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Lovers Catch

Page 2

by Dani Stowe

  Reaching to my waist to unfasten the clips that keep my backpack snug on my back, I remember I broke one end this morning and just knotted the straps around me. As I try to unknot the ends underwater, I notice the infinitely black bottom of the bay and feel my heart race. I extend my hand down to my boots, which feel like concrete pulling me deeper, but it’s taking a shit ton of effort to undo the laces. I accidentally open my mouth and swallow some water, which makes my body even heavier. The surface seems farther and farther away as I sink down into the abyss.

  I try to swim with every ounce of might I have, but I’m getting tired and not going anywhere. I swallow a little bit more water and notice how the water tastes both clean and dirty at the same time, just like when I played in the bay as a child with my parents, but I don’t care—

  I need air!

  A rush of adrenaline overcomes me, flooding my body and allowing me to flap my arms and kick my legs as hard as I can to move them as more water enters my open cavities. Choking, I instinctively try to take a breath, but there’s only thick heavy water. It’s so weighty I can’t move my legs anymore, but I can still feel my own skin. And it feels cold. I feel cold and alone.

  I look up one last time because I don’t want to see the darkness I’m about to be lost in below. Between my strands of hair floating about my face, I vaguely see the man I’m sure I saw earlier splashing in the bay, who now appears to be circling above me...and he does have a fishtail.

  Chapter 2


  I THINK I’M GOING TO be sick.

  I roll to my left side because I feel the water trapped in my gut is about to burst from my throat, but I’m startled to see sand. I rub my hands through the warm, dry grains glowing under what feels like a hot sun shining above me. I try to tilt my head up to take a look, but my body won’t let me as I puke.

  Water pours out from inside and as it does, I remember I was drowning. I wipe my mouth with my hand, remembering the heavy pull of my boots toward the bottom of the bay. Looking down, I see them still tied to my fair legs roasting under the sunshine.

  The weight of the shoulder pads from my backpack pull me back flat to the sand since the straps are still tied in a knot around my waist, which feels tight...

  I puke again.

  My stomach aches as it squeezes the bay water out of my body, but the whole thing makes me feel better and relieved.

  I’m still alive. “Yes, I’m alive,” I say aloud to myself to hear confirmation of my existence. I lean over further to hurl again and suddenly the sensation of fingers moves across my cheek and behind my ear, pulling the few strands of wet hair away from my face.

  I choke. Someone is right behind me, but I can’t look right now. The last bit of water empties from my belly as the fingers transfer to my shoulder and a whole hand, a strong hand that feels like a man’s hand, squeezes and then moves to my back to pat me as I start to cough.

  Oh fuck. I’m scared to see who it is. I bet it’s my rescuer. I don’t want to look at him; I’m embarrassed, but at least I’m not nauseous anymore.

  My rescuer’s hand runs through my hair; it’s awkward to be pet by a stranger, but the feeling is comforting at the same time. I’m sure he pulled me out and is trying to be nice by offering more support.

  I roll towards my back, propping my backpack under me. The bright sun forces me to squint as a shadow blocks the blinding light; a handsome face comes into view, peering down at me.

  Now, I’m really embarrassed.

  The face is beautiful. It’s framed in thick, messy, shoulder-length black hair that is a stark contrast to eyes that are so blue, both the sea and sky should be jealous. The face of a strong man smiles and the stubble lining his jaw makes him look rugged and sexy. A “wow” escapes my mouth and shame washes over me as I feel my face flush.

  He laughs and I’m comforted by the weight of his body, which I hadn’t noticed was resting on me. He puts his hand on the side of my head to prop himself above me; as he does, a drop of water falls from the tips of his hair and into my mouth. As I taste the salt water on my tongue I feel his strong fingers move to the back of my head as he squeezes then massages my neck. If this is the usual treatment for someone who’s been rescued—I’m going to try drowning more often.

  I look down at his chest of rippling muscles beneath bronze skin; he must be a lifeguard of some sort. I should probably say thank you at this point, but I’m too distracted by how beautiful he is—half wet and half naked, with the exception of the antique-looking coin hanging by a golden chain from his neck. The jewelry is as enticing as he is and it makes me more curious and inclined to stare.

  Goddamnit! I think the hottest, tannest, and most gorgeous man on the planet just rescued me. Say something, Shelley!

  I open my mouth to verbalize a word, any word, but all that comes out is a gurgle of leftover water in my throat and I cough hard; I swear I might have spit in his face.

  As he rolls off of me, I feel foolish. “I’m sorry,” I say and he pulls at my chin to face him.

  The centers of his eyebrows are raised, as though he feels sorry for me and he grins and shrugs. He moves his thumb across my cheek then runs his fingers through my hair once more. I get goosebumps realizing I’ve never been caressed so much in all my life—at least not since I was a small child.

  “Did you save me?” I ask as I cough a little more though I try hard to hold it in.

  He grabs the back of my neck once more and makes direct eye contact, setting my insides on fire. I try to contain myself as he smiles and nods as I hear movement at my feet—something’s not right.

  I glance down and see what looks like a fishtail, except it’s not just any fishtail. It’s a ginormous fishtail the size of an entire dolphin! But unlike a dolphin’s smooth, rubbery exterior, this tail is covered in disk-like, cycloid scales with a glistening turquoise tint.

  I stare at it, not knowing exactly what I’m really seeing. I think I’m in shock because this can’t be real. All of a sudden, a giant fan, at least five feet wide, at the end of the tail moves and my heart begins to palpitate. I move my eyes up the large fishtail and notice it’s wrapped—or perhaps merges, with my rescuer’s abdomen. I gape at the length of his long torso and chest before I notice something I didn’t see before—slits open and close parallel on each side beneath his collarbone. He has gills!

  I scream, but the man covers my mouth and he shakes his head wildly. I push him away as I scream even louder, trying to get up, but the weight of my backpack keeps me down—of course, Aunt Cora is inside!

  The thing, my rescuer or whatever he is, grabs the back of my neck once more with one hand as he touches his forehead to mine and shakes his head gently while keeping his other hand over my mouth.

  The motion of our foreheads rotating in contact with our noses barely touching and his hand between our mouths silences me. He keeps his brow to mine for a few minutes before backing away. I pull his hand from my mouth, even though I’m scared to touch him. He doesn’t take his eyes off me as he tries to pet me again, this time at the top of my head.

  I duck away, avoiding his caress, and try to sit up, but my backpack still weighs me down. I scramble to untie the knot and I feel like I’m working on it for way too long when my rescuer’s fingers reach over my waist and yank the straps apart, ripping them, and freeing me.

  I swallow hard as I glance over to the fishtail then back to the hand, then back to the tail, then to the man’s face, then back to the hand again resting at my waist.

  Damn you, Aunt Cora!

  I reluctantly look back at the man’s strong but pitiful face that is just staring at me with those blue eyes, like he’s waiting for me to say or do something, but he hasn’t said anything. He’s just been caressing or rubbing or patting me like he’s doing right now with his hand at my waist.

  “You can’t speak, can you?” I ask as I turn my whole body towards him.

  He shakes his head. No.

  “And you saved me?”r />
  He smiles and nods. Yes.

  Holy fuck! Either I’m dead, turned looney like my mother, or a fool for not believing my aunt.

  I’m sure it was easy for him to pull me out of the water. His whole upper body is covered in fine, lean muscle, completely absent of fat. Even his face boasts strength and masculinity.

  His tail flicks against the sand and I glance over to see it move side-to-side across the sand as the sides of my mouth turn upside down and I gulp. He grabs my chin to face him and cocks his head like he’s disappointed.

  “I know!” I shout. “I get it! You’re a mermaid or merman or—”

  I glance over to where his man parts might be, but I don’t see anything except what looks like a flap over a bump or something. I try not to stare too hard before blurting out, “Or mer-person.” I want him to know how grateful I am for saving my life, so I try to sound sincere, although I’m sure I sound crazy and not as the most appreciative person in the world when I say, “Thank you.”

  He grins halfheartedly.

  I watch as he uses his arms to lift a portion of his lower half and scoot himself closer to the water. I think he’s leaving and for some reason, I feel sicker than I did earlier.

  “No, wait!” I cry and he turns to me, but I don’t know what to say. My mind is at odds with what’s happening, yet I don’t want him to go. “Is there any way I can repay you?”

  He squints. His interest is peaked, but he doesn’t move, except for his tail. I gulp as I see it flick once more, which makes him grin again except he looks further disappointed as he shakes his head and scoots back towards the water.

  “Wait, please!” I bellow and he stops to bow his head. “There must be something I can do for you, something I can give you. I’m sure I should reward you in some way. You saved my life and, I’m sorry, but this whole thing is just taking me a minute to get used to. Is there anything I can get you? Anything you need?”

  He looks enticed; his eyes are wide open and he scoots back up to me.

  “You do need something?” I ask, genuinely excited. “Whatever it is, I’ll try to get it for you.”

  I wish I had not spoken so eagerly; he gets really close—too close, as he rolls his body right up to mine. I swallow hard. I’m not sure what I committed myself to, but he hesitates. He can’t speak, so maybe he just doesn’t know how to tell me.

  “What is it?” I ask softly.

  His eyes move down across my body like he’s examining me; I hope to God he isn’t about to eat me or something horrible like that, but then he reaches for the top of my shorts and tries to undo the button.

  I grab his hand. “What are you doing?!”

  He looks me in the eye and we stare at each other for a minute before he wiggles his hand free of mine and tries to slip it under my shorts and underwear.

  My face flushes as if it could get any hotter under this sun and I grab his hand again. “I don’t understand.”

  He pulls his hand free of mine and we both notice my hands are trembling, along with my teeth. I’m not cold—not with the hot sun blaring; I’m afraid. I don’t know exactly what he’s asking for, though I’m pretty sure it’s something sexual.

  He bows his head again and I see his gills open and close like he just sighed. He turns away from me back onto his butt or his rear or whatever and scoots towards the water.

  “No, wait!” I yell.

  He scurries faster like a seal, except he is more than twice the length of such an animal from head to tail.

  I scamper to get up but trip, landing flat on my face as one of my boots slips off. I’m covered in sand and feeling foolish as tiny, solid grains of silicon stick to my eyes, nose, and mouth. I spit as I see him enter the water.

  Catch him, Shelley! He’s getting away!

  I stand up and run into the still, azure water that slows me down, along with my one boot on one leg, which feels heavy again. The weight and the water—it shocks me, reminding me how I nearly drowned earlier. I halt, waist deep in the bay.

  “Come back!” I call out, but there is no sign of him. “I’m sorry,” I shout again and there’s a part of me that desperately doesn’t want to lose him. “I can give you what you want,” I plead as I make a splash with my hands in hopes of getting his attention. “If you need what I think you’re asking for, I’m happy to pay you your reward. Please, come back!”

  The top of his head pops up out of the water right in front of me and I jolt in fear, falling back and crashing into the water, which fills every one of my senses. It’s another reminder of my near-death experience and I panic, needing air.

  Luckily, the water is shallow and I’m thankful it’s easy to collect my feet under me, so I poke my head up above the water and wipe my face to get a good look.

  He’s still there—watching me, as his eyes glimmer from just above the water. His eyes are stunning, like sapphires, and his peachy bronze cheekbones are certainly sexy.

  I reach out to touch the beautiful creature before me, my hand is wobbly. “I think I understand,” I say.

  Droplets of bay water slip from his hair, over his cheeks, and down to his mouth as he brings his chin above the surface. He stares at me through my wobbling fingers and he brings his lips to my touch. He allows his soft, pink lips to glide across my fingertips and my heart races. His lips are at least worthy of a kiss, except I know he wants, or needs, much more.

  “You want me,” I whisper as I inch my body closer.

  He nods.

  “You want to make love to me?”

  He smiles as if relieved and nods again. Yes.

  “Will it hurt? Can you hurt me?” I ask.

  His eyes squint and he looks confused but then, he chuckles and shakes his head. No.

  “Okay,” I say and take a big breath. “You can take—”

  Before I can finish, his mouth presses hard on mine. I let him kiss me with lips that are as chilled as the water, yet soft like a rosebud. He tastes as human as any man I have ever kissed, except with a hint of salt.

  I feel his hand slip under my arm and wrap around my back as his other hand grips my hair from the back of my head. My legs begin to float as we move backward. My back comes into contact with the sand on the beach and he lays me down with my legs still in the water. Hovering over me, he stares into my eyes as I feel a tug at my waist—he hastily unsnaps the button to my shorts.

  I hear splashing and tilt my head up to see him scooting back as the fan of his tail is smacking at the water while he maneuvers himself. He yanks at my drenched shorts and underwear, which are putting up a fight as they stick to my skin, and he finally slips them down my legs passed one naked foot and then over the other still tied with a boot.

  Gliding back on top of me, I feel his abdomen and skin make contact with mine, but the rest of him is wedged between my legs—it’s heavy, scaly, and awkwardly slippery like a fish. The vast end of a fish is between my legs and I have no idea how the rest of this is going to work, but I’m hoping he does.

  He pulls up one side of my soaked shirt and pulls up my bra, wasting no time in wrapping his lips around my nipple to suck and I gasp.

  He knows exactly what he’s doing.

  I close my eyes and lie still, not sure what to think or do. I consider the fact maybe I did die and I’m in some type of Heaven or Hell or worse—Purgatory!

  Although, it certainly feels a lot more like Heaven as his hand slides under the other side of my bra to massage my other breast while he keeps sucking on one nipple.

  Abruptly, he stops. I open my eyes and he’s looking at me funny. “What’s the matter?” I whine.

  He reaches for my hand and puts it on his face, so I’m cupping his cheek and he slides his cheek back and forth over the inside of my palm.

  “You want more than just to make love to me, don’t you?” I ask and he nods. I remove my shirt and bra and bring my face up to his and lick his salty lips. “You want me to make love back to you. That’s the reward you want—you need love.”r />
  His tail makes a big splash and I feel like it’s raining. I can’t believe what I’m about to do, but I’m sure Aunt Cora, and even Kumiko, would be proud.

  I lean up to kiss him, wrapping my arms under his biceps and digging my hands into the part of him that is human...mostly. He kisses me hard, pulling my hair on the top of my head and bringing me to rest on the sand. Then, he nuzzles my neck as he shifts his weight a little to one side. I feel his hand reach between my legs and a finger enters me, making me wetter than a jellyfish. He pulls his finger out quickly and I feel him doing something with his hands to himself down there. I try to tilt my head up to see, but he pulls at my hair so I can’t as he centers himself back over me.

  Then I feel it.

  His hard cock, or whatever it is, at the rim of my pussy as he glides into me. I close my eyes again to avoid the bright glare of the sun as he pushes himself further and further in—it’s so damn deep! He thrusts himself in and out a few times and it feels like he’s getting deeper.

  “Ah!” I sigh and he kisses me, burrowing his tongue into my mouth. I dig my claws deeper into his back, which makes him thrust harder.

  Water droplets sprinkle my face as I escape his kiss to peer over his shoulders at his tail still making a splash.

  It’s crazy, but it turns me on. I feel like a goddess being showered by the spray of the ocean.

  I wrap one leg around his fishtail and he lets out a soft, airy moan. He yanks at my hair tightly as he grunts and his whole body—torso and fishtail, jerk in wild motions within my taut grasp. His face looks like he is in ecstasy as he grunts deeply and comes in me, flooding me with his semen.

  His body relaxes as he pulls himself out of me, but I don’t want to let him go. He takes my hands from behind his back and lifts my leg that’s wrapped around him. I think he’s done—that’s all he wanted.

  I want to cry. Moments ago, I was screaming at the sight of him and now I’m about to weep because I’m about to lose him.


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