop.”

  His plea made her giggle, and she squeezed as she shifted. He pulled her away and arched, shouting as he spilled all over his stomach. She didn’t know what to do, so she held on until he was done and eased her hand away. It was wet with…stuff, so she wiped it on the moss and washed in the pool.

  Kjetil lay still, breathing hard. He flung a wrist over his eyes. “I do declare, I think I’ve been ravished.”

  She laughed, surprised that he could joke at a time like this. “Does that mean I have to marry you?”

  He sat up, his eyes hot and intent. “Is that a proposal? Because the answer is yes.”

  “Ah…” She fished for words, but came up blank. She could tell he wasn’t joking. Not only had she not expected to be seduced this evening, but she hadn’t finished thinking this through. “Was that your plan? Make my head spin, and then…” She grimaced. “Sorry, that was unfair.”

  He inclined his head. “Thank you.” His gaze was warm, reminding her that she was still naked. She slid into the pool.

  He joined her, gently cupping her cheek when she would have used the time to wash, scrubbing away the embarrassment. “I want you. I haven’t made a secret of my desire for you, and I’ve been open about courting you. You want me, and I think a part of you might like it if I seduced you into marrying me. It would take the pressure off you, and you could say I forced you into it.”


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