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Page 25

by Sam Crescent

  Putting her purse into the office, she looked around her.

  Devil wanted her to check the women over to see which ones needed hospital attention and others rehab.

  “Right, listen up. I want the ones of you who’ve been on drugs to line up on the right side and the rest of you on the left. I need us all to do this, so be honest.”

  For the next four hours Lexie worked meticulously to get the girls into some kind of order. She gave Phoebe money to go and get loads of clothes so they could dress the girls. By the time Devil walked through the clubhouse doors, she was collapsed over the table.

  The women were not around as she’d housed them in the spare rooms of the clubhouse and others had been sent to rehab.

  “Hey, baby,” he said, rubbing the back of her neck.

  “I’m so fucking tired right now,” she said, groaning as he rubbed the back of her neck. “No, stop. I’ll fall asleep right now.” She shrugged off his touch and sat up.

  She left the table and walked into his office to give them privacy.

  “I got a call from Butler. Ripper arrived, but Butler’s sticking around to keep an eye on them both.”

  Pressing a hand to her stomach, Lexie turned to look at him. “What are you going to do now?” she asked.

  “I’m going to make sure the girls are not here by force.”

  “The man who was screaming over the phone, he was the one who attacked Judi?” she asked.


  “Why did it take you so long to get here?” she asked.

  The girls she’d seen today scared her. She, like so many others, knew that it happened, but it was different from actually realizing it.

  “We were seeing where Gonzalez was storing more girls.”

  “There are more?”


  She turned to face the desk for support.

  Devil’s hands landed on her hips. “I’m really sorry you’re having to do this. This is not what I wanted to ask of you.”

  “It’s not your fault, Devil. This is all Gonzalez. Some of them were too drugged up to care. I saw the track marks on their arms. They were drugged not to care,” Lexie said.

  He pulled her against him. Both of his arms wrapped around her, surrounding her with love.

  “I know. This is the harsh reality that Gonzalez has set up. We don’t have any choice in this, baby.”

  “What are you going to do?” she asked, staring at him.

  Devil caught her lips in a strong, dominating kiss. Whenever he did that, she knew she wasn’t going to like what he said.

  “I’m going to cause a little bit of chaos before we head to Fort Wills. Once and for all, this is going to be over, Lexie.”

  “You can’t do this. Those girls—”

  “I’m already organizing for those girls to be taken care of. The women that are staying around here now will be gone by the middle of the night. They’re going to be gone.” He cupped her cheeks, turning her head. “I’d never put you in danger, baby.”

  She believed him. She only hoped that Gonzalez didn’t anticipate this move from her.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Lacey was lying in her bed staring up at the ceiling. It had been three days since her encounter at the graveyard. She’d been with Whizz twice, the first man she’d fucked willingly in her whole life.

  She rubbed at her eyes. It was her second night of restless sleep. Climbing off the bed, she padded toward the window to stare out at the night. She wore a pair of silk pants and a vest shirt for the warm night air.

  She touched her lips truly believing she could feel Whizz’s lips on hers. Danny and Dalton had been talking with Butch. They were keeping her out of the planning stage of their revenge, which she was fine with. She couldn’t stop thinking about Whizz from The Skulls. He dominated her thoughts like the nightmares used to.

  Was he thinking about her?

  The thought of him standing at the window in the clubhouse with her on his mind left a smile on her face. She really did like the thought of him thinking about her.

  Her door opened, and she saw Dalton was watching her.

  “You can’t sleep?” he asked.

  “I’m not tired.” She returned her attention outside.

  “This isn’t because you’re tired. It’s because of him.”

  She looked back at him. “What do you want, Dalton? It’s late. If you want to talk then we can talk. If you want to continue telling me what I do and don’t want, then please, leave.”

  “The club has been waiting for this chance of revenge for twenty years.”

  Licking her lips, she moved toward the bed, taking a seat and tucking her legs underneath her.

  “Do you think I’m going to stop your chance for revenge, or hinder you in any way?” she asked.

  She’d tied her blue hair on top of her head.

  “No, I don’t, but I also don’t know who I’m staring at. You’ve changed, Lacey, and I don’t know what to think about that.”

  He took a seat on the end of her bed.

  “You really don’t want to know about me,” she said.

  “Ever since you’ve been seeing him the nightmares have stopped. I’ve even seen you smile a few times. Before he came along, you were fighting everything and everyone.”

  “Have you got a point to make?” she asked.

  Dalton growled. “See, you don’t give a shit what’s going on.”

  “I give a shit. I really do give a shit, but I don’t see that causing problems for Butch is going to help us. You and Danny have this figured out. Both of you think you can rid the world of the pain that was inflicted upon us. I’ve got a newsflash for both of you. We can kill Gonzalez, even torture him before we finally kill him, but it’s not going to change the fact that our parents are still dead. We’re not going to suddenly turn into normal people who don’t have scars. We’ve got a lot of scars.”

  She pushed away from the bed once again to move away from his closeness.

  “What are you going to do when he finds out the truth?” Dalton asked.

  Lacey had been thinking about telling Whizz the truth more and more. She didn’t know what he’d think or how he’d react.

  It can’t be that bad.

  They’d been together twice, and she didn’t know what it meant.

  Dalton released a sigh. “I love you, Lacey. There was a time I thought I loved you deeper than a sister, but I realized you’d never see me like that. I thought you wouldn’t see any man like that. I was wrong. Whizz, he’s different, isn’t he?”

  Tears filled her vision as she thought about the computer geek that Whizz was. She knew so much about him while he knew next to nothing about her. It didn’t seem fair at all.

  “He doesn’t know what happened to me. When he looks at me, he doesn’t see the damaged, broken girl. He sees the scars and knows I’ve been through something, but he wasn’t there to witness it.” She returned her gaze to Dalton.

  There was no hiding the pain in his eyes.

  “You can’t move on with us because we’ve seen you at your most vulnerable?” he asked.

  “You’ve seen me when I didn’t want anyone to see me. I see the way you look at me, Dalton. You may think you want more, but when you look at me you still see that ten year old girl.” She stopped to lick her dry lips. Talking with Dalton about his feelings had always left her uncomfortable. For a man, he always needed to talk. She hated talking. “I’m thirty years old.”

  “Whizz doesn’t know you.”

  “But he doesn’t treat me with kid gloves. Yes, he knows something bad happened in the past, but he wasn’t there to protect and save me. When he looks at me, he sees a woman he desires.”

  “Do you really think he’ll see you that way when the truth comes out?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t care what he thinks. I love you like a brother, Dalton. I’ll never change my thoughts or my feelings.”

  Staring out of the window she wondered what Whizz was doing r
ight that second.

  “Danny doesn’t trust you,” Dalton said.

  “I’m not going to go talking to Whizz in my spare time. I don’t want him to find out the truth from me.” She had thought of going to the clubhouse and finding Tiny and talking to him. Each time she thought about it, she was overcome with regret. Whizz wouldn’t be the same with her once he knew the truth.

  This was her problem.

  “Lacey, you’re going to get hurt.”

  “I know what I’m doing.”

  She didn’t have the first clue what she was doing, and the last time she saw Whizz was a testament to that fact.

  “Fine, I’ll leave you to it.”

  Lacey watched Dalton leave her room.

  You’ve got to tell Whizz before someone else does.

  Closing her eyes, she rested her head against the glass. If she told him who she was then she risked him hating her.

  The Savage Brothers deserve this.

  She was torn in two between doing the right thing by the club and following her heart. In her mind she went back twenty years to the man holding her down while he took what he wanted. He wasn’t the first man to use her, nor was he the last. Opening her eyes she stared at her reflection. Twenty years had passed since that moment. She was stronger, harder, and alive. That was the main thing for her. She was alive to see another day.

  Whizz may be the first man who gave her an orgasm, or made her feel anything but anger, but he wouldn’t be the last.

  You’re lying to yourself.

  She wasn’t going to give up her club for a nice bit of cock. Even as she thought the words, she knew it was wrong. Whizz was a lot more than a willing body.


  Whizz sat at the bar in The Skulls clubhouse. He couldn’t get the scent or sound of Lacey out of his head. She’d come around his cock as he pummeled inside her. Resting his head on his hand, he stared at his fingers. He’d stroked her clit, and she’d cried out so well.

  Get her out of your head.

  “What’s on your mind?” Killer asked, taking a seat. He was holding his son as Kelsey helped to clean away the mess.


  “You don’t look like you’ve got nothing on your mind. In fact, you look like you’ve got a woman on the brain.” Killer turned his son and placed his head over his shoulder. “Any vomit will go down my back.”

  “Dude, I don’t know how you can stand to have a kid vomit on you.”

  With kids being pushed out left, right, and center, Whizz had seen too much vomit and baby shit to last him a lifetime. Sure, they were all cute and sweet, but he really didn’t want to see anything more than he already had.

  “He’s my son. You’ve just got to learn to love all things baby.”

  Whizz dropped his hand to his thigh and turned toward the counter. He was sipping a soda as he thought about Lacey.

  “Come on, Whizz. You can talk to me.”

  Releasing a sigh, he looked at his friend.

  “I met a woman at the café a few weeks ago,” he said.

  “That’s great. Who is she?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know who she is.” He’d checked the databases, but nothing came up matching her description. She didn’t carry identification, and she’d not given him any other clue as to who she was.

  “Seriously? You don’t have a fucking clue who she is?”

  Whizz shook his head. “I only know her first name and the fact she has blue hair.” He loved her blue hair. She didn’t dye her hair to get attention. When she sat across from him in the café, he didn’t get the sense that she wanted attention. She was reserved, quiet, and she was broken.

  Like you. She’s broken just like you.

  Only, Lacey didn’t look at the scars and ask questions. She knew he was going through crap, and yet she was more interested in something else.

  “Blue hair.”

  Killer was trying to show an interest.

  “Look, there’s nothing I need to talk about. I like her, but nothing is going to come of it.” He thought about the fact he’d fucked her without a condom twice. The last thing he wanted to think about was where he’d fucked her the other night.

  Sitting on a bench in the graveyard hadn’t bothered him at the time. He’d gotten her tits out and loved watching her take his cock.

  “I’m sorry, man. You’re not exactly forthcoming with the details. Are you keeping stuff to yourself?” Killer asked.

  “No. You know, I’m going to bed. I need to get ready for what Tiny wants me to do.” He used their current predicament to get out of the way. Talking about Lacey with his friend seemed wrong. He didn’t want to share her or what they’d done together.

  Going upstairs to his room, he sat on his bed and stared at the blank computer screens. He didn’t want to look her up on the net anymore.

  You can’t have her.

  Running fingers through his hair, he moved toward his selection of weights. Picking one of the smaller weights up, he started to work on his arms.

  “When I’m done with you, no woman is going to want to fuck you.”

  Alan’s voice echoed through his mind, drawing him away from the present. He fought the memory as hard as he could.

  “Whizz, fuck me, harder, please.”

  As if she was there in the room, Whizz opened his eye to find himself alone, but he was no longer trapped in the distant nightmare of his past.

  Putting the weight down on the floor, he grabbed his jacket along with his piece. It wasn’t safe for a Skull to go wandering around. He left through the back exit where no one would see him. Whizz didn’t know where he was going to go or how he was going to find her.

  He set out in the direction of the graveyard. There seemed to be more chance of finding her there than anywhere else.

  Gripping the gates, he stared into the darkness thinking how crazy he was being. There was no way he’d meet a woman at a graveyard. He was clearly going insane.

  “Should I be worried that you’re outside of a graveyard again?” Lacey asked, appearing by his side.

  Turning to look at her, Whizz saw she rested her head against the metal fence.

  “What’s your excuse?” he asked, not responding to her.

  “I’ve got no excuse as to why I want to be near a graveyard other than it’s the only place I see you.”

  He reached out and touched her cheek.

  “Then we’ve got to stop meeting like this.”

  “There’s no other chance of us meeting. There’s stuff you don’t know about me, Whizz. Stuff I can’t tell you.”

  “Do I look like I care?” he asked. Whizz really didn’t care. The only person he wanted to think about right now was Lacey. She was all he cared about.

  “There’s going to come a point when you really will care, Whizz.” She touched his hand.

  “Why do we have to make this to be something it’s not?” he asked. “I don’t want to complicate this. This is the first time in months where I’m not waiting for the nightmares to come. There’s something about you, Lacey, I don’t know what it is, but I can’t stay away from you. I don’t want to stay away from you, and I don’t think you want to stay away from me either.”

  Pulling her in front of him, Whizz stared into her eyes. She was so incredibly beautiful, and yet he hadn’t seen all of her in the cold light of day. He didn’t want to do this, sneaking around to see her.

  “There are things going on that even you can’t control, Whizz.”

  “I know. I know there’s a reason you’re in Fort Wills, but right now, I don’t care. It’s selfish, possibly the most selfish thing that I’ve done, but I promise you, whatever reason you’re here for, I don’t want to know.” Whizz knew in his heart he was making a mistake. For the good of the club he needed to know what was happening and when. For once, he just wanted this to be about him, not the club.

  He cupped her face, tilting her head back.

  “Now, I’m going to kiss you and you’re going t
o shut up.”

  Closing the gap between them, he brushed his lips along hers. The electricity was amazing. He never wanted to let her go. If there was a way to keep her all to himself, he’d love the opportunity.

  “What are we doing?” she asked.

  “Making memories.” Plunging his tongue inside her mouth, Whizz released the hold he had on his sanity and devoured her.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Lexie watched the last red light zoom off into the distance. The girls were now gone to either rehab or safe locations. Not one of them was in possession of a phone or any way to get in contact with Gonzalez. She was scared for them and for the club.

  “What did you do?” she asked, turning to look at her husband.

  Devil had removed his leather jacket and jewelry. The only piece of metal on his person was his gold wedding ring that she’d given him and ordered him to wear.

  “I didn’t do anything, and I’ve not done anything.”

  “You killed someone. What if Gonzalez finds out?” She wasn’t in the mood to play games anymore. Her children were once again on lockdown. That very morning she’d had a gun pointed at her head as she was held against her will. She had to watch Devil fight the urge to kill the bastard because of her.

  “He’s not going to find a body. No one will ever find that fucking pimp again. We cleared out the apartment buildings. The only people there were whores, Lexie.” Devil stood behind her, wrapping an arm around her waist. “I know you hate hearing about it, but this place and those apartments had changed since you were last there.”

  “All of the people gone.”

  “Yeah. Gonzalez has turned it into a vessel for all the girls he buys. He sticks them in there and put them to work. You saw some of them, Lex. They were not even legal.”

  She closed her eyes as she recalled the lost innocence staring back at her. One girl was fifteen, and she was wearing a school uniform, only this girl had no intention of going to school.

  “I hate this.”

  “When I saw those girls, I saw Elizabeth. If I don’t take matters into my own hands, Gonzalez is going to have all the control. He’s going to kill us and take what he wants for scraps.”


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