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Wolf Warrior 01 The Lost Wolf Warrior

Page 10

by Rae Monet

  Ziem had long ago given up on the bothersome creatures. They were simply another link to the ridiculous beliefs of the Solarians. He was convinced that their people should have never committed to protecting these wolves. That was what had caused the threat to the Society in the first place. These annoying canines had been ordered for extermination, rightly so, and that was how the Solarians had been discovered.

  Ziem turned back to the woman, who had drawn her sword at his surprise appearance and against any threat he might pose. He raised his hands in surrender and proceeded to clear his mind of his intent so she couldn't sense his feelings. Clearing his mind was a skill Ziem had mastered long ago and it had served him well when he was in the company of the Solarians. His trainer had been stunned by Ziem's ability to completely block others from sensing him. “I mean you no harm.” He tried to reassure her as he slowly stepped forward from the trees.

  "If that is so ... why do you lurk behind those trees, hiding yourself?” She continued to hold her sword in a defensive posture. Ziem remembered thinking how much he was moved by the charming lilt of her voice.

  "Look, if you doubt my word, simply sense my intent.” Ziem hastily placed a false friendly demeanor in his mind for her to extract. Ziem felt her probing his thoughts and continued to smile. The woman slowly lowered her sword, yet didn't completely re-sheath it.

  "Know this, I don't completely trust you. Why are you here?” she asked suspiciously, as she waved her wolf to stand next to her. Ziem briefly thought about how magnificent she was, her warrior weapons strapped to her body, her nipples pressing hard against her leather halter. His eyes followed the line of her figure as she stooped over retrieving her leather vest and dropping it around her upper body. The covering didn't fool Ziem. He could see her large breasts peeking out from beneath the leather.

  "I am Ziem.” He held out his hand to exchange a Solarian welcome with her. “I live here. It is you who is in my territory. Perhaps I should be asking the same question of you.” He smiled and tried to give her a teasing look.

  "So you are Ziem. And I am Serena de Reincolt, daughter of your trainer, John de Reincolt, and future leader of this Society.” He watched with breath held as she buttoned up her vest, carefully pressing each leather-rounded knob through its corresponding leather eyelet. “And I know you, Ziem. Yes, I know of you and do not agree with your beliefs.” At her final statement, she pulled a leather bag from the ground.

  He ground his teeth together at her declaration. Wouldn't you know it, he berated himself. Wouldn't you know he would be attracted to the future leader of the Solarians!

  "So you will not give me a chance to woo you, I suppose, for I am painfully attracted to you.” He stepped back and leaned against a tree, effectively blocking her trail. Where had that come from? He was asking the future leader of the Society he hated if he could court her.

  "I do not think that would be wise. I would not want to see you hurt, despite your unacceptable beliefs, for I am not looking for suitors."

  "That is a shame. I think you would find a passionate mate in me.” His eyes ran down her body at his statement, “One who would keep you aroused and in bed for a good deal of the time.” He smiled at her with that vow, stripping away her clothing with his eyes.

  "What I find about you, is insulting. Now step out of my path, directly,” she commanded, as she moved to walk around him.

  "Certainly. I do not want it said that I am not a gentleman.” He slowly stepped back. When she moved past, he snaked her arm in a tight grasp and pulled her swiftly against his body. She was strong, even in her smallness, yet she was not as strong as he. He enjoyed her struggle. He saw her eyes widen, and her anger flowed over him while he heard the frantic barking of her wolf. He gasped when her free hand flew to her leg. The next thing he knew she had a dagger held to his throat, stabbing the artery that carried the blood to his brain.

  "Release my arm immediately!” Ziem felt a prickle against his neck. She had drawn blood! Ziem was amazed. He smiled at her, only to frown when the dagger dug deeper.

  "Release me. I do not pretend. I will slit your throat ear to ear if you do not do so!” To prove her point she started to make a small incision on his throat. He released her arm. She stepped back, distancing herself from him. Her dagger was held in front of her body, a shield, his blood tingeing its tip. He couldn't help but smile. She was so magnificent in her anger! She would be a hellion in bed. He held up a hand and slowly redirected it to dab the small trickle of blood easing down his throat with a lack of seriousness he hoped she noticed.

  "I regret my action. I meant you no harm,” he lied again, projecting the trueness of his lies into his head so she could sense them. He watched her sigh then return the dagger to the sheath at her thigh. His eyes followed the movement and he became aroused again.

  "Will you stop me if I seek you out in the Realm?” He watched her eyes narrow and felt her probing his thoughts.

  "I wish to see you again.” He took up a casual non-threatening position leaning against the tree, attempting to appear calm and sincere. Of course he was anything but cool. He wanted to pounce on her and bury his dick so far into her that he could feel her womb. And he wanted to do it right now. But he didn't project any of those wanton thoughts into his head. He projected a soft sincerity that women enjoyed. Thoughts that would make him appear trustful.

  "Do not, Ziem, we are from two different worlds.” She backed up further. He knew she wanted to escape him.

  "We are from the same people. We simply have different beliefs.” He shrugged his shoulder. “When has that barrier ever kept people apart?” He sensed her unease.

  "I appreciate your interest. However, I think I have made my position clear. I am not seeking any suitors. I must leave.” With that comment she turned and left him.

  He smiled and made a parting vow to her, one she could not hear.

  "You will have me and no other, or I will kill you."

  He had gone on a campaign after that vow to win her. She had rebuffed him at every turn. He became more and more angry with her. He remembered well the day he had finally lost his patience, striking her when she had told him, in no uncertain terms, she would not have him. She had taken the blow to her face, her head snapping to one side from the force he had intentionally applied. A small cut on her cheek caused blood to trickle down her face. She had swiftly punched him back and dropped him to the ground with a kick to his knee. And that is where he stayed when he came face to face with her snarling wolf. At her command the wolf backed off and stood next to her. It was at that point he began to wonder if he had underestimated her. Then she warned him. He could sense her sincerity.

  "If you come near me ever again, Ziem, I will kill you. Make no mistake about that, do you understand?” she asked, kneeling down to calm the greatly agitated wolf. “Do you understand?"

  He slowly rose off the ground, swiping the blood from the nose she had most assuredly broken.

  "I think I get the picture, sweetness.” He spat out the words. Raising his gaze to touch hers, he finally released all of his dark thoughts so she could sense them. He heard her gasp.

  "Stay away from my river, Serena, or all of those wonderful actions you just sensed will come to pass. And do not bother crying to daddy because I am a master at cloaking my thoughts, and I will simply deny them.” He strode off toward his hutch with relief. He hated entering the village and that was where he had been required to go to pursue her. He smiled at her parting remark.

  "You are a lowlife of the vilest kind."

  He turned and began walking backward and smiled while answering her. “Yes, I am, you'd best not forget it, my sweet.” He had laughed at her outraged expression, and then he had saluted her with a hand to his head as he set out to return home. He had other plans anyway. Too many to worry about this bothersome woman, he thought as he made his way out of the village. Plans which would bring his dreams to fruition. And how disappointing, he only had to kill one scroll guard.

>   He would deal with her later, he had assured himself, he would deal with her.

  * * * *

  Ziem shook his head as he came back to the present. He pumped his dick until he finally came, thinking about giving Serena the fuck of her life.

  Yes, the time had come to deal with her. His smile remained fixed to his face as he hauled up his breeches then gathered his belongings. He had plans to make and he would have Serena or eliminate her. In this he was determined.

  * * * *

  That night Serena almost collapsed from her horse in her fatigue. Her wound was still healing, and her body continued to demand rest. Roan, with an angry growl and a declaration of what a stubborn woman she was, pulled her in front of him so she could sleep.

  She slept for several dreamless hours nestled into the warmth of Roan's chest, only to be awakened by his gentle shaking when they neared the next town. The sunrise cast a golden glow upon the morning as they rounded the curve to the small village.

  "He is near. It is well cloaked but I still feel it,” Richard declared. He was searching the village as they rode ahead.

  "Yes, I feel it, too.” Serena echoed.

  "And I also,” Roan said, his low masculine voice chiming in after hers.

  She was surprised, this was the first time he had felt the same as they had.

  "What do you feel?” she asked, turning slightly in his arms, the top of her head brushing his chin.

  "At present?” He projected his desire into her senses. Obviously, having her ride nestled in his arms the past few hours had played havoc with his mind, a slow sensual exercise in torture. He told her so.

  She gasped at his thoughts and playfully batted his arm. “Roan,” she sighed in warning.

  They had developed a strong friendship in the last week, his uncontrolled yearning at times becoming a jest between them.

  He plucked his gloved fingers underneath her chin. “I apologize, little one.” He used his pet name for her and she was attempting not to smile back. He dropped his hand and his face became serious as his eyes surveyed the area.

  "I feel a presence,” he said, tilting his head to one side. “A dark one, a threat, very close, perhaps within the village.” He glanced around again as if a new image had come to him. “Actually, this presence is watching us, and it senses us,” unceremoniously he turned their party toward a nearby barn.

  Serena was surprised. “I did not sense this. Did you Richard?"

  "No. Roan's skills are already exceeding ours."

  "What does that mean?” she noticed Roan had directed them into a nearby stable.

  "I do not know.” Once they entered the barn, he and Roan slid off of their horses.

  Roan reached up to assist Serena down. She enjoyed the show of masculine strength as he easily lifted her, allowing her body to slide down the front of his. He held her in the protective cocoon of his arms for several moments as he concentrated on scanning the area with his mind. She watched him close his eyes, tilt his head slightly as if he were trying to hear a very quiet sound in a sea of noise.

  His hands lightly stroked her back. Even in his deep absorption he seemed to touch her instinctively. With his eyes still closed, he turned and placed her behind him, between himself and her horse.

  He made a motion with his hand, and Caine took up post next to her, his teeth bared. He looked at Richard, she assumed to give him an order, because Richard moved to her other side, next to Roan, unsheathing his sword. Roan did the same.

  "What is happening?” Roan's voice connected with her mind.

  Serena, you will listen to me on this, Ziem is approaching, and you will remain where you are!

  She let out a curse in answer to his command. “By God, I will not,” she said, ready to pull her swords.

  "You are still sorely wounded, and you will do me no good dead. Do as I say. You will only distract me if you do not, now heed me.” He voiced his command this time in a low powerful tone, full of scorn.

  She clenched her jaw in disgust because she knew he was right.

  "I believe he approaches."

  Richard tensed at Roan's words and readied himself. Serena watched a hooded man cloaked in all black slither through the door. Roan's sword rose and angled, his knees bent in preparation. Ziem tossed back his black hood and drew his sword. He remained by the door, noticeably assessing the group, his dark cruel features twisted with his wickedness.

  "So, fellow Solarians, no honor greeting for me I see.” He sneered his remark as he stepped around them. Roan's eyes followed Ziem's every movement. He didn't miss a single step or a single breath. He paced forward in anticipation of his next move, one that even she had not sensed. Their two swords struck so powerfully that sparks flew. Roan's sword locked with Ziem's black handled one. He pushed him using his sword for leverage, throwing him back at least five feet.

  Ziem stumbled on his feet, almost going down, but righting himself at the last moment. He didn't charge again. He remained where he was, staring at Roan.

  Serena saw the crystal then, hanging from his neck attached by a leather thong. She realized that he was using the crystal's power to block his movements, explaining why she or Richard had not sensed him. But the crystal didn't seem to be affecting Roan's senses. She sent him a message with her mind warning him of the power Ziem held around his neck. He nodded his head in understanding. He hadn't moved from where he was. He studied Ziem.

  "Well, well, well, what do we have here?” Ziem's malicious voice descended over all of them. She shivered, recalling the last week of his torture and the evil he was capable of delivering, a darkness she had experienced first hand. Ziem remained where he was for a moment, and paced toward Richard.

  "An outsider, is it? And a gifted fighter as well, I must say, hum, I wonder...” His voice trailed off as he launched at Richard, but Roan twirled and swung around, blocking Ziem's strike with his own sword, pushing Ziem back again. Roan waved his hand when Caine attempted to explode forward. Caine pulled back next to her.

  "I will kill you, Ziem, if you continue on this destructive path. I will warn you only once. You will return with us to seek judgment for your crimes or you will die,” His voice so intent, so sure, that it even frightened Serena.

  Ziem's laugh penetrated her consciousness, and his powerful mind link caused her to raise her hands to her head in pain. He was purposely causing her agony. She tried to fight it, but he was too powerful and she was weakened by his constant invasion of her sleep.

  So, my beautiful Serena, I see clearly now that you have chosen this man over my attentions and this hurts me. For this I will punish you.

  She heard his laugh from far away and felt a searing agony in her head so great it forced her to her knees. She cried out, fighting the link with all her strength. Something warm trickled down her face, she dropped her head to her lap. The added blinding pain in her shoulder caused her to groan. She was having a difficult time breathing, gasping for breath, each one more strained than the previous. She felt Caine's nose against her cheek. “Stop him!” she croaked out while gasping.

  Roan flew into action, charging Ziem with a battle roar and his sword, attempting with his mind to break Ziem's psychic connection with Serena. He commanded Richard to see to her. He sensed Ziem recognized that he was out-manned and well below his fighting abilities. When Ziem chopped forward with a leg, attempting to sweep Roan's legs out from under him, Roan stumbled, and in that instant of reprieve, Ziem fled.

  He hesitated, his head swinging back to her. She shouted to him and he realized she tried to reach out with her mind but was unsuccessful. “Go after him.” With remorse, he turned and rushed out the door after Ziem, sword in hand. Caine followed him barking in his affirmation of Roan's command.

  Serena slouched, stunned. She felt Richard's arms gently laying her onto the ground.

  "Go with him,” she said, her throat dry. The command came forth hoarsely, through trembling lips.

  "I cannot. He has ordered me to stay with you.
I must follow his commands as you have approved his leadership. You know that."

  She nodded as Richard eased her down to examine her wounds.

  "Oh, Serena.” She heard Richard's voice from a distance as she felt more warmth seep down her face. She lifted her hand to touch it and when she pulled back her fingers saw her own blood startlingly dark red against her white skin. The blood was flowing freely from her nose. She cringed when she realized how much damage Ziem had done in such a short time.

  "What has he done?” Her voice was strained as she closed her eyes. She felt like giving up her fight to stay conscious and even her struggle against the pain. She was so tired of Ziem's attacks.

  "Serena.” The sound of Roan's voice caused her to open her eyes. She asked him in her mind if he had killed Ziem.

  He sighed as he knelt next to Richard.

  He moved his head in a negative motion, causing her to cry out in frustration.

  "He was well prepared for an escape. I knew immediately he was lost to us. He had his horse waiting just outside the stables. However, I sense this will not be my last chance, and I knew I was needed here."

  He took the cloth Richard handed him and gently pressed it to Serena's nose while Richard pushed her vest aside to look at her shoulder. All the stitches were severed. The wound was an angry red slash against her alabaster skin. Blood oozed freely from it washing down her shoulder to puddle next to where she lay.

  "He has done much damage this time.” Richard worked frantically to stay the bleeding from the punished wound.

  "I fear for her."

  * * * *

  "How could this have happened? I thought you said he could only direct the power of the crystal on Serena in her sleep. I assumed he could only hurt her in that manner. What in God's name is going on here?” His angry cries bordered on hysteria.


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