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Texting Box Set: The Complete Series

Page 69

by Teagan Hunter

  “I have a few charity events coming up. I need a date.”

  I stumble back at his request, stunned.

  “I’m sorry, you want me”—I press my finger against my chest for emphasis—“to be your”—finger pointed at him now—“date? Date?”

  “Yes. No hanky panky involved.” He pauses then winks at me. “Unless you want it to be involved.”

  I shiver at the idea.

  He believes it’s in disgust and laughs, but I know it’s because the idea slides inside of me and hits me right between my thighs.

  Treacherous body.

  He waves a hand. “It’s strictly for show. It’ll be a great opportunity for you to see me in other environments for the interview, too.”

  He’s not wrong.

  Damn him for not being wrong.

  “Is that it? I just have to be your date to a charity gig or two?”

  His eyes spark with a mischievous glint, and I know that’s not all he wants.

  “I need to do some damage control with my parents…and Zach. Especially with Zach.”

  I let out a dry laugh. Of course. “What did you do, Shep?”

  “Something really fucking stupid that I need to fix. I need to show them I have my life together, show them I’m better than I was in the moments I can’t take back and I’m growing up.”

  “Are you though?”

  He grits his teeth together and hisses, “Yes.”

  I point the spatula at him. “I’ll believe it when I see it.”

  He rolls his eyes in response.

  “How does this involve me?”

  “My parents and Zach have come to accept AJ as another member of the family over the years since he moved out here. They’ll be at the wedding for sure, and I want you to be my date.”


  My response is instant. Final.

  There is no way in hell I’ll be attending a wedding with Shep.

  Especially not with Shep.

  A charity event? Sure. We’ll be in a professional context the whole time. There’s no way anything could go wrong there.

  But a wedding? The most romantic setting of all? No way, no how.

  Why would I do that? To remind myself of everything I don’t have?

  I flip the pancake, ignoring Shep.

  Moments later he pushes off the counter and past me.

  “Where are you going?” I say before I can bite my tongue. I’ve been hoping he’d leave since he got here, so why would I want him to stay now? And what is with my body betraying me today?

  “I’m leaving.”

  “We’re not done discussing this.”

  He stops and turns toward me. “But we are. You said no to one of my conditions—no deal.”

  “Shep, I cannot go to Allie and AJ’s wedding with you.”

  “Why not?” He appears calm and collected, but I know better as he stalks back toward the counter, his hazel gaze intense. “I’m not asking you to marry me, Den.”

  God, do I hate how much his words sting.

  Hate how my heart begins to thump in my chest and my entire body sags with the overwhelming weight of his words.

  I slide the pancake from the skillet and onto the waiting plate, pouring more batter in its place.

  “It’s not even a real date,” he continues, speaking like he didn’t just shatter my heart in two all over again. “Besides, we’ll already be paired up the entire night as best man and maid of honor. What’s the harm in being my date, especially when it gets you that interview and probably that promotion?”

  He has a point…and I hate that he has a point.

  I particularly hate that I’m actually considering saying yes. I could use that raise. I could use that foot in the door.

  More than that, I deserve both.

  What’s the harm in one night anyway?


  I can’t say it.

  “Last chance, Denny,” he says quietly.

  I close my eyes and exhale a steadying breath, trying to summon up some courage.

  I vowed I’d never get caught up with Shep again, not when I know how damaging it can be.

  But that was six years ago.

  I’m a whole different person now. What if Shep is too? What if he’s not lying about changing?

  And what if who we are now is better than who we were then?

  “I’ll do it.”

  He beams at me, the glow of victory spreading across his cheeks.

  “Great. I’ll see you next Friday night.”

  “For what?”

  All too quickly, he reaches over the counter, plucks the pancake from the plate, and winks at me before taking a bite and heading toward the front door to leave…finally.

  “Our first date,” he calls over his shoulder.

  I groan. “How many events are there going to be, Shepard?”


  “Five?!” I screech.

  “Yep.” He pulls open the door. “Pick you up at seven. Wear something sexy.”

  I chuck the spatula at his stupid grinning face and listen to him laugh the whole way down the hall.

  What have I gotten myself into?


  Six years ago, September

  Shepard: Are you at the nerd shop?


  Shepard: All I’m saying is my big brother is the biggest nerd I know and even he doesn’t hang out at comic book stores.

  Shepard: So, yeah, YOU’RE A NERD.


  Shepard: Uh huh. Sure.

  Denver: God I hate you.

  Shepard: Liar. I think you’re actually starting to look forward to my texts.

  Denver: I’m really not.

  Shepard: So many lies leaving that pretty mouth of yours.

  Denver: Pretty, huh?

  Shepard: What? I’m a teenager with eyes, hormones, and an always-half-hard dick. Yes, you’re hot, Den.

  Shepard: Don’t make it weird.

  Denver: I won’t.

  Denver: You’re hot too, Shep.

  Shepard: You just made it weird.


  Shepard: You know you can just use the emoji, right?

  Denver: I don’t know how!

  Shepard: You, my technology-deprived friend, are sad.

  Denver: I can still block you, ya know.

  Shepard: Oh, did you finally figure that feature out? Look at you, getting all fancy with the technology! Gold star for Denny!

  Denver: Allie showed me, you ass.

  Shepard: I kind of figured.

  Shepard: Wait…did she ask who you wanted to block?

  Denver: It’s Allie—she’s nosy as all get-out, so yes.

  Shepard: What’d you tell her?

  Denver: What do you mean? The truth. Why would I lie?

  Shepard: Did she say anything?

  Shepard: About us…talking, I mean.

  Denver: No.

  Denver: Should she have?

  Shepard: No. At least I don’t think so.

  Shepard: It just surprises me.

  Denver: Well, she did say one thing but it’s so stupid and it will never, EVER happen, so it’s not worth repeating.

  Shepard: I’m sitting on the edge of my fucking seat here, nerd.

  Shepard: Tell me.

  Denver: Apologize for calling me a nerd and I’ll think about it.

  Shepard: No. It’s the truth.

  Shepard: Wait, no—you’re right. I’m so sorry for calling you a nerd, Den.

  Shepard: Clearly, you’re not a nerd. You’re a geek.

  Denver: Hate. You.

  Shepard: Lies!

  Shepard: Now tell me.

  Denver: She said…and I’m quoting this so don’t get mad at me for the name…“Wouldn’t it be, like, so cute if you and Slug started dating? Then you two would be together forever like AJ and me. OH MY GOSH, DENNY! We could have a DOUBLE WEDDING!”

  Denver: Then
there was a lot of squealing and gagging happening.

  Shepard: I’m going to assume the gagging was you trying not to puke at the thought of us getting married?

  Denver: No. It was Allie because I choked the shit out of her to get her to shut up.

  Shepard: DAMN! You’re dark, Den.

  Shepard: I like it.

  Shepard: Maybe we SHOULD think about this double wedding thing…

  Denver: Don’t think I won’t choke you too.

  Shepard: Stop pretending to hate me.

  Denver: Never.

  Shepard: I think I’ve figured out this whole AJ being a dumbass wanting to propose to Allie in high school thing.

  Denver: Yeah? Hit me with it.

  Shepard: Convince him not to propose and to instead give her a promise ring.

  Denver: Like promise to be virgins until marriage?

  Denver: You know it’s way too late for that, right? Those two bang like rabbits.

  Shepard: Trust me, I know.

  Shepard: But no, that’s not a promise ring, that’s a purity ring. A promise ring is more like a…pre-engagement ring.

  Shepard: A promise of “forever”.

  Denver: Hmm…I think this could work.

  Denver: I also just want to point out that some people DO have a FOREVER.

  Shepard: A very, very small number of people, as at least 50% of all marriages end in divorce.

  Denver: Your optimism is the highlight of my day.

  Shepard: So you’re saying texting with me is the highlight of your day?

  Denver: If that’s the way you need to spin it, sure. We’ll go with that.

  Shepard: Oh, it’s spun all right.

  Shepard: Anyway, I’m going to talk to AJ about it tonight. I know you already told Allie…do you think she’d freak if AJ changed it to a promise ring?

  Denver: No. I’ll just lie and tell her I got them mixed up.

  Denver: Easy peasy.

  Shepard: Lying to your best friend is that easy?

  Denver: I lie to her all the time. She always asks me if the outfit she’s wearing looks good and I always say yes.

  Denver: Spoiler alert: it’s a 50/50 shot.

  Shepard: I’m 97% certain you just broke girl code.

  Denver: *shrug* It’s worth the extra 30 minutes we don’t spend going through her closet for another outfit.

  Shepard: SHAME!

  Denver: Shep?

  Shepard: Yeah?

  Denver: Shut up.

  Denver: I’m a little jealous of what Allie and AJ have.

  Denver: There. I owed you a secret.

  Shepard: Well, you’re about to owe me another one…

  Shepard: I’m a little jealous of them too.

  Denver: GASP! You? Shepard Clark, the cynic?

  Denver: Do I have the wrong number?

  Shepard: Don’t you tell anyone!

  Denver: I’m shocked.

  Shepard: That I want companionship?

  Shepard: Just because I don’t believe in forever or tying myself to one person for years and years doesn’t mean I’m a robot and have no feelings or needs.

  Shepard: It’d just be nice to have…someone, ya know. Not necessarily a traditional relationship, but someone I can talk to and count on to always be there. And someone I can kiss on the regular.

  Denver: What about your “girlfriend”?

  Shepard: Penny is great, but I can’t really make out with her anymore.

  Denver: Your fake girlfriend’s name is Penny? That’s awfully close to Denny…

  Shepard: Don’t remind me.

  Denver: You said “anymore”. I’m gonna need details.

  Shepard: Penny and I used to ACTUALLY date.

  Denver: What happened?

  Shepard: We had sex.

  Denver: I’m sorry but…WHAT?

  Shepard: We lost our virginity to one another, Penny realized she was gay, and that was that.

  Denver: Is this why you don’t believe in love? Because you turned your first girlfriend into a lesbian with your terrible sex?

  Shepard: First, rude. Second, it’s an interesting theory, but no.

  Shepard: I don’t not believe in love, just not forever.

  Denver: Right, but your feelings are totally changing.

  Shepard: Oh, are they now? Why is that?

  Denver: Because you’re totally falling in love with me and wanna spend the rest of your whole life with me. It’s why you bug me every day.

  Shepard: Don’t make me laugh, Den.

  Denver: Admit it—you’ve been thinking about our double wedding.

  Shepard: You should see the scrapbook I have for it.

  Shepard: Our colors are outfield green and baseball stitches red.

  Denver: You know, I can see that being exactly what you want.

  Shepard: Let’s not forget our venue: the comic shop, right near the Captain America comics because he IS the hottest Avenger.

  Denver: Is this your way of saying you’ll be my Bucky? Because we ALL know Cap and Bucky are secretly lovers.

  Shepard: AHA! You ARE a nerd!

  Shepard: And no, because I call dibs on Captain America. You can be MY Bucky.

  Denver: Deal, but only if you say it’s forever.

  Shepard: “It’s forever.”

  Denver: Shep…

  Shepard: Fine, Den. Forever. You’ll always be my Bucky.

  Shepard: I like Sinatra.

  Shepard: Actually, I hardly listen to any modern music.

  Shepard: Now you owe me another secret.

  Denver: I honestly think that might have been the most shocking thing you could possibly say to me.

  Denver: I, too, like Sinatra and don’t listen to modern music, though not by choice. There’s your secret.

  Shepard: That doesn’t count!

  Denver: Are you kidding me? The only person who knows we’re not allowed to listen to modern music is Allie. That most certainly counts as a secret.

  Shepard: Fine. I think it’s a cop-out, but I’ll allow it.

  Shepard: I’m curious though…what kind of music did you think I listen to?

  Denver: I don’t know…Justin Bieber? Yeah, you totally seem like you have Bieber fever.

  Shepard: I’m starting to rethink our wedding album…

  Denver: You said forever, Cap.

  Shepard: Forever, Bucky. Forever.




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