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Page 57

by Robin Roseau

  “She probably does by now, but I didn’t talk to her. I talked to Tressain though.”

  I kissed her once more. “You need to help me with Myreedie now. She’s going to need you, now more than ever.”

  “It’s supposed to be forever, Claary!” she said firmly.

  And then My-di pushed away from the others and crawled to me. She was crying by the time she arrived. “Please don’t, Claary,” she said. They were the first words she’d said in two weeks. “Please don’t send me away. Keep me.” She wrapped around me and began sobbing. “Please keep me. Please keep me.”

  I set a hand on her back, looking down at her head, trying not to cry with her.

  I looked over at Olivia. She was smiling. I thought that was horribly inappropriate. “My heart is breaking, Olivia, and you’re smiling?”

  “I am,” she said. “But only because I know something you don’t. Dee, I brought my satchel. It’s with my boots. Please go get it. Hurry.” Dee got up and ran. Olivia shifted her gaze back to me. “Don’t do a thing for a few minutes.” Then Olivia moved to the chair in front of my small writing desk. I looked down at My-di and attempted to comfort her.

  Dee was only gone a minute or so. When she returned, she gave the satchel to Olivia. She opened it and withdrew several sheets of paper, a pen case, and ink. Then I watched as she reviewed the papers. She withdrew a pen from the case and signed the final paper, then methodically cleaned the pen before putting everything away.

  “There,” she said. “I do love being Duchess.”

  “What is that?”

  She handed the papers to Dee, who ferried them to me. I read through them then slowly looked up at Olivia. “You had this ready.”

  “I did,” she said.

  “This only covers My-di. What about Kylia?”

  “If Kylia wants to offer herself to you, she can do so formally,” Olivia replied. “But I refuse to allow it unless both Tressain and Melartine confirm our agreement will survive something like that.” She smiled. “And they won’t be here for another week.”

  “They’re coming?” Kylia asked.

  “They are,” Olivia said. She smiled.

  I bent over and kissed My-di’s head. “My-di, are you sure? Look up at me and dry your tears.”

  She did so, slowly. “Please don’t make me leave.”

  “My-di,” I said. Then I paused and looked at Olivia. “She can’t possibly be thinking clearly.”

  “She’s expressed herself clearly enough,” she said.

  “She’s blissed out.”

  “Imagine this: imagine you release her. She goes through the pain of withdrawal. Do you think she’s going to go back to Flarvor?”

  “No,” Kylia said.

  “Claary?” Olivia prompted.

  “Kylia had a plan, but I don’t know if Myreedie was in agreement.”

  “She told me she’d do anything,” Kylia said. “But she didn’t believe she could be happy like this, Claary. That was her only concern. Please let us be together. Please.”

  “My-di, do you understand what we’re discussing?”

  “Yes,” she said. “Please keep both of us, Claary.”

  “I require Kylia to be fully clear-headed when Tressain and Melartine arrive,” Olivia said. “Kylia, you’re going to be the one to talk them into this.”

  “I will,” she said.

  “Do you understand, My-di?”

  “Does Kylia have to leave?”

  I looked at Oliva. “It’s your household,” she said, “but I want her working for her family.”

  “No, My-di. Kylia may stay.”

  She began crying again, but she pulled my head down and began kissing me at the same time. And then I was kissing Kylia, and then My-di, and then the two of them kissed. And then they both got up and ran to Olivia and kissed her, too.

  “I do like being Duchess,” Olivia said again.

  “My-di,” I said. “You’re not dressed properly. Come here.” I stood up in time for my slave to come to a stop standing in front of me. “Kylia, while you are in this home, you will dress as and behave as a slave. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Claary.”

  “Good. Slaves, undress My-di and use her clothes to dress Ky.”

  “Bee and Dee, you may help,” Olivia said.

  And so, with ample giggling, Ky lost her robe and donned the clothing of a First Enslavement pleasure slave. She grinned through the process. Then I stepped to My-di, pulling her into a kiss. By the time I was done, she was dressed in bright red and orange resin.

  * * * *

  Tressain and Melartine offered their blessings and then both asked for practice challenges with Olivia and Jessla. They had a lovely time, as best I could tell.

  I claimed Ky as a permanent slave. She and My-di became quite popular both with the patrons at the inn as well as the other members of the household, although clearly for different reasons.

  This wasn’t the last time someone brought a woman of Flarvor to me. And while I didn’t know it at the time, it wasn’t the first time a refugee had arrived in Charth. But it was the first for me, and I am warmed that Kylia came to me when she and Myreedie needed help.

  They’re both very happy. That isn’t really a surprise.


  Vee and Slip gave birth to beautiful baby girls, Vee two days ahead of Slip. This was the second of the gifts from Queen Lisdee, or perhaps third, depending upon how one counts.

  Those two little girls were likely to grow up very spoiled; the entire household was in love with them.

  Two weeks after the births, La-la and Ti-ti came to me. They knelt before me and bowed their heads. I thought I knew what they wanted even before they spoke. “Claary,” La-la said. “The last time I asked a favor, it turned out well.”

  I laughed. That was how Ti-ti had come to me. “So it did. And so you come to me with a new favor?”

  “Nine months ago, you told me that you would let me carry the next baby, after Slip.”

  “So I did.”

  “When it is my turn, do you think Ti-ti and I could both be pregnant together?”

  “La-la, do you understand that Slip’s baby is actually from Gigi and me?”

  “I thought so. I wasn’t sure.”

  “Olivia talked to us. Gigi and I have decided that half the children born to this house will be from her and me. The other half will be other combinations.” I leaned forward and caressed both cheeks. “Come with me.”

  I stood and offered them each a hand. Then I led them to my bedroom. There, I kissed them both and then helped them from their clothes, and they from mine. I kissed them each again, and then I told them what to do. And then, together, using the magic from Queen Lisdee, we created two new children.

  Our household would grow and be a place of love.

  * * * *

  Later, Gigi and I went to bed together. I told her what I had done. “Good,” she said. She kissed me sweetly. “I love you, Claary Rosebush.”

  “I love you, Gigi Blueblossom.”

  About the Author

  A writer by avocation, Robin has a renaissance interest in many areas. A bit of a gypsy, Robin has called a few places home and has traveled widely. A love of the outdoors, animals in general and experimenting with world cuisines, Robin and partner share their home with a menagerie of pets and guests, although sometimes it is difficult to discern who is whom.

  Robin can be reached via email as Robin's web site is

  Works by Robin Roseau

  The Madison Wolves Series

  Fox Run

  Fox Play

  Fox Mate

  Fox Afield

  Fox Revenge

  Fox Dish

  Fox Lost

  Wolf Watch

  Wolf Ways

  Wolf Women

  Fox Fate


  Omega Born

  Omega Life (Coming Soon)

  Fox Short Stories

  Hunting Pups

  Fox in the Water

  Fox Rematch (set after Fox Mate and Fox Afield)

  Fox Opponent

  A Foxy Valentine

  Other Books in the Madison Wolves Universe


  Kitty Cat

  Poor Little Witch Girl


  Seer: Thrall

  Seer: Guardian

  The Selected Series








  The Games People Play Series

  Stories that ask a simple question: do you want to play a game?

  Do You Want to Play a Game?

  My Soul to Play

  My Soul to Lose

  The Five Kingdoms


  Searching the High Seas

  Other Novels and Novellas

  Anonymous Bidder

  Blood Slave

  A Charming Brew

  Emergency Claus

  Fitting In


  Free to Love

  Galatzi Trade

  Galatzi World

  Galatzi Joy

  Galatzi Life

  In Custody


  Lost in the Words

  Outside The Box

  Stark's Dell



  The Interrogation




  The Ski Bindings Shorts

  Short stories of love and lust amongst the slopes.

  Snow Fox

  Short Stories

  Cooking for Love

  Southern Night

  Captured by the Raptor (writing as Rosetta Robins)


  Copyright 2018 by Robin Roseau

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, copied in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise transmitted without written permission from the publisher. You must not circulate this book in any format.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, businesses, characters and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, actual events or locales is purely coincidental.

  * * *

  License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Table of Contents

  Table of Contents

  Author Notes





  Unwanted Attention





  Convict Challenge




  A Single Night

  Captain Bess

  A Real Chance

  Sister and Staffing


  Family’s Time



  Dinner Party






  Sister Challenge

  The Visit

  Royal Slave


  Five Years



  Final Summons





  About the Author

  Works by Robin Roseau

  The Madison Wolves Series

  Fox Short Stories

  Other Books in the Madison Wolves Universe

  The Selected Series

  The Games People Play Series

  The Five Kingdoms

  Other Novels and Novellas

  The Ski Bindings Shorts

  Short Stories




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