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Page 18

by Robin Roseau

  “I wouldn’t,” she assured me.

  “I don’t know if I’d like that or not. I suspect not, but if so, I’d tell you, and you wouldn’t do it next time, right?”

  “Right,” she agreed.

  “Don’t abuse me. Don’t neglect me. And take care of me afterwards. Will you do that?”

  “Of course.” She reached out with her free hand and brushed my hair. “Your hair coated in resin looked amazing, but I prefer your hair this way.”

  “That’s fine,” I said.

  She paused. “What if I let your sister or mother order you around a little.”

  “Sex?” I squeaked.

  “No. Maybe massages. I don’t know. What if?”

  “Don’t leave me with them,” I said. “And don’t leave me somewhere someone else can steal me or something.”

  “I won’t,” she said.

  “If I win, I won’t be this daring,” I said. “But I’ll make you help at the inn. Will that be okay?”

  “Yes, but not with a lot of autonomy, and I’d rather not have to accept orders from too many people.” She smiled. “You aren’t going to win.”

  “I bet Lady Olivia is better than you are, and you saw what I did to her.”

  “She underestimated you. I have no intention of doing so.”

  “I don’t think she underestimated me that much. I think the change surprised her, and then I think she cooperated for her own reasons, perhaps to give me faith in myself.”

  “Claary, if you had stayed out of her cage and sent the girls in, she wouldn’t have made it. She had no control over them, and if you weren’t bathing in the resin, you would have been able to hold out.”

  “If there were any danger of my winning, the girls would have turned on me and not relented. They only did what I ordered because they were convinced they safely could. They wanted me to lose so they could play with me.”

  “You need to decide,” she said. “Either you nearly beat her, and thus you’re a significant challenge for me, or it wasn’t even close, and it won’t be close with me.”

  “Maybe that event played to strengths no one knew I had,” I replied.

  “Well, there’s that possibility, too.”

  “The twins were a pair of wildcards.”

  “They should have completely ignored your orders, Claary.”

  “Let’s not argue about it and discuss what we’ll do.”

  “There are group events.”

  “Another time,” I said.

  “A lot of the military members, when dealing with a complete civilian, like adding an element of combat.”

  “Where you force us, wrestle us to the ground or something. Is that what you want?”

  “No. I like it simple. You and me. One tub of resin. Two stools. No restraints, but you may not climb from the stool until the resin reaches your belly button. Extra devices around in case they’re needed.”

  “It sounds like it tends to turn into a wrestling match after all.”

  “Sometimes. Or sometimes someone is so overcome that she can’t move, even once it’s allowed. Or sometimes she does move, climbing into the lap of the other, and then they move together, but it’s the one who was ahead who loses.”

  “We can do it your way,” I said. “I’ll consider it a victory if the resin reaches here on you.” I indicated a spot a little lower than the base of my sternum.

  “I’ll accept you being proud if that happens, but we’re not redefining a victory.”

  I laughed. “Fair enough.” I smiled. “Did you want a test drive?”


  “Then come with me.”

  * * * *

  I prepared her stool, and she prepared mine. I wet the device for her, which caused her to laugh. And then two guards stepped to each of us. They took our arms and, at the same time, lowered us into place. I wriggled and smiled then looked up at my guards. “You two are good at that.”

  They smiled at me. “When is my turn?” one asked.

  “I’m sure Captain Bess would be happy to indulge you,” I replied.

  “That’s not what I meant.”

  I smiled. “You know where to find me.” I turned to Bess, who had been watching this. “You’re going to spend the next week on your knees, your ass it the air, while I pleasure you over and over.”

  She laughed. “Doesn’t do a thing for me.”

  “Uh uh,” I said. I looked down at her feet.

  “I haven’t called ‘begin’ yet,’ said Judge Jessla.

  I turned to her. “You know where to find me, too.”

  She laughed. “Ready? Begin.”

  Bess was too far to reach with my hands, but my legs were longer. I lifted both of them, which caused me to settle more completely, but then I reached and set them down in her lap. I pushed down on her, which only caused me to squirm, and she laughed.

  “Go ahead,” she said.

  So I moved my heel between her legs. And then I began pressing and releasing, pressing and releasing.

  She gasped but grabbed my foot and pushed it away. I started to slip and flailed, but then recovered my balance.

  “Don’t fall,” she said.

  I hooked one foot into the stool and then tried using the other to tease her. Bess laughed and pushed my foot away again. Then the third time she caught and held tightly. There was a glint in her eye, and then she lowered fingernails to my foot and began tickling.

  I went crazy for a moment and finally yanked my foot free. The other unhooked from the stool, and I barely avoided falling again.

  Bess waved a finger at me. “You’re not playing this game properly.”

  “I think I hurt myself,” I said.

  “I didn’t think you were into that, Cee.”

  “Cute,” I replied.

  “Hook your legs and let’s get serious,” she said. She hooked her own into the rungs of the stool, her toes dipping into the resin. She swirled at it with her toes, and the resin climbed up her feet a few inches.

  I looked up, and she was watching me. “You want me, don’t you?”

  She smiled. “Are you afraid, Cee?” She looked down. “Hook your feet.”

  I thought about it and then slowly moved them down, dipping my toes into the resin, then wrapping my legs around the stool, settling into position.

  “Move with me,” Bess ordered. “Come on, Cee. Move with me.” She lifted herself slightly. I smiled and went with it. We did a little up and down.

  And it felt really, really good. I let Bess take control, and that felt good. I glanced down, and my feet were coded in red. Bess wasn’t that far behind me.

  “Don’t worry about that,” she said. “It feels good, Cee. Obeying me feels good, too.” She continued to speak, and we continued to move.

  I closed my eyes for a while, letting myself go, moving, listening to her words. She encouraged me, she encouraged me to think of submitting to her. And I felt the resin climb. That felt good, too.

  “It feels good to just let go,” she said. “I’ll take such good care of you, Cee. A week of bliss. That’s a good girl.”

  I gave a gasp at that.

  “That’s right, good girl,” she said. Yes, she figured out I triggered on that, and she would use it often.

  The resin climbed, and I moaned again.

  I opened my eyes, just for a moment. I could see the resin above my knees. It was barely to her shins.

  “You knew you would lose,” she said. “But surrender feels so wonderful. Close your eyes. Obey me like a good girl.”

  I closed again.

  We moved, we both moved. And it felt so good.

  I knew it wasn’t just the device. Of course it wasn’t. It was the magic embedded in the device, and the anticipation, and the resin, and my own anticipation of the joy I’d have.

  I got well ahead of her. As the resin approached my waist, Bess changed her lines a little, telling me to obey her, that it would feel good, telling me to surrender, telling me how good it felt t
o stay and move with her. And all that was right.

  And then the resin was above my waist. I opened my eyes, looked down and smiled.

  And then, slowly, carefully, I climbed from the stool. Bess tried to convince me to stop, but I climbed from the stool then walked to her, smiling. I lifted a hand to her cheek, and we kissed, and then I climbed onto her lap. She tried to push me away, but I climbed up, wrapping around her, and I helped her move.

  She groaned.

  “It feels good to be underneath me,” I told her. I wrapped around her, and I pressed her firmly into place, and then I made her move.

  She moaned.

  I stayed where I was, and over the next several minutes, the resin climbed Bess. She moaned and whispered my name. I spoke into her ear, quietly saying, “You’re so beautiful, Bee, your submission is so beautiful, being mine is so beautiful.”

  I got lost in what I was saying. I got lost in making her move. I knew when the resin reached her waist. At that point, she could have pushed me off and then followed after me, but she didn’t.

  The resin flowed up her, but I was pretty lost, and a portion climbed her, but more flowed from her to me as well.

  We moved together, but only one of us was in contact with the magic, and she was losing.

  I don’t know where she got it. Maybe someone handed it to her. Maybe it was stashed somewhere. But she reached between us and began touching me. I didn’t care. I knew it took the device to work. She could tease me all she wanted, but as long as I held her pinned there, I would win. She teased me, and our passions rose. The resin rose.

  And then she slipped inside me, several fingers it felt like. I gave a gasp and a large moan.

  “There you are, Cee,” she said. “Don’t I feel good?”

  “Yes,” I whispered. “Just like that. Just like that. But you’re the one who is going to lose.”

  “I like losing,” she said. “Like this?”

  “Just like that,” I whispered. I moved. She moved, And I began panting, breathing into her neck as I remained wrapped around her. I could feel her moving against the device, and I could feel her moving her fingers in me, straight, long, firm fingers.

  Why didn’t I realize that they weren’t fingers?

  I moved, and I gasped, and the resin climbed higher, and I didn’t care.

  * * * *

  I opened my eyes. My head was in someone’s lap. I saw smooth legs, and I felt so good. She was stroking my hair and murmuring gently. “Wake up, my slave. Wake up, Cee.”

  That didn’t make sense. I had won.

  I hadn’t won. I lifted my hand, encased in red resin, glistening and beautiful.

  “There you are, my slave,” Bess said. I rolled to look up at her. She smiled and caressed my face. “You did well for only your second practice, but you have a lot to learn. You’re quite an alluring vixen, and the resin was teasing my sensitive areas as you succumbed.”

  I shook my head. I had her.

  “Aww,” she said. She brushed at my face. “You thought that was my hand, didn’t you? As I said: you did well, but you have a lot to learn. Get up. I want my first reward.”

  * * * *

  Belonging to Bess was different than belonging to Olivia. Part of it was the absence of Bee and Dee. Part of it was due simply to their differences. Both were quite sensual and enjoyed the hedonism allowed when one has a pleasure slave or three. But Bess was more playful where Olivia was intense. With Olivia, I felt like everything had a purpose. With Bess, it was more about play or the experience.

  In the simplest difference: Bess took me all about town. She told me flat out she was showing me off. She took me out for meals. She took me to events with her friends. She took me to work. She took me for walks to the market, and once there, she stopped and talked with anyone who had questions for her.

  The one notable place she didn’t take me: The Baby Blanket Inn. After the fact, I was thankful. At the time, I was so focused on pleasing her that I didn’t think about it.

  Another way it was different: as I said, she loved to tease. She loved tease and denial, and it came out in little ways and big. She might ask if I was thirsty, and if I said I was, pour a glass of water, set it somewhere nearby, then forbid me from drinking it.

  Oh, she wasn’t cruel, and she didn't abuse or neglect me. She would eventually let me have the water, but she would drink her own and tell me how good it was, and then order me to see to something else. It was small and petty, but we would talk about it once she freed me, and she said it was something she enjoyed.

  A few times she asked if I’d like to do this or that, and if I was even able to choose, we would then do the opposite. That wasn’t a big deal, as if she enjoyed it, I enjoyed it. That was the nature of a pleasure slave, after all.

  And she liked to get me worked up, which wasn’t any challenge, but then deny me the final pleasures. At that, I would whimper or even beg, but instead she would order me to see to some task after forbidding me to find final pleasure.

  It sounds petty, and it maybe was. It sounds cruel, but I don’t see it that way. But I’ll say more about that later.

  Around all this, I was definitely a pleasure slave, and she enjoyed receiving pleasure. None of it was kinky. If she even owned any rope, I didn’t know it. But she enjoyed massages of all sorts, and I enjoyed giving them. She enjoyed being bathed. And, of course, she enjoyed the different ways I pleasured her in bed, or a few times from under her desk at work.

  I was hers for a week, and most of what we did was of this nature. But there were two most notable specific events I should explain.

  * * * *

  In the foyer, I knelt beside her. She had told me we were to have guests, but she hadn’t said whom. I knelt, and she bent and kissed me then said, “You will obey my guests as you would me, unless it contradicts an order I have given you.”

  I nodded, and a moment later she opened the door.

  Lisbon and Mother were there.

  Bess invited them in. Mother stepped in first then froze, staring at me. Lisbon pushed past her, saw me, and then circled.

  Bess greeted them both by name and then reminded them, “This is Cee. She answers to that or to Slave. Please do not use any other names. I’ve ordered her to obey either of you. Feel free to indulge yourself any way you like. May I take your coats?”

  Lisbon shrugged out of hers then circled me again. “She’s really going to obey me?”

  “Yes, within the rules of the house. She is not allowed to touch herself for pleasure.”

  “Bess!” Mother complained.

  “Oh, lighten up, Mother,” Lisbon said. “You knew she was here. What did you think was going on?”

  “That’s your sister, Lisbon,” Mother said.

  “I know it’s my sister.” She came to a stop in front of me. “Cee, bend down and kiss my boots.”

  I didn’t hesitate. I did exactly as she ordered, and I didn’t stop until she said, “That’s enough.” She giggled. “This is fun.”

  “That’s your sister!”

  “Oh, please,” Lisbon said. “I’ve been obeying her my entire life. She made me eat worms once. Kissing my boots isn’t going to kill her.”

  “She did not make you eat worms.”

  “Fine,” Lisbon admitted. “She didn’t make me eat worms. But I certainly have spent my entire life obeying her. Don’t I get my turn now and then?”

  Mother didn’t answer that.

  “Is she talking?” Lisbon asked.

  “Not really,” Bess said. “I think she could if she had to, but I’d rather you didn’t force it. She can be expressive the ways I like.”

  “Don’t ask,” Mother said. “I’m not sure why we came.”

  “I came because I can’t envision Cee like this,” Lisbon said. “I’m not sure why you came. Mother, really. If you can’t handle it, you should go home.”

  “Oh, don’t go, Kathareet,” Bess said. “Come. Let’s go sit for a few minutes. Dinner is catered tonight. Li
sbon, do you wish to take charge of Cee?”

  “I’d love to. Come, Cee.”

  I stood up and followed after them.

  Lisbon kept possession of me the entire evening, although she offered me to Mother several times. I ate what she fed me from her own hand, and drank when she offered. Otherwise, I sat or knelt beside her, and I spent much of the time massaging her feet when she wasn’t dreaming up some greater show of dominance. I’d already kissed her boots. When she had me remove them, she then ordered me to kiss them more thoroughly as she watched. Then I kissed her feet before massaging them. At one point, she stuck her bottom at me and asked me to kiss it. I spent a little time as a footstool.

  And she engaged in petty acts, the sort of children. I found it likely I had done some of these to her in our younger years, but I didn’t remember ever doing so. Still, if I had, she would be more likely to remember than I would.

  I’ve never claimed to be perfect.

  They weren’t mean, not really, but at one point she ordered me to lie on my back and not blink, and then she stood over me and drizzled water over my face, a few drops at a time, all dropped from her own eye level. She giggled while she did it. She did a few other things like that.

  But in between, she kept me focused on small pleasures. I massaged her shoulders and neck. I fetched for her. She kept me busy.

  And with every order I followed, I was given pleasure, and I think she knew it.

  Eventually, they went home. Bess brought me to her bedroom and then stepped in front of me. She looked into my eyes and then said, “I wonder if anyone learned anything tonight.” Then she took me to bed, and we made sweet love for an hour or two.

  * * * *

  On our second-to-last night, Bess brought me to a dinner party hosted by one of her friends. There were six women of Ressaline, all in their dashing leather, and four women of Charth, all of us in the shiny clothing of a slave.

  I was the only one in resin from a challenge. I didn’t know the other three, but they wore the clothing of a woman in her first time. The four of us were in red, and it would be easy to come to the conclusion that slaves were always pleasure slaves. That wasn’t the case, but I’ll come back to that, eventually.

  I was ordered to obey any of the Ressaline women, although they didn’t order much from me. The first half of the evening was a normal dinner party, with the slaves serving the guests. In between I knelt beside Bess. She fed me by hand, and I saw the other slaves were fed the same way. And she let me rest, leaning against her if I wanted.


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