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I Remember You

Page 10

by Mairsile Leabhair

  Maneuvering her towards the couch, Aidan gently laid her down, and stood over her. She was deliberately going slow, not only to enhance the arousal, but to make sure that Vicky was afforded every titillating pleasure she could provide for her. As Vicky watched Aidan, her eyes hungry with need, Aidan unbuttoned her own shirt, letting it fall to the floor. She smiled humbly at Vicky’s gaping eyes, large with desire at the unveiling of Aidan’s pert breasts, already at the tipping point.

  Vicky caught her breath, as Aidan’s finely toned body bent over to remove her jeans. Her abdomen, rippling with muscles, was almost as taut as her rock hard buttocks, and long sinewy legs. From her thick auburn hair, to the thick ginger hair of her pubis, Aidan was the most strikingly sensual woman Vicky had ever seen.

  Aidan started to lay down with her, when Vicky suddenly put her hands on Aidan’s chest, “Get this straight. We are lovers now, not boss and employee, understand?”

  “Oh kid, you stopped being my boss, the minute you kissed me.” And to assuage her question, Aidan licked Vicky’s pink nipple, and then she softly blew on it with her hot breath. The tip presented its self to her, and Aidan suckled on it until it puckered, it’s peak hard and sensitive. The tantalizing rush went straight to Vicky’s clit, and caused her to moan deeply.

  “Is this okay, Vicky?” Aidan asked, with a sudden feeling of déjà vu, but she shrugged it off. Now is not the time to try to remember something.

  “Oh, God, yes,” she exhaled breathlessly.

  Aidan nipped and tugged her way down until she reached Vicky’s thighs. Sliding her hand between them, she felt her way to the throbbing organ floating just beneath the swollen hood, and knew Vicky was close.

  “Please, honey, please, I want to come!” she cried.

  “Not yet, I want you to enjoy this,” Aidan skillfully but slowly, caressed and teased her lover until the sweet intense torture had her begging for release. So much so, that Vicky giggled loudly, and grabbed Aidan’s arm. Damn, I’m making her giggle. Why does that seem so familiar?

  Finally, Vicky lay shuddering in her arms, breathless.

  Aidan asked, “Are you okay?”

  “Oh God, Aidan. That was fantastic.” She replied still moaning with pleasure. Just like I knew it would be. Her dream, her fifteen years of yearning, longing to be taken by Aidan, had finally been fulfilled, more so than she had dared dream was possible.

  Aidan leaned over Vicky, losing herself in the elation of the moment, “God, you are so beautiful. I love you,” she whispered as she bent down and kissed her gently on the lips.

  But Vicky pushed her down, and then leaned over her. Her heart pounded in her chest, as loud as when they were making love. She could barely hear herself ask, “You… you love me, Aidan?”

  Aidan’s world stopped turning on its axle for a moment, as it waited for her to make the decision she feared most, for a multitude of reasons. Not the least of which was her amnesia. She looked at Vicky and nodded, “Yes, I really do.”

  For Vicky, the earth was spinning so bad, she had to hold on to Aidan to keep from falling. “Oh, thank God! I love you too, Aidan, more than you can ever know.” Regardless of whether Aidan’s memories come back or not, Vicky had her love again, and that was good enough for her. She kissed her deeply, urgently, and then hungrily kissed her way to Aidan’s breasts, sending the sweetest, tingling sensation down Aidan’s arched body. Vicky smiled, pleased with her response.

  “It’s okay, Vicky. All I want to do is please you,”

  “You have, darling,” she cupped her lover’s breasts, “Now it’s your turn. Please, tell me what pleasures you?” She asked as she moved her leg between Aidan’s thighs, feeling the slickness of her desire.

  “You do. You pleasure me. You have since the first moment I laid eyes on you, back in the pub.” She could barely grunt the words out as Vicky teased her breasts, then wrapped her hand in Aidan’s hair and pulled her close. Taking her time, Vicky soon had Aidan at the apex.

  “Oh God, baby, I can’t hold it any longer!”

  “That’s it, darling, that’s more like it.” Aidan called her baby, something Vicky wanted to hear from her lover, not her employee. That’s right darling, I’m your baby. She realized she didn’t have the same control as Aidan, and when Aidan climaxed, so did she. Separately the ecstasy had been very satisfying, but together, sharing the rapturous eruption between their bodies was orgasmic heaven.

  The two women fell exhausted, into each other’s arms, holding on as the last ripple of rhapsody dissipated. Vicky snuggled closer to Aidan, resting her head on her lover’s shoulder. She ran her soft finger across Aidan’s collar bone, and asked, “So, got any plans for the rest of the weekend?”

  “Well, more of the same, would be nice.” Aidan grinned, and kissed Vicky on the nose. “But, I thought I’d go grave hunting tomorrow. Wanna come along?” she asked, half-heartedly.

  “Um… okay.”

  “Really? That’s great. I did some research online, and found that my parents are buried in a town, not too far from here. I want to see if I can find it. Maybe it will bring back some memories.”

  “Oh, um, is that such a good idea? I mean, couldn’t it be traumatic for you?” She was worried. She wanted Aidan to be whole again, because that’s what Aidan wanted. But what of the love they just declared for each other. She could learn to be satisfied with just that.

  “Not any more traumatic than it is not knowing, and I need to know, Vicky.” A fog of sadness clouded her eyes. “I can’t stand the emptiness I feel inside, because of not knowing who I am. You have filled up the hole in my heart, Vicky, but that void in my mind.., I just have to know.

  It broke Vicky’s heart, to know her friend, her lover, was so sad. She realized now that she could not be enough. What they could have together, would not be enough. Vicky took a deep breath, “If that’s what you want to do, then I say, let’s do it.”

  “Really, you’ll go with me?” She pulled her close and kissed her on the forehead, “Thank you, Vicky, this means a lot to me.”

  “Aidan, I’ll help you anyway I can. I promise you that, but…,” she trailed off, afraid to put a voice to the fear in her heart.

  “But what?”

  “Never mind, I’m just being silly.”

  Aidan tilted Vicky’s chin toward her, “But what?” she repeated.

  “But if you get your memory back, will you still…, will we still, you know, have this?” She just couldn’t let go of the what if’s.

  “Here, sit up. I want to tell you something,” she helped Vicky up, and then arranged herself, so she could look directly into her lover’s questioning eyes. “I’ve been with my share of women, I’ll admit that, right off. There’s not much else to do, when your rehab session is done. But not one of them, had the kind of passion, and compassion, that I have seen in you. They only filled the physical need I had. You fill my heart and soul. From the very moment we met, I felt so comfortable with you. It’s like we’ve known each other all our lives. I like this feeling, and I want to hold on to it. I want more of it. Like I said, you are not just a one night stand to me, Vicky. I’m in love with you.”

  The love Vicky felt for this woman, and the love she felt from this woman, was compelling her to reveal her secret. “Aidan, I need to tell you something… I…, I…” Oh, God, what if Richard is right, and the truth is too much for her?

  “What is it, baby?”

  “Um, I love you too,” she pulled Aidan down again and placed her warm hand over her heart. “Mm, I don’t want this to ever end,” she murmured.

  “Does it have to?”

  “Well, I don’t know, what did you have in mind, soldier?”

  Aidan leaned in, and kissed her forehead, “Oh, I was thinking, maybe a little of this,” she kissed Vicky’s soft eyelid, “a little of that,” then she kissed the tip of her nose.

  “Want to move this into the bedroom, where there’s more room to play?” Vicky offered, as she took Aidan’s hand, and led
her down the hall.

  Her boudoir was as large as her kitchen, and had a southern charm, all its own. Large bay windows that over looked a small lake, enhanced the room’s charisma. A four poster bed stood in the center of the room, with a flowing cream color canopy enclosing it. Overstuffed pillows leaned against the head board, with a pink comforter lying across the foot of the bed. The blades of the ceiling fan, slowly oscillated overhead. A chunk jewel‒leaded, floral motif glass lamp, sat on the bedside table, a framed photograph beside it. In front of the bed was a bench, and on the opposite wall from that was a matching dresser.

  But Aidan wasn’t interested in the décor. Her focus was only on Vicky’s nude body.

  They stood embracing at the edge of the bed, as Vicky ran her fingers across Aidan’s muscular shoulder’s, then down her back. She abruptly stopped. “What’s this?” she asked, as she turned her around to get a better look. “Aidan, that looks like…, like you’ve been whipped?” Vicky was suddenly transported back in time, back to the beatings Aidan’s father had, on several occasions, inflicted upon her back. Oh my God! Her eyes welled up, overcome with emotion, as the memory came back to Vicky, full force.

  “It’s possible, I don’t really know for sure. I don’t remember how they got there.” Aidan tilted her head around, and saw the tears in Vicky’s eyes. Her heart turned to jelly, “Ah, please, don’t cry kid, they mean nothing to me.”

  For once, Vicky was glad Aidan had no memory of those dark days. She nodded her head, and began kissing each ridge on her back, with as much tenderness as she could transmit. A soft moan from Aidan, brought her back to the present.

  “Keep that up, and I’ll come where I stand,” she sighed.

  “And that would be a bad thing, why? Vicky smiled and turned her around, planting a burning kiss on her lips. She pushed her down on the bed, and leaned over her. “Now, where were we?” She grinned down at Aidan, her breasts falling mouthwateringly close to Aidan’s lips.

  Aidan entangled her fingers in Vicky’s golden mane, and pulled her in for a kiss. Then she reached up to those full, sassy breasts, mercilessly teasing her, and filled her hands with them, teasing them back. Vicky tilted her head back, and groaned with pleasure. Aidan rolled her over onto her back and brushed her fingers across Vicky’s ribs, producing a reaction that she realized was from being tickled. Thinking she could have some fun, she tickled her lover until Vicky squealed for mercy.

  “Say what I want to hear, and I’ll stop.” Aidan was suddenly annoyed by another flash of déjà vu.

  “Uncle!” she screamed, but that wasn’t what she wanted to hear, so she tickled her some more. Vicky giggled some more and then yelled, “Take me now.”

  “That’s what I wanted to hear,” She stopped tickling her and leaned in for a kiss, but Vicky put up her hands.



  “I have to go pee,” she whispered, “that’s the price you pay, for tickling me.”

  Aidan grinned at her, then climbed off, sitting on the side of the bed. “Well, all I can say is, you’d better hurry up, woman, or there will be more of the same, when you get back.”

  Vicky squealed again, and padded off to the bathroom, as Aidan smiled to herself, God, what a sexy ass she has.

  A few minutes later, Vicky returned to the bedroom, with a satisfied grin on her face. Suddenly, she stopped cold. Something’s wrong? Inhaling sharply, she saw Aidan, still completely nude, standing by the bedside table, holding the picture of them as children. Oh, no! I forgot about our picture!

  “What is this?” Aidan demanded.

  Gasping for air, her mouth completely dry, Vicky suddenly felt uncomfortable with her own nakedness, and grabbed her robe from the bench. “It’s…, it’s me and my best friend,” she said nervously, she slipped the robe on, “you know, when I was a kid.”

  Aidan carried the picture into the living room, threw it on the couch, and retrieved her jeans from the floor. Digging into the back pocket, she pulled out her wallet, and opened it. There, in the picture holder, beside her military ID, was the very same picture of her and Vicky together. She pushed it at her. “The Army gave me this billfold at the hospital, and said it was on me, when I was hit. I just assumed that was me in the picture, with that little blond girl. Now you’re saying, it’s of you and me? Is this some sort of sick joke? You knew who I was, all along, but you what, fucking forgot to tell me?” Her voice escalated as she crossed her arms angrily, waiting on an answer. Inside, her heart was racing to keep up with her mind, which was racing to understand such a betrayal.

  “No. Please, I mean, yes, but it wasn’t like that at all, Aidan.”

  “Fuck me!” Shaking with anger, Aidan quickly dressed, “Do you take all your new employees to your bed, so you can fuck with their hearts, Ms. Montgomery?” She pulled on her boots and continued, “I don’t know what kind of sick game you’re playing here, but I don’t want any part of it.” She didn’t wait for a response. She snatched her wallet from Vicky’s hands, and walked out the front door.

  Vicky slumped to the floor, her head in her hands, sobbing, Oh my God, what have I done!

  Chapter 8

  On the seedy side of town, in a dingy, smelly, smoke filled bar, sat a lonely alcoholic, about to finish off his last shot of whisky for the night, before passing out. He grabbed up the shot glass with the intention of moving to a dark corner, where he could sleep it off, relatively undisturbed. As he falls off the stool, he grabs hold of Aidan to steady his descent. She angrily shoves him off of her, suppressing a gag at the smell of his foul breath. Still holding his drink, he wobbles away, leaving her alone at last.

  “Another whiskey,” Aidan demanded, “And give me one of those cigars too.” She pointed to the box on the counter.

  The bartender eyed her contemptuously, but did as he was asked.

  She threw a twenty on the counter, then smelled the cigar, rolling it between her fingers. Do I smoke these things? The bartender handed her a lighter. Flicking it to life, she watched as the flame and the cigar kissed, without touching. She rotated the cigar methodically, watching as the embers formed a perfect ring. She embraced the mind numbing effect, that this ritual produced. Finally, she took a puff, and pushed it back through the cigar, cleaning out any impurities that the lighter might have caused.

  “You’ve smoke those before,” the bartender insinuated.

  Aidan took another puff, and held the flavor in her mouth for a moment, before blowing it out. As the smoke circled above her head, an extreme since of déjà vu slammed into her, and she almost reeled from its power. But it only served to fan the angry fire already inside of her. A fire that even the whiskey, couldn’t subdue. The aggravating fire of confusion, that caused her heart to break and her head to pound. “Fuck it!” Aidan downed her whisky, crushed the cigar out, then walked out of the bar.


  The dawning of a new day made no impression on Vicky. Her eyes, swollen red from crying for hours, couldn’t see that the sun had risen in the sky. Her head, congested from the tears saturating her soul, couldn’t hear the birds singing. She was so consumed with worry, that it almost kept her from hearing the ring of her cell phone. She grabbed up the phone, hoping it was Aidan. Instead, saw that Joyce had returned her call. She dialed her friend back, her tears flowing freely again.

  “Joyce! Oh, Joyce. What should I do?” Vicky cried into the phone.

  “Calm down hon, and tell me what’s wrong.”

  Vicky told her best friend about the scene with Aidan. Joyce had trouble understanding some of it, because Vicky was blubbering so badly, but she got the gist.

  “Vicky, she’s in shock. Her reaction was perfectly normal. She’ll calm down, you’ll see.”

  “What if she doesn’t? What if she hates me?”

  “She doesn’t hate you, hon. She’s lost right now, and you have to go find her.”

  “I don’t understand. Lost?”

  Joyce knew her friend was highly in
telligent in the business world, but when it came to matters of her own heart, she was all thumbs. “In her mind, you were playing a game with her emotions, just as she was beginning to trust you. You need to find her, and tell her the truth. I don’t care what you do, you have to get her to listen to you.”

  “But Dr. Kline said not to force her memories.”

  “Yeah, and we’ve seen how well that worked out, haven’t we? Look, I’m not saying Kline is wrong. But now the cat is out of the bag, and it’s a bitch getting kitty to go back in. Don’t get me wrong, I still have some reservations about what her memories will reveal, but I think it’s time to reveal them. At least, that way you’ll know, for sure, what kind of person she is. Use your own instincts, Vicky, follow your heart. It won’t fail you.”

  “Thanks, Joyce. Love you!”

  “Love you too, hon, now go get her!”

  Vicky quickly pulled on yesterday’s clothes, grabbed her keys and purse, and ran to her car. As she steered her Mercedes across town, frantically searching the city streets for any sign of Aidan, she pulled out her cellphone and dialed Aidan’s new phone number. There was no answer, and no voice mail available. She drove to her apartment, and knocked on her door, but there was no answer. Worried now, she jumped back in her car and gunned the gas. She headed straight for her hometown, and the cemetery. Aidan had said that she wanted to find her parent’s grave, and Vicky knew exactly where it was located. Forty frantic, very long minutes later, she pulled up to the gravesite. Aidan was nowhere to be found, but there were fresh flowers on the grave. Vicky ran to the caretaker, who was five rows up the path. He told her that the girl had indeed been there, and questioned him about Harold Cassidy. The caretaker had told Aidan that he had lived on the other side of town, but he wasn’t sure exactly where. Vicky was.

  She got back in her car, and headed over to her parent’s house. A wash of relief cascaded over her, when she saw Aidan’s Mustang. She park behind her, in front of Aidan’s childhood home. It looked more like a flop house now, than it did a home, and she thought it really needed to be torn down, before it fell down on its own. But it wasn’t the house she was running to, it was the treehouse in the back yard. Knowing that’s where she would go, if it were her, Vicky hoped Aidan would do the same thing.


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