Book Read Free


Page 24

by Robin Roseau

  “I think I should send you with a note, and you talk to her. Lisbon, I’m going to need a day or two off from the inn when I let the girls go. They’re going to need attention. And you remember what I was like.” She nodded. “So you’re going to need care afterwards.”

  “I know.”

  “You shouldn’t wait until the day before your birthday. Next Friday. Here. I’ll write you a note.” I led her back into the house. There was a stocked writing desk in the parlor. I actually wrote two notes. One was asking Olivia to kindly consider Lisbon’s request with my full support. The rest was simpler, asking her to accept an appointment. I signed and sealed them both, then made sure Lisbon knew which was which. “Go tomorrow during the lull. If you’re not back by lunch, we’ll be fine. If she isn’t available, get an appointment while I still have help to cover for you.”

  “Right,” she said. “You’re really not going to let me stay tonight.”


  “You let Bess stay.”

  “How do you know that?”

  She grinned. “Because you just told me.”

  “Bess isn’t my 17-year-old sister,” I said.

  “I’m legally an adult and have been for nearly two years.”

  “You’re still my little sister.”

  “Bee and Dee are sisters.”

  “Lisbon, you don’t really think I’m going to change my mind, do you?”

  “No, but you’ve surprised me before.”

  I smiled. “Sorry.”

  “You could send one or two home with me. I wouldn’t be a bitch to them. I reserve that for you.”

  I snorted and kicked her out of the house. The girls clustered around me. “She could have stayed.”

  “She’s my little sister, and that’s too weird,” I said. “Who wants to get tickled?”

  Silly question.

  * * * *

  “Hessey, do you have a few minutes?”

  “A few,” she said.

  “We can use Mother’s office,” I said. I led the way then took Mother’s seat. Hessey sat down. “Did I do something wrong?”

  “No. You’re wonderful. Hessey, have you thought about your First Time.” She began blushing and dropped her gaze. “We don’t have to talk about this,” I said quickly.

  “No one is going to want me,” she whispered.

  “Probably not as a pleasure slave, but El’s words on the subject were, ‘I like Hessey’.”

  “She does?”

  “Apparently you are an exceedingly good head cook, and she likes learning from you.”

  “Oh.” She didn’t look up.

  “We don’t have to talk about this.”

  At that, she looked up. “You invited me in here for a reason. You may as well spit it out.”

  I nodded. “I’m not an expert. I could be wrong. People love your cooking.”

  “You could be wrong?”

  “Okay, not on that part,” I said. “I could be wrong about how easy or difficult it might be to offer yourself as a pleasure slave. Is that what you would want to be?”

  “It wasn’t, but the girls are so happy. I’ve been watching them. They’re just… So happy!”

  “You’ll be happy, too. Were you at the challenge?” She nodded. “Did you find it shocking?”


  “I don’t blame you,” I said. “It’s not how we were raised. But they don’t seem traumatized.”

  “They’re the opposite of traumatized, whatever word that might be.”

  “Right,” I said. “That was a challenge, though, not First Time. The process is different, but it’s only a little bit different. There’s no competition. It just is. My first time was with Lady Olivia, and then so was my first Practice Challenge. For First Time, she gave me something to help me calm down, as I was scared, and then her slaves helped her to prepare me. Then she took me, and that wasn’t all that different from what you saw, but I couldn’t resist. I didn’t want to resist.”

  “No one is going to want to do that with me. What happens? I don’t want to be sold for a year, if no one will take me.”

  “That’s why we’re here,” I said. “I have not talked to Lady Olivia about you, and so I could be wrong about everything I’m about to say. First, I can stay out of this. I’m just a kid to you. You helped raise me. You taught me more about cooking and being safe in the kitchen than Mother did.”

  “But you’re the smart one,” she said. “I’m just good in the kitchen.”

  “You’re good with young children, too.”

  “You were easy. I’m terrible with brats.”

  “I wonder if the biggest reason I wasn’t a brat around you was because I knew who made the caramel rolls.”

  She laughed rather loudly. “That might be.”

  “Do you want this conversation to keep going?”

  “We’ve started.”

  “All right. Hessey, it might be that your best First Time is still working in a kitchen. The first few days are pretty shocking, and you probably couldn’t actually run the kitchen. But you could work in the kitchen, and you’d be happy. That part I can promise you.”

  “How can you be sure?”

  “That’s part of the magic. And frankly, it’s part of why they deliver the magic the way they do. Your feelings about being a slave are tied to what is happening to you when turned into one.”

  “Ohhhh,” she said slowly. “Oh, dear. So I’d make a muffin and grow… um…”

  “Aroused? Quite possibly.”

  “Oh, my.” Then she grinned. “I might like that, but would it be safe?”

  “Are Lassa and Sarala safe?”

  “Yes, and I don’t have to watch them that carefully. They’ve both worked in a kitchen before.”

  “I haven’t asked where, but you’re right,” I said. “Sarala still isn’t talking, but Lassa does.”

  “Not to me.”

  “Well. How do you feel about what I said?”

  “I have to do it, don’t I?”

  “So I’m told.”

  “And if I don’t do it in the next few months, then it’s for four months.”

  “Supposedly. It is possible a judge could give you an extension. I can’t promise that.”

  “Why wouldn’t I just get it over with?”

  “It is possible you could get an extension until I’ve become a citizen.”

  She got it right away. “Oh,” she said. “Oh, my.” She fanned herself.

  “I know,” I said. “It would be a switch in our relationship. But you could stay right here, where you know. To the best of my knowledge, there are no other inns in the city that are owned by people who are citizens, and I can’t accept someone for First Time until I am a citizen. However, you could also ask to be a cook in someone’s home.”

  I paused a moment. She was looking down and blushing again. “You could do this with Mother, but I do not know how soon that would be. Possibly never.”

  “Kathareet couldn’t be competitive in any of the events we saw.”

  “I didn’t see the others,” I said. “You see my point.”

  “I see your point,” she agreed. She looked up. “You’re right. It’s… a little crazy. Can I think about it?”


  “How would this work?”

  “We’d make an appointment to talk to a judge. I have one in mind, the one who ran the event you saw.”

  “She didn’t seem to like you.”

  “I’m told that’s not true,” I said. “I’m also told she’s quite scrupulous and would give a fair answer.”

  “That’s what matters,” Hessey said. “I’ll let you know. Is that all right?”

  “That’s fine.”

  Two hours later she asked, “Could we go talk to the judge tomorrow?”

  “I’ll see about an appointment.”

  * * * *

  “Well, Ms. Rosebush,” said Judge Jessla. “Why am I not that surprised to see you in front of me again?”
r />   “I’m a lost dog that keeps coming around, begging for a pat on the head and a treat,” I replied. “How are you, Your Honor?”

  “Too busy for small talk,” she replied. “Ms. Redberry,” she said. “Ms. Rosebush is a bad influence.”

  “I helped raise her, Your Honor.”

  “Do I have you to blame for her impertinence?”

  “It has been suggested she is far sweeter if she believes you bake caramel rolls.”

  I couldn’t help it. I laughed. The judge at least smiled. “What can I do for you?”

  “Your Honor,” I said. “We’re probably doing this the wrong way, but we don’t know the right way. If we’re wasting your time, we apologize.”

  “Fine, but that’s bordering on wasting my time. Get to it.”

  “We’re here about Hessey’s First Time. It may be that the best use of her First Time is as a cook in some sort of public establishment.”

  “A continuation of her current duties, I presume.”

  “Yes,” I said.

  “This is common. Go on.”

  “To the best of my knowledge, there are currently no public houses serving food that are operated by citizens, and it requires a citizen to accept someone’s First Time.”

  “To the best of my knowledge, you are correct on the first, and you are absolutely correct on the second.”

  “Another choice would be as a cook in someone’s home. Unless this person entertains quite often, this may be a waste of Hessey’s talents, but it’s not a horrible second choice.” The judge inclined her head. “However, if we consider the best choice, then we wondered if it was possible to petition for an extension for her, until there is a suitable citizen operating a public establishment.”

  “Perhaps specifically a citizen operating The Baby Blanket?”

  “I didn’t know if I could be that specific.”

  “I find it’s always best to ask for what you really want,” she said.

  “Then yes. We want to know if it is possible for her to receive an extension until I am a citizen.”

  The judge tapped her lips and looked at each of us for a minute. I looked over, and Hessey was biting her lip and fidgeting. The judge shifted her attention completely and asked, “Is this what you want, Ms. Redberry?”

  “I don’t know if I want any of it,” Hessey replied. “But I’m told I don’t have a choice, and if I wait too long, I could be sold.”

  “That is true,” Judge Jessla said. “For a year. When that happens, frequently the women in question look for a more permanent repeat.”

  “Why would they do that?”

  “Because they just spent a year being rewarded for doing anything they’re ordered to do,” she replied. “And they are typically 21 years old, which means they were probably someone’s pleasure slave.”

  “Oh.” Hessey blushed.

  “You’re currently the head cook for The Baby Blanket?”


  “Then you are accustomed to ruling the kitchen,” the judge continued. “You may not be so susceptible.”

  “I don’t want to be sold for a year.”

  “Few do.” She tapped her lip for a moment. “Was there more to this request?”

  “No,” I said. “Only that we acknowledge we were probably supposed to file paperwork or something.”

  “It’s fine,” she said. “Yes, there’s paperwork, but no sense doing all that if I’m going to refuse you. I can have an answer in a few days.”

  “Is this an unusual request?”

  “People ask for extensions constantly,” she replied. “They normally have very poor reasons. This is a good reason, but I do not know if I feel it is good enough. Furthermore, as the duchess is taking particular interest in The Baby Blanket, I do not believe I wish to make decisions regarding this issue or any others involving anyone living or working there until I have discussed it with her. Do you have a problem with that?”

  “No, Your Honor.”

  “All right. Get out. I’ll let you know.”

  Hessey got up. I told her I’d be a minute and stayed where I was. She slipped from the room and closed the door. The judge raised an eyebrow. “You don’t know when to quit.”

  “I’m sure you’re right. It may be I shouldn’t bring this up while you’re contemplating this.”

  “You’re about to do something that sounds like a bribe.”

  “I should go.”

  “Ms. Rosebush, I’ve already decided how I would respond, but I do need to speak to the duchess first. No I won’t tell you. I don’t want you to know if she made me change my mind, or maybe that I talked her into accepting my decision. Spit it out.”

  “For a variety of reasons, I’ll take a break from Practice Challenges. My sister and mother both need their First Time, and I need to operate the inn.”

  “All right. Yes?”

  “I would like a practice challenge with you.”

  She shook her head. “You are incorrigible.”

  “You can say ‘no’, Your Honor. I won’t bother you about it again.”

  “Right. I’m going to turn down a hot little thing like you.” I laughed. “You’re right. This is tricky. You’re in my courtroom and chambers far too often, Ms. Rosebush, and I don’t think that’s ending any time soon.”

  “I don’t know anything about the ethics,” I said. “Would you have to pass me to a different judge?”

  “The duchess would skin me if I did,” she said. “She wants me handling anything relating to you or your family. Are you seriously offering this? You know you’re going to lose, and it won’t ever be in question.”

  “Oh, please. I’m a hottie, and you have a weak heart.”

  “I have no such thing!” she said, looking indignant. Then she laughed. “I’ve been accused of that three times by women a day or two short of their 21st birthday. Do you understand the implications?”

  “Did you send them to a cell and then let them have their fee when you auctioned them off, or did they go to the pillory and land in front of you as a prisoner?”

  “The former. I only do the latter when the woman in question is truly disruptive. You could be in danger of that.”

  “I know. I’m told I’m incorrigible.”

  “I want to know why you’re offering.”

  “I don’t know, actually,” I said. “You’re so…” I shrugged.


  “I don’t know. I’m sorry.”

  “I think you do know, but either are afraid of telling me, or just don’t know how to say it.”

  “Probably a bit of both,” I admitted.

  “You will answer my questions, or I will deny you, and if you so much as hint in the future, I will consider it an attempted bribe and respond accordingly.”

  I dropped my gaze. “I’m sorry,” I said submissively. “You don’t want me. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t turn stupid now,” she said. “Of course I want you. I’d love to have you where when I tell you to get out of my office, you do so without any backtalk.”

  “Oh no,” I said. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”

  I started to get up, but she said, “Oh, sit down. Really, Ms. Rosebush. Do I frighten you that much?” I froze, neither sitting nor standing. “Sit down. I have yet to hear you make an inappropriate request or ask a stupid question.”

  Slowly I sat back down, but it was hard to look at her. So she leaned across her desk and offered her hand. I gave her mine and looked up. “That’s better,” she said. She squeezed my hand once then pulled hers away to sit back. “Do you find the thought of submitting to me sexy?”


  She smiled. “I believe you. I wonder if it’s because of the power I hold over your life. You seem to have developed a pattern in that way.”

  “Maybe,” I said. “Or maybe I’m attracted to strong women.”

  “Maybe so,” she said. “I’m going to consider your request. In the meantime, I’m going to offer some advice. Yo
u seem to be quite capable in some regards, but if you find yourself in a real challenge with someone you perceive as a strong woman, you’ll give yourself your own handicap. It is very likely you would lose, especially if she is experienced. You should also be careful that you don’t get into the habit of taking challenges with strong women. You learn something from losing, but one thing you can learn is to lose, and that turns into a self-fulfilling prophecy.”

  “I understand. Olivia told me something similar.”

  “Who do you think once told her?” she asked. She paused. “As long as I am dishing out advice, I’m going to offer one more piece, and then tell you something else. Do not be lulled by your successes.”

  “I know that was a fluke, and it turned out the way it did only through their mistakes.”

  “You were quite capable,” she replied. “But you’re right. Your opponents made multiple mistakes from their own arrogance. The one woman believed she could claim the new prisoner in time.”

  “She nearly did.”

  “Nearly wasn’t at all good enough, was it? What followed from that mistake wasn’t unpredictable. She weakened her team, and interrupting her much like you did is an obvious event. It happens quite frequently in group events. It is very rare that strategy turns out well.”

  “I understand.”

  “For a while, I thought you were making the same mistake.” I inclined my head. “But I wasn’t necessarily referring to your recent group event. I am not a subtle person, so I will explain bluntly. It happens, and rather frequently, that a woman finds someone she wants. She may court that woman, inviting practice challenges, or perhaps engineering them with others. The target loses some; everyone loses some. But she begins winning, building a string of successes until she accepts a real Challenge. And then she loses badly, perhaps to the very woman she has beaten several times.”

  “She’s been throwing the events.”

  “Or perhaps simply engineering to her own weaknesses, or the target’s strengths. But yes. I know you are receiving attention from several directions.” She smiled. “I have two more things to say to you. Let me continue. You are receiving attention. I am not pointing fingers at any of the people doing so. I do not know of any plots to lull you in this fashion. Do you see?”

  “I understand. You have no reason to believe Lady Olivia is treating me dishonestly.”


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