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The Game Of Love: House Of Sex, Scandal And Sexy Singles

Page 2

by Towers , Terry

  "Whoa, I got ya."

  Just as she was about to hit the sand a strong arm swooped down, snaked itself around her waist and pulled her back up and into his arms.

  Slipping her hands up his broad, well-toned chest she pressed her body against his, attempting to steady herself. The attraction she'd been feeling towards him amplified as the smell of his deep, musky cologne drifted to her nose. She inhaled deeply, closing her eyes and enjoying the feel of his arms securely around her.

  She looked up into his grey eyes and her thoughts of the camera seemed to slip her mind. His eyes were so deep and intense. She saw her desire reflected in his eyes and it sent a shiver through her.

  "Oh, I'm sorry. You're wearing that skimpy dress." Mason quickly took a step back and shrugged off the black leather bomber jacket that he was wearing and slipped it over her shoulders. "You must be freezing." Instead of removing his hands from her shoulders he kept them there, slowly running his hands up and down her upper arms, over the coat.

  Janelle nodded, not wanting to admit the real reason for her trembling in his arms. "A little." She dipped her eyes to the sand between their feet, but the feel of his gaze peering down at her made her shift her eyes back up to meet his.

  She subconsciously ran her tongue along her lower lip. "I do agree it's a bit short, not my usual style."

  Mason's eyes lowered to her chest, where her breasts threatened to spill out of the bodice and then slowly back to meet her eyes. "I think it looks amazing."

  Janelle could feel the heat rushing to her cheeks a second time. "I- ummm."

  "Truthfully, I had a hard time keeping my eyes off of you. From the moment you walked into the manor."

  Me too... The words didn't have a chance to leave her lips as he lowered his mouth to hers. His lips lowered slowly and brushed against hers - feather light. So lightly that she hardly believed that it was happening.

  "Mason," his name escaped her lips as little more than a whisper. His hands slid back down to her waist and he pulled her tighter to him, her breasts crushing against his massive chest. His lips claimed hers with a little more passion and lit her body aflame.

  She moaned softly, and he nipped at her lower lip. She pressed herself tighter against him, feeling his growing erection against her stomach. His tongue slipped past her lips and as this tongues touched for the first time she fisted the front of his black button down shirt as a shiver of desire rushed through her.

  As their kiss deepened, she heard the rustling of movement. Someone walking towards them and she immediately remembered the camera crew that had been following them. She tensed.

  Feeling the change in her, Mason reluctantly withdrew.

  "I'm sorry, I forgot..." she whispered as she buried her face against his chest.

  With a sigh, Mason's stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head. "Yeah, I know."

  She heard the regret in his voice which mirrored the feelings that were running through her.

  "Come on. Let's finish our walk." Pulling back fully from her, he took her hand and they continued their walk in silence both lost in their respective thoughts.


  Mason opened a bottle of champagne and made his way over to the fireplace where Janelle was stretched out on the floor, on a grey shag rug, a knit blanket covering her naked legs. He was trying his best to ignore the cameras, but it was hard. Being a cop he was used to being watched. To his annoyance, when on the job, it seemed like every time he arrested someone, he did it with an audience of neighbours.

  But this was different. As a cop it was part of the job. But when it came to something like this - meeting someone and trying to make a connection, the cameras felt like intruders. He longed for the time they had together on the plane, where it was just him and her.

  She smiled softly as he approached and knelt down beside her on the rug. "Champagne, courtesy of the show," he announced, returning her smile and pouring her a glass.

  "Thank you." She accepted the glass and graced him with another smile.

  Pouring himself a glass, he stretched out fully beside her on the rug and she turned on her side to face him, her head braced on her hand. Mason glanced down to her lips and they reminded him of her kiss. Her lips were so soft, her mouth tasting of spearmint. His cock jerked in his jeans and he groaned inwardly.

  "To finding the love of your life on this journey." He hoped that didn't come off as sounding corny.

  "And living happily ever after," Janelle chimed in, clinking her class to his.

  Their eyes locked as they both sipped from their glass. Damned cameras, he grumbled to himself. What would she do if he pushed her gently back and kissed her with all the fire and passion raging within him? Be responsive, but extremely embarrassed. While he found the camera annoying, he noticed that just when she began to loosen up she'd realize they were being watched and would become shy and embarrassed all over again.

  Janelle broke the silence. "So why did you become a cop?"

  Mason let out a sigh of relief. Conversation. Good. It would get his mind off of his dick and how much he wanted to kiss her lush lips - at least he hoped it would.

  "Well, the truth is that I didn't join the force for any overly interesting reason. My father was a cop. My grandfather was a cop..."

  "Let me guess your great grandfather was a cop?" she teased, and laughed softly.

  Laughing, he shook his head. "No smartass..."

  Janelle's eyes went wide and she gasped; a grin still on her lips.

  He cocked a brow at her. "What?"

  "You're not supposed to say ass on television."

  Groaning, Mason rolled his eyes at her. "So I suppose saying, damn, shit and fuck would really get me in crap with the producers huh?"

  Laughing, Janelle placed her glass of champagne above their heads and out of the way. She grabbed his glass from him and set it next to hers. Closing the distance between them and she leaned into him. "I hope not," she whispered, her eyes catching his and the longing within them reignited the desire he was trying so desperately to suppress.

  The cameras were still at the back of his mind, but he didn't care at that point. Reaching out he grazed her cheek with the back of his hand and then raked his fingers through her long dark hair. The silken strands slowly slipped from his fingers highlighted by the fire raging in the background.

  Moving his hand back to her cheek, he hooked his index finger under her chin and tilted her face upwards. Her glossed lips parted and he could see the longing in her eyes. Lowering his mouth to hers he kissed her softly.

  She placed a hand on his chest, fisted his shirt and urged him closer. He leaned in further, kissing her with a little more passion. Janelle responded with a soft moan, her tongue sweeping across his lower lip.

  The faint smell of her perfume teased his nose and drew him in. Fuck the cameras! He gently pushed her back and leaned over her. His tongue danced with hers and a surge of desire rushed through him. Placing a hand on her hip, his hand snaked its way under the blanket to her hip and the hem of her skirt.

  "Mason, the cameras," she whispered in his ear, not quite loud enough for the camera to pick up and then buried her face against his neck.

  He groaned inwardly. He knew meeting someone and developing a bond was going to be a hard process, but he never imagined he'd meet someone he wanted so badly.

  "This is going to be a hard month or so," he whispered back.

  "I know," she pulled back and looked up at him, regret reflected in her eyes. "How can you be so calm around them?"

  Mason slid his hand back up to her hip, above the blanket. "I was on a show before."

  "Show? Really?"

  "Yeah, not by choice, believe me. But it was one of those shows where a camera crew follows cops around and videotapes it. They followed me for close to a week. After a while I learned to ignore them."

  "What do you mean, not by choice?"

  Mason shrugged. "Well, my Captain got together with the producer and they decided
I'd be ideal. So they asked - very strongly - that I do it. When I say asked strongly, I mean, I had no choice."

  "Oh. And this time?"

  "My sister. She thinks I'm getting to old to be single and dedicating my life to my job."

  Janelle grinned, her smile lighting her whole face and the amusement gleamed in her eyes. "So she thought going on TV would be the best way."

  Mason laughed. "As good as any I suppose. I can't say that finding someone the normal way has worked out all that well for me so far."

  "Hmmm." Her eyes lowered to his chest for a moment and then shifted back up to meet his. "Maybe you're right. Maybe the show will exceed our expectations."

  "Well, so far it seems promising."

  Her face flushed and she averted her gaze. "But this is your first date."

  Mason nodded. "I know." Sure he'd just met her, but he was the kind of guy that always followed his gut. Following his instincts had kept him alive through a number of very critical situations on the job and his instincts told him that he had found something very special with Janelle.

  Chapter 3

  "So!" The stunning Latino contestant, Nadine, burst into Janelle's bedroom and tossed herself on Janelle's bed with Bambi, Sandy, Virginia and Sylvia hot on her heels.

  The girls are all here, Janelle mused, her body freezing.

  Janelle sighed and shrugged as she turned from unpacking her suitcase - something she hadn't had a chance to do before she was whisked away to Miami with Mason.

  Mason... The mere thought of him made a smile touch her lips. Only two days with Mason and already she was falling head over heels. Everything about him seemed so... Perfect. Sexy as sin, smart, sweet... Everything she'd ever dreamed to find in a man. And he really seemed to be into her as much as she was into him.

  "Pfft. I seriously doubt much happened." A smirk touched Bambi's red painted lips.

  Janelle gritted her teeth, forcing herself to keep from mouthing off a colourful retort. "Maybe what happened isn't anyone's business." Crossing her arms over her chest, she kept her eyes focused on Bambi, ensuring Bambi got the hint that she actually meant she had no intention to sharing a thing with her.

  The blonde's blue eyes narrowed at Janelle and she planted her hands on her hips. "No offense honey, but considering the competition, I doubt a little trip to Miami will give you the edge over the rest of us. Mason's a catch; several of us have eyes on him. I suggest you focus on someone else. I plan on going home with it all."

  "Bambi, come on. That's-" Nadine gave Janelle a sympathetic smile.

  "It's true." Bambi's attention jumped from Janelle to Nadine and back again. "It's not that she's ugly."

  Several gasps sounded amongst the girls.

  Rage welled up within Janelle. She'd just spent two wonderful days in Miami with Mason and now she had to deal with bullshit from the wannabe porn queen. It was evident that the other girls had decided while she was gone that Mason was the catch of the group and she was the one not worthy of him.

  She turned away from Bambi and continued to unpack her suitcase. "Well Bambi, not all of us have a liking for plastic surgery and boob jobs." As soon as the words came out of her mouth she regretted them, she didn't want to create enemies and saying mean things was not something she normally would do, but dammit, Bambi had been begging for it.

  Another round of gasps sounded throughout the women, followed by a tense silence. Janelle waited, trying to remain casual as she continued to unpack while waiting for the rebuttal that she suspected would come sharp, fast and painful. Perhaps a remark about the fact she wasn't one hundred pounds and tall like the rest of the girls. She braced herself for it.

  Instead of the anticipated rebuttal insult, she heard Bambi huff behind her and storm off with several of the girls leaving with her. Letting out the breath she was holding she looked up and caught Nadine's dark eyes. Turning slowly she noticed that Nadine was the only one left in the room with her.

  "Hmmmm, I guess Bambi has an entourage now?"

  Nadine grimaced. "I wouldn't say entourage exactly. But whenever there is action going on Bambi seems to be the center of it."

  With the suitcase empty Janelle zipped it up and tucked it away in the closet. "I suppose she has all the men gaga over her huh?"

  "She's been working it." Nadine gave Janelle a nod. "But she was pissed you won the first fantasy date. She seriously wanted that time with Mason."

  "No doubt." Walking back over to the bed, Janelle sat cross-legged on the opposite end than Nadine.

  A mischievous gleam overtook Nadine's eyes. "So... How was it?"

  Janelle eyed Nadine for a moment. Should she share? Nadine seemed genuine, but this was a game. Would she somehow find a way to use what she was told to hurt her? Clucking her tongue off the roof of her mouth Janelle decided she needed a friend in the house, and Nadine seemed to be the best bet.

  A wide smile spread across Janelle's face as her mind whizzed through the event of the past couple of days with Mason. "It was amazing!" she confessed and began to relay the two days worth of events to her newfound alliance.


  "So how was your date with Janelle?" Bambi asked as she walked into the gym.

  Mason froze in mid-lift, the dumbbells hoisted over chest. With a sigh, he lowered them, placed them on the rack and sat up straight on the bench. Grabbing a towel from the floor beside him, he swiped the perspiration from his face and neck and then focused his gaze on Bambi.

  Bambi was wearing a pair of spandex shorts and sports bra that hugged her amble breasts. She strode across the gym and sat down on the bench next to Mason's, crossing one long shapely leg over the other. He could easily see why men were so attracted to her. She was a good looking woman, and was very comfortable with her body. Maybe a few years ago, he'd have been as infatuated with her as the other guys seemed to be. But, not now, especially not after his date with Janelle.

  "It was good," he answered deciding to keep the details to himself.

  "Oh." She placed her hands on the bench slightly behind her and leaned backwards slightly, her breasts pushing forward. "I was really hoping to have a date with you."

  Ahhh fuck. Mason ran a hand through his damp hair. "There are tons of dates to come."

  "Well-" Whatever she was about to say was cut off as the host of the show, Grant, came into the gym followed by a couple of camera men.

  "Excellent, two of you are already here."

  "What's going on?" Mason's brow furrowed as he looked at the host and then it came to him what was about to happen as he saw his housemates entering the gym. Another challenge. His spirits lifted slightly. That meant he had another chance to spend time with Janelle. He just had to win whatever it was that Grant had planned for them.


  Another challenge already? As had been instructed Janelle changed into her gym attire which consisted of jogging pants and a tank top and made her way to the wing of the house where she was told the gym was. She hadn't had a chance to investigate the gym as of yet, not like she'd have been all that inclined to anyhow. She rarely; correction, never went to the gym, the majority of her exercise was her nightly walks with her beagle, Rufus.

  By the time she found the gym the rest of the contestants were already there waiting for her so they could start the challenge. Janelle's eyes scanned the gym. It was massive room which contained every possible piece of fitness equipment she could have imagined and some she didn't even know existed, and twelve treadmills lined up against the back wall.

  "Alright folks, it's time for our next challenge," Grant announced addressing the twelve contestants, but keeping his eyes on the camera. Janelle rushed over to take a spot in line between Nadine and Mason.

  "Hi," Mason whispered down to her.

  "Hi back." Janelle gave him a smile as she met his gaze. "If the challenge is taking place here, then I doubt I'll be winning this one."

  He chuckled and gave her a wink. "I think I may have us covered."

le's eyes scanned his muscular body, bare-chested, wearing a pair of jogging pants. She had no doubt whatever physical activity he partook in, he'd do exceptionally well. She felt her face begin to flush as her mind re-enacted their time together and how tenderly his lips had claimed hers and how good his body had felt pressed against hers.

  "This challenge is our physical fitness challenge."

  Janelle's mind was pulled from its fantasies and she focused her attention on Grant, dread filling her. She glanced back up at Mason, but his attention was focused on Grant. Would he take her if he won? He said 'us' covered, did that mean he was planning on picking her. She tended to think so and a surge of excitement rushed through her at the thought of spending more intimate time with him.

  "Alright, I need everyone to pick a treadmill. Women on the machines on the left, men on the right." Grant motioned towards the line of treadmills against the wall and the group quickly made their way over to the machines. Once everyone was settled on the machines he continued. "Now, this is a physical stamina challenge. The last man... or woman... standing wins."

  Oh dear God, Janelle groaned inwardly. I might as well opt out now, there's no way I'm winning this!

  "The machines will start as soon as I press this button and will shut off once you give up and step off." Grant lifted his hand which contained a handheld buzzer. "We ready?"

  A chorus of confirmations sounded and he pressed the buzzer starting the treadmills.

  The treadmill jolted forward, Janelle stumbled and frantically grabbed onto the front bar to keep from toppling off the back. She glanced around her, hoping no one saw her stumble and was relieved that no one appeared to.

  The treadmill was moving at a brisk pace, faster than she normally would have walked. With her shorter legs she found she needed to almost jog in order to keep up with the pace. Not good. She glanced over at the other women, none of which seemed to appear as frazzled as she was.


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