Book Read Free


Page 28

by Sam Crescent

  Emptying out the bottle of fuel, he spread it over the room.

  This was where he’d first met Lexie. The club that drew him back to this town.

  “Boss, what are you doing?” Pussy asked.

  “I’m not risking anything. We don’t take Gonzalez out then he’ll come back for her. I’m not giving Gonzalez a chance to ruin this for us. If we fail then I don’t want to make life easy for him. Yeah, it will cost us a lot of money to rebuild this place back up, but it’ll also piss him the fuck off.” Taking one good look around the room, Devil turned back to his men. He was preparing for everything. If they killed Gonzalez then he’d look at setting up a different business, perhaps. Either way, the strip club was going to go. “Get the fuck out.”

  They all left the room, going out into the day’s light. He took out his lighter and struck up the flame. Staring around the room, he threw his lighter into the room and walked out.

  Climbing onto his bike, Devil didn’t look back as he drove away from the club. Burning down the strip club was a little extreme, but after everything he’d witnessed, he didn’t want to have that club as part of the crew or the future.


  Butch looked at Alex as he relayed all that he knew about Gonzalez. Their enemy was on the way to Fort Wills for the wedding. He didn’t know how Eva had worked so fast to get the town hall booked or even the decorations.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah, he’s got several men on the force who will be there. He wants to take out several of our men tomorrow. Whizz is going down and then Zero and Tiny. Gonzalez wants to tear the clubs apart. He’s going to take out Devil and Pussy as well,” Butch said. He didn’t know why Gonzalez gave him this information, but he was going to use it to their advantage.

  “Nothing makes sense about this,” Alex said.

  “I know. He’s kept me at arms’ length, and now he starts giving me information. I don’t trust what he’s got to say.” Butch glanced over his shoulder to see Whizz sitting at the bar. The other man was sporting a frown as he stared down at his glass of water. He didn’t like the fact the other man was running out in the middle of the night to see Lacey.

  This was a very difficult mission. Butch knew so much more, and yet he couldn’t tell Alex the truth.

  “We’re going to have to believe that he’s lying or he’s telling you the truth to see what you’ll do.” Alex ran a finger over his lip, contemplating.

  “I don’t care. We need to get the women in the safe house,” Butch said.

  He’d made the necessary arrangements for the warehouse outside of town. For the last couple of days he’d been putting the finishing touches to make sure no one knew where the women were going.

  “No, you don’t put the women to ground until Devil gets into town.” Alex shook his head. “Fuck, this is happening too fast. If we’re not careful this entire plan is going to fall down all around us.”

  Butch wished he had a better idea. This was going to be their final time to get at Gonzalez. Ned had already sneaked three men into town. They were waiting for the go ahead to take out the men Whizz had found.

  “We need to tell Tiny,” Butch said.

  “No, we don’t. You need to do as I’ve asked and make sure nothing fucks up between now and then.” Alex pushed past him leaving Butch to look where he was going.

  Moving to the bar, Butch took a seat beside Whizz.

  “What?” Whizz asked.

  “I’m just making sure you’re okay,” Butch said.

  “I’m fine. It’s interesting how we’ve all got a plan for what’s about to come.” Whizz lifted the glass to his lips and took a sip. “Shall we toast?” Whizz asked.

  “To what?”

  “To living and dying. Either one sounds pretty good about now.” Whizz took a sip and placed the glass back in front of him.

  “Have you seen that woman again?” Butch asked.

  “It’s none of your business who I’ve seen.”

  “I think with Gonzalez around, you should be careful who you look toward for comfort,” Butch said.

  “You’re starting to sound like a broken fucking record, Butch. You keep warning me about a woman you know nothing about. Back the fuck off, or I swear I’ll make sure you can’t fucking see for your actual wedding.” Whizz go to his feet and stormed off.

  Staring across the bar, Butch looked at his reflection.

  You’re a rat. You’ve got to come clean. There’s no way for you to keep The Savage Brothers a secret and get away with it.

  Running a hand down his face, Butch jumped as his cell phone went off.

  Seeing Danny’s name on the screen, he started to feel sick. Leaving the club, he took the call.

  “What?” he asked.

  “I want to know what the word is. Gonzalez has left Piston County. I’ve got my sources, and yet I’ve not heard your call as to why he’s on the move.”

  Closing his eyes, Butch had to think quickly as he made to respond.

  “He’s coming to the clubhouse. The wedding tomorrow, it’s all happening, and Gonzalez is coming to the after party at the clubhouse.” The lies kept melding together making it impossible to keep up.

  “Are you sure about that?” Danny asked.

  “Yes, I’m sure. Shit’s going down tomorrow, and you’re going to get what you want. Revenge, it’s what you’ve always wanted, right?”

  “Yes, you’re right.” Danny sounded happy. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Hanging up the phone, Butch went to his room to find Cheryl pulling a nightshirt over her head.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “It’s all happening tomorrow.”


  “You’re going to have to be there, but Eva’s promised to take Matthew with her.”

  Cheryl nodded. “There’s nothing we can do. You know what you’re doing, right?” she asked.

  He didn’t have the first fucking clue what he was doing. “I fucked up,” he said.

  “Come clean to Tiny before this turns to shit,” she said, sitting on the end of the bed.

  He wrapped his arms around her. “I’m sorry for putting us through this.”

  “You made a mistake. Come clean to your crew, and it’ll be fine.”

  “I told the Savage Brothers a lie,” he said.

  Butch explained what he’d done.

  “What are you going to do?” she asked.

  “I’m going to deal with what I’ve done.” He kissed the top of her head. “I love you, baby.”

  “Butch, promise me you won’t go in there fighting.”

  “I promise.” The lie was another easy word for him to say. There was nothing else he could do. The wheels had been set in motion. All he could do was keep on with the initial plan.


  Lexie paced the main floor the club. It was late, and her kids were getting restless.

  “Are you okay?” Phoebe asked.

  Was she okay?

  No, I’m not okay. My husband is out there on a killing spree, and I’m stuck here waiting. Judi’s in the hospital in a coma, and there’s nothing I can do to stop what’s going to happen.

  Instead of saying everything that was plaguing her, she nodded. “I’m fine. Everything is fine.” She offered a smile that she didn’t at all feel. Her life was not what she wanted it to be. In fact, her life was fast turning into something she’d never wanted it to be.

  When pacing couldn’t calm her thoughts, she took a seat on the edge of the far bench.

  “I know this is difficult,” Phoebe said.

  “I know you do, honey. I know you’ve been through this a lot more than I have. Listening to you talk about everything you’ve gone through doesn’t make me feel better. Vincent was addicted to drugs, and you pulled him out of it. I respect everything you’ve done.”

  “But this is different,” Phoebe said, finishing her thoughts.

  “Yes, this is different. We can’t stop what’s going on. There’s a m
an out there who killed my sister. He killed Jerry and Ashley and made sure someone beat up Judi. She’s lying in a coma because of the damage done to her. Ripper won’t leave her side. I know you’ve been through a lot, but it’s not like this.” Sitting down wasn’t helping Lexie’s nerves. Getting back to her feet she started to pace.

  Simon was watching her. His inquisitive little mind already knew something was up, and she couldn’t stop him. Sitting back down, she blew out a breath and made sure to calm her nerves down.

  “I’ve got to be calm.”

  “You’re a wonderful mother, Lexie. Simon, he’s the kind of boy who spots everything. You shouldn’t worry about it.”

  “But I do worry about it. He’s my son.” She placed a hand to her heart. Simon was born to Kayla, but within weeks of her sister giving birth, Kayla had given him to her.

  Lexie had done everything in her power to care for the young boy. She loved him like he was her own son, and as far as she was concerned, no one else would ever replace him.

  “It’s these moments that test all of us.”

  Glancing around the room, she saw Sasha was tense where she’d been put. Her guide dog had her head resting on Sasha’s lap trying to comfort her.

  “Shit, I’m probably panicking her. Give me a moment,” she said.

  Leaving Phoebe’s side, she took a seat in front of Sasha.

  “Hey, honey. How are you holding up?” Lexie asked.

  “I think I’m doing much better than you.” Sasha didn’t move her hand away from her dog. “At least I can’t see the tension, but I feel it.”

  “I don’t know if that’s good or not,” Lexie said. “I’m going to touch your hand.”

  Pussy had been such a good man to Sasha, giving her more independence than she’d had in the whole of her life since her blindness. Sasha’s mother, Penny, was still in rehab overcoming her pill and alcohol addiction.

  “Okay,” Sasha said.

  Touching her hand, Lexie grasped her palm within her hands. She noticed how Sasha was shaking.

  “Pussy’s told me it’s going to be okay. I’m to trust him because he won’t let anything happen to me.” The trust and absolute faith in Sasha’s voice made Lexie smile. She had felt that way with Devil. Then bad shit started to happen, and now she always had her doubts. She was tired of having doubts.

  “I know he won’t let anything happen to you. I’ve never seen Pussy in love with anyone else before. You’re his entire world.” She wasn’t lying. The only person she’d ever seen Pussy happy with was Sasha.

  “Thank you.”

  The door to the clubhouse opened revealing Devil. He looked ready to do business. “We’re leaving in ten minutes,” Devil said. He walked off to his office.

  “Hey, baby,” Pussy said, stroking Sasha’s neck.

  Lexie withdrew her hand as Sasha reached up to try to touch Pussy’s cheek. He took her hand and placed her palm against his cheek.

  “You’re all sweaty.” Sasha wrinkled her nose.

  “I’ve been doing a man’s job. I smell awesome.” He lifted up his arm and sniffed his pit. “Okay, I think I stink.”

  Sasha giggled. “You’re getting worse with old age.”

  “I’m not that old, and when I’m too old to fuck you, I’ll lie down and let you ride my cock.”

  Sasha pulled away, giggling. “You’re incorrigible.”

  She left the lovely couple to it. Pussy picked Sasha up and placed her on his lap. Even after everything they’d been through, Pussy always made light about the most stressful stuff.

  Entering Devil’s office she saw him grabbing several guns from the safe he kept locked in the far wall.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I’m getting loaded up ready for Fort Wills. This ends tomorrow. I don’t give a fuck how long it takes or what I’ve got to do. I will never hear the name Gonzalez.”

  She leaned against the wall as he checked each gun in turn. “You were gone this morning before I woke up.”

  He’d fucked her into exhaustion.

  “I didn’t want to wake you.” He paused in checking the weapons.

  “You didn’t want to give me a chance to find a reason as to why you shouldn’t go.” She folded her arms over her chest, wishing she wasn’t right.

  Devil turned to look at her. “Lex, I love you, baby.”

  “I know you love me. You’re also scared of what will happen to me if you don’t succeed.”

  “I burned the strip club down to the ground,” he said, staring her in the eye.


  “Gonzalez had taken over everything. He took the club, and it was no longer mine. I made sure he can’t use it against me again.” Devil stopped, placing the weapons on the floor. “When we get to Fort Wills you’re going to go with Butch. We’ll make it tomorrow morning in time to see Gonzalez. Pussy doesn’t like using Sasha, but she’s a lure as much as Cheryl. When all this is over, we’re coming back home, and we’re living our lives.” He walked toward her.

  She stayed still as he reached out and cupped her cheek.

  “Why are you telling me this?” she asked.

  “Because I need to know when this is all over, you’re not going to give me shit.”

  “What happened at Jerry’s house? Vincent told Phoebe where you were going first. I didn’t think anyone lived there.” His hands on her body were making it hard for her to think.

  Devil let out a sigh. “We killed a few pimps working for Gonzalez. There were girls there. I don’t know their ages. Most of them looked legal.”

  “That’s not all?” she asked.

  “Several of the girls had been killed. I don’t know how or why. I’m wiping away what Gonzalez did out of this town.” He tucked some hair behind her ear. “When I’m done no one will ever remember what happened.”

  “Burning down the strip club was a little extreme,” she said. She had mixed feelings about that fucking club. On the one hand, it was where she got a job that helped her situation with Simon. On the other, she’d hated dancing for men. It sickened her to get naked for a roomful of men who she didn’t know or like.

  “He ruined any memory of what that place meant to the crew. We’ll start fresh with something new.” Devil pressed a kiss to her lips. “I’m going to end this and make this town perfect for you. I’ll make sure no other man will hold a gun at you.”

  She touched his face.

  “How’s Ripper and Judi?” he asked.

  “Last I heard nothing has changed. She’s still in a coma, and Ripper’s by her side.” She pressed her head to his chest. His heart was beating rapidly.

  “Then our first stop is to the hospital.” He started to pack the guns in a bag.

  “Do you think it’s going to be that bad?” she asked.

  “I’m preparing for the worst. If I get something better, then I’ll be happy.” He took her hand.

  For the next twenty minutes the crew helped to pack up the car. Every now and then Lexie watched the way Pussy was with Sasha. The couple was totally in love, and not once did he show signs of being impatient with her.

  Sasha was one lucky woman.

  Once inside the car, Lexie climbed into the passenger seat as Devil took the driver’s side. He drove to the hospital with several of his men following behind them. Outside of the hospital, Death sat in the car while she followed Devil inside to see Judi and Ripper.

  The machines were still beeping every few seconds. Ripper had removed his jacket and was no longer sitting beside her but lying on the bed, touching her head.

  Tears were falling from his eyes as he talked with her.

  “Devil? Lexie?”

  “We’re going to Fort Wills to end this. When it’s done, the whole crew will be here giving you support,” Devil said.

  Ripper nodded. “Good. Take that fucker out.” He left her side to round the bed.

  Lexie couldn’t get over the change inside the other man. When she first found out about Ripper
and Judi, she’d been unsure. Judi had an awful past, one Lexie had hoped wouldn’t define her future. Not only had Judi moved on but she found a man completely devoted to her regardless of what she went through.

  “Is there any update?” Devil asked.

  Ripper wiped his face. “The doctor came by to say she was doing well. She wasn’t declining, and that in itself showed a good sign or something. Far as I’m concerned, she’s still not awake so it’s not any better.”

  Devil reached out. “She’s going to make it.”

  “I know. When she comes out of her coma, I’ll tell her everything is going to be okay, and I’ll know it’s true.” She watched as Ripper offered Devil his hand. “Good luck.”

  Devil stared at that hand seconds before pulling Ripper in for a hug. “Take care of our girl.” He slapped Ripper on the back then pulled away.

  Lexie gave him a hug along with a smile. “We’ll be seeing you soon.”

  She followed Devil out of the room. He took her hand, and together they walked to the car, to the future, to the uncertainty.

  Chapter Nineteen

  The Beginning

  Devil watched as Lexie waved at him. Butch had taken most of the women to the warehouse like they all agreed, and now he was watching his woman disappear.

  “It’s safer that she’s out of the way,” Tiny said, coming to stand beside him. “Eva’s been seen.”

  “Gonzalez is in town?”

  “Yeah, he stopped by an hour ago. You missed him with just arriving. Don’t worry, I got you covered. I told him that one of the little ones got sick and you didn’t have a choice but to stop at a hotel for the night. He expects to see you a little later than normal.”

  Nodding, Devil turned away from the sight of his woman leaving him. Seeing Lexie leave always filled him with regret. Entering The Skulls’ clubhouse, he moved toward the back where there were weapons strewn all over the place. The men were suited up and ready to go. Pussy was packing, and he’d given Sasha some guns so that he could use them when the time came to protect her.


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