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I Remember You

Page 31

by Mairsile Leabhair

  “Well, it’s a long story, got a minute?” The president was known for being a laid back, and easy going kind of man, beloved by many for his charm. “A few years ago, when I was still in office, my mother was a patient at St. Frances, and a young upstart of a nurse, fresh out of college, took care of her.”

  He turned to Vicky, “My mother loved you, Vicky. I think she loved you, more because you bossed me around, than anything else.” The audience laughed as Trenton continued, “Vicky also took excellent care of me, during my recent stay, and yes, she was still bossing me around.” Another uproar from the audience, “So Vicky, on behalf of my mother and myself…” Trenton stood up, and pulled an oversized check from behind his seat, “I would like to give you a check, for two million dollars, as an endowment for the Lily Trenton Cardiology Wing, at St. Frances Hospital.”

  Vicky covered her mouth with her hands, too shocked to say anything at first. She looked at Aidan, who nudged her to stand up, which she did, and quickly composing herself, she accepted the check.

  Joyce and her surgery crew were watching the interview, in the doctor’s lounge at New York Cardiology Hospital, and Joyce shouted over the applause, “That’s my best friend!”

  “Thank you, Mr. President,” Vicky wiped the tears from her eyes, “it was a pleasure, bossing you around.” she beamed, as the audience roared and Aidan laughed. God, I wish I could be as cool as Vicky is, right now.

  Trenton and Vicky hugged, then Vicky sat back down beside Aidan, who grabbed her hand, and smiled lovingly at her.

  “She sounds just like my wife,” Trenton joked.

  Vicky’s parents were watching the show from their home, where Alice had invited the whole neighborhood, and her church, over to watch. She dabbed at her tears with a tissue, as the priest patted her back. Leonard was so proud of her that it made his heart race twice as fast. Ignoring the pain, he leaned in closer, so he could hear over the noise.

  Then President Trenton turned to Aidan, “And Aidan, I thought I would save the government the cost of a stamp, and hand deliver this letter to you, personally.”

  Aidan looked at Vicky, who squeezed her hand, and then she nervously stood up in front of the President. Trenton handed her the letter, “On behalf of President Sherman and myself, it is my extreme honor, to tell you, and all of America, that in one week you will be the first person, to ever receive both, the Medal of Honor and the Medal of Freedom, at the same time, for acts above and beyond the call of duty, in defense of your country.”

  The audience jumped to their feet in a standing ovation. Maggie and Vicky stood arm in arm, as Maggie offered her a tissue.

  As soon as the cheering died down, Trenton looked at Aidan, waiting for her to speak. But she was literally shaking in her boots, from all the attention. Overwhelmed, she looked at Vicky for help. She knew she was going to receive the medals, but standing here now, in front of an audience, with the President himself announcing it, made it all seem so overpowering for her. Vicky smiled, and put her hand over her heart, and mouthed, speak from the heart, honey.

  Aidan nodded, and looked at Trenton again. Swallowing hard, she said, “Thank you, sir, but I don’t deserve them. The soldiers who didn’t make it back, are the real heroes. They deserve this, more than I do.”

  Trenton smiled knowingly, and addressed the audience, “Over a year ago in Iraq, under heavy enemy gunfire, Aidan, single‒handily, rescued several of her comrades. And even though she was shot in the shoulder, she still left the safety of her vehicle, and risked her life, to save another.” The audience stood and applauded again, making Aidan extremely uncomfortable, and Vicky extremely proud.

  He turned to Aidan again, “They are heroes, Aidan, I agree with you on that, but by your acceptance, you honor them, and keep their memory alive,” As he saluted her, Aidan snapped to attention and returned the salute. The audience stood again, in a tremendous ovation.

  Then Trenton took his seat beside Maggie, and Aidan sat beside Vicky, who took her trembling hand and squeezed it.

  Maggie addressed Trenton, “We just have a few minutes, so tell me, besides the obvious, why is this so personal for you, Mr. President?”

  Trenton chuckled, “Well, you know how it is, Maggie. One to many deep fried turkeys…,” Aidan’s head shot up anxiously, “and your heart says enough, and you find yourself in the hospital with a heart attack. Vicky, personally, took care of me, and when some nutcase with a cause, wanted to use me for target practice, Aidan took care of him.” Trenton looked at the audience and said, “Aidan was shot, defending me, and Vicky was shot defending her.” The crowd gasped, and Aidan clinched Vicky’s hand tighter, rubbing her thumb over her palm.

  Maggie looked from Trenton, to the camera, “I’m afraid that’s all the time we have today, but check my website for more information on the Medals of Honor. Thanks for watching.”

  ‘And we’re clear, great show everyone.’

  Vicky looked at Aidan, who still sat frozen in place. Is she mad, or just in shock? “Are you okay, sweetheart?”

  Before Aidan could answer, she saw the President coming over, and she stood erect.

  “As you were, Aidan, I just wanted to see how it’s going for you?”

  “Everything’s going pretty good, sir, thank you so much, for your gift to Vicky’s hospital.”

  “You both are extraordinary women, and if ever you need anything, don’t hesitate to call me, understand?”

  “Understood, sir.” Yeah, like I’m going to just pick up the phone, and give you a call.

  Maggie invited Vicky and Aidan out to an early dinner, at her favorite restaurant, and Vicky called Joyce, to have her meet them there. She introduced Aidan to Joyce, and Joyce to Maggie, then the foursome sat down to a delicious meal, and stimulating conversation. They discussed everything from their favorite books, to politics, to the best southern restaurants in Little Rock. Vicky, Joyce and Maggie, did most of the talking, while Aidan sat back and watched, surprised that she was actually enjoying the girl chatter, for once.

  At some point, the conversation turned to Trenton’s generous gift to the hospital. Vicky leaned over to Joyce and quipped, “Now you’ll have to come work at St. Frances. Pretty soon, we’ll be a nationally acclaimed cardiovascular surgeon’s wet dream.”

  She winked at Joyce, who uncharacteristically blushed and exclaimed, “Vicky, not in front of Maggie!”

  Eventually, the time came for Aidan and Vicky to say goodbye, and catch their flight back to Little Rock. In the cab on their way to the airport, Vicky leaned against Aidan and asked, “Sweetheart, are you mad?”

  “Mad? At you?” Vicky’s question confused her.

  “Yes, because of the President and Maggie.”

  “Oh, no, why would you think I was mad?”

  “I wasn’t sure, I mean, I promise you, I did not know they were going to do that.”

  “Oh, kid, I didn’t think you had anything to do with that. I’ll admit, it was a shock, and very intimidating, but I thought it was well done, didn’t you?”

  Vicky replied enthusiastically, “Yes! It was so much fun. Which talk show do you want to do next?” she asked mischievously.

  Aidan smiled at her, “Whoa, baby, talk show overload.”

  “All ready?” she pouted.

  Aidan loved it when Vicky pouted, but wouldn’t back down, “I think you should do it by yourself. You’re a natural at it. You had Maggie eating out of the palm of your hand, and I was so proud of you.”

  She grinned, “Flattery will not work with me, Aidan Cassidy.”

  Aidan smiled again, and gently poked her lover in the ribs, but Vicky knew Aidan was serious about not doing any more talk shows. She was surprised that Aidan even made it all the way through this one.

  “Okay sweetheart, I’ll let you off the hook…, this time.”

  “Whew, thank you, baby,” she kissed her out of relief.

  “Besides, I think I’m done doing talk shows too,” Vicky concluded, “This show should
certainly have been enough to get the message across.”

  Once they arrived at home, Vicky wasted no time in transferring her excitement of the day, to her love making that night. By the time she was satisfied, Aidan was exhausted. It was rare when Vicky could out last Aidan, but this time she did. Not that Aidan minded.

  The next morning, still pumped from the day before, Vicky kissed her still sleeping lover, and left for work. She arrived early at the hospital, with the intent of catching up on paperwork, and visiting with the employees. She was worried about morale being down, due to the low census, and she wanted to reassure them that everything that could be done, was being done. She started on the ground level, with the Emergency Department. But when she walked in, it was organized chaos. She walked around, and saw that every pod had a patient in it, with nurses and techs running in and out. At the nurses desk, she overheard a phone conversation, where the unit coordinator was calling employees in to help. Vicky smiled. The unit coordinator only noticed her, after the phone call was completed.

  “Good morning, Ms. Montgomery! You were great on Maggie, yesterday.”

  “Thank you Susie, it was fun. What’s going on this morning? A bus accident, or train wreck, maybe?”

  “No, ma’am, everyone just wants to come to St. Frances again. Isn’t it fantastic?”

  “Wow, that is fantastic! Do you need anything?”

  “No, we’re good. I’ve called in extra help, so we should be fine.”

  The ER doctor, Skip Hayden, walked up, and asked Susie, “Have you alerted the other floors of the influx?”

  “About to do that now,” Susie replied, and picked up the phone again.

  “Good morning, Victoria.”

  “Good morning, Skip. Everything okay?”

  “It is now, thanks apparently, to your appearance on the Maggie show yesterday. That’s all the patients are talking about.”

  “Well, I’m glad it did some good. But I just got them to come in the door, it’s you and our employees who will keep them coming back.”

  Susie beamed up at them and bragged, “Well, since we’re the best in the state, that won’t be a problem.” Vicky and Skip both laughed.

  “I’ll leave it in your capable hands then.” Vicky said, and smiled as she walked to the elevator.

  Aidan woke to an empty bed, and immediately looked around for Vicky. After searching the house, she began to panic. She knew she was being irrational, but couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. She snatched up her cell phone, and began dialing. The sound of Vicky’s sweet voice on the other end, immediately released the tension in her shoulders.

  “Aidan, what’s wrong, you sound out of breath?”

  “Nothing’s wrong, kid, I just don’t like waking up to an empty bed anymore. You’ve spoiled me.”

  “Oh gosh. I’m sorry honey, I was trying to let you sleep in.”

  “No worries kid. I’ll jump in the shower, and be there in a few minutes.”

  Vicky visited every floor and department in the hospital that morning, encouraging, supporting, and applauding the employees, as she went. Her last stop was the cafeteria, where she got a cappuccino, and talked with the catering director, “Yes, free lunches for all employees today, and put it on my tab. Thanks.”

  Then she headed over to the chapel. Walking in, she genuflected before the Blessed Sacrament, then sat down in the secluded area in the back of the chapel, and knelt on the foot pedestal. She clasped her hands together, lowered her head, and began to pray.

  Aidan arrived at the hospital in record time. As she entered the back door, Special Agent Greene was exiting, carrying a medium size box.

  “Packing it in?” she asked.

  “Yes, we’ll continue the investigation, back at headquarters.”

  “Any new developments in the case?”

  “Jack Owens confessed to purchasing the detonators.”

  “Did he plant them as well?” Aidan couldn’t imagine that someone like him would have the knowhow, let alone the guts.

  “We don’t think so. He was just the patsy go‒between, used as an infiltrator and a bank account. We are tracking the money, but lost the trail in Turkey.”

  “Turkey?” Why does that mean something to me? Maybe it’s because I’ve been there, but can’t remember why. Damn this memory!

  Aidan had been briefly stationed in Turkey, when the Commanding General of the 5th Brigade, sent a request to the Lt. Colonel of the 31st Battalion, asking that a photographer accompany him to Ankara, Turkey, for a mid‒level General Staff meeting. The General anticipated the presence of some high level dignitaries at the meeting, and wanted to make sure a photographer was standing by. SFC Aidan Cassidy accompanied him to Ankara, the center of the Turkish Government, where all the foreign embassies were located. Before she left for Turkey, the Army had taught Aidan the fundamentals of the Turkish culture, the essential phrases of the language, and the risk assessment.

  As she knelt on the pedestal, Vicky looked up at the small statue of Jesus and said, “Thank you, Heavenly Father. Thank you for believing in me, and this hospital, enough to bring the patients back to us. Please, God, bless our patients, our physicians, and our devoted staff, with your grace,” Vicky began to softly cry, releasing the tension, anxiety and emotions she had kept bottled up for days, “And thank you, Lord, for bringing Aidan back to me, and her memories, as well. In your Son’s most holy name, Amen.”

  She finished her prayer, unaware that Aidan stood behind her, listening. Aidan wasn’t trying to eavesdrop, she was trying to be respectful. She put her hand on Vicky’s shoulder, causing her to jump. “Please don’t cry, kid. It kills me when you cry.”

  Vicky stood up, and put her hand on Aidan’s cheek, “It‘s okay, sweetheart, they’re tears of joy. Joy that the hospital is saved. Joy that the terrorists are finally gone, and joy that you have your memories back. I have so much to be thankful for, honey.”

  Aidan gently wiped Vicky’s tears away, looked up toward heaven and prayed, “God, do you know what a special woman this is?” She looked back at Vicky and smiled, then realized who she was praying to. Looking back to heaven, she added, “What am I saying? You’re God. Of course you know. Please, help me to not screw this up, okay God? Thanks. Amen.”

  Vicky knew, for Aidan, that was as succinct as she knew how to be with God, and Vicky wouldn’t change a thing about her. Aidan didn’t believe in organized religions, but she did believe in God, she just wasn’t as outgoing about it, as Vicky was.

  Vicky asked excitedly, “Ready to go call the corporate board, and tell them the good news?”

  “I’m ready to call them something all right, but I can’t say what that is, in church.”

  Chapter 20

  In the deepest, darkest parts of a person’s subconscious, lie little memories that are revealed in minute segments, at different times. It often makes it frustratingly impossible to connect the dots. But when the dots do come together, the collision can be tremendous.

  “Barbara, this is Victoria Montgomery, is Ginnie Mayflower available? Thank you, I’ll hold.”

  “Fuck me!” Aidan suddenly had a revelation.

  Vicky put her hand over the phone and quipped, “I can’t right now honey, I’m on the phone.”

  Aidan knew Vicky was talking with the corporate office, but she hit the switch and hung up on them, anyway.


  “Barbara!” She said excitedly, “It’s Barbara!” She put her arm around Vicky’s back, grabbed her arms, and lifted her up, and out of her chair.

  “Honey, are you all right?” Vicky was confused by Aidan’s wild eyed look. “What does the chairwoman’s executive assistant have to do with anything?”

  “Not that Barbara. The employee of the year, Barbara Cox, on Ortho.” Aidan sat in Vicky’s chair, in front of the computer, and pulled up a browser. She typed in the word infidel, and used the translation option. She immediately recognized the translation, and slapped her hand down on th
e desk. “Okay, hear me out. Remember when you…,” Aidan held up two fingers on each hand, and curled them, forming the quote sign, “accidentally, ran into Barbara with that cup of coffee?”

  Vicky blushed, ashamed that she had done it deliberately.

  “Barbara was pretty ticked off, and said imansız, before she realized it was you. I didn’t think anything about it, because I thought she’d just got her tongue tied, or something. But it stuck in my brain, until just now.”

  “I’m not following you, sweetheart.”

  “Imansiz is Turkish for infidel. Infidel means non‒believer. When Jack was arrested, he called you an infidel.”

  “Um…, still confused.”

  “Oh, sorry. The part that connects everything together, is that Agent Greene said they traced the money to Turkey.”

  “Oh? Oh! Oh that bitch!”

  Aidan laughed, as understanding danced across Vicky’s face.

  “And I gave her a plaque for being a good employee!” Vicky seethed with resentment. “I want her out of this hospital!”

  Aidan pulled out her cellphone, and dialed in a number. “Agent Greene, I have something very important to tell you, can you come to Vicky’s office, as soon as possible? I think we found a third infiltrator.” She gave Greene the details, then put away her phone.

  “Aidan, what if she leaves before they get here?”

  “Why would she? If she’s still here, then she thinks she got away with it.”

  But Vicky wasn’t satisfied with leaving things to chance. So together, they came up with a plan to catch Barbara.

  “Hey, Barbara! I’m glad I found you.” Aidan was calling from her cellphone. “Listen, can you come down to Vicky’s office? I need to take your picture with her again.” Vicky rolled her eyes, “Yeah, the ones I took the day of the ceremony, aren’t good enough quality for the newspaper. Okay, see you in a few minutes.”


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