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Saving Grace (Safe Havens)

Page 26

by Sandy James

  “You’re right, darlin’. You’re far too young to be a granny.”

  His kiss was deep and damned thorough. He only stopped ravaging her mouth long enough to yank her gown over her head and banish it to the floor.

  Kissing his way from her mouth to her ear, he ran his tongue around the shell, sending shivers racing over her skin. As he turned his attention to her sensitive neck, she let a little giggle escape, followed by a moan when he palmed her breast.

  “Oh, Gracie,” he murmured as he moved lower, kissing the valley between her breasts. “You’re so soft.”

  Her back arched as he drew a nipple into his hot mouth.

  All the times they’d made love, he’d been the aggressor, showering her with pleasure. Now, as he again took the lead, she wanted to show him how much she loved him—that he wasn’t the only one to take charge in their lovemaking.

  “Adam,” she whispered as her fingers tickled down his side to his hip. She gently pinched his backside. “I want you to get off me.”

  Raising himself up on his elbows, he stared down at her. Confusion colored his features. “What’s wrong?”

  She pushed at his chest until he moved to her side. Then she lifted a leg to straddle his hips, trying to force him to his back.

  He wasn’t cooperating.

  “Roll over,” she ordered.


  “Because it’s my turn to make love to you. That’s why.”

  Rolling to his back, he stacked his hands behind his head. “Well, then. By all means. Go right ahead.”

  As she straddled him, her teeth tugged on her bottom lip. “Perhaps I’ll start…here.” She kissed him. When he groaned in encouragement, she smiled against his lips and deepened the kiss, hesitantly pushing her tongue into his mouth. He caught it gently between his teeth.

  Grace stroked his chest as she ended the kiss to touch her lips to his chin, tracing the line of his jaw with her tongue. She pressed her lips to his throat.

  Her kisses moved to his chest, and she sighed as she ran her nose through the patch of hair. Her teeth grasped at his nipple before she moved lower, kissing his stomach as her hands stroked up the inside of his thigh. When her fingers finally wrapped around his erection, he hissed his approval.

  He fisted his hands in the linens. His eyes were pressed tightly closed until the first touch of her lips against the crown of his cock. Then they flew open. “You don’t have to—”

  “I told you,” she scolded. “It’s my turn to make love to you.”

  She didn’t know exactly what to do, but the moans and growls coming from her husband meant he enjoyed her attention. His approval gave her courage to take him into her mouth.

  A guttural groan rose from him, and she decided she liked having that kind of power over Adam. His erection grew firmer and a little larger against her lips.

  Another surprised squeak escaped when he grabbed her under her arms and dragged her up his body. Before she could ask what she’d done wrong, he rubbed himself against her core. “Take me inside you, Gracie. I need to be inside you.”

  The man loved her enough to always make her feel in control. Not used to the new position, she wriggled and shifted until he was at last able to thrust inside.

  He held tight to her hips, setting a rhythm she quickly caught. He reached between them, finding her sensitive nub and rubbing until she threw her head back and cried out her pleasure.

  She came first, Adam following a heartbeat later. She had just enough energy left to collapse against his chest, and she fell asleep before he left her body.


  Breaking the intimacy of their embrace, Adam settled Grace at his side. He kissed the top of her head as she snuggled up against him like a content kitten.

  Sated though he was, his thoughts grew troubled.

  Matthew and Ty were both lucky to still be alive. Either or both could have been killed in that fire. He had no doubt whatsoever Stephen Shay was behind the attack. White Pines might no longer be graced with the man’s presence, but men like that never did their own dirty work.

  It was baffling to think of the lengths the man had gone to pursue Grace. Years of tracking her. Seeing up Ty’s attack. Luring Victoria to Denver simply to escort her back.

  Adam didn’t even want to speculate on what could’ve happened to his daughter in that man’s company, especially after the horror his wife had confessed of her rape. While Matthew might have hinted of the type of life Grace had led being constantly chased by Shay the way a wanted man was dogged by a bounty hunter, the real story had to be much worse.

  Tomorrow, he, Grace, and Matthew were going to sit down and make some solid plans that would allow Adam to protect his wife and hopefully figure out Stephen Shay’s next move.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Matthew sighed in resignation as he looked around his new home.

  So much work needed done, he wasn’t sure exactly where to start. The main room was badly illuminated by the sunlight peeping through the ratty curtains that framed the dirty window. Considering the mess of filthy dishes and petrified food littering the place, the lack of light actually served as a blessing.

  Victoria wrinkled her nose. “This is place is a pig sty.”

  She kicked aside one of many empty whiskey bottles resting on the floor until it rolled to stop against a pile of what appeared to be soiled, abandoned clothes.

  She gave her head a shake. “How the man could live in this filth is beyond me.”

  His hopes for the future had been soaring as high as the Rocky Mountains. He was now the White Pines marshal—a job with enough pay and stability that he could provide a good home for Victoria when they married. The small pinch in his happiness was that it wasn’t at all like the life she was used to. But remembering that a little house came with his new job made him at least feel as though he could be a good husband by offering her a place she could turn into their home.

  Then he’d gotten a look at the inside of the house.

  Victoria was right—the place was a pig sty.

  How in the hell was she supposed to be happy about coming to live in this pit after she’d spent her life on the beautiful Twin Springs?

  A small hand wrapped around his and squeezed. “It’ll be nice, Matthew.” Her smile made his heart skip a quick beat. “Just wait and see. Some cleaning. A few pieces of furniture. Some new curtains and bedding. We’ll make this a nice home.”

  He gave her a smile in return, letting her comforting words and confidence wash over him.

  A home.

  This house would be their first home. “We’ve got less than a week before the wedding.”

  She plucked out an apron out of the bag she’d brought along. She shook it out, tied it around her waist, and rolled up the sleeves of her calico dress. “Then we might as well get right to work. I suppose the hardest chore will be deciding where to begin.”

  The morning passed by swiftly as they cleared out the mess the odious old marshal had left behind. Grace and Adam joined in the cleaning frenzy, and the men worked on either mending or getting rid of the broken furniture. They were able to salvage a bed and a small kitchen table. The rest was beyond repair and would be turned into firewood.

  The sun was high in the afternoon sky by the time a list had been made of the things the couple would need to make the place livable. A dresser. Chairs. Kitchen utensils. Victoria’s hope chest.

  Grace wiped her dirty hands on her apron. “I think we should stop for a bite to eat. I packed a lunch.”

  Adam looked at his own hands. “I’ve got a layer of dirt on me. I should wash up, then I can help you.” He opened the door for his wife. “After you, darlin’.”

  With a sweet smile, she led him outside.

  While it warmed Matthew’s heart to see his sister so happy, he sighed in relief. In the week since Stephen Shay’s departure, no one had left her alone for anything longer than a trip to the privy. She’d borne it with her typical grace. Although there had
been no sign of Stephen or one of his detectives or minions, no one held out any real hope that he’d leave them in peace for too long.

  Yes, he was glad Grace remained safe. But Matthew was ready for her and Adam to leave his new home. He hadn’t found a moment of privacy to be with Victoria since the bunkhouse burned down, and he ached to touch her. Both Adam and Grace had been helping clear away the debris, and while Matthew had been grateful for their help, his thoughts constantly returned to the passion he and Victoria had shared.

  His gaze settled on his fiancée. She was bent over a large barrel full of dishes and kitchenware, her pretty backside wiggling as she practically climbed inside. Heavens, but she was a little bit of a thing.

  Coming up behind her, he grabbed her hips and pressed his groin against her bottom. Her startled gasp was quickly replaced by a giggle. He dragged her out of the barrel, and she turned in his embrace.

  “Why, Mr. Riley. I do believe you’re trying to take advantage of me.” Her eyelashes batted in coy invitation.

  With a grin, he winked. “Of course I am. What I need to know is if I’m succeeding.”

  She answered him with a kiss, encircling his neck with her slender arms as he wrapped his own around her waist and lifted her. After only a few strokes of her tongue, she had him hard and throbbing. He growled when she playfully coaxed his tongue into her mouth.

  The door opened, pulling a startled gasp from Victoria.

  He put her on her feet and turned her to face Grace as she came back through the door, carrying a wicker basket. When Victoria tried to take a step away, he gripped her shoulders and pulled her back against him.

  Leaning down, he whispered in her ear. “Stay put or you’ll embarrass us both.”

  Her face flushed red all the way to her ears.

  Adam followed his wife inside. He gave the couple a quick appraisal and chuckled before he pulled a blanket out from under his arm and spread it over a clean spot on the wooden floor.

  Matthew regained control and finally let Victoria free to help Grace set up lunch. After a quiet meal, Grace packed away the remaining food and supplies and returned them to the wagon.

  Then the work started again.


  Matthew was astonished at how some hard work had transformed the house into a place he could bring his new wife.

  “Amazing,” he whispered.

  Victoria came to his side. “A little bit of elbow grease goes a long way.”

  “My thoughts exactly.”

  Adam clapped him on the shoulder. “Got a few hours before sunset. Figured I’d take the wagon back to the Twin Springs and fetch a few of the things you’ll need.”

  “I don’t feel right taking furniture from you, Adam.”

  “Nonsense. With just Gracie and me living there, we won’t be needing nearly as much.”

  Victoria smiled. “Until the baby comes.”

  Her father smiled back. “Even then, we’ve got plenty to spare. You two are trying to get on your feet. Least you can let your father do is help set up your first home.”

  Grace leaned against Adam’s shoulder and yawned.

  “You okay, Grace?” Matthew asked. It was hard to remember that his sister was expecting a baby. “Didn’t want you to get too tuckered out.”

  She dismissed the notion with a wave of her hand. “I’m fine. I wanted to help.”

  The door opened, and Emily came inside followed by Jake, who held Beth cradled against his shoulder.

  “Wow,” Emily said as she looked around. “Cleaned up nice, didn’t it?”

  “A bit bare,” Jake added. “But a nice place.”

  Grace hurried over to see Beth, feeling as if she could never see her often enough to feel satisfied. She might not be able to openly claim the beautiful little girl as her grandchild, but she could fuss over her anyway. They were still supposed to be kin, after all.

  She rubbed the infant’s back and cooed to her. “May I hold her?”

  “Sure thing, Aunt Grace.” Jake shifted his daughter and passed her to Grace’s waiting arms.

  Settling her precious bundle, she smiled down at Beth. Big, brown eyes stared back. “I can’t believe how quickly she’s changing. Why, her eyes aren’t even blue anymore.”

  “Nope,” Emily replied. “I told Jake that Beth’s eyes look just yours.”

  That notion brought tears to Grace’s eyes.

  Adam came to stand at her side, reaching up to let Beth grasp his pinkie.

  She squeezed in her tiny fingers.

  “You alright, darlin’?” he asked.

  Grace sniffed back a few happy tears. “Just a lot of dust in here. That’s all.”

  “I’m supposed to bring you all back to the Four Aces,” Emily said. “Daddy figured we could all catch up, and I think he’s got a few things to give Victoria and Matthew for the house.”

  “I think he’s hoping to bribe Grace into cooking supper,” Jake added.

  Grace leaned in and kissed Beth’s forehead, loving the sweet smell only babies had. Her eyes filled with tears again as she remembered cradling Jake’s tiny body in the same way. Before she could blink them back, a few spilled over onto her cheek.

  “Why you cryin’, Grace?” Jake asked.

  “She’s gonna have a baby,” Emily replied, sparing her an explanation. “That’s what women do when they’re gonna be a mama.”

  “Lord knows you did enough of it.” Jake took his daughter back and kissed her on the cheek.

  He was always loving to his daughter. Despite the horrors of his childhood, the Curtis family had obviously treated him well, teaching him to be a giving person. Adam had finished his rearing and helped train him to be a good father. And, sweet Lord, she wondered if she would ever stop weeping when she saw Jake and Beth together.

  Adam wrapped a reassuring arm around her shoulder. “Let’s head over to see Will. Maybe you can sit down for a spell before he twists your arm to get you to cook.”

  She leaned into her husband. “That and a glass of lemonade sound heavenly.”

  Jake led them all back to the Four Aces, and Grace found herself settled at one of the big tables with a tall glass of lemonade Emily brought to her.

  Grace’s cheeks flushed warm. Would she ever get accustomed to people being so concerned about her?

  Adam leaned down to brush a quick kiss on her lips. “I’m headin’ back to the ranch to fetch some furniture. Matthew and Will are gonna stay here to keep an eye on you. Ty and Jake will help me bring things in, especially if they know one of your suppers will be waiting for them when the chore’s done.”

  Will was just coming down the stairs. He stopped in his tracks and looked to Grace. “Grace is cooking supper?”

  She smiled at him. “Grace is cooking supper.”

  He slapped the banister. “Hot diggedy damn!”


  Grace picked up the skillet and flipped the thick slice of ham to warm the other side. Cooking always made her happy, and doing so for family and friends only made the task more enjoyable.

  Victoria chuckled and shook her head as she stacked plates for the meal. “I have no idea how you do that. If I tried, it would hit the floor.”

  “Lots and lots of practice. Can you please hand me the eggs?”

  Handing the bowl over to Grace, Victoria sighed. “Poor Matthew. He’s used to your cooking. Now he’ll have to get used to mine. It sure won’t be a step up.”

  “Oh, I imagine he won’t complain too loudly. Not after what your father and I stumbled in on that day the bunkhouse burned down.” She threw her daughter-in-law a wink.

  Victoria’s cheeks flushed crimson. “I thought the way to a man’s heart was through his stomach.”

  How wonderful it felt to be so lighthearted and open with another woman. She gave her stepdaughter a crooked smile. “I imagine sometimes it’s a bit farther south.”

  “You’ll have to give me some cooking lessons just to be sure.”

  Scuffling steps drifted i
nto the kitchen from the main part of the saloon.

  Grace glanced up at the clock, a bit surprised to hear so much noise when only Emily, Will, and Beth were still in the Four Aces. “Too early for customers. Adam, Jake, and Ty couldn’t possibly be back with the furniture yet.”

  “Matthew might be back from his…adventure.” Victoria’s giggle was always so warm, and her love for Matthew rang clear in her voice. “I’m sure that rescuing a boy from a well wasn’t quite the type of task he thought a marshal would be taking on.”

  Grace stirred the potatoes. “I suppose he had grand visions of capturing evil men to keep them from hurting anyone ever again.”

  “Where is she?”

  The shouted words froze her to the spot, terror wrapping itself around her chest and squeezing until she feared she could never breathe again.

  “Grace! I know you’re here! Show yourself!”

  Victoria turned to her, the fear as plain in her green eyes as it was in Grace’s thoughts. “Stephen?”

  She gave Victoria a brisk nod and swallowed the bile rising in the back of her throat. “Stay here. No matter what happens, stay here.” Dropping the wooden spoon, she took hesitant steps toward the door.

  Victoria grabbed her elbow and jerked her back. “No! Don’t you dare! Daddy will be back soon.”

  “Not soon enough.” They’d been gone a good two hours, but there had been so much furniture to load into the wagon. The ride to the Twin Springs and back ate up quite a bit of time.

  No, she had no choice.

  “Grace! If you don’t show your face, I’ll kill the baby!”

  She ran from the kitchen, throwing a harsh command back at Victoria to stay where she was.

  The sight that greeted her made what little food she’d eaten at lunch fight to come back up. Stephen Shay stood in the middle of the room, arms folded over his chest as he looked utterly bored.

  Grace knew better. The man was furious, which made him even more dangerous.


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