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Page 13

by Sam Crescent

  “I’m going to break you until you can’t look at another person without being disgusted,” Alan said.

  The harsh words stayed in his mind all the time. Everything Alan did to him stayed with him. There was no getting away from it or hiding away from it. At times all he wanted to do was hide away from the truth, the pain, and the scars.

  “Hey, are you okay?” she asked.

  Her hands were wrapped around her cup, and she reached out as if to touch him but withdrew within seconds.

  “I’m fine.” He watched her cup her drink. Her gaze locked on his. Whizz couldn’t look away from her. She hypnotized him where she sat. He couldn’t recall a time since before he’d been taken that he’d been this drawn to a female.

  “You keep staring at me.”

  “I’m curious as to why you came and sat over here. You’re a beautiful woman. Surely you’ve got a guy waiting for you somewhere.”

  She shook her head. “No guy but it’s nice of you to think I’m pretty.”

  “You’re way more than beautiful.” He closed the laptop and pushed the device back into his bag.

  “You don’t have to be nice to me. I’m sitting here already.”

  He shrugged. “I’m not trying to be nice. I’m stating a fact.” Whizz saw her cheeks heat as she glanced down into her cup. “What?”

  “Nothing. I guess I’m not used to being paid nice compliments.”

  “Well, you should be.” If she was his woman, he’d spend all day telling her how beautiful she was.

  What the fuck are you doing?

  He rubbed the scar down the side of his face feeling conscious of the mark.

  “Don’t,” she said.

  “Don’t what?”

  “You don’t need to be conscious of your scars. It’s nice to know someone else has been through something that’s changed them. You have, haven’t you? Been through something that’s changed you, that is.” She tilted her head to the side to stare at him.

  What did she see when she looked at him?

  “Have you been through stuff that’s changed who you are?” he asked, more intrigued than he liked to be.

  “Yeah, it’s not too hard to see. You’ve just got to look closely at people and you’ll see there are more of us out there.”

  “That doesn’t answer my questions,” he said.

  “I know it doesn’t. You’re just going to have to trust me that I know what you’ve been through, or at least something like it. I know what it’s like to have that fun taken out of you. To be held down while someone you’ve never known rips you apart over and over again.” She stopped talking to look down at her hands. “I was young when I was raped and beaten. I had everything torn from me, but I’m here right now, talking to you. That’s all you’re going to get out of me. You’re not the only person who has suffered.”

  Sitting back, he picked up his cup and took a sip. They stared at each other for several minutes, neither speaking. The longer they sat in peaceful silence, the happier Whizz became. He didn’t need to talk with this woman. She wasn’t expecting anything from him, and for once, he was happy.

  Chapter Seven

  Tiny stared at the three men who would later become prospects within the club. He’d been putting off seeing them for some time. Baker, Ink, and Fighter, that was how he remembered them. At this moment in their lives he didn’t give a fuck what their real names were. All three men looked strong, loyal even. They looked like they’d make good additions to his club, and he was more than happy to get them involved.

  “Man, look at his ink. It’s fucking awesome,” Pussy said. He had his arms wrapped around Sasha, kissing her head. His fingers were stroking her arm while Sasha traced lines on his arm. The couple looked happy, content. On the floor beside her was the guard dog Pussy had bought for her. It was sweet watching the young couple. Seeing the two together threw Tiny off a bit. Pussy was a joker and liked to sleep around. Tiny hadn’t pegged him for the settling down kind of man. The ring on Sasha’s finger knocked Tiny’s assumptions out of the water. The man was clearly smitten with his woman.

  “Do we need a baker?” Angel asked. “I mean, we don’t need anything else to tempt our hips.”

  “I’m in for Baker,” Lash said. “I love your hips, baby, and I intend to work off whatever else you eat.”

  She held their son Anthony in her arms while Lash held onto the both of them. The picture before him tightened Tiny’s resolve. They were a strong unit, secure in each other. Both of them were loyal to the other.

  “I think Fighter should be tested against the best of your men, Daddy,” Tate said.

  All of the crew was here in the clubhouse to be involved in the picking of a new prospect. Tiny had to admit he liked all three. The only person who wasn’t present was Whizz. Ever since his attack, the guy had never been late to a meeting. This was the first time the other man was late.

  “Who would you have him fight against?” Prue asked.

  “I’d have to go with Lash, Killer, or Zero. They’re pretty damn good fighters.”

  “Hey, my man is a good fighter,” Sophia said, sticking up for Nash.

  “Thanks, babe.”

  “No problem. You know I like you all sweaty and sexy.” Sophia giggled as she wrapped her arms around Nash.

  This was his family. The unit he’d come to rely upon and love. Eva squeezed his thigh, and he glanced down at her. She was smiling up at him with so much love. This was why he took care of the club. They were a family, and together they took care of the town. In the last few years he had started to lose all focus of why he fought for a town that clearly didn’t want to be saved at times.

  “I’m sorry I’m late,” Whizz said, strolling down the stairs. He held three files, and the fucker was whistling. Ever since his attack Tiny couldn’t recall Whizz whistling. The good-natured man had been vacant from Whizz for so long. This was strange, and Tiny didn’t know if he liked it or not.

  “Where have you been?” Killer asked.

  “I was getting washed. I didn’t know we started already.”

  The whole club looked at him. Tiny turned to see that, yes, the whole club was looking at him.

  “Okay, I’m starting to freak out a little bit here. Is something wrong with me taking my time and having a wash?” Whizz asked.

  “Do you have a woman upstairs?” Murphy asked.

  “No, I don’t have a woman. No, nothing has changed. Everything is good, amazing really. Here are the files on the three men. They’re babies in the real world. Never been to prison or even got a speeding ticket.” Whizz handed him the files.

  Taking them, Tiny flicked them open to see that Baker was indeed a good guy. He’d lost his young wife two years ago, closed up his baking business and gone on the road, settling in Fort Wills. Glancing at the man, he saw the pain in his eyes. Tiny knew what it was like to lose a wife. It broke a part of you on the inside. Even if Patricia hadn’t been the love of his life, he’d still loved her in his own way.

  The thought of losing Eva filled him with despair.

  Nodding toward Baker, he opened up the next file on Ink. Now, Ink was a player. Tiny didn’t know how Whizz got the kind of information he did. He was a great man, and it was a shame about what happened to him.

  Ink liked the ladies, and because of it, he’d lost his job at the tattoo parlor where he was working because he fucked more clients than he inked.

  Moving to the next person Tiny saw Fighter was a savage within the ring. He had killed several people while fighting illegally, but he was moving on in the world. Tiny couldn’t see a problem with the men.

  “If you’re all voted in then you’re prospects. That doesn’t mean you’re part of the club. It means you deal with shit and earn your loyalty. There will come a time when we will all test you to see if you’re worth being a club member. Until then, you do everything we tell you without fucking complaining.”

  “No, boss, they can complain, but it won’t do them any fucking good,”
Lash said, snickering.

  All of his boys snickered. The men were fresh meat and were going to be put through the ringer.

  “Then let’s take a vote. Who votes for them to be in?” Tiny asked.

  The whole club raised their hands. Several of the women did as well. Glancing at his daughter, Tiny saw the wicked smile on Tate’s face. She hadn’t been smiling for a long time. The club life wasn’t healthy for her. There was no way he could leave the club in her hands when he finally decided to throw his cut in. She wouldn’t have the first clue on how to run it and be the president’s old lady. The president’s old lady was as important as the president himself of the club. Without both, there would be problems. He didn’t know how he’d managed to run the club without Eva at his side. She made everything possible, and helped him when he needed it the most.

  “Then I guess you’re all voted in,” Tiny said. He threw them each a prospect jacket and watched them all slide the jackets on. “I want you all to know this is not a fucking competition. I don’t want fighting between each other unless I demand you fight. This is a family. We all work together, and you will all work together as if you’re brothers and your lives depend on it. I don’t run a fucking crèche. Is that understood?”

  The men nodded.

  “Good, the toilets need cleaning out and my club women are all busy.” The look on their faces made him chuckle. “Dismissed.”

  He watched people file out of the club, some of the Chaos Bleeds crew and the others from his own club. Standing up, he drew Eva to his side, kissing her lips. “Are we good?”

  After their argument the other night he didn’t know where he stood with her.

  “We’re okay for now. I want to talk about this again. I don’t like how you keep cutting me off.”

  “I’m old, Eva.”

  “No, you’re not. You’re perfect, but you don’t see it.”

  He took her hand and led her through to his office. Closing the door, he pulled her against him. “Butch got a call last night.”


  “Yeah. Gonzalez asked about you. What you did with your day or where you went. Butch warned him that you were unpredictable.”

  “You’re worried he’s going to come after me?”

  “He came after Tate after I killed that cop. There’s nothing to say he won’t do the same with you.”

  Eva stared at his chest. “You haven’t attacked or done anything to make him think you’re going to be naughty. You’ve covered everything else up.”

  “I know. Thing is, he’s playing by different rules.”

  “Are you sure killing him is the right thing to do? What if he’s got stuff in play?” she asked.

  “Gonzalez is going to get killed. He paid someone to whack Murphy and Tate. We’re waiting for the right time, and then we’re going to kill him.”

  She stared at him long and hard. “You know when you’re going to kill him, don’t you?”

  “The town hall. We’re all arranging for Butch and Pussy to get married there. Gonzalez invited himself. We’re going to lure him there, and then we’re going to kill him and the men who come with him. Pussy took out Homer. We can take him out. Whizz and Ned are already dealing with the men Gonzalez paid to hit back at us. We’re working from the outside in.”

  “You’re not going to want me there, are you?”

  “You and the kids are going to go to a safe place. I’m not willing to risk your safety because of this.”

  She shook her head. “Don’t push me away.”

  “I’m not. We’ll talk about more kids after this mess has blown over. Until then, I can’t think about it. Not right now.”

  Tears filled her eyes as she looked at him, cutting away at his soul.

  “Baby, don’t cry,” he said.

  “You’re not old, and I’m tired of your throwing that up in my face. I love you. I want to have more children with you. Why can’t you see that?” she asked.

  “I can see that. I just don’t want to deal with more kids right now. After Gonzalez, I promise, we’ll have this talk.”

  She cupped his face, dropping a kiss to his lips. “You better.”

  “I love you, baby.”

  “I love you, too. I’m sorry for being a bitch. I guess Gonzalez is finally getting to me. The stress of it all. I’ll back off about more babies for now. I’m going to grab the kids and head home. Will I see you tonight?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I’m not sticking around here.”

  “Good, I miss you when you’re gone. Are you bringing Lexie and Devil? They can come and eat dinner with us. Bring their kids, too. I’ll set up a room for them.” She passed him without saying another word. He felt bad for putting off the babies talk, but right now, he just couldn’t handle worrying about another person. Tiny worried about Eva so much already, and their two children, so more would just send him to an early grave.

  Moving around to his desk, Tiny placed the files on top.

  “I never expected to see Whizz whistling again,” Alex said, walking into the office.

  “Don’t you have anyone else to bug or to annoy?”

  “Nope. I’m not allowed to go back to Vegas, remember? I’m stuck here until I go back.”

  “No one’s stopping you from jumping on a plane and leaving.”

  “I’m not willing to risk the backlash off Gonzalez. The man’s a sick fuck, and I’ve got a kid and a club to think about.”

  “You’re not going to make any snide comment about Devil and his crew being there for our prospects?” Tiny asked, looking up at him.

  “No. I’ve been a dick, and I apologize. Did you tell Eva about the warning Butch gave us?”

  “Yeah, I told her. I don’t think it’s going to do much good. She wants more kids.”

  “So?” Alex took a seat opposite the desk.

  “So, I’m getting fucking old, and I don’t want to start having more kids with all these fucking threats. It’s a struggle at times getting time alone with her. I’m a selfish bastard. I want more time.” Tiny ran a hand down his face. “Fuck, what happened to easy living?”

  “You fell in love, and there went the easy living.” Alex shrugged. “I want more kids. Obviously I can’t have them with Cheryl, but I’ve been thinking about the future. I want more kids when the time is right.”

  “Good for you. You need a woman to stay around long enough to get them.”

  “I know. Money buys everything, Tiny, even women willing to give me a kid.”

  Tiny shook his head. “What happened to you to make you so cold?” They’d known each other a long time. Tiny would never have pegged Alex down as the guy to screw a woman and leave a kid behind without checking to make sure first. The condom had broken from his encounter with Cheryl, leaving a kid as a consequence of a dirty weekend. Cheryl was now with Butch, and Alex was trying to make a relationship work with Matthew, his son.

  “I didn’t get cold. Life happens, Tiny. Before you know where you are, you’re old and waiting for someone to make life meaningful.” Alex stood. “I think Lash is perfect by the way.”


  “To take over from you when you hand in the president crown. Lash is perfect. Angel is a lot stronger than people give her credit for. They would be great taking over the club you’ve taken so long to build up.” Alex walked toward the door.

  “How do you know they’re perfect?”

  “Because they’re strong together. They’re a solid unit, which is what this club needs. No one needs to follow someone who doesn’t have a clue what’s going on. Murphy, he’s not got what it takes and neither has Tate. She’s my niece, and even I see the truth of the decision. I’ll stand by whatever you decide.” Alex left the room, leaving Tiny alone.

  Standing up, he stared out of the window in time to see Eva climbing into the car. He’d take his bike to get home to her.

  “It was a pretty interesting morning,” Devil said.

  Without taking his eyes away from the window, T
iny nodded. “Yeah, three new prospects. It doesn’t seem real, does it?”

  “Do you think one of them is working for Gonzalez?”

  “No. Whizz did all the necessary background checks. I trust him with this. Whizz can do anything with a computer.”

  Eva drove out of the compound, and worry filled him. What if Gonzalez was going to send someone to hurt her? She had been through so much as it was. All of the women in the clubhouse had been through a lot.

  Running a hand down his face, he tried to fight the fear. This was part of being with a club, the expected part. People got hurt in their world or they got killed. Tiny wasn’t looking forward to putting another body in the ground. He’d been putting bodies in the ground for too fucking long.

  “They all seem like good guys. I wouldn’t trust my judgment though. I got one of our own killed.”

  Tiny knew he was talking about Ashley. The Chaos Bleeds club whore and overall sweetheart had lost her head to Gonzalez while she was working for the crew. The death had fallen on all of them quite heavily. Tiny saw it in all the men. They each felt responsible for her death, and no matter how much revenge they took, it wouldn’t bring her back.

  “Ashley was trying to help. It’s not your fault that she got killed,” Tiny said. “She knew the risks.”

  “No, she didn’t know the risks, as otherwise she wouldn’t have been stupid enough to get herself killed. I can’t accept that she went willingly to her own death, and I didn’t even see it.” Devil took a seat, removing his jacket. “Lexie is pregnant again.”


  Should he give Eva another kid? He didn’t want to risk having twins again. Miles and Tabitha were angels, but when they were first born it had been a fucking struggle to get any sleep or rest. Eva had been exhausted, and so had he. For over three months they didn’t get two minutes to themselves to fuck or talk. Their life had been dominated by what the twins wanted or needed. He didn’t want to go back to that.

  You’re being a selfish bastard.

  Was he being selfish for wanting to spend as much time with his woman as possible?

  “Usually I’d be celebrating. My woman is pregnant again. It’s time for a celebration, but right now, I can’t. With our other two kids I had a hold of everything. Piston County was our home. I had a deal going with Jerry, everything was working out, and now it has been taken from under me.” Devil stopped to turn his head.


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