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Texting Box Set: The Complete Series

Page 54

by Teagan Hunter

  After another failed attempt to pull me toward her, she sighs. “I’m trying to, but you won’t let me.”

  “Just say it.”

  Her eyes fly open and she looks at me. They’re a swirling mess of a deep blue and green and want and lust. She wants to beg for release. She likes it.

  It gives her the power.

  “I need more, Robbie.” Her voice has dropped an octave, that husk creeping in. It does things to me I can’t even explain. “Please.”

  I slam into her and her body begins to tremor with her impending release. I lean back just far enough to be able to watch her unravel.

  Eyes squeezed shut, neck strained, body taut.

  She comes undone.

  And I love every moment of it.

  I quicken my pace, driving myself deeper and deeper until I’m tipping over the edge right along with her.

  I collapse on top of her in exhaustion, my breaths coming in stuttered succession.

  I lie here, doing my best to hold my weight up and waiting for the moment to come.

  We achieved our goal. I’ve fulfilled my fantasy from three weeks ago. I should feel a sense of…relief.

  Only I don’t.

  I’ve had a taste, and now I want more.

  What in the hell did we just do?



  “Son of a biscuit eater…” I mutter as I try to wrap the sheet around my upper body and hold it in place while peeing at the same time.

  What a time to be modest, Monty.

  It feels like there’s so much pressure sitting on my bladder that I can’t pee—either that, or it’s because I know Robbie’s on the other side of that door.



  We just had sex. I’m not a virgin anymore.

  What did we just do? What did I just do?

  That was the most un-Monty-esque thing I’ve ever done, and I loved every single moment of it. My body’s still buzzing from the orgasms. I’m so greedy that I want more—a lot more.

  With Robbie.

  The thought causes me to pause. Other than the small stinging sensation when I pee, the slight pinch of pain between my thighs, and muscle soreness like I’ve just run a 5K, I don’t feel any different. All the tension I’ve been harboring since I met Robbie hasn’t subsided in the least. In fact, it’s worse.

  There’s no way I could possibly walk out his front door right now and never want to look back.

  “You okay in there?” he asks through the bathroom door.

  “Y-Yeah,” I tell him. “I’ll be out in just a sec.”

  “Good, because it’s fucking cold as tits and you took all the blankets.”

  Smiling, I listen as he pads back across the bedroom, the creaking of the mattress telling me when he crawls back onto the bed.

  The one we just made love on.

  A sigh slips out and I slap my hands to my cheeks, feeling so giddy and silly and high-school-ish.

  I just had sex!

  With a ridiculously hot guy, at that.

  A guy who’s waiting for me to get back out there and—

  My stomach sinks.

  Does he want me to leave? Is this it? We’ve done what we set out to do. Does that mean we’re done? Because I don’t want to be done.

  I also don’t know how to tell Robbie that without sounding like a clingy moron.


  I finish up my business—finally—and use a washrag from under the sink to clean myself up as best I can.

  Wrapping the blanket around myself again, I inhale a steadying breath and walk back into Robbie’s room.

  I try not to frown when I notice he’s slipped on a pair of boxer briefs.

  “I was going to sexily lounge naked on the bed, but I really am fucking cold,” he tells me like he can read my thoughts. “Get over here.”

  “Why didn’t you just use the other blankets?” The last of the words fall into a mutter as my eyes land on the pile of material crowding the corner.

  “You’re a messy gal, Monty.”

  I want to run back into the bathroom and hide as the embarrassment floods through me. “Right, the blood.”

  “Yeah, the blood—you know, from your hymen, that pesky little thing you failed to mention was still intact.”

  I roll my eyes and scoot onto the bed next to him, though I don’t share the warmth of the sheet. “You’re still upset.”

  He makes a noncommittal noise before running a hand through his dark locks and blowing out a breath. “Yes and no. I’m just… I wish I had known, you know?”

  “Would that have changed anything?”

  “Fuck yeah it would have!” he exclaims.

  “Would we not have done this?”

  “I… We…” He can’t seem to find the words he wants to say. “I think we’d have ended up here anyway. Would our path have been a little different? Perhaps, but there’s no way I wouldn’t have had you in my bed. We’re too…us for that not to happen.”


  “Yeah. You know…compatible and shit. We click sexually.”

  Right. Sexually. Of course.

  “Can you forgive me then?”

  He grins, and it’s wolfish. “I can think of a few ways you could make it up to me.”

  “You just want me to put your wiener in my mouth again.”

  He bursts into laughter, the entire bed shaking with each loud guffaw that leaves him. “I swear, I’m going to call you every single day and demand you say wiener.” He snaps his fingers. “Wait, no—I’ll record you saying it and make it my text tone.”

  “You wouldn’t.”

  “If you honestly don’t think I would, you don’t know me at all.”

  “You might be the most interesting man I’ve ever met.”

  He leans toward me, our mouths mere inches apart. “Yeah? Good.”

  Then he rips the sheet from my body and wraps himself in it.

  “Mean!” I shriek, trying to pull the fabric back with no real results to show for it. It’s no use; he’s too strong for me.

  I groan loudly and fold my arms across my chest.

  My chest.

  “Robbie! I’m naked!”

  “I’m aware.” He grins, eyeing me like I’m his next meal. “So what though? I’m naked too.”

  “You at least have undies on.”

  He reaches under the blanket and wiggles around a bit before whipping his underwear around his index finger like a lasso and slinging them off into some unknown corner of the room.

  “See? Told ya I’m naked.” He flings open the sheet. “Get in here.”

  “I am not getting under that blanket with you when we’re both naked as jaybirds.”

  His brows shoot into his hairline. “You’re joking, right? Monty, we just had sex—actual sex. We were all kinds of naked and wrapped together.” He leans in close. “Get. In. Here.”

  I both loathe and love the way my body responds to his commands.

  There have been many times tonight where he’s used that dominating tone with me, and every single time I’ve felt a tingle run up my spine.

  Robbie bossing me around in the bedroom is hot, and I wouldn’t object to hearing him do it over and over and over again.

  I slide under the blanket with him and he rolls to his side to face me.

  “Hey,” he says quietly. He gently glides his fingers up my cheek as he tucks a few loose hairs behind my ear.

  “Hi,” I murmur back.

  We don’t say anything else for a long time. We simply lie here. The only contact we have is Robbie running his thumb back and forth over my cheek. I close my eyes against the touch, reveling in it.

  Slumber is begging to take over, but I fight it. If these moments are going to be my last with this man, I don’t want to miss them.

  “Can I say something without it sounding really fucking corny and you revoking my man card?”

  I smile at his words but don’t open my eyes. “No promises.”

  “Brat.” He places a soft kiss on the tip of my nose. “Thank you for trusting me with your body, Monty. Thank you for choosing me, for allowing me to be the one who will always have that part of you, for…” His voice trails off, and it’s clear he’s doing the best he can to hold his emotions at bay. “Yeah, just thank you. It really means a lot to me.”

  My eyes flutter open, and I’m surprised to find his glistening with unshed tears.

  “It means a lot to me too, Robbie, and don’t worry—you still have your man card.”

  He laughs and takes my mouth with a kiss that surprises me.

  It’s slow, unhurried. It’s sensual and soft.

  Until it’s not and it turns into something so much more.

  The soreness between my legs is long forgotten, replaced by the need to have Robbie inside me again. It already feels like it’s been too long.

  I push at him until he’s flat on his back and crawl on top. His erection brushes against me in all the right spots and I can’t stop my hips from circling on their own, searching for the connection.

  He pulls his mouth from mine, beaming up at me. “Oooh, you on top—me likey.”

  “I’ve never done this before. No promises it’ll be good.”

  “Trust me,” he says, sliding his arms up until they’re resting behind his head. “I’m going to enjoy it no matter what.”

  “Don’t be so sure.”

  Before I can understand what’s happening, he’s sitting up and wrapping his arms around my waist, holding me tightly to him as he moves us until his back is resting against the headboard.

  He stares up at me with eyes so filled with determination and lust it knocks the breath out of me.

  “Get a condom, Monty.”

  I reach into the drawer he pulled open earlier and produce a foil packet. He snatches it from my hand and rips it open. His hand collides with my rear, and I know he’s doing it because he wants me to lift up so he has room, but I can’t help the moan that escapes me.

  Robbie’s eyes snap my way and he grins. “Noted.”

  “Shut up and hurry,” I hiss.

  He slides the condom over his length and grabs my hips, positioning me until his erection is resting at my opening.


  “Huh?” I question.

  “You lead.”

  One hand is splayed across my left cheek while the other finds its way to my clit. He works his thumb over the bundle of nerves, my orgasm already starting to build.

  His eyes don’t leave my body as he says, “I want to watch.”

  Slowly, I lower myself over him. I wince at the pinch but keep pushing through, his thumb on my clit helping to keep the pain at bay.

  I sigh when he’s fully inside me, the feeling of being stretched one of the most delicious sensations I’ve ever felt.

  He squeezes my butt. “Move, Monty. Ride me.”

  And I do. I move on top of him, trying to find an angle and tempo that’s comfortable. Robbie’s eyes never leave where we’re connected and the glow in them tells me he’s enjoying this, no matter how green I am at it.

  My thighs are on fire, my entire body begging for release, yet too tired to find it.

  I whine when he abandons my clit, and he laughs.

  “Hush. You’ll like this more. Put your hands on the headboard.”

  I do as he says and he grins up at me again, a glint of mischief in his gaze.

  “Hold on tight.”


  He pistons into me and I don’t understand how he’s keeping the pace he’s moving at, but I’m not going to argue.

  It’s magic, and he has me firmly under his spell.

  He lets out a string of curse words and without warning, I combust. Robbie isn’t far behind.

  His pace dies into short, slow strokes as we both come down from our highs.

  I crumple against him, satiated and drained.

  “Fuck, I’m screwed,” he mumbles.

  “Literally,” I mutter.

  He laughs and presses a kiss to my temple. “Just sleep, Monty. We’ll figure this out later.”



  “Two things. One, your feet are stupid fucking cold. Two, I’m gonna need you to move because I really have to pee.”

  She laughs and burrows herself closer to my side, sliding her feet between my legs.

  “Nope. I’m comfy.”

  An hour or so after we drifted off to sleep, she awoke, complaining about the needy ache between her legs. I was more than happy to help her ease it…again and again and again.

  We finally fell asleep around four AM, which—I peek over at the alarm clock glowing on the bedside table—was only two hours ago.

  “Why are you awake?”

  “Sun’s up, I’m up,” I answer.

  She groans. “Robbie, I can’t. No more sex.”

  Laughing, I reach down and brush the hair out of her face. “I didn’t mean my dick, Monty.”


  “Why do you sound disappointed?”

  She peers over me. “Do I?” I nod. “Well, I didn’t mean to. I meant what I said—I’m exhausted. No more banging.”


  “Don’t get crazy,” she says, rolling away and stretching out. The blanket slips down her chest, exposing her bare breasts.

  Prior to our first tryst last night, she would have freaked about this. Hell, she might have even freaked after the first time. She’d have snatched the blanket back up so fast I’d have missed it if I blinked.

  But something’s changed in Monty in the past several hours.

  She’s more comfortable. Confident. Sexy.

  Not that she wasn’t sexy before, because the buttoned-up goody-two-shoes look she has going on totally gets my cock hard, but her newfound self-esteem boost is making her even more irresistible.

  Which is real fucking inconvenient for my libido.

  She almost reminds me of that teacher every dude secretly had a crush on in high school, the one who was all business and no fun but looked fucking hot in those cardigans you’re pretty sure your grandmother also owned. There was no reason behind your attraction other than the fact that she was guarded, something you couldn’t touch.

  That was Monty…until last night.

  “What?” she asks, grinning up at me with sleepy eyes.


  “You’re staring at me…what is it?”

  “You’re beautiful, Monty. So fucking beautiful.”

  She brings her hands up over her face, covering her smile. “Stop it.”

  I yank at her hands, grabbing hold of them and rolling until I’m on top of her. I fit right between her legs like that’s the place I was always meant to be. My dick brushes against her pussy and I laugh when she seeks more contact.

  No more banging, my ass.

  I press her hands overtop her head, holding them there as I stare down at her.

  “Never. You’re fucking gorgeous and I’ll never stop telling you that.”

  “It makes me blush, and I look ridiculous when I blush.”

  “Sexy—you look sexy when you blush.”


  “Nope.” I pepper kisses along her cheek, trailing a path to her lips. “You’re not talking me out of this. I’m right.”

  “You’re annoying first thing in the morning.”

  “I take much offense to that.” I grind my hips into hers, my cock sliding effortlessly over her clit. “But I’ll go ahead and let you make it up to me now.”

  She groans. “No more sex.”

  “I didn’t mean that, but since you mentioned it…”

  She gives me a hard stare. “No.”

  I laugh. “Fine. How about you join me for a quick shower then?”

  “No shower sex either. Shower sex is still sex.”

  “Shower sex is the most overrated sex there is. It’s cold and wet and hard to keep balanced—not worth it. I just meant for a quick wash. Then we
gotta get going ’cause I have to pick Xavie up at seven thirty.”

  I hate saying the words, and I can tell she hates it too.


  It’s coming and we both know it.

  Our plan from the beginning was to work each other out of our systems and move on. I’ve always been the type of man to honor plans, but now? Now I want to break them more than I’ve ever wanted to break anything in my life.

  But, I have Monty to consider. Is that what she wants? Taking on something other than a meaningless fling with a single dad is hard.

  Is that something I even want to do? I’m finally in a good place with Holly and Xavie. We’re doing good; would adding someone new to the mix be a good thing right now?

  Fuck. I don’t know. I hate that this is so hard.

  She still hasn’t answered, and I can see the wheels spinning in her head. She’s considering if she should say no, and I can pinpoint the exact moment when she decides.

  “I’d, uh, I’d rather not,” she lies. “I’m going to head home and shower there. No offense or anything, just not into showering in a stranger’s bathroom.”

  There she goes using that word again.


  I’m no stranger and she knows it.

  But, I get it; it’s her way of separating things.

  “Totally understand. Wait for me while I shower? I’ll be out in less than five minutes.”

  She nods. “Sure. I’ll be here.”

  Giving her one last kiss, I roll away and climb off the bed. When I peek over my shoulder, I’m not surprised to find her pushed up on her elbows, checking me out.

  “You just wanted to stare at my ass.”

  “Guilty.” She grins back at me.

  Her eyes scan my body, her gaze landing on my junk, which has been standing at full attention for far too long. She takes the time to peruse my body, her lip between her teeth as she looks over my tattoos for the millionth time like she can’t get enough of them.

  The way she looks at me…shit, it just does something I can’t explain. I can feel it, all over the place. It’s like she’s grazing over my skin with her fingers, not her eyes.

  Despite what she said earlier, she wants me again, and I want her too. I want to stride back over to the bed and use my hands to give her the same appreciation she’s giving me right now.


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