Book Read Free

I Remember You

Page 19

by Mairsile Leabhair

  “Oh, I am sorry, are you all right?”

  Aidan put on her best forlorn face, “Yeah, it’s her loss.”

  “Well, this is my floor,” Barbara put her hand on the door to hold the elevator open, “See you later, I hope, I mean, I hope everything works out for you?”

  Aidan smiled at her and thought, man, so do I.


  As the employees gathered to take their seats, Vicky made her way up to the podium, scanning the room for Aidan. When she didn’t see her, she turned her attention to the notes for her speech. Just one glimpse, that’s all I need, and I’ll be happy.

  Aidan entered the room, and immediately looked around for Vicky, silently breathing a sigh of relief, when she saw her standing at the podium. Though she looked pensive, and more reserved than usual, Aidan was satisfied that she was alright.

  “Fancy meeting you here,” Barbara quipped, distracting Aidan by laying her hand on her arm, letting it linger there longer than necessary.

  “Yeah, it’s my job to take pictures of these things,” Aidan retorted, “and even though she’s here, I need to do my job.”

  “You mean, the one who dumped you is here? You mean she’s a she?”

  “Yeah, that’s her at the podium.” Aidan nodded toward Vicky.

  “Damn. Your ex is the CEO?”

  “Whose ex is the CEO?” Kate Moore, executive assistant to the finance director, walked up, and as usual, wanted to know everything.

  “Hey Kat. Her ex is the CEO. Can you believe that?” Barbara asked.

  “Yep. How dumb was I, huh?” Aidan sarcastically intoned, and shrugged for emphasis. She was hoping to flirt with one woman, now it looked like she had two women interested in her. “Uh, I’d be happy to tell you all about it, if you two ladies would like to join me?” she pointed toward the table right in front of them.

  The three settled in, and Kate spoke first, “A hot stud in bed, like you? What the hell was she thinking?” Kate left no doubt that she had slept with the CEO’s girlfriend, or as she was delighted to learn, her ex‒girlfriend.

  Aidan thought, this one has real class. Then she remembered who she was talking about, Kitty‒Kat‒Kate. A cat with claws in the bed, as she learned the hard way. Kate liked to kiss, and tell anyone who would listen. Now that Kate knew about the break up, the entire hospital would know, in a matter of hours.

  Vicky looked up, checking the microphone, and scanning the room, smiling at the employees. When she saw Aidan, her heart skipped a beat. Then she saw who Aidan was sitting with. Well, that certainly didn’t take very long. She felt that they were sitting too close to her, and Kate had her hand on Aidan’s knee. When Vicky looked closer, she saw that the knee was bouncing. She remembered that Aidan always did that as a child, when she was doing something she didn’t like, or felt trapped by. Vicky let out a happy sigh. I love that knee.

  She spoke into the microphone, “If I could have everyone’s attention, please.” Aidan deliberately kept talking, so Vicky acted cross, “Ms. Cassidy, would you please let me do the talking?”

  The room went deathly quiet, except for a few quick gasps. It wasn’t like the CEO to call someone out, in front of the others.

  “Sorry, ma’am,” Aidan snarked back. Barbara patted her on the shoulder, which caused her leg to bounce even faster. That did not go un-noticed by Vicky, but she forced herself not to smile.

  As the ceremony got underway, Aidan grabbed her camera and began taking pictures of everyone in the room, as well as of Vicky, though that one was more for herself. Vicky took a few minutes to talk about the criteria that the committee looks for, when choosing the Employee of the Year. Then she announced the winner. Much to her growing annoyance, that turned out to be Barbara. With a touch of gallantry, Aidan extended her elbow, and escorted Barbara to the podium, eliciting a smile from her, and a frown from Vicky.

  Vicky handed her the plaque, as Aidan took pictures. Barbara beamed at Vicky, accepted the award, then turned around and hugged Aidan.

  Though surprised by it, Aidan made a point to hug back, “Congratulations. Can I treat you to a celebratory drink tonight?”

  Vicky, overhearing their conversation, quickly turned her head away. All the pain she went through to get Aidan back, years and years of longing for her, and just when they profess their love for each other, it’s ripped away from her, again. Why am I crying, I know this isn’t real. It’s just so damn unfair. But the worst part, the part that sent the tears flowing down her cheeks, was that Aidan was close enough to touch, to smell, and to hold. But she couldn’t. She was in hell.

  Yvonne saw that her boss was distressed, and discretely brought her a tissue. Grateful, Vicky looked into her assistant’s knowing eyes, and patted her arm. Regaining self-control, she turned back to the audience, finishing her speech. As she spoke, her eyes searched for Aidan, not knowing that Aidan had left, when she saw the tears.

  Afterwards, Barbara was showing off her award to friends, and bragging about how she was asked out by the CEO’s ex‒girlfriend, as if that somehow put her station in life, higher than everyone else.

  Yvonne watched Vicky leave the room, then walked over to Barbara and whispered in her ear, “Back off Barbara, give them a chance to work things out.”

  Barbara looked at her with disdain, and countered, “Jealous much?”

  “Of you? Don’t make me laugh.”

  Later that day, as Aidan was taking pictures in the front lobby, Barbara walked over to her, and started a conversation. Busy with the charade of flirting, Aidan didn’t see Vicky walk up to the cappuccino bar.

  “Can I get the usual, please, Beth?”

  “Of course, Ms. Montgomery, one minute please.”

  While she waited, she greeted employees, and visitors alike.

  “Your coffee’s ready, Ms. Montgomery.”

  “Thank you, Beth.” She paid for her coffee and turned to leave, colliding straight into Barbara. Her coffee splashed down Barbara’s uniform. “Oh my, I am so sorry.”

  Aidan tried not to smile, as she wondered if the whole thing hadn’t been staged. That was one déjà vu she could remember, because she had done the same thing. She secretly hoped this one was intentional too.

  “Imansız! Why don’t you watch where the hell…” Once Barbara realized it was Vicky, she immediately suppressed her anger. “Oh, um, Ms. Montgomery, no problem, of course,” she wiped the coffee off as best she could, then turned to Aidan, “I need to go change. Will I see you later, Aidan?” Aidan nodded her head, and Barbara, slinging a dart at Vicky with her eyes, quickly left.

  “That was pretty clumsy of you, Ms. Montgomery.” Aidan’s tone was sarcastic, but the twinkle in her eyes went straight to Vicky’s heart.

  Oh, it’s my turn. Vicky shot back, “Clumsy of me? You should watch where you’re walking, Ms. Cassidy. Now I have to get another cup of coffee.” This would be comical if it wasn’t so damn depressing.

  “Here, let me get that for you, Ms. Montgomery.” Teresa, an RN from general surgery, volunteered.

  “Oh, that’s so sweet of you, Teresa. Please, call me Vicky.”

  Teresa blushed, “All right, Vicky,” then she turned to Beth, “Can I get another coffee for Vicky, please? And I’ll have my usual also. Thanks Beth.” Teresa had heard all about their breakup from Kate, and was genuinely, just trying to be nice.

  Not knowing this, Aidan was blindsided by the instant chemistry between them. She didn’t like the way her insides immediately twisted into knots, at the sight of Vicky’s hand on Teresa’s shoulder, or how Teresa was standing so close to Vicky. Not that Vicky was being overly affectionate, far from it. But the implication was there.

  Aidan had to leave. Another moment, and she would have pulled Vicky into her arms, claiming her as her own. They both thought that this would be all about Aidan flirting with another woman. But when the tables turned, Aidan was not prepared for it, and it cut her to the quick. What Aidan didn’t realize was that everyone, men and women alike,
even some of the straight women, like Teresa, delighted in flirting with Vicky. Some were legitimate come‒on’s, but most were because of the power she possessed, as the CEO. Their boss, as it were. Vicky lived with it every day, and never gave it a second thought. But this was Aidan’s first encounter, and she did not like it one bit.


  Aidan walked into her apartment, shut and locked the door, threw her keys on the TV, then walked into the kitchen. She grabbed a beer from the fridge, and guzzled it down. It didn’t help. Her frustration was still there. “What the fuck is wrong with me?” she shouted, “I know it’s just an act, I know this.” Still her jealousy, coupled by her lack of control with the situation, was too much for her. She threw the bottle against the wall and watched it shatter into a million pieces. “Shit!” She walked into the bedroom, took the framed picture off the wall, and collapsed on the bed. Looking intently at the image of Vicky praying, a sprinkle of holy water on her cheek, she released the emotions she had kept bottled up. “I’m so sorry, baby, God, I’m so sorry.” Aidan pulled out the cell phone that Bradshah had given her, and considered calling Vicky. Reluctantly, she talked herself out of it.

  This is so fucked up! She began to believe that it wasn’t going to work. Seeing Vicky cry today, broke her heart so deeply that she had to run away, for fear she would run to her. There’s got to be some other way. Remembering that nurse flirting with Vicky, made Aidan’s jealousy boil again. And this was the first damn day, she thought. How the fuck can I do this for days on end? I’d sooner be dead. As she lay there in torment, she suddenly had an idea. She played the idea out in her head, until she was sure it was doable. Then, using her burn phone, she called Tom Bradshah’s office.

  “Tom, it’s Aidan, I’ve got an idea I want to run by you. I think it will speed things up, a great deal. Where can I meet you?”


  Looking out her window, Vicky sat in her office, thumping her pen on the desk. When she had turned around, and saw Aidan’s back retreating down the hallway, she had all but panicked. Unable to concentrate, she put her work aside, and brought up the internet. Browsing through her bookmarks, she found the Facebook page for SPC Jerry Williams. Scrolling down the page until she found the picture of the destroyed Stryker, she read the post under it.

  I was shot and lying on the side of the road, in a great deal of pain. I heard a female screaming; I think someone was dragging her off because the screams got further away, and then stopped. Then out of the smoke came this girl, barreling toward me. It was SFC Cassidy. She was screaming for someone named Sam, but was running toward me. I tried to stand, but saw something come out of the grass, then I heard a loud pop. I just sat there and watched as Cassidy was hit. But that didn’t stop her. She pulled up her weapon and shot the enemy dead. I don’t mind telling you, I was scared shitless. But she grabbed me up and helped me back to the Stryker. I’m here today because of Cassidy, and I will be indebted to her the rest of my life.

  Vicky scrolled back up to the top of the page, and looked for his location. He was stationed at Fort George G. Meade, in Maryland. Thinking he might help Aidan remember something, she sent him a message via his Facebook account.

  “Vicky?” Yvonne put her hand on Vicky’s shoulder, making her jump.

  “Oh, Yvonne, I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you come in.” Vicky quickly closed down the browser.

  “You’re late for your next meeting,” Yvonne stated, as she handed her another cup of coffee.


  The once popular truck stop was almost deserted, thanks to the mega highway that had shifted the city in the opposite direction. Aidan waited for the waitress to leave, then looked at Bradshah, and asked, “So what do you think, can we pull it off?”

  “We thought of going that route, Aidan, but it was decided to go with the breakup, so they would know it wasn’t a trick.”

  “But your way isn’t working, and it’s hurting Vicky, too much.”

  He looked at her skeptically.

  “All right, it’s hurting me, too. But I think my way will take care of the problem, and still get you what you want.”

  “Well, now that you have shown everyone your relationship is over, I’m inclined to agree. I’ll get you set up today, and you can start on it tomorrow. Keep me informed on your progress, okay? Oh, we’re analyzing the photos you took, and you were right. They didn’t show anything out of the ordinary. But we’re still running ID checks on the employees.”

  “Yeah, I was afraid that would be the case. I still need to take pictures of the empty shell, in the new tower. I’ll get those to you, as soon as I can,” Aidan replied.

  “Empty shell?”

  “It’s the floor in between the ER and Orthopedics. They haven’t built it out yet, so no one goes up there. That would be a good location to hide out in, I think.”

  Bradshah nodded, and picked up the check to pay. “Okay, you check into that, and let’s plan on meeting here, in two days, at this same time. You can give me a sitrep then, unless you have an emergency.”

  “Sounds good, thanks.”


  “Victoria,” Paul called, as he stopped Vicky in the hallway, next to the conference room. “I’d like you to meet our new security guard, Officer Bill Walsh. Bill comes to us, after a tour in Iraq.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Walsh. Thank you, for your service to our country, and this hospital.” Vicky extended her hand, and he gave it a firm shake. As she does with all new hires, to help her put a name to a face, Vicky took inventory. She noted that he was tall, thin, blue eyes, with blonde hair, a well‒kept mustache and beard, and he liked to tuck his thumbs in his belt, cowboy style.

  “I’ve asked him to keep a discrete eye on you, and‒‒”

  “Thanks Paul, but I don’t need a babysitter.”

  Bill let out a chuckle, that Paul did not appreciate. “I promise, ma’am, I’ll stay out of your way. You won’t even know I’m there.”

  “I appreciate that, Mr. Walsh.” turning to Paul, Vicky probed, “Why? Why do I need protection, again?”

  “Ma’am, call it going above and beyond the call of duty. I just want to be sure, and it’s only for a little while.” Paul was aware of a Secret Service Agent milling about, always in the proximity of Vicky. Though the agent had dressed down for his surveillance detail, Paul knew something was off, and he wanted to be prepared for anything. He wondered if Vicky was aware of the agent.

  She looked up at Paul, concentrating on what he wasn’t saying. “Paul, your gut is telling you something, isn’t it?”

  “Yes ma’am, it is.”

  She thought for a moment, then gave in, “Well, I trust your gut, Paul, so Mr. Walsh, welcome aboard.”

  “Call me Bill, ma’am.”

  “Paul, I assume Bill has been informed of the recent events here?”

  “Yes ma’am, I gave him the details earlier.”

  “Yeah, I’m sorry I wasn’t here for that, I would have made sure you were better protected,” he boasted, hoping to impress her.

  “Thank you, but I had all the protection I needed.” Her eyes fogged over for a second, then quickly focused again.

  “I’m sorry, ma’am, I meant no disrespect. I’m sure that girl did what she could.” He raked his fingers over his beard.

  “That girl?” Vicky growled, “That girl is a hero. She took a bullet meant for the President. She stopped the terrorist, and‒‒” Straightening her blazer she said, “Listen, I’m late for a meeting, it was nice to meet you.” Damn, I keep forgetting I’m supposed to be mad at her. But how can I possibly, when I love her so. Some actress I turned out to be. She nodded to Paul, and left the room.

  “Oh shit, I’ve pissed her off already.”

  “You’ve pissed me off too. If you ever speak to Ms. Montgomery like that again, you’ll be out on the street faster than you can say ‘aw shucks’, got it?”

  “Yes sir, I’m sorry, sir. It won’t happen again.”

ee that it doesn’t, Bill. She’s been through a lot, including a terrorist who had a gun to her head. It’s just, I’m…” Paul broke off, afraid his emotions would betray him.

  “You’re a good friend, sir.”

  “Yeah, well, your charge is halfway down the hall, move your ass.” Paul grinned as Bill took off running.

  He rushed down the hallway and caught up with Vicky, falling in step beside her. “I thought you were going to be invisible?” She asked irritably.

  “Yes, ma’am, but I wanted to apologize for the crack about that girl. I could tell it upset you, and I am sorry about that.”

  “Thank you, Bill, and just so you know, that girl, whose name is Aidan, is off limits, understand?”

  “Yes ma’am, understood. Perhaps, maybe someday, you’ll tell me about her. She sounds fascinating.”

  “You have no idea, Bill.” Vickey walked into her meeting, and Bill kept walking down the hallway, a wide grin on his face.


  After a long morning of meetings, Vicky swung by the cafeteria, for a cup of coffee, then headed back to her office. As she turned the corner, she almost ran into Aidan and Barbara, walking together. Looking up at Aidan, she bit her lip, to keep from kissing her right there and then. God, I miss you!

  “Sorry, Ms. Montgomery.” Barbara said stoically.

  “No problem, Barbara,” Vicky countered, not daring to look at Aidan. She walked around them, and continued to her office.

  Barbara watched her walk away, “Wow, she really hates you, doesn’t she?”

  Aidan just nodded her head, and kept walking. Hold on baby, it’s all going to come together, very soon.

  That afternoon, Bill Walsh, Vicky’s new security guard, discretely fell in behind her, as she headed for the cappuccino bar in the front lobby.

  “Victoria, got a minute?” Jack walked up to her, ignoring Bill all together. Jack Owens was the Administrator of St. Frances Hospital, and someone Vicky struggle to get along with, because his method of doing things, never seemed to balance with hers.


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